All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Error Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbbreviatedTimeUnitConverterFactory |
Converter Factory converting abbreviated timeUnit Strings (s, m, h, d) to TimeUnit enum.
Absolute |
Computes the mathematical absolute value of each sample value.
AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracy |
Closeness of reported coordinate values to values accepted as or being true.
AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracyImpl |
Closeness of reported coordinate values to values accepted as or being true.
AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracyType |
A representation of the model object 'Absolute External Positional Accuracy Type'.
AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Absolute External Positional Accuracy Type'.
AbsoluteTolerance |
Abstract_URI_AuthorityFactory |
AbstractAdhocQueryExpressionType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Adhoc Query Expression Type'.
AbstractAdhocQueryExpressionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Adhoc Query Expression Type'.
AbstractAuthorityFactory |
Base class for authority factories.
AbstractAuthorityMediator |
An authority mediator that consults (a possibily shared) cache before delegating the generation
of the content to a "worker" authority factory.
AbstractBounds |
Base class for envelope implementations.
AbstractCachedAuthorityFactory |
An authority factory that consults (a possibly shared) cache before generating content itself.
AbstractCalcResult |
An abstract implementation for CalcResults.
AbstractCollectionMapper |
Maps a collection containing valid GeoJSON.
AbstractCompilerFactory |
Provides the common behavior to make a compiler implementation
AbstractComplexBinding |
Base class for complex bindings.
AbstractComplexEMFBinding |
Base class for complex bindings which map to an EMF model class.
AbstractConsole |
Base class for application performing operations on WKT objects from the command line.
AbstractContinuousCoverageType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Continuous Coverage Type'.
AbstractContinuousCoverageTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Continuous Coverage Type'.
AbstractContrastMethodStrategy |
AbstractCoordinateOperation |
Establishes an association between a source and a target coordinate reference system, and
provides a transform for transforming coordinates in the source CRS to
coordinates in the target CRS.
AbstractCoordinateOperationBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Coordinate Operation Base Type'.
AbstractCoordinateOperationBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Coordinate Operation Base Type'.
AbstractCoordinateOperationFactory |
Base class for coordinate operation factories.
AbstractCoordinateOperationType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Coordinate Operation Type'.
AbstractCoordinateOperationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Coordinate Operation Type'.
AbstractCoordinateSystemBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Coordinate System Base Type'.
AbstractCoordinateSystemBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Coordinate System Base Type'.
AbstractCoordinateSystemType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Coordinate System Type'.
AbstractCoordinateSystemTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Coordinate System Type'.
AbstractCoverage |
Base class of all coverage type.
AbstractCoverageType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Coverage Type'.
AbstractCoverageTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Coverage Type'.
AbstractCRS |
Abstract coordinate reference system, usually defined by a coordinate system and a datum.
AbstractCS |
The set of coordinate system axes that spans a given coordinate space.
AbstractCurveSegmentType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Curve Segment Type'.
AbstractCurveSegmentTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Curve Segment Type'.
AbstractCurveType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Curve Type'.
AbstractCurveTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Curve Type'.
AbstractDataSourceFactorySpi |
AbstractDatum |
AbstractDatumBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Datum Base Type'.
AbstractDatumBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Datum Base Type'.
AbstractDatumType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Datum Type'.
AbstractDatumTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Datum Type'.
AbstractDecorator<D> |
Generic delegating base class.
AbstractDerivedCRS |
A coordinate reference system that is defined by its coordinate conversion from another coordinate reference system (not by a datum).
AbstractDescribeLayerRequest |
Describes an abstract DescribeLayer request.
AbstractDescriptionBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Description Base Type'.
AbstractDescriptionBaseTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AbstractDescriptionBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Description Base Type'.
AbstractDescriptionBaseTypeValidator |
AbstractDescriptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Description Type'.
AbstractDescriptionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AbstractDescriptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Description Type'.
AbstractDescriptionTypeValidator |
AbstractDiscreteCoverageType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Discrete Coverage Type'.
AbstractDiscreteCoverageTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Discrete Coverage Type'.
AbstractDocument |
Base OGC API document class, with identifier and links
AbstractEpsgFactory |
A coordinate reference system factory backed by the EPSG database tables.
AbstractEpsgMediator |
Abstract implementation for EPSG (has a DataSource reference inside).
AbstractExpressionVisitor |
Empty "abstract" implementation of ExpressionVisitor.
AbstractFactory |
Skeletal implementation of factories.
AbstractFeatureCollection |
Implement a feature collection just based on provision of an Iterator .
AbstractFeatureCollectionProcess |
A Process for feature collections.
AbstractFeatureCollectionProcessFactory |
Base class for process factories which perform an operation on each feature in a feature
AbstractFeatureCollectionType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Feature Collection Type'.
AbstractFeatureCollectionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AbstractFeatureCollectionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Feature Collection Type'.
AbstractFeatureFactoryImpl |
Factory for creating instances of the Attribute family of classes.
AbstractFeatureType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Feature Type'.
AbstractFeatureTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AbstractFeatureTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Feature Type'.
AbstractFeatureTypeMapper |
An abstract class which groups common attributes and methods to remap original FeatureType onto
the new one
AbstractFeatureVisitor |
An abstract class to reduce the amount of work needed when working with FeatureVisitor.
AbstractFilter |
Implements Filter interface, with constants and default behaviors for methods.
AbstractFilterBuilder |
This abstract class provides the common behavior to build the filters for the related semantic
actions of parsing language process.
AbstractFilterToMongo |
Abstract visitor responsible for generating a BasicDBObject to use as a MongoDB query.
AbstractFilterVisitor |
Base implementation of the FilterVisitor used for inorder traversal of expressions.
AbstractFinderFilterVisitor |
Abstract FilterVisitor for answering yes / no questions about a filter.
AbstractGeneralConversionType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract General Conversion Type'.
AbstractGeneralConversionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract General Conversion Type'.
AbstractGeneralDerivedCRSType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract General Derived CRS Type'.
AbstractGeneralDerivedCRSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract General Derived CRS Type'.
AbstractGeneralOperationParameterRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract General Operation Parameter Ref Type'.
AbstractGeneralOperationParameterRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract General Operation Parameter Ref Type'.
AbstractGeneralOperationParameterType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract General Operation Parameter Type'.
AbstractGeneralOperationParameterTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract General Operation Parameter Type'.
AbstractGeneralParameterValueType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract General Parameter Value Type'.
AbstractGeneralParameterValueTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract General Parameter Value Type'.
AbstractGeneralTransformationType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract General Transformation Type'.
AbstractGeneralTransformationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract General Transformation Type'.
AbstractGeometricAggregateType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Geometric Aggregate Type'.
AbstractGeometricAggregateTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Geometric Aggregate Type'.
AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Geometric Primitive Type'.
AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Geometric Primitive Type'.
AbstractGeometricPrimitiveTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AbstractGeometricPrimitiveTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Geometric Primitive Type'.
AbstractGeometricPrimitiveTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Geometric Primitive Type'.
AbstractGeometricPrimitiveTypeValidator |
AbstractGeometryBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Geometry Base Type'.
AbstractGeometryBaseTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AbstractGeometryBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Geometry Base Type'.
AbstractGeometryBaseTypeValidator |
AbstractGeometryType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Geometry Type'.
AbstractGeometryType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Geometry Type'.
AbstractGeometryTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AbstractGeometryTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AbstractGeometryTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Geometry Type'.
AbstractGeometryTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Geometry Type'.
AbstractGeometryTypeValidator |
AbstractGetCapabilitiesRequest |
Each Open Web Service typically defines an operation that describes what operations it supports
and what data it holds.
AbstractGetFeatureInfoRequest |
A base class for GetFeatureInfoRequests that provides some functionality.
AbstractGetFeatureResponseParserFactory |
An abstract WFS response parser factory for GetFeature requests in GML output formats.
AbstractGetLegendGraphicRequest |
Provides functionality for a basic GetLegendGraphic request
AbstractGetMapRequest |
AbstractGetStylesRequest |
Provides functionality for a basic getStyles request
AbstractGetTileRequest |
(Based on existing work by rgould for WMS service)
AbstractGMLType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract GML Type'.
AbstractGMLType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract GML Type'.
AbstractGMLTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AbstractGMLTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract GML Type'.
AbstractGMLTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract GML Type'.
AbstractGMLTypeValidator |
AbstractGraphIterator |
An abstract implementation of GraphIterator.
AbstractGridCoverage |
Base class for GeoTools implementation of grid coverage.
AbstractGridCoverage2DReader |
This class is a first attempt for providing a way to get more informations out of a single 2D
raster datasets (x,y).
AbstractGridCoverageWriter |
AbstractGriddedSurfaceType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Gridded Surface Type'.
AbstractGriddedSurfaceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Gridded Surface Type'.
AbstractGridFormat |
AbstractGridFormat is a convenience class so subclasses only need to populate a Map class and set
the read and write parameter fields.
AbstractHSLFunction |
Base for HSL color manipulation functions
AbstractHttpClient |
A base class for HTTPClient, that implements everything except the get and post methods.
AbstractHTTPClientFactory |
Base HTTPClientFactory adding wrapper client's to the desired HTTP Client like for instance
AbstractIdentifiedObject |
A base class for metadata applicable to reference system objects.
AbstractIdType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Id Type'.
AbstractIdTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Id Type'.
AbstractInternationalString |
AbstractLazyAttributeTypeImpl |
A replacement for AttributeTypeImpl with lazy evaluation of super type, so types can be
defined in any order.
AbstractLazyComplexTypeImpl |
A replacement for ComplexTypeImpl with lazy evaluation of descriptors, to support
cyclically-defined types.
AbstractLiteIterator |
Subclass that provides a convenient efficient currentSegment(float[] coords) implementation that
reuses always the same double array.
AbstractManageableDataSource |
An abstract wrapper created to ease the setup of a ManageableDataSource , you just have to
subclass and create a close method
AbstractMapPane |
Base class for Swing map panes.
AbstractMappingFeatureIterator |
Base class for several MappingFeatureImplementation's.
AbstractMathTransform |
Provides a default implementation for most methods required by the MathTransform
AbstractMetadata |
Base class for metadata implementations.
AbstractMetaDataType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Meta Data Type'.
AbstractMetaDataType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Meta Data Type'.
AbstractMetaDataTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AbstractMetaDataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Meta Data Type'.
AbstractMetaDataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Meta Data Type'.
AbstractMetaDataTypeValidator |
AbstractOpenWebService<C extends Capabilities,R> |
This abstract class provides a building block for one to implement an Open Web Service (OWS)
AbstractOperation |
Provides descriptive information for a coverage processing operation.
AbstractParameter |
Abstract parameter value or group of parameter values.
AbstractParameterDescriptor |
Abstract definition of a parameter or group of parameters used by an operation method.
AbstractParametricCurveSurfaceType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Parametric Curve Surface Type'.
AbstractParametricCurveSurfaceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Parametric Curve Surface Type'.
AbstractParser |
Base class for Well Know Text (WKT) parser.
AbstractPosition |
AbstractPositionalAccuracyType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Positional Accuracy Type'.
AbstractPositionalAccuracyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Positional Accuracy Type'.
AbstractPreparedGeometryFilter |
A base class for GeometryFilters that will use PreparedGeometries when the Expression
is a Literal Expression.
AbstractPreparedGeometryFilter.Literals |
Constant that identifies which expressions are Literal and JTS Geometries
AbstractProcess |
Provide an implementation of the process method to implement your own Process.
AbstractProjectionClauseType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Projection Clause Type'.
AbstractProjectionClauseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Projection Clause Type'.
AbstractPutStylesRequest |
Presents basic functionality for a PutStyles request
AbstractQuantityClassificationFunction |
AbstractQueryExpressionType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Query Expression Type'.
AbstractQueryExpressionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Query Expression Type'.
AbstractQueryType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Query Type'.
AbstractQueryTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Query Type'.
AbstractReaderWriter |
An abstract implementation of the GraphReaderWriter interface.
AbstractRecordType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Record Type'.
AbstractRecordTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Record Type'.
AbstractReferenceBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Reference Base Type'.
AbstractReferenceBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Reference Base Type'.
AbstractReferenceBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Reference Base Type'.
AbstractReferenceBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Reference Base Type'.
AbstractReferenceBaseTypeValidator |
AbstractReferenceBaseTypeValidator |
AbstractReferenceSystem |
Description of a spatial and temporal reference system used by a dataset.
AbstractReferenceSystemBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Reference System Base Type'.
AbstractReferenceSystemBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Reference System Base Type'.
AbstractReferenceSystemType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Reference System Type'.
AbstractReferenceSystemTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Reference System Type'.
AbstractRequest |
A class that provides functionality for performing basic requests
AbstractRingPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Ring Property Type'.
AbstractRingPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Ring Property Type'.
AbstractRingPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AbstractRingPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AbstractRingPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Ring Property Type'.
AbstractRingPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Ring Property Type'.
AbstractRingPropertyTypeValidator |
AbstractRingType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Ring Type'.
AbstractRingType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Ring Type'.
AbstractRingTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AbstractRingTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AbstractRingTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Ring Type'.
AbstractRingTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Ring Type'.
AbstractRingTypeValidator |
AbstractSearchFilterVisitor |
SearchFilterVisitor is a base class used to optimize finding specific information in the filter
data structure.
AbstractSelectionClauseType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Selection Clause Type'.
AbstractSelectionClauseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Selection Clause Type'.
AbstractSimpleBinding |
Base class for simple bindings.
AbstractSimpleDialog |
An abstract base class for simple dialogs with a single control panel (supplied by the sub-class)
together with OK and Cancel buttons.
AbstractSingleCRS |
AbstractSolidType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Solid Type'.
AbstractSolidTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Solid Type'.
AbstractSortingClauseType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Sorting Clause Type'.
AbstractSortingClauseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Sorting Clause Type'.
AbstractStyleFactory |
Abstract base class for implementing style factories.
AbstractStyleType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Style Type'.
AbstractStyleTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Style Type'.
AbstractStyleVisitor |
A basic implementation of the StyleVisitor interface.
AbstractSurfacePatchType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Surface Patch Type'.
AbstractSurfacePatchTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Surface Patch Type'.
AbstractSurfaceType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Surface Type'.
AbstractSurfaceType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Surface Type'.
AbstractSurfaceTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AbstractSurfaceTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AbstractSurfaceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Surface Type'.
AbstractSurfaceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Surface Type'.
AbstractSurfaceTypeValidator |
AbstractSymbolizer |
AbstractTimeComplexType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Time Complex Type'.
AbstractTimeComplexTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Time Complex Type'.
AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitiveType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Time Geometric Primitive Type'.
AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitiveTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Time Geometric Primitive Type'.
AbstractTimeObjectType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Time Object Type'.
AbstractTimeObjectTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Time Object Type'.
AbstractTimePrimitiveType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Time Primitive Type'.
AbstractTimePrimitiveTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Time Primitive Type'.
AbstractTimeReferenceSystemType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Time Reference System Type'.
AbstractTimeReferenceSystemTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Time Reference System Type'.
AbstractTimeSliceType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Time Slice Type'.
AbstractTimeSliceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Time Slice Type'.
AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitiveType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Time Topology Primitive Type'.
AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitiveTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Time Topology Primitive Type'.
AbstractTopologyType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Topology Type'.
AbstractTopologyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Topology Type'.
AbstractTopoPrimitiveType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Topo Primitive Type'.
AbstractTopoPrimitiveTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Topo Primitive Type'.
AbstractTransactionActionType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Transaction Action Type'.
AbstractTransactionActionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Transaction Action Type'.
AbstractTransactionActionTypeValidator |
AbstractType |
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Type'.
AbstractTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Type'.
AbstractTypeValidator |
AbstractWFSResponseFactory |
AbstractWFSStrategy |
Base template-method class for WFSStrategy implementations that leverage the GeoTools
xml-xsd subsystem for schema assisted parsing and encoding of WFS requests and responses.
AbstractWMSRequest |
AbstractWMTSRequest |
(Based on existing work by rgould for WMS service)
AbstractZoomTool |
Abstract base class for the zoom-in and zoom-out tools.
AcceptedFormatsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AcceptFormatsType |
A representation of the model object 'Accept Formats Type'.
AcceptFormatsType |
A representation of the model object 'Accept Formats Type'.
AcceptFormatsType |
A representation of the model object 'Accept Formats Type'.
AcceptFormatsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AcceptFormatsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Accept Formats Type'.
AcceptFormatsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Accept Formats Type'.
AcceptFormatsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Accept Formats Type'.
AcceptFormatsTypeValidator |
AcceptFormatsTypeValidator |
AcceptFormatsTypeValidator |
AcceptLanguagesType |
A representation of the model object 'Accept Languages Type'.
AcceptLanguagesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Accept Languages Type'.
AcceptLanguagesTypeValidator |
AcceptVersionsType |
A representation of the model object 'Accept Versions Type'.
AcceptVersionsType |
A representation of the model object 'Accept Versions Type'.
AcceptVersionsType |
A representation of the model object 'Accept Versions Type'.
AcceptVersionsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AcceptVersionsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Accept Versions Type'.
AcceptVersionsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Accept Versions Type'.
AcceptVersionsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Accept Versions Type'.
AcceptVersionsTypeValidator |
AcceptVersionsTypeValidator |
AcceptVersionsTypeValidator |
AccessDialectEpsgFactory |
This factory uses the MS-Access dialect of SQL.
AccumulateType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Accumulate Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
AcknowledgementType |
A representation of the model object 'Acknowledgement Type'.
AcknowledgementTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Acknowledgement Type'.
ActionResultsType |
A representation of the model object 'Action Results Type'.
ActionResultsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Action Results Type'.
ActionResultsTypeValidator |
ActionType |
A representation of the model object 'Action Type'.
ActionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ActionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Action Type'.
ActionTypeValidator |
ActuateType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Actuate Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
AdaptorFeatureCollection |
Implement a feature collection just based on provision of iterator.
Add |
Encodes the operation of addition.
Add |
Create a new coverage as the sum of two source coverages by doing pixel by pixel addition:
result[0][0] = source0[0][0] + source1[0][0] ... ... result[i][j] = source0[i][j] + source1[i][j]
... ... result[n-1][m-1] = source0[n-1][m-1] + source1[n-1][m-1]
AddBuilder |
AddConst |
Adds constants (one for each band) to every sample values of the source coverage.
AddCoveragesProcess |
Add two coverages together (pixel by pixel).
AddImpl |
Implementation of Add expression.
AdditionalObjectsType |
A representation of the model object 'Additional Objects Type'.
AdditionalObjectsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Additional Objects Type'.
AdditionalObjectsTypeValidator |
AdditionalOperatorsType |
A representation of the model object 'Additional Operators Type'.
AdditionalOperatorsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Additional Operators Type'.
AdditionalParametersBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Additional Parameters Base Type'.
AdditionalParametersBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Additional Parameters Base Type'.
AdditionalParametersBaseTypeValidator |
AdditionalParametersType |
A representation of the model object 'Additional Parameters Type'.
AdditionalParametersTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Additional Parameters Type'.
AdditionalParametersTypeValidator |
AdditionalParameterType |
A representation of the model object 'Additional Parameter Type'.
AdditionalParameterTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Additional Parameter Type'.
AdditionalParameterTypeValidator |
AdditionalValuesType |
A representation of the model object 'Additional Values Type'.
AdditionalValuesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Additional Values Type'.
AdditionalValuesTypeValidator |
AdditiveType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Additive Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
Address |
Location of the responsible individual or organization.
AddressImpl |
Location of the responsible individual or organization.
AddressType |
A representation of the model object 'Address Type'.
AddressType |
A representation of the model object 'Address Type'.
AddressType |
A representation of the model object 'Address Type'.
AddressType |
A representation of the model object 'Address Type'.
AddressTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AddressTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AddressTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Address Type'.
AddressTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Address Type'.
AddressTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Address Type'.
AddressTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Address Type'.
AddressTypeValidator |
AddressTypeValidator |
AddressTypeValidator |
AddressTypeValidator |
AdvancedAffineBuilder |
Builder for affine transformation with possibility to set several constrains for affine
parameters that will be respected during calculation.
AesheticCriteriaType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Aeshetic Criteria Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
Affine |
This operation is simply a wrapper for the JAI Affine operation
AffineCS |
A two- or three-dimensional coordinate system with straight axes that are not necessarily
AffinePlacementType |
A representation of the model object 'Affine Placement Type'.
AffinePlacementTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Affine Placement Type'.
AffineProcess |
This process computes an Affine transform on the input Coverage.
AffineToGeometric |
Helper class for converting values from affine transformation matrix to its geometric form.
AffineTransform2D |
An affine matrix of fixed 3× 3 size.
AffineTransform2D |
Transforms two-dimensional coordinate points using an affine transform.
AffineTransformBuilder |
After |
Filter operator that determines if a temporal object is after another temporal object as defined
by the Filter Encoding Specification.
AfterBinding |
Binding object for the element
AfterImpl |
Aggregate |
Aggregate functions defined for use with the GeoTools library.
AggregateProcess |
Computes various attribute statistics over vector data sets.
AggregateProcess.AggregationFunction |
AggregateProcess.Results |
The aggregate function results
AIGFormat |
An implementation of Format for the Arc/Info Binary Grid (AIG) format.
AIGFormatFactory |
Implementation of the Format service provider interface for Aig files.
AIGReader |
This class can read a AIG data source and create a GridCoverage2D from the data.
AlbersEqualArea |
Albers Equal Area Projection (EPSG code 9822).
AlbersEqualArea.Provider |
Alias |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
All |
Instances of this interface are intended to represent the 'all' construct in an XML Schema.
All |
A representation of the model object 'All'.
AllAuthoritiesFactory |
An authority factory that delegates the object creation to an other factory determined from the
authority name in the code.
AllGT |
AllHandler |
AllHandler purpose.
AllImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'All'.
AllNNIMember1 |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'All NNI Member1',
and utility methods for working with them.
AllowedValuesType |
A representation of the model object 'Allowed Values Type'.
AllowedValuesType |
A representation of the model object 'Allowed Values Type'.
AllowedValuesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Allowed Values Type'.
AllowedValuesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Allowed Values Type'.
AllowedValuesTypeValidator |
AllowedValuesTypeValidator |
AllSomeType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'All Some Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
AllSomeType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'All Some Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
AllSomeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AnchorHandler |
Handles xml parse events for the org.geotools.styling.AnchorPoint element.
AnchorPoint |
An AnchorPoint identifies the location inside a textlabel to use as an "anchor" for positioning
it relative to a point geometry.
AnchorPointBinding |
Binding object for the element
AnchorPointBuilder |
AnchorPoint allows you specify which part of a graphic indicates the location.
AnchorPointEncoder |
AnchorPointImpl |
Direct implementation of AnchorPoint.
AncillaryFileManager |
A class used to store any auxiliary indexing information such as the low level indexer definition
as well as the datastore properties configuration specifying where to build that index.
And |
Evaluates to true if all the combined expressions evaluate to
true .
AndBinding |
Binding object for the element
AndBuilder<P> |
FilterBuilder acting as a simple wrapper around an Expression.
AndFunction |
This function is used to evaluate a And operator with a left and right operands
AndImpl |
Direct implementation of And filter.
Angle |
An angle in degrees.
AngleChoiceType |
A representation of the model object 'Angle Choice Type'.
AngleChoiceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Angle Choice Type'.
AngleFormat |
Parses and formats angles according a specified pattern.
AngleFormat.RoundingMethod |
Set the rounding method to use when the last significant digit in a value is 5.
AngleType |
A representation of the model object 'Angle Type'.
AngleTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Angle Type'.
AnimateColorPrototype |
A representation of the model object 'Animate Color Prototype'.
AnimateColorPrototypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Animate Color Prototype'.
AnimateColorType |
A representation of the model object 'Animate Color Type'.
AnimateColorTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Animate Color Type'.
AnimateMotionPrototype |
A representation of the model object 'Animate Motion Prototype'.
AnimateMotionPrototypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Animate Motion Prototype'.
AnimateMotionType |
A representation of the model object 'Animate Motion Type'.
AnimateMotionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Animate Motion Type'.
AnimatePrototype |
A representation of the model object 'Animate Prototype'.
AnimatePrototypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Animate Prototype'.
AnimateType |
A representation of the model object 'Animate Type'.
AnimateTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Animate Type'.
Annotated |
A representation of the model object 'Annotated'.
AnnotatedBeanProcessFactory |
Annotation driven process factory; used to wrap up a bunch of Java beans as a single Process
AnnotatedBeanProcessFactory.BeanFactoryRegistry<T> |
Subclass of FactoryRegistry meant for convenience of looking up all the classes that
implement a specific bean interface.
AnnotatedImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Annotated'.
AnnotationDrivenProcessFactory |
A process factory that uses annotations to determine much of the metadata needed to describe a
Process .
AnnotationFeatureType |
Defines required attributes for Annotations.
AnnotationType |
A representation of the model object 'Annotation Type'.
AnnotationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Annotation Type'.
AnsiDialectEpsgFactory |
An EPSG factory for the database generated by SQL scripts rather than the MS-Access one.
Any |
Instances of this interface are intended to represent the 'any' construct in an XML Schema.
AnyAttributeHandler |
AnyAttributeHandler purpose.
AnyGT |
AnyHandler |
AnyHandler purpose.
AnyInteracts |
Filter operator that determines if two temporal periods interact in any way as defined by the
Filter Encoding Specification.
AnyInteractsBinding |
Binding object for the element
AnyInteractsImpl |
AnyJSONObject |
Base class with support for parsing and holding onto unknown properties, and basic
equals/tostring/hashcode based on reflection
AnyType |
A representation of the model object 'Any Type'.
AnyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Any Type'.
AnyValueType |
A representation of the model object 'Any Value Type'.
AnyValueType |
A representation of the model object 'Any Value Type'.
AnyValueTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Any Value Type'.
AnyValueTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Any Value Type'.
AnyValueTypeValidator |
AnyValueTypeValidator |
AppinfoType |
A representation of the model object 'Appinfo Type'.
AppinfoTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Appinfo Type'.
ApplicationSchemaConfiguration |
An xml configuration for application schemas.
ApplicationSchemaXSD |
XSD instance for an application schema.
ApplicationSchemaXSD |
XSD instance for an application schema.
AppSchemaAttributeBuilder |
Builder for attributes.
AppSchemaConfiguration |
AppSchemaDataAccess |
A DataAccess that maps a "simple" source DataStore into a source of full Feature
features conforming to an application schema.
AppSchemaDataAccessConfigurator |
Utility class to create a set of
objects from a complex datastore's configuration object ( AppSchemaDataAccessDTO ).
AppSchemaDataAccessConfigurator.ComplexNameImpl |
Name implementation capable of store more information about the attribute/element
AppSchemaDataAccessDTO |
AppSchemaDataAccessFactory |
DataStoreFactory for ComplexDataStore.
AppSchemaDataAccessRegistry |
A registry that stores all app schema data access instances per application.
AppSchemaFeatureFactoryImpl |
FeatureFactory that:
does not choke on null ids
constructs containers for complex attributes with null values
AppSchemaFeatureTypeRegistry |
AppSchemaLocationResolver |
AppSchemaValidator |
A class to perform XML schema validation against schemas found using an SchemaResolver .
AppSchemaXSD |
XSD that uses SchemaResolver to locate schema resources in a catalog, on the
classpath, or in a cache.
AppSchemaXSDRegistry |
A singleton registry to store all XSD schema's that are created by app-schema.
ArcByBulgeType |
A representation of the model object 'Arc By Bulge Type'.
ArcByBulgeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Arc By Bulge Type'.
ArcByCenterPointType |
A representation of the model object 'Arc By Center Point Type'.
ArcByCenterPointTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Arc By Center Point Type'.
ArcGisStrategy_1_X |
ArcGisStrategy_2_0 |
ArcGridFormat |
An implementation a Format for the ASCII grid ESRI and GRASS format.
ArcGridFormatFactory |
Implementation of the Format service provider interface for arc grid files.
ArcGridReader |
This class can read an arc grid data source (ArcGrid or GRASS ASCII) and create a GridCoverage2D from the data.
ArcGridWriteParams |
ArcGridWriter |
ArcGridWriter supports writing of an ArcGrid GridCoverage to a Desination object
ArcParameters |
ArcStringByBulgeType |
A representation of the model object 'Arc String By Bulge Type'.
ArcStringByBulgeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Arc String By Bulge Type'.
ArcStringType |
A representation of the model object 'Arc String Type'.
ArcStringTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ArcStringTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Arc String Type'.
ArcType |
A representation of the model object 'Arc Type'.
ArcType |
A representation of the model object 'Arc Type'.
ArcTypeBinding |
<complexType name="ArcType"> <annotation> <documentation>An Arc is an arc string with
only one arc unit, i.e. three control points.</documentation> </annotation>
<complexContent> <restriction base="gml:ArcStringType"> <sequence> <choice>
<annotation> <documentation>GML supports two different ways to specify the control points
of a curve segment. 1.
ArcTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Arc Type'.
ArcTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Arc Type'.
AreaFunction |
Area of provided geometry.
AreaGeometryFactory |
Creates Geometries for area objects
AreaGridProcess |
A process that build a regular cell grid where each pixel represents its effective area in the
envelope in square meters.
AreaType |
A representation of the model object 'Area Type'.
AreaTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Area Type'.
Arguments |
A helper class for parsing command-line arguments.
ArgumentsType |
A representation of the model object 'Arguments Type'.
ArgumentsTypeBinding |
ArgumentsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Arguments Type'.
ArgumentType |
A representation of the model object 'Argument Type'.
ArgumentTypeBinding |
ArgumentTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Argument Type'.
Arithmetic_OperatorsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ArithmeticOperators |
Supported arithmetic operators in a filter capabilities document.
ArithmeticOperatorsImpl |
Implementation of the ArithmeticOperators interface.
ArrayAssociationType |
A representation of the model object 'Array Association Type'.
ArrayAssociationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Array Association Type'.
ArrayConverterFactory |
Converter factory converting objects to single element arrays and vice-versa
ArrayFunction |
Array creator function.
ArrayHandler |
ArrayType |
A representation of the model object 'Array Type'.
ArrayTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Array Type'.
AsMultiGeometryFunctionExpression |
Function which wraps an instance of geometry in its associatd multi geometry type.
AssetsMappingReader |
Maps the "assets" extra property into a legit attribute (assumes the STACFeatureSource.ASSETS property is in the target type
Association |
Extension of Property to represent an Association, or relationship, between two attributes.
AssociationDescriptor |
Describes an instance of an Association.
AssociationDescriptorImpl |
AssociationImpl |
AssociationType |
A representation of the model object 'Association Type'.
AssociationType |
The type of an association; used to describe kind of relationship between two entities.
AssociationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Association Type'.
AssociationTypeImpl |
AStarIterator |
A path iterator that uses a function (usually denoted f(x)) to determine the order in which the
algorithm visits nodes, f(x) is a sum of two functions:
The path-cost function (usually denoted g(x), which may or may not be a heuristic)
An admissible "heuristic estimate" (usually denoted h(x)).
AStarIterator.AStarFunctions |
Defines the functions needed by A Star.
AStarIterator.AStarNode |
Internal data structure used to track node costs, and parent nodes.
AStarShortestPathFinder |
Calculates the shortest path between two nodes using the A Star algorithm (for details see
AsyncTileLayer |
This Layer is an attempt to speed rendering by using a CountDownLatch and threads to render each
AtFunction |
Returns the value in a JSONArray at a given index.
Attribute |
An extension of Property for an attribute, or data.
Attribute |
An instance of this interface should represent an Attribute from an XML schema.
Attribute |
A representation of the model object 'Attribute'.
AttributeBuilder |
Builder for attributes.
AttributeCountFunction |
Takes an AttributeExpression, and computes the node count for the attribute.
AttributeCreateOrderList |
A Collection of AttributeMappings that correspond to complex types that need to be created.
AttributeDescriptor |
Describes an instance of an Attribute.
AttributeDescriptorImpl |
AttributeEncodeExecutor |
AttributeExpressionImpl |
Defines a complex filter (could also be called logical filter).
AttributeGroup |
This interface is intended to represent an XML Schema AttributeGroup.
AttributeGroup |
A representation of the model object 'Attribute Group'.
AttributeGroupGT |
AttributeGroupHandler |
AttributeGroupHandler purpose.
AttributeGroupImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Attribute Group'.
AttributeGroupRef |
A representation of the model object 'Attribute Group Ref'.
AttributeGroupRefImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Attribute Group Ref'.
AttributeGT |
AttributeHandler |
AttributeHandler purpose.
AttributeHandler |
Classes implementing this interace serve as handlers for attributes in an instance document as it
is parsed.
AttributeImpl |
Simple, mutable class to store attributes.
AttributeImpl |
AttributeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Attribute'.
AttributeInstance |
Represents an attribute in an instance document.
AttributeIO |
Parses and encoded feature attributes.
AttributeList |
Used to provide a List API of an ordinate array.
AttributeMapping |
AttributeMapping |
Configuration object for the mapping of a community schema attribute.
AttributeNodeIterator |
AttributeNodePointer |
Special node pointer for org.geotools.feature.Feature .
AttributeNodePointerFactory |
A node factory which creates special node pointers featurs.
AttributeReader |
The low-level attribute reading API.
AttributesType |
Java class for attributesType complex type.
AttributeTable |
AttributeType |
The type of an attribute.
AttributeType |
Java class for attributeType complex type.
AttributeTypeBuilder |
Builder for attribute types and descriptors.
AttributeTypeImpl |
Base class for attribute types.
AttributeTypeProxy |
AttributeTypeType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Attribute Type Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
AttributeValue |
AttributeValueGT |
AttributeWriter |
- Added hasNext to support the FeatureWriter API. - Changed order of writer parameters to match
Collections, JDBC API. - Added IOExceptions on all methods. - Do we want AttributeWriters to know
about the schema and perform validation??
Attribution |
This class is used for representing the Attribution element inside a Layer when parsing a
GetCapabilities response.
AuthorityBackedFactory |
AuthorityCodes |
A set of EPSG authority codes.
AuthorityFactory |
Base interface for all authority factories.
AuthorityFactoryAdapter |
An authority factory which delegates CRS, CS or datum objects creation to some other factory
AutoClust |
This class implements the AUTOCLUST algorithm of Estivill-Castro and Lee (2002) "Argument free
clustering for large spatial point-data sets via boundary extraction from Delaunay Diagram" in
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 26:315-334.
AutoClustData |
AutoClustUtils |
AutoCRSFactory |
AutoGeneratedPrimaryKeyColumn |
Represents a column of a primary key whose values are auto generated by the database.
AvailableFunctionsType |
A representation of the model object 'Available Functions Type'.
AvailableFunctionsTypeBinding |
AvailableFunctionsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Available Functions Type'.
AvailableFunctionType |
A representation of the model object 'Available Function Type'.
AvailableFunctionTypeBinding |
AvailableFunctionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Available Function Type'.
AvailableKeysType |
A representation of the model object 'Available Keys Type'.
AvailableKeysTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Available Keys Type'.
AvailableKeysTypeValidator |
AverageVisitor |
Calculates the Average
AverageVisitor.AverageResult |
AxisDescriptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Axis Description Type'.
AxisDescriptionType_valuesBinding |
Binding object for the type
AxisDescriptionType1 |
A representation of the model object 'Axis Description Type1'.
AxisDescriptionType1Impl |
An implementation of the model object 'Axis Description Type1'.
AxisDescriptionType1Validator |
AxisDescriptionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
AxisDescriptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Axis Description Type'.
AxisDescriptionTypeValidator |
AxisDirection |
The direction of positive increments in the coordinate value for a coordinate system axis.
AxisSubsetType |
A representation of the model object 'Axis Subset Type'.
AxisSubsetType |
A representation of the model object 'Axis Subset Type'.
AxisSubsetTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Axis Subset Type'.
AxisSubsetTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Axis Subset Type'.
AxisSubsetTypeValidator |
AxisSubsetTypeValidator |
AxisType |
A representation of the model object 'Axis Type'.
AxisTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Axis Type'.
AxisTypeValidator |
A sample validator interface for AxisType .
AzimulthalEquidistantProjectionHandlerFactory |
AzimuthalEquidistant |
Azimuthal Equidistant projection.
AzimuthalEquidistant.Abstract |
Abstract base class for Azimuthal Equidistant projections.
AzimuthalEquidistant.Ellipsoidal |
Ellipsoidal Azimuthal Equidistant projection.
AzimuthalEquidistant.Mode |
The four possible modes or aspects of the projection.
AzimuthalEquidistant.Provider |
Factory for creating Azimuthal Equidistant projections.
AzimuthalEquidistant.Spherical |
Spherical Azimuthal Equidistant projection.
BackgroundMBLayer |
The background color or pattern of the map.
BackingStoreException |
Thrown to indicate that a FeatureCollection operation could not complete because of a
failure in the backing store, or a failure to contact the backing store.
BackingStoreException |
Thrown to indicate that an IdentifiedObjectSet operation could not complete because of a
failure in the backing store, or a failure to contact the backing store.
BagType |
A representation of the model object 'Bag Type'.
BagTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Bag Type'.
Band |
Enumeration for valid raster band values.
BandMerge |
OperationJAI subclass used for executing the "Merge" of multiple coverages into a single
coverage with multiple bands.
BandMerge.TransformList |
Enum used for selecting an Affine Transformation to use for backward mapping the final
coverage pixel to the Model Space.
BandMergeProcess |
BandSelectProcess |
BandsFunction |
Return the number of bands of the evaluation context, which is supposed to be a coverage, or an
object that can be converted to on.
BarnesSurfaceInterpolator |
Interpolates a surface across a regular grid from an irregular set of data points using the
Barnes Surface Interpolation technique.
BarnesSurfaceProcess |
Base_TypeNameListTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
Base64 |
Encodes and decodes to and from Base64 notation.
Base64.InputStream |
A Base64.InputStream will read data from another, given
in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Base64.OutputStream |
A Base64.OutputStream will write data to another, given
in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Base64Binary |
A utility class for working with base64 encoding.
BaseCoverageAlgebraProcess |
BaseCoverageProcessingNode |
BaseFeatureCollection<T extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
Implement a feature collection just based on provision of a FeatureIterator .
BaseGDALGridCoverage2DReader |
Base class for GridCoverage data access, leveraging on GDAL Java bindings provided by the
ImageIO-Ext project.
BaseGDALGridFormat |
A Base abstract class implementing Format , to be extended by Formats leveraging on GDAL.
BaseGDALGridFormat.InfoWrapper |
BaseGridCoverage2DReader |
Base class for GridCoverage data access
BaseGridCoverageProgressAdapter |
Base class for GridCoverageProgressAdapter implementations to reporto progress about I/O
operations with GridCoverages.
BaseGridFormatFactorySPI |
BaseMathOperationJAI |
This class is the root class for the Maths operations.
BaseParser |
Created by mihaildoronin on 11/11/15.
BaseRequestType |
A representation of the model object 'Base Request Type'.
BaseRequestType |
A representation of the model object 'Base Request Type'.
BaseRequestTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
BaseRequestTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Base Request Type'.
BaseRequestTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Base Request Type'.
BaseRequestTypeValidator |
BaseRequestTypeValidator |
BaseScaleOperationJAI |
Base class for providing capabilities to scale GridCoverage2D objects using JAI scale
BaseSimpleFeatureCollection |
BaseStatisticsOperationJAI |
This class is the root class for the Statistics operations based on JAI 's StatisticsOpImage like Extrema and Histogram.
BaseStyleDescriptorType |
A representation of the model object 'Base Style Descriptor Type'.
BaseStyleDescriptorTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Base Style Descriptor Type'.
BaseSubmosaicProducer |
Basic submosaic producer.
BaseSymbolizerBinding |
Binding object for the element
BaseUnitFormatter |
This class implements the UnitFormat interface for formatting and parsing units .
BaseUnitType |
A representation of the model object 'Base Unit Type'.
BaseUnitTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Base Unit Type'.
BasicDirectedEdge |
Basic implementation of DirectedEdge.
BasicDirectedGraph |
Basic implementation of DirectedGraph.
BasicDirectedGraphBuilder |
An implementation of GraphBuilder used to build directed graphs.
BasicDirectedGraphGenerator |
An implementation of GraphGenerator used to generate directed graphs.
BasicDirectedLineGraphBuilder |
An implementation of GraphBuilder extended from BasicDirectedGraphBuilder used to build graphs
representing directed line networks.
BasicDirectedLineGraphGenerator |
An implementation of GraphGenerator used to generate a graph representing a directed line
BasicDirectedNode |
Basic implementation of DirectedNode.
BasicDirectedXYNode |
Basic implementation of a directed XYNode extended from BasicDirectedNode.
BasicEdge |
Basic implementation of Edge.
BasicFactories |
Defines a common abstraction for getting the different factories.
BasicFeatureTypes |
Defines required attributes for Annotations.
BasicGraph |
Basic implemenation of Graph.
BasicGraphable |
Basic implementation of Graphable.
BasicGraphBuilder |
Basic implementation of GraphBuilder.
BasicGraphGenerator |
An implementation of GraphGenerator.
BasicGraphTraversal |
A basic implementation of GraphTraversal.
BasicIdentificationType |
A representation of the model object 'Basic Identification Type'.
BasicIdentificationType |
A representation of the model object 'Basic Identification Type'.
BasicIdentificationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Basic Identification Type'.
BasicIdentificationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Basic Identification Type'.
BasicIdentificationTypeOws11Binding |
Binding object for the type
BasicIdentificationTypeValidator |
BasicIdentificationTypeValidator |
BasicLineGraphBuilder |
An implementation of GraphBuilder extended from BasicGraphBuilder used to build graphs
representing line networks.
BasicLineGraphGenerator |
An implementation of GraphGenerator used to generate a graph representing a line network.
BasicLineStyle |
A style object is quite hard to set up, involving fills, strokes, symbolizers and rules.
BasicNode |
Basic implementation of Node.
BasicPolygonStyle |
A style object is quite hard to set up, involving fills, strokes, symbolizers and rules.
BasicShpFileWriter |
BasicSQLDialect |
BasicXYNode |
Basic implementation of XYNode extended from BasicNode.
BatchFeatureEvent |
Provide batch notification on Commit / Rollback.
BatikXMLReader |
A wrapper that forwards any request to the default JAXP xml reader.
Spatial operator that evaluates to true when the bounding
box of the feature's geometry overlaps the bounding box provided in this object's properties.
An extension to the general BBOX filter for supporting 3D Bounding Boxes that have a minimum and
maximum Z-value.
BBOX3DImpl |
A 3D BBOX Filter Implementation Supports filtering with BBOXes that have 3D coordinates including
a minimum and maximum for the z-axis.
BBOXExpandingFilterVisitor |
BBOXImpl |
BBOXType |
A representation of the model object 'BBOX Type'.
BboxtypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
BBOXTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
BBOXTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'BBOX Type'.
Before |
Filter operator that determines if a temporal object is before another temporal object as defined
by the Filter Encoding Specification.
BeforeBinding |
Binding object for the element
BeforeImpl |
Begins |
Filter operator that determines if a temporal object is located at the beginning of another
temporal object as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.
BeginsBinding |
Binding object for the element
BeginsImpl |
BegunBy |
Filter operator that determines if another temporal object is located at the beginning of a
temporal object as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.
BegunByBinding |
Binding object for the element
BegunByImpl |
Beyond |
Concrete distance buffer operator that evaluates as
true when all of a feature's geometry lies beyond (i.e. is more distant) than the given distance
from this object's geometry.
BeyondBinding |
Binding object for the element
BeyondImpl |
BezierType |
A representation of the model object 'Bezier Type'.
BezierTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Bezier Type'.
BigDateConverterFactory |
ConverterFactory for handling a long to BigDate conversion
BilevelOperation |
Wraps any JAI operation producing a bilevel image.
BilinearInterpolator |
Interpolates a grid to a grid of different dimensions using bilinear interpolation.
BinaryComparisonAbstract |
Abstract implementation for binary filters.
BinaryComparisonOperator |
Abstract base class for filters that compare exactly two values against each other.
BinaryComparisonOpType |
A representation of the model object 'Binary Comparison Op Type'.
BinaryComparisonOpTypeBinding |
<xsd:complexType name="BinaryComparisonOpType">
<xsd:extension base="fes:ComparisonOpsType">
<xsd:element ref="fes:expression" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="2"/>
<xsd:attribute name="matchCase" type="xsd:boolean"
use="optional" default="true"/>
<xsd:attribute name="matchAction" type="fes:MatchActionType"
use="optional" default="Any"/>
BinaryComparisonOpTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Binary Comparison Op Type'.
BinaryExpression |
Abstract base class for the various filter expressions that compute some value from two input
BinaryLogicAbstract |
BinaryLogicOperator |
Abstract super-interface for logical operators that accept two or more other logical values as
BinaryLogicOpType |
A representation of the model object 'Binary Logic Op Type'.
BinaryLogicOpTypeBinding |
<xsd:complexType name="BinaryLogicOpType">
<xsd:extension base="fes:LogicOpsType">
<xsd:choice minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:group ref="fes:FilterPredicates"/>
BinaryLogicOpTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Binary Logic Op Type'.
BinaryPayloadBinding |
Binding object for the element
BinaryPayloadType |
A representation of the model object 'Binary Payload Type'.
BinaryPayloadTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Binary Payload Type'.
BinarySpatialOperator |
Abstract superclass for filter operators that perform some sort of spatial comparison on two
geometric objects.
BinarySpatialOpType |
A representation of the model object 'Binary Spatial Op Type'.
BinarySpatialOpTypeBinding |
<xsd:complexType name="BinarySpatialOpType">
<xsd:extension base="fes:SpatialOpsType">
<xsd:element ref="fes:ValueReference"/>
<xsd:element ref="fes:expression"/>
<xsd:any namespace="##other"/>
BinarySpatialOpTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Binary Spatial Op Type'.
BinaryTemporalOperator |
Base interface for all temporal filter operators.
BinaryTemporalOperatorImpl |
BinaryTemporalOpType |
A representation of the model object 'Binary Temporal Op Type'.
BinaryTemporalOpTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
BinaryTemporalOpTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Binary Temporal Op Type'.
Binding |
A specialized handler for a specific type in an xml schema.
BindingFactory |
Creates the binding for a qualified name.
BindingFactoryImpl |
BindingFilterVisitor |
Binds all literals in the filter to the target type they are compared to, in order to avoid the
usage of converters on a evaluation by evaluation basis.
BindingLoader |
Stores a list of binding classes and provides ways to load or get a specific Binding
object based on QName .
BindingPropertyExtractor |
BindingVisitorDispatch |
Methods for the dispatch of binding visitors that first check for type mismatches between binding
Java types and instance types.
BindingWalker |
BindingWalker.BindingExecutionChain |
BindingWalker.Visitor |
BindingWalkerFactory |
Factory made available to bindings to walk over a binding execution chain.
BindingWalkerFactoryImpl |
BingService |
The Bing tile service.
BingTile |
The BingTile, for the Bing Maps family
BingTileIdentifier |
The TileIdentifier implementation for the BingMaps family.
BingTileUtil |
BlendComposite.BlendingMode |
A list of all supported color blending operations.
BlockSetMember0 |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Block Set Member0',
and utility methods for working with them.
BlockSetMember1Item |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Block Set Member1 Item',
and utility methods for working with them.
BodyReferenceType |
A representation of the model object 'Body Reference Type'.
BodyReferenceType |
A representation of the model object 'Body Reference Type'.
BodyReferenceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Body Reference Type'.
BodyReferenceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Body Reference Type'.
BodyReferenceTypeValidator |
BooleanConverterFactory |
Converter factory for converting Short objects to Boolean objects.
BooleanConverterFactory |
ConverterFactory for handling boolean conversions.
BooleanPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Boolean Property Type'.
BooleanPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Boolean Property Type'.
BoundaryTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
BoundedByFunction |
A function returning the bounds of a feature (including all geometries)
BoundedFeatureType |
A representation of the model object 'Bounded Feature Type'.
BoundedFeatureTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Bounded Feature Type'.
BoundedSpatialOperator |
Marker interface for spatial operators that are a subset of the BBOX relationship.
BoundingBox |
BoundingBox3D |
Represents a three-dimensional envelope.
BoundingBoxDataType |
A representation of the model object 'Bounding Box Data Type'.
BoundingBoxDataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Bounding Box Data Type'.
BoundingBoxes |
BoundingBoxType |
A representation of the model object 'Bounding Box Type'.
BoundingBoxType |
A representation of the model object 'Bounding Box Type'.
BoundingBoxType |
A representation of the model object 'Bounding Box Type'.
BoundingBoxTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
BoundingBoxTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Bounding Box Type'.
BoundingBoxTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Bounding Box Type'.
BoundingBoxTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Bounding Box Type'.
BoundingBoxTypeValidator |
BoundingBoxTypeValidator |
BoundingBoxTypeValidator |
BoundingShapeType |
A representation of the model object 'Bounding Shape Type'.
BoundingShapeType |
A representation of the model object 'Bounding Shape Type'.
BoundingShapeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
BoundingShapeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
BoundingShapeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Bounding Shape Type'.
BoundingShapeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Bounding Shape Type'.
BoundingShapeTypeValidator |
Bounds |
A minimum bounding box or rectangle.
BoundsProcess |
BoundsVisitor |
Calculates the extents (envelope) of the features it visits.
BoundsVisitor.BoundsResult |
BreadthFirstIterator |
Iterates over the nodes of a graph in a Breadth First Search pattern starting from a
specified node.
BreadthFirstTopologicalIterator |
Iterates over the nodes of a graph in Breadth First Topological Sort pattern.
BrewerPalette |
A ColorPalette with additional ColorBrewer information (suitability data and colour selection).
BridgeIterator<F extends Feature> |
A closeable iterator wrapped around a provided feature iterator.
BriefRecordType |
A representation of the model object 'Brief Record Type'.
BriefRecordTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Brief Record Type'.
BrightnessOnlyBinding |
Binding object for the element
BSplineType |
A representation of the model object 'BSpline Type'.
BSplineTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'BSpline Type'.
Buffer |
A simple thread safe buffer.
BufferedAuthorityFactory |
An authority factory that caches all objects created by an other factory.
BufferedCoordinateOperationFactory |
BufferedFactory |
A marker interface for factories that are buffering their objects in some way.
BufferFeatureCollection |
Buffers a feature collection using a certain distance
Builder<T> |
Builder interface used to impose consistency on Builder implementations.
BuildResultStack |
Holds the results of the building process in a stack
BursaWolfParameters |
Parameters for a geographic transformation between two datum.
BursaWolfTransformBuilder |
ByteArrayImageInputStreamSpi |
Image input stream provider creating an image input stream directly from a byte array.
ByteFileNameExtractorSPI |
CachedAuthorityDecorator |
An authority factory that caches all objects created by delegate factories.
CachedCRSAuthorityDecorator |
An authority factory that caches all objects created by the delegate CRSAuthorityFactory.
CachedImageLoader |
The CachedImageLoader is a simple ImageLoader that uses your disk as a cache for tiles.
CachedQuadTree |
An experimental QIX in memory index cache.
CachingDataStoreGranuleCatalog |
This class simply builds an SRTREE spatial index in memory for fast indexed geometric queries.
CalcModeType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Calc Mode Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
CalcResult |
Encapsulates the results from a FeatureCalc, and includes methods for obtaining and merging
CalcUtil |
Calendar |
A discrete temporal reference system that provides a basis for defining temporal position to a
resolution of one day.
Calendar |
Approximations de quelques calculs astronomiques relatifs aux calendriers terrestres.
CalendarDate |
A data type that shall be used to identify temporal position within a calendar.
CalendarEra |
Characteristics of each calendar era.
CannotCropException |
Throws when a "crop" operation has been requested but the specified grid coverage can't be
CannotEvaluateException |
The base class for exceptions thrown when a quantity can't be evaluated.
CannotReprojectException |
Throws when a "resample" operation has been requested but the specified grid coverage can't be
CannotScaleException |
Throws when a "scale" operation has been requested but the specified grid coverage can't be
CanonicalSet<E> |
A canonical set of objects, used to optimize memory use.
CanvasMBSource |
Wrapper around a JSONObject containing a Mapbox canvas source.
Capabilities |
Represents a base object for a Capabilities document
Capabilities |
Allows for easier interaction with FilterCapabilities.
Capabilities200ServiceInfo |
CapabilitiesBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Capabilities Base Type'.
CapabilitiesBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Capabilities Base Type'.
CapabilitiesBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Capabilities Base Type'.
CapabilitiesBaseType_LanguagesBinding |
Binding object for the type
CapabilitiesBaseTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
CapabilitiesBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Capabilities Base Type'.
CapabilitiesBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Capabilities Base Type'.
CapabilitiesBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Capabilities Base Type'.
CapabilitiesBaseTypeValidator |
CapabilitiesBaseTypeValidator |
CapabilitiesBaseTypeValidator |
CapabilitiesBinding |
Binding object for the element
CapabilitiesFilterSplitter |
Determines what queries can be processed server side and which can be processed client side.
CapabilitiesSectionType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Capabilities Section Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
CapabilitiesSectionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
CapabilitiesServiceInfo |
CapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Capabilities Type'.
CapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Capabilities Type'.
CapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Capabilities Type'.
CapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Capabilities Type'.
CapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Capabilities Type'.
CapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Capabilities Type'.
CapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Capabilities Type'.
CapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Capabilities Type'.
CapabilitiesTypeValidator |
CapabilityBinding |
CartesianAuthorityFactory |
A factory providing a EPSG code for a cartesian engineering systems
CartesianCS |
A 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional coordinate system.
CartesianCSRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Cartesian CS Ref Type'.
CartesianCSRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Cartesian CS Ref Type'.
CartesianCSType |
A representation of the model object 'Cartesian CS Type'.
CartesianCSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Cartesian CS Type'.
CartesianDistanceFilter |
Defines geometry filters with a distance element.
CassiniSoldner |
Cassini-Soldner Projection (EPSG code 9806).
CassiniSoldner.Provider |
CatalogBuilderConfiguration |
Simple bean that conveys the information needed by the CatalogBuilder to create a catalogue of
CatalogConfigurationBean |
Catalog configuration.
CatalogConfigurationBeans |
Categorize |
Categorization: The transformation of continuous values to distinct values.
CategorizeBinding |
Binding object for the element
CategorizeFunction |
Implementation of "Categorize" as a normal function.
Category |
A category delimited by a range of values.
CategoryExtentType |
A representation of the model object 'Category Extent Type'.
CategoryExtentTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Category Extent Type'.
CategoryPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Category Property Type'.
CategoryPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Category Property Type'.
CenterLine |
CenterLineProcess |
CentroidProcess |
A process that returns the centroids for the geometries in the input feature collection.
ChangeCaseBinding |
Binding object for the element
ChannelSelection |
The ChannelSelection element specifies the false-color channel selection for a multi-spectral
raster source (such as a multi-band satellite-imagery source).
ChannelSelectionBinding |
Binding object for the element
ChannelSelectionBuilder |
ChannelSelectionImpl |
ChannelSelectionUpdateStyleVisitor |
ChannelSelectionUpdateStyleVisitor is a DuplicatingStyleVisitor that is used to "reset"
style symbolizer's selection channel order when the GridCoverageReader used to read a coverage
supports band selection.
CharsetConverterFactory |
Converter for going from a String to a Charset and vice versa.
ChartGraphicFactory |
Parses Google charts like requests into various kinds of charts.
CheckedArrayList<E> |
CheckedCollection<E> |
Collection that ensures that all elements are assignable to a given base type.
CheckedHashMap<K,V> |
A checked and synchronized Map .
CheckedHashSet<E> |
ChildExpressionBuilder<P extends Builder<?>> |
Child expression builder; suitable for use collecting function parameters and binary expression
Choice |
This interface is intended to represent a Choice in an XML Schema.
ChoiceGeometryType |
ChoiceGeometryTypeImpl |
Created for GML generated FeatureTypes.
ChoiceGT |
ChoiceHandler |
ChoiceHandler purpose.
Circle |
This class provides operations for handling the usage of Circles and arcs in Geometries.
CircleByCenterPointType |
A representation of the model object 'Circle By Center Point Type'.
CircleByCenterPointTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Circle By Center Point Type'.
CircleMBLayer |
A filled circle.
CircleMBLayer.CirclePitchScale |
Controls the translation reference point.
CircleMBLayer.CircleTranslateAnchor |
Controls the translation reference point.
CircleRadiusTolerance |
CircleType |
A representation of the model object 'Circle Type'.
CircleTypeBinding |
CircleTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Circle Type'.
CircularArc |
Represents an arc by three points, and provides methods to linearize it to a given max distance
from the actual circle
CircularRing |
A CircularRing is a CircularString whose start and end point coincide.
CircularString |
A CircularString is a sequence of zero or more connected circular arc segments.
Citation |
Standardized resource reference.
CitationFactory |
A factory for metadata from the citation package.
CitationImpl |
Standardized resource reference.
Citations |
A set of pre-defined constants and static methods working on citations.
ClassChanger<S extends Comparable<S>,T extends Number> |
A central place to register transformations between an arbitrary class and a Number .
Classes |
A set of miscellaneous methods working on Class objects.
ClassificationFunction |
Parent for classifiers which break a feature collection into the specified number of classes.
ClassificationMethod |
Enumeration for method of classifying numeric values into ranges (classes).
ClassificationStats |
A classification of data into classes, with a count and statistics for each class.
Classifier |
The data structure returned by classification functions.
ClassifyByRangeProcess |
Computes a new attribute to classify another attribute by intervals over vector data sets.
ClassifyFunction |
ClasspathGridShiftLocator |
Default grid shift file locator, looks up grids in the classpath
ClientTransactionAccessor |
ClimatologicalTimeCoordinateVariable |
ClimatologicalTimeHandlerSpi |
ClippedFeatureCollection |
SimpleFeatureCollection wrapper that clip (crops) features according to the clip geometry passed.
ClippedFeatureIterator |
SimpleFeatureIterator wrapper that clip (crops) features according to the clip geometry passed.
ClippingFeatureCollection |
The class decorates a SimpleFeatureCollection with one that returns features that intersect the
geometry passed with a Hints.GEOMETRY_CLIP
ClippingFeatureIterator |
Decorates a SimpleFeatureIterator with one that return features if intersect the Geometry passed
with the Hint.GEOMETRY_CLIP
ClipProcess |
Modified version that can preserve Z values after the clip
Clock |
Provides a basis for defining temporal position within a day.
ClockTime |
A data type that shall be used to identify a temporal position within a day.
Cloneable |
Indicates that it is legal to make a field-for-field copy of instances of implementing classes.
CloseableIterator<T> |
An iterator backed by some resource that needs closing when done using it
ClosureType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Closure Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
ClothoidType |
A representation of the model object 'Clothoid Type'.
ClothoidTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Clothoid Type'.
CodeList<E extends CodeList<E>> |
Base class for all code lists.
CodeListType |
A representation of the model object 'Code List Type'.
CodeListType |
A representation of the model object 'Code List Type'.
CodeListTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
CodeListTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Code List Type'.
CodeListTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Code List Type'.
CodeListTypeValidator |
CodeOrNullListType |
A representation of the model object 'Code Or Null List Type'.
CodeOrNullListTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Code Or Null List Type'.
CodeType |
A representation of the model object 'Code Type'.
CodeType |
A representation of the model object 'Code Type'.
CodeType |
A representation of the model object 'Code Type'.
CodeType |
A representation of the model object 'Code Type'.
CodeType |
A representation of the model object 'Code Type'.
CodeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
CodeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
CodeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Code Type'.
CodeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Code Type'.
CodeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Code Type'.
CodeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Code Type'.
CodeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Code Type'.
CodeTypeValidator |
A sample validator interface for CodeType .
CodeTypeValidator |
A sample validator interface for CodeType .
CodeTypeValidator |
A sample validator interface for CodeType .
CodeTypeValidator |
A sample validator interface for CodeType .
CogConfiguration |
Bean containing all COG related configuration properties
CogGranuleAccessProvider |
GranuleAccessProvider for COG Granules.
CollectGeometries |
Collects all geometries from the specified vector layer into a single GeometryCollection (or
specialized subclass of it in case the geometries are uniform)
Collection<T> |
Single collection document
Collection_AverageFunction |
Calculates the average value of an attribute for a given FeatureCollection and Expression.
Collection_BoundsFunction |
Calculates the bounds of an attribute for a given FeatureCollection and Expression.
Collection_CountFunction |
Calculates the count value of an attribute for a given SimpleFeatureCollection and Expression.
Collection_MaxFunction |
Calculates the maximum value of an attribute for a given FeatureCollection and Expression.
Collection_MedianFunction |
Calculates the median value of an attribute for a given FeatureCollection and Expression.
Collection_MinFunction |
Calculates the minimum value of an attribute for a given FeatureCollection and Expression.
Collection_NearestFunction |
Finds the nearest value to the provided one in the attribute domain.
Collection_SumFunction |
Calculates the sum value of an attribute for a given FeatureCollection and Expression.
Collection_UniqueFunction |
Calculates the unique value of an attribute for a given FeatureCollection and Expression.
CollectionConverterFactory |
Converts among arrays and different collection classes.
CollectionEvent |
A simple event object to represent all events triggered by FeatureCollection instances (typically
change events).
CollectionExtent |
Extent details (including spatial and temporal).
CollectionFeatureMemberFilterVisitor |
Replace "featureMembers/ * /ATTRIBUTE" change with "ATTRIBUTE"
CollectionFeatureReader |
FeatureReader that reads features from a java.util.collection
of features, an array of features or a FeatureCollection.
CollectionFeatureSource |
This is a "port" of ContentFeatureSource to work with an iterator.
CollectionIdFunction |
Function that returns a random ID for a collection.
CollectionLinkFunction |
Function used to chain an entity with a sub collection.
CollectionList |
CollectionListener |
Interface to be implemented by all listeners of CollectionEvents.
CollectionMapper |
A strategy for mapping a mongo collection to a feature.
CollectionReader |
CollectionSource<T> |
Used to quickly adapt a collection for APIs expecting to be able to query generic content.
CollectionUtil |
ColorBinding |
Binding object for the type
ColorBrewer |
Contains ColorBrewer palettes and suitability data.
ColorCheckAcceptor |
Check the color model of the input granule
ColorConverterFactory |
ConverterFactory for handling color conversions.
ColorInterpretation |
Specifies the mapping of a band to a color model component.
ColorInversion |
PointOpImage to perform an efficient color inversion given a certain palette.
ColorInversionCRIF |
CRIF for the color inversion operation
ColorInversionDescriptor |
ColorMap |
The ColorMap element defines the mapping of palette-type raster colors or fixed- numeric pixel
values to colors using an Interpolate or Categorize SE function
ColorMapBinding |
Binding object for the element
ColorMapBuilder |
ColorMapEntry |
A basic interface for objects which can hold color map entries.
ColorMapEntryBuilder |
ColorMapEntryImpl |
Default color map entry implementation
ColorMapImpl |
A simple implementation of the color map interface.
ColorMapParser |
Handles the parsing of a Ysld "color-map" property to a ColorMap object.
ColorPalette |
A generic palette containing colours.
ColorReduction |
PointOpImage to perform color reduction on an image using the palette builder.
ColorReductionCRIF |
ColorReductionDescriptor |
ColorReplacement |
The ColorReplacement element, which may occur multiple times, allows to replace a color in the
ExternalGraphic, the color specified in the OriginalColor sub-element, by another color as a
result of a recode function as defined in Interpolate.
ColorReplacementBinding |
Binding object for the element
ColorReplacementBuilder |
ColorReplacementImpl |
An implementation of ColorReplacement; this is a wrapper around an implementaiton of the "Recode"
function as defined by SymbologyEncoding 1.1.
ColorRule |
A JGrass colorrule
Colors |
List of common color names.
ColorSpaceNameCollectorSPI |
A CoverageNameCollectorSPI implementation which takes the coverage name from the
colorspace of the ImageLayout from the coverage reader.
ColorStyleTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ColorUtilities |
A set of static methods for handling of colors informations.
ColorValidator |
Validator for Colors
ColumnMetadata |
Metadata about a table column used to carry information through the type mapping process.
CommandLine |
Base class for command line tools.
CommonFactoryFinder |
Defines static methods used to access the application's default implementation for some common
CommonsConverterFactory |
Convert String to common scalar values.
CommonsLoggerFactory |
A factory for loggers that redirect all Java logging events to the Apache's Commons-logging framework.
CompareFilterImpl |
Defines a comparison filter (can be a math comparison or generic equals).
Comparison_OperatorsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ComparisonOperatorNameTypeMember0 |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Comparison Operator Name Type Member0',
and utility methods for working with them.
ComparisonOperators |
Supported comparison operators in a filter capabilities document.
ComparisonOperatorsImpl |
Implementation of the ComparisonOperators interface.
ComparisonOperatorsType |
A representation of the model object 'Comparison Operators Type'.
ComparisonOperatorsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ComparisonOperatorsTypeBinding |
ComparisonOperatorsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Comparison Operators Type'.
ComparisonOperatorType |
A representation of the model object 'Comparison Operator Type'.
ComparisonOperatorTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ComparisonOperatorTypeBinding |
ComparisonOperatorTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Comparison Operator Type'.
ComparisonOpsType |
A representation of the model object 'Comparison Ops Type'.
ComparisonOpsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Comparison Ops Type'.
CompassPointEnumeration |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Compass Point Enumeration',
and utility methods for working with them.
Compiler |
Resource compiler.
CompilerUtil |
Compiler Utility class.
Complex |
A simple class for the handling of complex numbers.
ComplexAttribute |
An instance of ComplexType which is composed of other properties.
ComplexAttributeConverterFactory |
This converter retrieves the values out of attributes.
ComplexAttributeImpl |
ComplexBinding |
A strategy for parsing elements in an instance document which are of complex type.
ComplexBindingCallback |
Base class for visitors that invoke a callback on a complex binding.
ComplexContentHandler |
represents a complex content element
ComplexContentType |
A representation of the model object 'Complex Content Type'.
ComplexContentTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Complex Content Type'.
ComplexDataCombinationsType |
A representation of the model object 'Complex Data Combinations Type'.
ComplexDataCombinationsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Complex Data Combinations Type'.
ComplexDataCombinationsTypeValidator |
ComplexDataCombinationType |
A representation of the model object 'Complex Data Combination Type'.
ComplexDataCombinationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Complex Data Combination Type'.
ComplexDataCombinationTypeValidator |
ComplexDataDescriptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Complex Data Description Type'.
ComplexDataDescriptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Complex Data Description Type'.
ComplexDataDescriptionTypeValidator |
ComplexDataType |
A representation of the model object 'Complex Data Type'.
ComplexDataType |
A representation of the model object 'Complex Data Type'.
ComplexDataTypeBinding |
<complexType name="ComplexDataType" mixed="true"> <annotation> <documentation>Complex
data (such as an image), including a definition of the complex value data structure (i.e.,
schema, format, and encoding).
ComplexDataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Complex Data Type'.
ComplexDataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Complex Data Type'.
ComplexDataTypeValidator |
ComplexElementHandler |
This class is intended to handle parsing an xml element from an instance document for elements
who's type is both known and complex.
ComplexEMFBinding |
A binding implementation which parses / encodes objects from an EMF model.
ComplexFeatureBuilder |
The complex feature builder allows the construction of features by progressively appending their
components and deferring the construction till you're ready.
ComplexFeatureConstants |
This is just a compilation of constants and static methods used in app-schema module.
ComplexFeatureIteratorImpl |
Defines the complex feature iterator implementation class.
ComplexFeatureTypeFactoryImpl |
Feature type factory to produce complex feature type that can be used in feature chaining.
ComplexFeatureTypeImpl |
This is a specialization of complex feature type that can be nested inside another feature type.
ComplexFilterSplitter |
ComplexGetFeatureResponse |
GetFeature response for feature's that isn't treated as SimpleFeatureType.
ComplexGetFeatureResponseParserFactory |
Creating GetFeatureResponse parsers that can treat featureType that don't extend
ComplexRestrictionType |
A representation of the model object 'Complex Restriction Type'.
ComplexRestrictionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Complex Restriction Type'.
ComplexSupportXSAnyTypeBinding |
ComplexType |
The type of a complex attribute.
ComplexType |
This interface is intended to represent an XML Schema complexType.
ComplexType |
A representation of the model object 'Complex Type'.
ComplexTypeGT |
Provides ...TODO summary sentence
ComplexTypeHandler |
ComplexTypeHandler purpose.
ComplexTypeImpl |
Base class for complex types.
ComplexTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Complex Type'.
ComplexTypeProxy |
ComponentColorModelJAI |
CompositeCurvePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Composite Curve Property Type'.
CompositeCurvePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Composite Curve Property Type'.
CompositeCurveType |
A representation of the model object 'Composite Curve Type'.
CompositeCurveTypeBinding |
Simple type binding for Composite Curve GML elements.
CompositeCurveTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Composite Curve Type'.
CompositeFeatureCollection |
Wraps multiple feature collections into a single.
CompositePrimaryKeyFinder |
CompositeSolidPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Composite Solid Property Type'.
CompositeSolidPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Composite Solid Property Type'.
CompositeSolidType |
A representation of the model object 'Composite Solid Type'.
CompositeSolidTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Composite Solid Type'.
CompositeSurfacePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Composite Surface Property Type'.
CompositeSurfacePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Composite Surface Property Type'.
CompositeSurfaceType |
A representation of the model object 'Composite Surface Type'.
CompositeSurfaceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Composite Surface Type'.
CompositeValueType |
A representation of the model object 'Composite Value Type'.
CompositeValueTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Composite Value Type'.
CompoundCRS |
A coordinate reference system describing the position of points through two or more independent
coordinate reference systems.
CompoundCRSRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Compound CRS Ref Type'.
CompoundCRSRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Compound CRS Ref Type'.
CompoundCRSType |
A representation of the model object 'Compound CRS Type'.
CompoundCRSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Compound CRS Type'.
CompoundCurve |
A CompoundCurve is a connected sequence of circular arcs and linear segments.
CompoundCurvedGeometry<T extends LineString> |
CompoundRing |
A CompoundRing is a connected sequence of circular arcs and linear segments forming a closed
CompressesRasterWriter |
Write compressed JGrass rasters to disk
ConcatenateBinding |
Binding object for the element
ConcatenatedOperation |
An ordered sequence of two or more single coordinate operations.
ConcatenatedOperationRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Concatenated Operation Ref Type'.
ConcatenatedOperationRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Concatenated Operation Ref Type'.
ConcatenatedOperationType |
A representation of the model object 'Concatenated Operation Type'.
ConcatenatedOperationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Concatenated Operation Type'.
ConcatenatedTransform |
Base class for concatenated transform.
ConcatenateFunction |
The function concatenates strings.
ConceptualSchemeType |
A representation of the model object 'Conceptual Scheme Type'.
ConceptualSchemeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Conceptual Scheme Type'.
ConeType |
A representation of the model object 'Cone Type'.
ConeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Cone Type'.
Configuration |
Responsible for configuring a parser runtime environment.
ConformanceResult |
Information about the outcome of evaluating the obtained value (or set of values) against a
specified acceptable conformance quality level.
ConformanceResultImpl |
Information about the outcome of evaluating the obtained value (or set of values) against a
specified acceptable conformance quality level.
ConformanceType |
A representation of the model object 'Conformance Type'.
ConformanceTypeBinding |
ConformanceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Conformance Type'.
ConicHandlerFactory |
ConicProjection |
Base interface for conical map projections.
ConnectedNodeGeometryFactory |
Generates the geometry for a connected node based on attributes already in the feature
ConnectionLifecycleListener |
This interface can be implemented to perform custom behavior on each connection as it gets
borrowed from the connection pool and then released back to the pool.
Console |
A console for executing CRS operations from the command line.
ConstantExpression |
The Expression class is not immutable!
ConstrastFunction |
Contrast color function.
Contact |
Information required to enable contact with the responsible person and/or organization.
ContactImpl |
Information required to enable contact with the responsible person and/or organization.
ContactType |
A representation of the model object 'Contact Type'.
ContactType |
A representation of the model object 'Contact Type'.
ContactType |
A representation of the model object 'Contact Type'.
ContactType |
A representation of the model object 'Contact Type'.
ContactTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ContactTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ContactTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Contact Type'.
ContactTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Contact Type'.
ContactTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Contact Type'.
ContactTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Contact Type'.
ContactTypeValidator |
ContactTypeValidator |
ContactTypeValidator |
ContactTypeValidator |
ContainerPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Container Property Type'.
ContainerPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Container Property Type'.
ContainerTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ContainmentType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'ContainmentType',
and utility methods for working with them.
Contains |
ContainsBinding |
Binding object for the element
ContainsImpl |
ContentDataStore |
Abstract base class for data stores.
ContentEntry |
An entry for a type or feature source provided by a DataStore.
ContentFeatureCollection |
A FeatureCollection that completely delegates to a backing FetaureSource#getReader
ContentFeatureCollection.WrappingFeatureIterator |
ContentFeatureSource |
Abstract implementation of FeatureSource.
ContentFeatureStore |
Abstract implementation of FeatureStore.
ContentFormatException |
Throws when a stream can't be parsed because some content uses an invalid format.
ContentMetadataType |
A representation of the model object 'Content Metadata Type'.
ContentMetadataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Content Metadata Type'.
ContentMetadataTypeValidator |
ContentsBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Contents Base Type'.
ContentsBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Contents Base Type'.
ContentsBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Contents Base Type'.
ContentsBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Contents Base Type'.
ContentsBaseTypeValidator |
ContentsBaseTypeValidator |
ContentState |
The state of an entry in a DataStore, maintained on a per-transaction basis.
ContentsType |
A representation of the model object 'Contents Type'.
ContentsType |
A representation of the model object 'Contents Type'.
ContentsType |
A representation of the model object 'Contents Type'.
ContentsType |
A representation of the model object 'Contents Type'.
ContentsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ContentsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Contents Type'.
ContentsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Contents Type'.
ContentsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Contents Type'.
ContentsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Contents Type'.
ContentsTypeValidator |
ContextInitializer |
ContinuousZoomContext |
Zoom Context supporting non-integer levels.
ContinuousZoomContext |
ContourProcess |
A process to extract contours based on values in a specified band of the input GridCoverage2D.
ContourProcess |
Contours |
ContrastEnhancement |
The ContrastEnhancement object defines contrast enhancement for a channel of a false-color image
or for a color image.
ContrastEnhancementBinding |
Binding object for the element
ContrastEnhancementBuilder |
ContrastEnhancementImpl |
The ContrastEnhancement object defines contrast enhancement for a channel of a false-color image
or for a color image.
ContrastEnhancementType |
Starting with version 14.x, ContrastEnhancement can be customized to support different
ContrastMethod s algorithm and parameters.
ContrastMethod |
The ContrastEnhancement element defines contrast enhancement for a channel of a false-color image
or for a color image.
ContrastMethodStrategy |
This interface defines the strategy that a ContrastEnhancement will use to execute the
ContrastMethod that it has defined.
ControlPointType |
A representation of the model object 'Control Point Type'.
ControlPointTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Control Point Type'.
ConventionalUnitType |
A representation of the model object 'Conventional Unit Type'.
ConventionalUnitTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Conventional Unit Type'.
Conversion |
An operation on coordinates that does not include any change of Datum.
ConversionRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Conversion Ref Type'.
ConversionRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Conversion Ref Type'.
ConversionToPreferredUnitType |
A representation of the model object 'Conversion To Preferred Unit Type'.
ConversionToPreferredUnitTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Conversion To Preferred Unit Type'.
ConversionType |
A representation of the model object 'Conversion Type'.
ConversionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Conversion Type'.
Converter |
Converts values of one type into another.
ConverterFactory |
Factory used to create instances of Converter .
Converters |
Convenience class for converting an object from one type to an object of another.
ConvertToDomHandler |
Parses XML into a namespace aware dom.
Convolve |
Computes each output sample by multiplying elements of a kernel with the samples surrounding a
particular source sample.
ConvolveCoverageProcess |
Coordinate2D |
CoordinateAccess |
Allows manipulation of a Geometry's CoordinateSequence.
CoordinateAccessFactory |
Extends CoordinateSequenceFactory with meta data information.
CoordinateFormat |
CoordinateFormatter |
Formats coordinates with a given number of decimals, using code more efficient than NumberFormat
when possible.
CoordinateHandlerFinder |
Enable programs to find all available CoordinateHandler implementations.
CoordinateHandlerSpi |
Constructs a live CoordinateHandler
CoordinateHandlerSpi.CoordinateHandler |
CoordinateOperation |
A mathematical operation on coordinates that transforms or converts coordinates to another
coordinate reference system.
CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory |
Creates coordinate transformation objects from codes.
CoordinateOperationFactory |
CoordinateOperationFactoryUsingWKT |
CoordinateOperationRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Coordinate Operation Ref Type'.
CoordinateOperationRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coordinate Operation Ref Type'.
CoordinateReferenceSystem |
CoordinateReferenceSystemRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Coordinate Reference System Ref Type'.
CoordinateReferenceSystemRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coordinate Reference System Ref Type'.
Coordinates |
HelperClass for dealing with JTS14 CoordinateSequences.
CoordinateSequences |
Utility functions for coordinate sequences (extends the same named JTS class)
CoordinateSequenceTransformer |
CoordinatesType |
A representation of the model object 'Coordinates Type'.
CoordinatesTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
CoordinatesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coordinates Type'.
CoordinateSystem |
The set of coordinate system axes that spans a given coordinate space.
CoordinateSystemAxis |
Definition of a coordinate system axis.
CoordinateSystemAxisBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Coordinate System Axis Base Type'.
CoordinateSystemAxisBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coordinate System Axis Base Type'.
CoordinateSystemAxisRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Coordinate System Axis Ref Type'.
CoordinateSystemAxisRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coordinate System Axis Ref Type'.
CoordinateSystemAxisType |
A representation of the model object 'Coordinate System Axis Type'.
CoordinateSystemAxisTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coordinate System Axis Type'.
CoordinateSystemRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Coordinate System Ref Type'.
CoordinateSystemRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coordinate System Ref Type'.
CoordinateVariable<T> |
CoordinateVariable.AxisHelper<T> |
CoordinateWriter |
Handles the writing of coordinates for GML.
CoordType |
A representation of the model object 'Coord Type'.
CoordTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coord Type'.
CopyingHandler |
CountingWalker |
An implementation of GraphWalker that counts the number of components visited.
CountProcess |
Counts the elements in the collection (useful as a WFS sidekick)
CountProcess.AggregationFunction |
The functions this process can handle
CountPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Count Property Type'.
CountPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Count Property Type'.
CountVisitor |
Determines the number of features in the collection
CountVisitor.CountResult |
CovarianceElementType |
A representation of the model object 'Covariance Element Type'.
CovarianceElementTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Covariance Element Type'.
CovarianceMatrixType |
A representation of the model object 'Covariance Matrix Type'.
CovarianceMatrixTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Covariance Matrix Type'.
Coverage |
A function from a spatial, temporal or spatiotemporal domain to an attribute range.
CoverageAccess |
Represents a Physical storage of coverage data (that we have a connection to).
CoverageAccess.AccessType |
Level of access supported.
CoverageCapabilities |
CoverageClassStats |
CoverageClassStats.Results |
CoverageDescriptionsType |
A representation of the model object 'Coverage Descriptions Type'.
CoverageDescriptionsType |
A representation of the model object 'Coverage Descriptions Type'.
CoverageDescriptionsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coverage Descriptions Type'.
CoverageDescriptionsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coverage Descriptions Type'.
CoverageDescriptionsTypeValidator |
CoverageDescriptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Coverage Description Type'.
CoverageDescriptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Coverage Description Type'.
CoverageDescriptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Coverage Description Type'.
CoverageDescriptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coverage Description Type'.
CoverageDescriptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coverage Description Type'.
CoverageDescriptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coverage Description Type'.
CoverageDescriptionTypeValidator |
CoverageDescriptionTypeValidator |
CoverageDomainType |
A representation of the model object 'Coverage Domain Type'.
CoverageDomainTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coverage Domain Type'.
CoverageDomainTypeValidator |
CoverageFactoryFinder |
Defines static methods used to access the application's default factory implementation.
CoverageFunctionType |
A representation of the model object 'Coverage Function Type'.
CoverageFunctionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coverage Function Type'.
CoverageIO |
A class containing static convenience methods for locating CoverageAccess s and
specific CoverageSource s, and performing simple encoding and decoding.
CoverageNameBinding |
Binding object for the element
CoverageNameCollector |
CoverageNameCollectorSPI |
CoverageNameCollector SPI interface.
CoverageNameCollectorSpiFinder |
CoverageOfferingBriefType |
A representation of the model object 'Coverage Offering Brief Type'.
CoverageOfferingBriefTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
CoverageOfferingBriefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coverage Offering Brief Type'.
CoverageOfferingBriefTypeValidator |
CoverageOfferingsType |
A representation of the model object 'Coverage Offerings Type'.
CoverageOfferingsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coverage Offerings Type'.
CoverageOfferingType |
A representation of the model object 'Coverage Offering Type'.
CoverageOfferingTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
CoverageOfferingTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coverage Offering Type'.
CoverageOfferingTypeValidator |
CoverageProcessingException |
Throws when a coverage operation failed.
CoverageProcessingNode |
Basic interface for Coverage Processing as used by SLD 1.0.
CoverageProcessor |
Base class for coverage processor implementations.
CoverageReadingTransformation |
CoverageReadingTransformation.ReaderAndParams |
CoverageReadRequest |
CoverageRequest |
CoverageResponse |
CoverageResponse.Status |
CoverageSlice |
CoverageSlice.Attributes |
CoverageSlicesCatalog |
This class simply builds an index for fast indexed queries.
CoverageSlicesCatalog.WrappedCoverageSlicesCatalog |
CoverageSlicesCatalog always used an hidden H2 DB to store granules index related to a
specific file.
CoverageSlicesCatalogSource |
CoverageSource |
Allows read-only access to a Coverage.
CoverageSource.AdditionalDomain |
CoverageSource.DomainType |
CoverageSource.SpatialDomain |
CoverageSource.TemporalDomain |
CoverageSource.VerticalDomain |
CoverageSourceDescriptor |
CoverageStore |
Provided read-write access to a coverage data product.
CoverageStyleBinding |
Binding object for the element
CoveragesType |
A representation of the model object 'Coverages Type'.
CoveragesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coverages Type'.
CoveragesTypeValidator |
CoverageSubtypeParentType |
A representation of the model object 'Coverage Subtype Parent Type'.
CoverageSubtypeParentTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coverage Subtype Parent Type'.
CoverageSummaryType |
A representation of the model object 'Coverage Summary Type'.
CoverageSummaryType |
A representation of the model object 'Coverage Summary Type'.
CoverageSummaryTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coverage Summary Type'.
CoverageSummaryTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Coverage Summary Type'.
CoverageSummaryTypeValidator |
CoveragetypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
CoverageUpdateRequest |
CoverageUtilities |
A set of utilities methods for the Grid Coverage package.
CoverageUtilities |
A set of utilities methods for the Grid Coverage package.
CoverageUtilities.UCUM |
Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM)
CoverageUtilities.UCUM.UCUMUnit |
An UCUM Unit instance simply made of name and symbol.
Utility class to parse CQL predicates and expressions to GeoAPI Filter s and Expression s, respectively.
CQL2 |
CQL2Compiler |
CQL2 compiler
CQL2Conformance |
Conformance clasess for CQL2
CQL2ExpressionToText |
Subclassed to handle the encoding of date literals
CQL2Json |
CQL2Parser |
CQL2Parser is the result of a javacc jjtree grammar.
CQL2ParserConstants |
CQL2ParserTokenManager |
CQL2ParserTreeConstants |
CQLCompiler |
CQL Compiler.
CQLException |
This exception is produced when the cql input string has syntax errors.
CQLJsonCompiler |
CQLParser |
CQLParser is the result of a javacc jjtree grammar.
CQLParserConstants |
CQLParserTokenManager |
CQLParserTreeConstants |
CreatedOrModifiedFeatureType |
A representation of the model object 'Created Or Modified Feature Type'.
CreatedOrModifiedFeatureTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Created Or Modified Feature Type'.
CreatedOrModifiedFeatureTypeValidator |
CreateIndexer |
CommandLine Utility to be used in order to create an ImageMosaic indexer.xml as well as the
related NetCDF low-level indexer (_auxiliary.xml) for a prototype NetCDF.
CreateStoredQueryResponseType |
A representation of the model object 'Create Stored Query Response Type'.
CreateStoredQueryResponseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Create Stored Query Response Type'.
CreateStoredQueryResponseTypeValidator |
CreateStoredQueryType |
A representation of the model object 'Create Stored Query Type'.
CreateStoredQueryTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Create Stored Query Type'.
CreateStoredQueryTypeValidator |
Crop |
The crop operation is responsible for selecting geographic subarea of the source coverage.
CropCoverage |
Crops the coverage along the specified
Crosses |
Concrete binary spatial operator that evaluates to
true if the first geometric operand crosses the second (in the sense defined by the OGC Simple
Features specification).
CrossesBinding |
Binding object for the element
CrossesImpl |
CRS.AxisOrder |
Enumeration describing axis order for geographic coordinate reference systems.
CRS2GeoTiffMetadataAdapter |
CRSAuthorityFactory |
CRSConverterFactory |
Convert String to CRS classes.
CRSEnvelope |
A pair of coordinates and a reference system that represents a section of the Earth.
CRSExtractor |
Extract the CRS from the coverage in order to store in the index
CRSExtractorSPI |
SPI for the CRS extractor
CRSFactory |
CRSHandler |
CRSListModel |
List model class for JCRSChooser .
CRSRefType |
A representation of the model object 'CRS Ref Type'.
CRSRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'CRS Ref Type'.
CRSsType |
A representation of the model object 'CRSs Type'.
CRSsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'CR Ss Type'.
CRSsTypeValidator |
A sample validator interface for CRSsType .
CRSUtilities |
CSAuthorityFactory |
CSBuilder |
A Builder for JTS CoordinateSequences.
CSBuilderFactory |
A factory to obtain a builder for JTS CoordinateSequence objects.
CSFactory |
CSSFunction |
CssParameter |
A Cascading Style Sheet parameter.
CSVAttributesOnlyStrategy |
CSVDataStore |
CSVDataStoreFactory |
CSVFeatureReader |
CSVFeatureSource |
CSVFeatureStore |
Read-write access to CSV File.
CSVFeatureWriter |
Iterator supporting writing of feature content.
CSVFileState |
Details from comma separated value file.
CSVIterator |
CSVLatLonStrategy |
CSVSpecifiedWKTStrategy |
CSVStrategy |
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
Csw20Factory |
The Factory for the model.
Csw20FactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
Csw20Package |
The Package for the model.
Csw20Package.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
Csw20PackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
CSWConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
CubeWerxStrategy |
A strategy object to aid in querying a CubeWerx WFS 1.1 server
CubicSplineType |
A representation of the model object 'Cubic Spline Type'.
CubicSplineTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Cubic Spline Type'.
CurrentDateExtractorSPI |
Factory for a properties extractor collecting the current date
CursorTool |
The base class for map pane cursor tools.
CurveArrayPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Curve Array Property Type'.
CurveArrayPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
CurveArrayPropertyTypeBinding |
CurveArrayPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Curve Array Property Type'.
CurvedGeometries |
Utility methods for curved geometries
CurvedGeometry<T extends Geometry> |
Provides linearization control for curved geometries
CurvedGeometryFactory |
CurvedRing |
Marker interface identifying closed curved geometries
CurveInterpolationType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Curve Interpolation Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
CurvePolygon |
A subclass of polygon that can host also curves and will linearize if needed
CurvePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Curve Property Type'.
CurvePropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
CurvePropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
CurvePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Curve Property Type'.
CurveSegmentArrayPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Curve Segment Array Property Type'.
CurveSegmentArrayPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
CurveSegmentArrayPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Curve Segment Array Property Type'.
CurveType |
A representation of the model object 'Curve Type'.
CurveTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
CurveTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
CurveTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Curve Type'.
CustomAttributeExpressionFactory |
Allow extensions to build custom nested expressions for chained entities.
CustomGlyphRenderer |
CustomImplementationsFinder |
Helper class used to find implementations for extensions points.
CustomMappingFactory |
CustomPaletteBuilder |
This class implements the octree quantization method as it is described in the "Graphics Gems"
(ISBN 0-12-286166-3, Chapter 4, pages 297-293)
CustomSourceDataStore |
This interface allows data stores to take advantage of certain App-Schema extension points
allowing them to provided the necessary customizations.
Cycle |
Represents a cycle in a graph.
CycleDetector |
Detects cycles in a graph.
CylinderType |
A representation of the model object 'Cylinder Type'.
CylinderTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Cylinder Type'.
CylindricalCS |
A three-dimensional coordinate system consisting of a polar coordinate
system extended by a straight coordinate axis perpendicular to the plane spanned by the polar
coordinate system.
CylindricalCSRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Cylindrical CS Ref Type'.
CylindricalCSRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Cylindrical CS Ref Type'.
CylindricalCSType |
A representation of the model object 'Cylindrical CS Type'.
CylindricalCSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Cylindrical CS Type'.
CylindricalEqualArea |
CylindricalEqualArea.BehrmannProvider |
CylindricalEqualArea.LambertCylindricalEqualAreaProvider |
CylindricalEqualArea.Provider |
CylindricalProjection |
Base interface for cylindrical map projections.
DarkenFunction |
Implements the darken function
DashedShape |
A shape wrapper that generates a stroked version of the shape without actually holding it all in
memory (it is streamed through the path iterator)
Data |
Holds values (with associated DataDefinition)
DataAccess<T extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
This is the top-level interface for access to FeatureData .
DataAccessFactory |
Constructs a live DataAccess from a set of connection parameters.
DataAccessFactory.Param |
Data class used to capture Parameter requirements.
DataAccessFinder |
Enable programs to find all available DataAccess implementations, including the DataStore ones.
DataAccessMap |
Utility class to help keep track of the DataAccess instances created while parsing App-Schema
configuration and thus avoid creating the same (i.e. with identical configuration parameters)
DataAccess twice.
DataAccessMappingFeatureIterator |
A Feature iterator that operates over the FeatureSource of a FeatureTypeMapping and produces Features of the output schema by
applying the mapping rules to the Features of the source schema.
DataAccessRegistry |
A registry that stores data access instances per application.
DatabaseCreationScript |
Utility used to create a HSQL zipped version of the official EPSG database
DataBlockType |
A representation of the model object 'Data Block Type'.
DataBlockTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Data Block Type'.
DataColumn |
A Data Column from the gpkg_schema extension
DataColumnConstraint |
Base class for gpkg_schema data colum constraints
DataColumnConstraint.Enum |
A enumeration restriction, with possible values and their description
DataColumnConstraint.Glob |
DataColumnConstraint.Range<T extends Number & Comparable<? super T>> |
A numeric range restriction
DataDefinition |
Field definition
DataDescriptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Data Description Type'.
DataDescriptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Data Description Type'.
DataFeatureCollection |
A starting point for implementing FeatureCollection's backed onto a FeatureReader.
DataInputsType |
A representation of the model object 'Data Inputs Type'.
DataInputsType1 |
A representation of the model object 'Data Inputs Type1'.
DataInputsType1Impl |
An implementation of the model object 'Data Inputs Type1'.
DataInputsType1Validator |
DataInputsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Data Inputs Type'.
DataInputsTypeValidator |
DataInputType |
A representation of the model object 'Data Input Type'.
DataInputTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Data Input Type'.
DataOutputType |
A representation of the model object 'Data Output Type'.
DataOutputTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Data Output Type'.
DatasetDescriptionSummaryBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Dataset Description Summary Base Type'.
DatasetDescriptionSummaryBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Dataset Description Summary Base Type'.
DatasetDescriptionSummaryBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Dataset Description Summary Base Type'.
DatasetDescriptionSummaryBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Dataset Description Summary Base Type'.
DatasetDescriptionSummaryBaseTypeValidator |
DatasetDescriptionSummaryBaseTypeValidator |
DataSourceException |
Thrown when there is an error in a datasource.
DataSourceFactorySpi |
Constructs a live DataSource from a set of parameters.
DataSourceFinder |
DataSourceUtil |
Utility methods to build a default connection pool
DataStore |
This represents a physical source of feature data, such as a shapefiles or database, where the
features will be instances of SimpleFeature .
DataStoreConfiguration |
A simple class storing DataStore connection properties such as the FactorySPI used to create that
datastore, as well as the connections parameters.
DataStoreFactorySpi |
Factory used to construct a DataStore from a set of parameters.
DataStoreFinder |
Enable programs to find all available datastore implementations.
DataStoreSoftReference |
DataStoreWrapper |
A data store wrapper around a DataStore object.
DataTestCase |
A set of constructs and utility methods used to test the data module.
DataTransmissionModeType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Data Transmission Mode Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
DataTransmissionModeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
Datatype |
Datatype of element or entity.
DataType |
A representation of the model object 'Data Type'.
DataType |
A representation of the model object 'Data Type'.
DataTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
DatatypeConverterImpl |
DatatypeConverterInterface |
The DatatypeConverterInterface is a helper class for implementation of custom
print() and parse() methods, as specified by
jaxb:javaType/@printMethod and jaxb:javaType/@parseMethod.
DataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Data Type'.
DataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Data Type'.
DataTypesDefinition |
Data type definition constants for VPF files.
DataTypeValidator |
A sample validator interface for DataType .
DataUrlConnection |
Decodes the base64 data and provides an appropriate InputStream.
DataUrlHandler |
Responsible for instantiating the DataUrlConnection.
DataUtilities |
Utility functions for use with GeoTools with data classes.
DataUtils |
Class is responsible for a bunch of miscellaneous operations for reading and
converting data
DateAndTime |
Provides a single data type for identifying a temporal position with a resolution of less than a
DateDifferenceFunction |
The function computes the difference between two date objects (as a-b), in the specified time
unit (default to milliseconds).
DateExtractorSPI |
DateRange |
A range of dates.
DateRangeComparator |
A DateRange comparator
DateRangeTreeSet |
A treeset implementation with a built-in comparator for DateRange objects
DateTimeParser |
Parses the time parameter of the request.
DateTimeParser.FormatAndPrecision |
DateTimeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
DateUtil |
Utility class supplying static methods.
Datum |
DatumAliases |
A datum factory that add aliases to a datum name before to
delegates the datum
creation to an other factory.
DatumAuthorityFactory |
Creates datum objects using authority codes.
DatumFactory |
Builds up complex datums from simpler objects or values.
DatumRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Datum Ref Type'.
DatumRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Datum Ref Type'.
DB2BlobConverterFactory |
DB2ClobConverterFactory |
DB2DialectInfo |
DB2FilterToSQL |
Generate a WHERE clause for DB2 Spatial Extender based on a spatial filter.
DB2NGDataStoreFactory |
DataStoreFactory for DB2 database.
DB2NGJNDIDataStoreFactory |
DataStoreFactory for DB2 database.
DB2SQLDialect |
DB2SQLDialectBasic |
DB2SQLDialectPrepared |
DB2Util |
DB2WKBConstants |
DB2WKBReader |
DB2WKBWriter |
DbaseFileException |
Thrown when an error relating to the shapefile occurs.
DbaseFileHeader |
Class to represent the header of a Dbase III file.
DbaseFileReader |
A DbaseFileReader is used to read a dbase III format file.
DbaseFileWriter |
A DbaseFileWriter is used to write a dbase III format file.
DbaseFileWriter.FieldFormatter |
Utility for formatting Dbase fields.
DBCPDataSource |
A closeable wrapper around BasicDataSource
DBCPDataSourceFactory |
A datasource factory using DBCP connection pool
DBCPUnWrapper |
Unwraps DBCP managed connections
DBReaderWriter |
An implementation of GraphReaderWriter used for reading and writing graph objects to and from a
DC |
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
DCConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
DCMIRecordType |
A representation of the model object 'DCMI Record Type'.
DCMIRecordTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'DCMI Record Type'.
DCPType |
A representation of the model object 'DCP Type'.
DCPType |
A representation of the model object 'DCP Type'.
DCPType |
A representation of the model object 'DCP Type'.
DCPTypeBinding |
DCPTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'DCP Type'.
DCPTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'DCP Type'.
DCPTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'DCP Type'.
DCPTypeType |
A representation of the model object 'DCP Type Type'.
DCPTypeType_HTTPBinding |
Binding object for the type
DCPTypeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
DCPTypeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'DCP Type Type'.
DCPTypeTypeValidator |
DCPTypeValidator |
A sample validator interface for DCPType .
DCPTypeValidator |
A sample validator interface for DCPType .
DCPTypeValidator |
A sample validator interface for DCPType .
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
DCTConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
DecimationPolicy |
Decimation policies.
Decimator |
Accepts geometries and collapses all the vertices that will be rendered to the same pixel.
DecoratingDataStore |
Delegates every method to the wrapped feature source.
DecoratingFeature |
Base class for feature decorators.
DecoratingFeatureCollection<T extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
A FeatureCollection which completely delegates to another FeatureCollection.
DecoratingFeatureIterator<F extends Feature> |
A feature iterator that completely delegates to another FeatureIterator.
DecoratingSimpleFeatureCollection |
A FeatureCollection which completely delegates to another FeatureCollection.
DecoratingSimpleFeatureIterator |
A feature iterator that completely delegates to a normal Iterator, simply allowing Java 1.4 code
to escape the caste (sic) system.
DefaultAffineCS |
A two- or three-dimensional coordinate system with straight axes that are not necessarily
DefaultAttributeIO |
DefaultCalendar |
DefaultCalendarDate |
A data type that shall be used to identify temporal position within a calendar.
DefaultCalendarEra |
DefaultCartesianCS |
A 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional coordinate system.
DefaultClock |
DefaultClockTime |
A data type that shall be used to identify a temporal position within a day.
DefaultCloseableIterator<T> |
Default implementation of CloseableIterator
DefaultCompoundCRS |
A coordinate reference system describing the position of points through two or more independent
coordinate reference systems.
DefaultCompoundCS |
A coordinate system made of two or more independent coordinate systems.
DefaultConcatenatedOperation |
An ordered sequence of two or more single coordinate operations.
DefaultConicProjection |
Base class for conical map projections.
DefaultConversion |
An operation on coordinates that does not include any change of Datum.
DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory |
DefaultCoordinateSequenceTransformer |
DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis |
Definition of a coordinate system axis.
DefaultCoverageAccess |
DefaultCoverageNameCollectorSPI |
DefaultCoverageSource |
DefaultCRSFilterVisitor |
Returns a clone of the provided filter where all geometries and bboxes that do not have a CRS
gets the specified default one.
DefaultCSBuilder |
A CSBuilder that generates DefaultCoordinateSequence objects, that is, coordinate sequences
backed by a Coordinate[] array.
DefaultCylindricalCS |
A three-dimensional coordinate system consisting of a polar coordinate
system extended by a straight coordinate axis perpendicular to the plane spanned by the polar
coordinate system.
DefaultCylindricalProjection |
Base class for cylindrical map projections.
DefaultDateAndTime |
Provides a single data type for identifying a temporal position with a resolution of less than a
DefaultDerivedCRS |
A coordinate reference system that is defined by its coordinate conversion from another
coordinate reference system but is not a projected coordinate reference system.
DefaultDimensionDescriptor |
DefaultDriver |
Base Implementation for the Driver interface.
DefaultDuration |
A data type to be used for describing length or distance in the temporal dimension.
DefaultEllipsoid |
Geometric figure that can be used to describe the approximate shape of the earth.
DefaultEllipsoidalCS |
A two- or three-dimensional coordinate system in which position is specified by geodetic
latitude, geodetic longitude, and (in the three-dimensional case) ellipsoidal height.
DefaultEngineeringCRS |
A contextually local coordinate reference system.
DefaultEngineeringDatum |
Defines the origin of an engineering coordinate reference system.
DefaultExpression |
Implements a default expression, with helpful variables and static methods.
DefaultExpressionVisitor |
Abstract implementation of ExpressionVisitor that simply walks the data structure.
DefaultFeatureCollection |
A basic implementation of SimpleFeatureCollection which use a TreeMap for its internal
DefaultFeatureReader |
Basic support for reading Features from an AttributeReader.
DefaultFeatureResults |
Generic "results" of a query, class.
DefaultFIDReader |
A Default FIDReader.
DefaultFieldType |
DefaultFileCoverageAccess |
DefaultFileDriver |
DefaultFileFilter |
A FileFilter implementation using Unix-style wildcards.
DefaultFileResourceInfo |
DefaultFileServiceInfo |
DefaultFilterVisitor |
Abstract implementation of FilterVisitor that simply walks the data structure.
DefaultFunctionFactory |
Filter function factory that uses the service provider interface (SPI) lookup mechanism to create
DefaultGeocentricCRS |
A 3D coordinate reference system with the origin at the approximate centre of mass of the earth.
DefaultGeodeticDatum |
Defines the location and precise orientation in 3-dimensional space of a defined ellipsoid (or
sphere) that approximates the shape of the earth.
DefaultGeographicCRS |
A coordinate reference system based on an ellipsoidal approximation of the geoid; this provides
an accurate representation of the geometry of geographic features for a large portion of the
earth's surface.
DefaultGlyphFactory |
DefaultGranuleAcceptorFactory |
Factory to create the default granule acceptor.
DefaultGranuleHandler |
Default granule handling
DefaultGranuleHandlerFactory |
DefaultGridCoverageResponse |
Default GridCoverageResponse implementation.
DefaultGridFeatureBuilder |
DefaultHarvestedSource |
DefaultHTTPClientFactory |
Default factory for generating HTTP client's.
DefaultHttpResponse |
HTTPResponse that uses URLConnection as its basis.
DefaultIfNullFunction |
Function that takes an input value, and a default value.
DefaultImageCRS |
An engineering coordinate reference system applied to locations in images.
DefaultImageDatum |
Defines the origin of an image coordinate reference system.
DefaultInstant |
A zero-dimensional geometric primitive that represents position in time, equivalent to a point in
DefaultIntervalLength |
A data type for intervals of time which supports the expression of duration in terms of a
specified multiple of a single unit of time.
DefaultJulianDate |
The Julian day numbering system is a temporal coordinate system that has its origin at noon on 1
January 4713 BCE in the Julian proleptic calendar.
DefaultLinearCS |
A one-dimensional coordinate system that consists of the points that lie on the single axis
DefaultLoggerFactory |
Default LoggerFactory using java util logging framework directly.
DefaultMapMouseEventDispatcher |
Receives mouse events from a MapPane instance, converts them to MapPaneMouseEvents, and sends
these to the active map pane tools.
DefaultMathTransformFactory |
DefaultOperation |
A parameterized mathematical operation on coordinates that transforms or converts coordinates to
another coordinate reference system.
DefaultOperationMethod |
Definition of an algorithm used to perform a coordinate operation.
DefaultOrdinalEra |
DefaultOrdinalPosition |
A data type that shall be used for identifying temporal position within an ordinal temporal
reference system.
DefaultOrdinalReferenceSystem |
DefaultParameterDescriptor<T> |
The definition of a parameter used by an operation method.
DefaultParameterDescriptorGroup |
The definition of a group of related parameters used by an operation method.
DefaultPassThroughOperation |
A pass-through operation specifies that a subset of a coordinate tuple is subject to a specific
coordinate operation.
DefaultPeriod |
A one-dimensional geometric primitive that represent extent in time.
DefaultPeriodDuration |
Uses the format specified by ISO 8601 for exchanging information about the duration of a period.
DefaultPlanarProjection |
Base class for for azimuthal (or planar) map projections.
DefaultPolarCS |
A two-dimensional coordinate system in which position is specified by the distance from the
origin and the angle between the line from the origin to a point and a reference direction.
DefaultPosition |
A union class that consists of one of the data types listed as its attributes.
DefaultPrimeMeridian |
A prime meridian defines the origin from which longitude values are determined.
DefaultProgressListener |
DefaultProgressListener.Warning |
Collector class for warnings.
DefaultProjectedCRS |
A 2D coordinate reference system used to approximate the shape of the earth on a planar surface.
DefaultProjection |
A conversion transforming
( longitude, latitude) coordinates to cartesian coordinates
( x, y).
DefaultPropertiesCollectorSPI |
DefaultRangeType |
DefaultRenderingExecutor |
DefaultRepository |
Default Repository implementation allows GeoTools to manage your DataStores.
DefaultResourceInfo |
Default implementation of ResourceInfo; a simple java bean.
DefaultResourceLocator |
Default locator for online resources.
DefaultServiceInfo |
Implementation of DefaultServiceInfo as a java bean.
DefaultSingleOperation |
DefaultSphericalCS |
A three-dimensional coordinate system with one distance measured from the origin and two angular
DefaultStylePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Default Style Property Type'.
DefaultStylePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Default Style Property Type'.
DefaultSubmosaicProducer |
Class responsible for loading granules, mosaicking a group of granules, pre-processing them
before handling, etc.
DefaultSubmosaicProducerFactory |
Create SubmosaicProducer based on whether the request was for a stacked mosaic with additional
domains requested
DefaultTemporalCoordinate |
A data type that shall be used for identifying temporal position within a temporal coordinate
DefaultTemporalCoordinateSystem |
DefaultTemporalCRS |
A 1D coordinate reference system used for the recording of time.
DefaultTemporalDatum |
A temporal datum defines the origin of a temporal coordinate reference system.
DefaultTemporalGeometricPrimitive |
An abstract class with two subclasses for representing a temporal instant and a temporal period.
DefaultTemporalObject |
Base abstract class for temporal object.
DefaultTemporalPosition |
Used for describing temporal positions referenced to other temporal reference systems.
DefaultTemporalPrimitive |
An abstract class that represents a non-decomposed element of geometry or topology of time.
DefaultTemporalReferenceSystem |
DefaultTimeCS |
A one-dimensional coordinate system containing a single time axis, used to describe the temporal
position of a point in the specified time units from a specified time origin.
DefaultTransaction |
Quick implementation of Transaction api.
DefaultTransformation |
An operation on coordinates that usually includes a change of Datum.
DefaultType |
A representation of the model object 'Default Type'.
DefaultType1 |
A representation of the model object 'Default Type1'.
DefaultType1Impl |
An implementation of the model object 'Default Type1'.
DefaultType1Validator |
DefaultType2 |
A representation of the model object 'Default Type2'.
DefaultType2Impl |
An implementation of the model object 'Default Type2'.
DefaultType2Validator |
DefaultTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Default Type'.
DefaultTypeValidator |
DefaultUserDefinedCS |
A two- or three-dimensional coordinate system that consists of any combination of coordinate axes
not covered by any other Coordinate System type.
DefaultVerticalCRS |
A 1D coordinate reference system used for recording heights or depths.
DefaultVerticalCS |
A one-dimensional coordinate system used to record the heights (or depths) of points.
DefaultVerticalDatum |
A textual description and/or a set of parameters identifying a particular reference level surface
used as a zero-height surface.
DefaultView |
Wrapper for SimpleFeatureSource constrained by a Query.
DeferredAuthorityFactory |
DefiningConversion |
A conversion used for the definition of a derived CRS (including projections).
Definition |
DefinitionProxyType |
A representation of the model object 'Definition Proxy Type'.
DefinitionProxyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Definition Proxy Type'.
DefinitionType |
A representation of the model object 'Definition Type'.
DefinitionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Definition Type'.
DegreesType |
A representation of the model object 'Degrees Type'.
DegreesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Degrees Type'.
DelaunayEdge |
DelaunayNode |
DelaunayTriangulator |
DelegateFeatureIterator<F extends Feature> |
A feature iterator that completely delegates to a normal Iterator, simply allowing Java 1.4 code
to escape the caste (sic) system.
DelegateFeatureReader<T extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
A FeatureReader that wraps up a normal FeatureIterator.
DelegateHTTPClient |
DelegateHTTPResponse |
DelegateProgressListener |
Base class for progress listeners that delegate to other progress listeners
DelegateSimpleFeatureIterator |
A feature iterator that completely delegates to a normal Iterator, simply allowing Java 1.4 code
to escape the caste (sic) system.
DelegateSimpleFeatureReader |
DelegatingFeatureReader<T extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
Interface for wrapping feature readers which delegate to another feature reader.
DelegatingFeatureWriter<T extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
Interface for wrapping feature writers which delegate to another feature writer.
DelegatingHandler<T> |
DelegatingHandler |
DelegatingSimpleFeatureWriter |
DeleteElementType |
A representation of the model object 'Delete Element Type'.
DeleteElementTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
DeleteElementTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Delete Element Type'.
DeleteElementTypeValidator |
DeleteType |
A representation of the model object 'Delete Type'.
DeleteType |
A representation of the model object 'Delete Type'.
DeleteTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Delete Type'.
DeleteTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Delete Type'.
DeleteTypeValidator |
DepthFirstIterator |
Iterates over the nodes of a graph in a Depth First Search pattern starting from a
specified node.
DepthFirstTopologicalIterator |
Iterates over the nodes of a graph in Depth First Topological Sort pattern.
DerivationControl |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Derivation Control',
and utility methods for working with them.
DerivationSetMember0 |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Derivation Set Member0',
and utility methods for working with them.
DerivationUnitTermType |
A representation of the model object 'Derivation Unit Term Type'.
DerivationUnitTermTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Derivation Unit Term Type'.
DerivedCRS |
A coordinate reference system that is defined by its coordinate conversion from another
coordinate reference system but is not a projected coordinate reference system.
DerivedCRSRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Derived CRS Ref Type'.
DerivedCRSRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Derived CRS Ref Type'.
DerivedCRSType |
A representation of the model object 'Derived CRS Type'.
DerivedCRSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Derived CRS Type'.
DerivedCRSTypeType |
A representation of the model object 'Derived CRS Type Type'.
DerivedCRSTypeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Derived CRS Type Type'.
DerivedMap<BK,K,V> |
A map whose keys are derived from an other map.
DerivedSet<B,E> |
A set whose values are derived from an other set.
DerivedUnitType |
A representation of the model object 'Derived Unit Type'.
DerivedUnitTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Derived Unit Type'.
DesaturateFunction |
Implements the desaturate function
DescribeCoverageType |
A representation of the model object 'Describe Coverage Type'.
DescribeCoverageType |
A representation of the model object 'Describe Coverage Type'.
DescribeCoverageType |
A representation of the model object 'Describe Coverage Type'.
DescribeCoverageType1 |
A representation of the model object 'Describe Coverage Type1'.
DescribeCoverageType1Impl |
An implementation of the model object 'Describe Coverage Type1'.
DescribeCoverageType1Validator |
DescribeCoverageTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Describe Coverage Type'.
DescribeCoverageTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Describe Coverage Type'.
DescribeCoverageTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Describe Coverage Type'.
DescribeCoverageTypeValidator |
DescribeCoverageTypeValidator |
DescribeEOCoverageSetBinding |
DescribeEOCoverageSetType |
A representation of the model object '
Describe EO Coverage Set'.
DescribeEOCoverageSetTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Describe EO Coverage Set Type'.
DescribeFeatureTypeRequest |
DescribeFeatureTypeResponse |
DescribeFeatureTypeResponseFactory |
DescribeFeatureTypeType |
A representation of the model object 'Describe Feature Type Type'.
DescribeFeatureTypeType |
A representation of the model object 'Describe Feature Type Type'.
DescribeFeatureTypeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
DescribeFeatureTypeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Describe Feature Type Type'.
DescribeFeatureTypeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Describe Feature Type Type'.
DescribeFeatureTypeTypeValidator |
DescribeFeatureTypeTypeValidator |
DescribeLayerRequest |
Retrieves information about the layers or feature types available on the Web Map Server.
DescribeLayerResponse |
Represents the response from a server after a DescribeLayer request has been issued.
DescribeParameter |
DescribeProcess |
DescribeProcess information for publication by DEMProcessFactory.
DescribeProcessType |
A representation of the model object 'Describe Process Type'.
DescribeProcessType |
A representation of the model object 'Describe Process Type'.
DescribeProcessTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Describe Process Type'.
DescribeProcessTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Describe Process Type'.
DescribeProcessTypeValidator |
DescribeRecordResponseType |
A representation of the model object 'Describe Record Response Type'.
DescribeRecordResponseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Describe Record Response Type'.
DescribeRecordType |
A representation of the model object 'Describe Record Type'.
DescribeRecordTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Describe Record Type'.
DescribeResult |
DescribeProcess information for publication by DEMProcessFactory.
DescribeResults |
Used to report multiple outputs out of a process
DescribeStoredQueriesRequest |
DescribeStoredQueriesResponse |
DescribeStoredQueriesResponseFactory |
DescribeStoredQueriesResponseType |
A representation of the model object 'Describe Stored Queries Response Type'.
DescribeStoredQueriesResponseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Describe Stored Queries Response Type'.
DescribeStoredQueriesResponseTypeValidator |
DescribeStoredQueriesType |
A representation of the model object 'Describe Stored Queries Type'.
DescribeStoredQueriesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Describe Stored Queries Type'.
DescribeStoredQueriesTypeValidator |
Description |
A Description is used to store various informations who describe an element.
DescriptionBinding |
Binding object for the element
DescriptionBuilder |
DescriptionImpl |
DescriptionKeys |
Resource keys.
Descriptions |
Base class for locale-dependent resources.
Descriptions_en |
English language resource.
Descriptions_fr |
French language resource.
DescriptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Description Type'.
DescriptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Description Type'.
DescriptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Description Type'.
DescriptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Description Type'.
DescriptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Description Type'.
DescriptionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
DescriptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Description Type'.
DescriptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Description Type'.
DescriptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Description Type'.
DescriptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Description Type'.
DescriptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Description Type'.
DescriptionTypeOws11Binding |
Binding object for the type
DescriptionTypeValidator |
DescriptionTypeValidator |
DescriptionTypeValidator |
DescriptionTypeValidator |
Descriptors |
Helper methods for dealing with Descriptor.
DescriptorXmlAttributeNodeIterator |
DescriptorXmlAttributeNodePointer |
Special node pointer for an XML-attribute inside an attribute.
DialogUtils |
Static utility methods for common dialog and GUI related tasks.
DictionaryEntryType |
A representation of the model object 'Dictionary Entry Type'.
DictionaryEntryTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Dictionary Entry Type'.
DictionaryType |
A representation of the model object 'Dictionary Type'.
DictionaryTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Dictionary Type'.
Diff |
Captures changes made to a FeatureStore prior to being committed.
DiffContentFeatureWriter |
A FeatureWriter that captures modifications against a FeatureReader.
DiffFeatureReader<T extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
A FeatureReader that considers differences.
DiffFeatureWriter |
A FeatureWriter that captures modifications against a FeatureReader.
DiffTransactionState |
Transaction state responsible for holding an in memory Diff of any modifications.
DijkstraIterator |
Iterates over the nodes of a graph in pattern using Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm.
DijkstraIterator.DijkstraNode |
Internal data structure used to track node costs, and parent nodes.
DijkstraIterator.EdgeWeighter |
Supplies a weight for each edge in the graph to be used by the iteration when calculating
node costs.
DijkstraIterator.NodeWeighter |
Supplies a weight for each pair of adjacent edges.
DijkstraShortestPathFinder |
Calculates node paths in a graph using Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm.
Dimension |
Property class for holding and handling of property values declared in Dimension-element of a
DimensionBinding |
Binding object for the element
DimensionDescriptor |
Describes a "dimension" exposed by a structured grid coverage reader.
DimensionFilter |
DimensionNameValueBinding |
Binding object for the element
DimensionNameValueType |
A representation of the model object 'Dimension Name Value Type'.
DimensionNameValueTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Dimension Name Value Type'.
DimensionSliceType |
A representation of the model object 'Dimension Slice Type'.
DimensionSliceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Dimension Slice Type'.
DimensionSubsetType |
A representation of the model object 'Dimension Subset Type'.
DimensionSubsetTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Dimension Subset Type'.
DimensionTrimType |
A representation of the model object 'Dimension Trim Type'.
DimensionTrimTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Dimension Trim Type'.
DimensionType |
A representation of the model object 'Dimension Type'.
DimensionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Dimension Type'.
DirectAuthorityFactory |
The base class for authority factories that create referencing object directly.
DirectedBreadthFirstIterator |
DirectedBreadthFirstTopologicalIterator |
DirectedCycleDetector |
Detects cycles in a directed graph.
DirectedDepthFirstIterator |
DirectedDepthFirstTopologicalIterator |
DirectedDijkstraIterator |
DirectedEdge |
Represents an edge in a directed graph.
DirectedEdgePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Directed Edge Property Type'.
DirectedEdgePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Directed Edge Property Type'.
DirectedFacePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Directed Face Property Type'.
DirectedFacePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Directed Face Property Type'.
DirectedGraph |
Represents a directed graph.
DirectedGraphable |
Reperesents a component in a directed graph.
DirectedLineStringGraphGenerator |
DirectedNode |
Represents a node in a directed graph.
DirectedNodePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Directed Node Property Type'.
DirectedNodePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Directed Node Property Type'.
DirectedObservationAtDistanceType |
A representation of the model object 'Directed Observation At Distance Type'.
DirectedObservationAtDistanceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Directed Observation At Distance Type'.
DirectedObservationType |
A representation of the model object 'Directed Observation Type'.
DirectedObservationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Directed Observation Type'.
DirectedTopoSolidPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Directed Topo Solid Property Type'.
DirectedTopoSolidPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Directed Topo Solid Property Type'.
DirectEpsgFactory |
A coordinate reference system factory backed by the EPSG database tables.
DirectionAlongMeridian |
DirectionPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Direction Property Type'.
DirectionPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Direction Property Type'.
DirectionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
DirectionTypeMember0 |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Direction Type Member0',
and utility methods for working with them.
DirectionVectorType |
A representation of the model object 'Direction Vector Type'.
DirectionVectorTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Direction Vector Type'.
DirectLayer |
A Layer directly responsible for its own rendering.
DirectoryDataStore |
DirectoryFeatureLocking |
DirectoryFeatureSource |
DirectoryFeatureStore |
DirectoryLockingManager |
Locking manager that will delegate its work to the locking managers of the delegate data stores
DirectPositionListType |
A representation of the model object 'Direct Position List Type'.
DirectPositionListTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
DirectPositionListTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Direct Position List Type'.
DirectPositionType |
A representation of the model object 'Direct Position Type'.
DirectPositionType |
A representation of the model object 'Direct Position Type'.
DirectPositionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
DirectPositionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
DirectPositionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Direct Position Type'.
DirectPositionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Direct Position Type'.
DirectPositionTypeValidator |
DirectPropertyAccessorFactory |
This class will *directly* access a Property with the name equal to xpath.
Disjoint |
Concrete binary spatial operator that evaluates to
true if the first operand is disjoint from the second (in the sense defined in the OGC Simple
Features specification).
DisjointBinding |
Binding object for the element
DisjointImpl |
DisjointSet<E> |
A set which is disjoint from others DisjointSet s.
DismissType |
A representation of the model object 'Dismiss Type'.
DismissTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Dismiss Type'.
Displacement |
The Displacement gives the X and Y displacements from the original geometry.
DisplacementBinding |
Binding object for the element
DisplacementBuilder |
DisplacementEncoder |
DisplacementHandler |
Handles xml parse events for the org.geotools.styling.Displacement element.
DisplacementImpl |
DisposeStopper |
Stop the dispose mechanism we have in place for renderedImage.
DistanceBufferOperator |
Abstract superclass for spatial operators that check that one shape satisfies some relation to a
buffer around another shape.
DistanceBufferType |
A representation of the model object 'Distance Buffer Type'.
DistanceBufferTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
DistanceBufferTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Distance Buffer Type'.
DistanceBufferUtil |
Utility class for DistanceBufferOperations
DistanceUnits |
A simple container class for containing both a distance and a units (some string value, but
should be m or mi or similar.
DistributedSearchType |
A representation of the model object 'Distributed Search Type'.
DistributedSearchTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Distributed Search Type'.
Divide |
Encodes the operation of division where the first argument is divided by the second argument.
DivideBuilder |
DivideByConst |
Divides every sample values of the source coverage by constants (one for each band).
DivideImpl |
Implementation of divide expression.
DMSAngleType |
A representation of the model object 'DMS Angle Type'.
DMSAngleTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'DMS Angle Type'.
DnDList<T> |
A sub-class of JList that supports drag and drop to reorder items within a single list and to
copy or move items between lists.
DnDListItemsTransferable<T> |
Implements the Transferable interface to carry list item data during drag and drop actions.
DnDListModel<T> |
A generic ListModel class to support DnDList.
DocumentationType |
A representation of the model object 'Documentation Type'.
DocumentationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Documentation Type'.
DocumentFactory |
This is the main entry point into the XSI parsing routines.
DocumentHandler |
Represents the start of an XML document ... serves up elements wrapped in handlers for a
specified schema.
DocumentHandler |
DocumentHandlerImpl |
DocumentOutputDefinitionType |
A representation of the model object 'Document Output Definition Type'.
DocumentOutputDefinitionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Document Output Definition Type'.
DocumentOutputDefinitionTypeValidator |
DocumentRoot |
A representation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRoot |
A representation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRoot |
A representation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRoot |
A representation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRoot |
A representation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRoot |
A representation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRoot |
A representation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRoot |
A representation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRoot |
A representation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRoot |
A representation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRoot |
A representation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRoot |
A representation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRoot |
A representation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRoot |
A representation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRoot |
A representation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRoot |
A representation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRoot |
A representation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRoot |
A representation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRootImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRootImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRootImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRootImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRootImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRootImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRootImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRootImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRootImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRootImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRootImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRootImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRootImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRootImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRootImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRootImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRootImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRootImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Document Root'.
DocumentRootValidator |
DocumentRootValidator |
DocumentRootValidator |
DocumentRootValidator |
DocumentRootValidator |
DocumentRootValidator |
DocumentRootValidator |
DocumentRootValidator |
DocumentRootValidator |
DocumentTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
DocumentTypeV22Binding |
DocumentWriter |
This is the thing that writes documents.
DomainFilterBuilder |
Helper class to build filters matching the provided dimension values
DomainMetadataType |
A representation of the model object 'Domain Metadata Type'.
DomainMetadataType |
A representation of the model object 'Domain Metadata Type'.
DomainMetadataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Domain Metadata Type'.
DomainMetadataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Domain Metadata Type'.
DomainMetadataTypeValidator |
DomainMetadataTypeValidator |
DomainSetType |
A representation of the model object 'Domain Set Type'.
DomainSetType |
A representation of the model object 'Domain Set Type'.
DomainSetTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
DomainSetTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Domain Set Type'.
DomainSetTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Domain Set Type'.
DomainSetTypeValidator |
DomainsType |
Java class for domainsType complex type.
DomainSubsetType |
A representation of the model object 'Domain Subset Type'.
DomainSubsetType |
A representation of the model object 'Domain Subset Type'.
DomainSubsetTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
DomainSubsetTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Domain Subset Type'.
DomainSubsetTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Domain Subset Type'.
DomainSubsetTypeValidator |
DomainSubsetTypeValidator |
DomainType |
A representation of the model object 'Domain Type'.
DomainType |
A representation of the model object 'Domain Type'.
DomainType |
A representation of the model object 'Domain Type'.
DomainType |
Java class for domainType complex type.
DomainTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
DomainTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Domain Type'.
DomainTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Domain Type'.
DomainTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Domain Type'.
DomainTypeValidator |
DomainTypeValidator |
DomainTypeValidator |
DomainValuesType |
A representation of the model object 'Domain Values Type'.
DomainValuesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Domain Values Type'.
DOMParser |
Parses a DOM (Document Object Model) using the geotools xml binding system.
DoubleFileNameExtractorSPI |
DoubleListBinding |
Binding object for the type
DoubleListBinding |
Binding object for the type
DoubleListBinding |
Binding object for the type
DoubleRangeTreeSet |
A treeset implementation with a built-in comparator for NumberRange objects
DpiRescaleStyleVisitor |
This is a style visitor that will produce a copy of the provided style.
DrawableBitSet |
An analogous of BitSet which is explicitly 2 dimensional and allows drawing a shape to
quickly turn on a large area of the map.
Drawer |
This class is used to isolate GeoTools from the specific graphic library being used for
DrawingTypeType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Drawing Type Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
Driver |
A driver adding the ability to work with a new coverage format or service.
Driver.DriverCapabilities |
DropStoredQueryType |
A representation of the model object 'Drop Stored Query Type'.
DropStoredQueryTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Drop Stored Query Type'.
DropStoredQueryTypeValidator |
DSFinderRepository |
Implementation of Repository This class interprets the data source name as a file name or
an URL for a property file containing the ds creation parameters
DTEDFormat |
An implementation of Format for the DTED format.
DTEDFormatFactory |
Implementation of the Format service provider interface for DTED files.
DTEDReader |
This class can read a DTED data source and create a GridCoverage2D from the data.
DummyGraphWalker |
A simple implementation of GraphWalker that does nothing but signal a graph traversal to
DummyProgressListener |
A dummy progress listener.
DuplicatingFilterVisitor |
Used to duplication Filters and/or Expressions - returned object is a copy.
DuplicatingStyleVisitor |
Creates a deep copy of a Style, this class is *NOT THREAD SAFE*.
Duration |
A data type to be used for describing length or distance in the temporal dimension.
Duration |
Implementation of xs:duration.
During |
Filter operator that determines if a temporal object is located during another temporal object as
defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.
DuringBinding |
Binding object for the element
DuringImpl |
DWithin |
Concrete distance buffer operator that evaluates as true when
any part of the first geometry lies within the given distance of the second geometry.
DWithinBinding |
Binding object for the element
DWithinImpl |
DynamicFeatureCollectionType |
A representation of the model object 'Dynamic Feature Collection Type'.
DynamicFeatureCollectionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Dynamic Feature Collection Type'.
DynamicFeatureType |
A representation of the model object 'Dynamic Feature Type'.
DynamicFeatureTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Dynamic Feature Type'.
DynamicLineStyle2D |
A dynamic line style, that will compute its parameters each time they are requested instead of
caching them
DynamicPolygonStyle2D |
A dynamic polygon style, that will compute its parameters each time they are requested instead of
caching them
DynamicSymbolFactoryFinder |
EarthGravitationalModel |
EarthGravitationalModel.Provider |
EchoedRequestType |
A representation of the model object 'Echoed Request Type'.
EchoedRequestTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Echoed Request Type'.
EckertIV |
Eckert IV projection
EckertIV.Provider |
Extended Contextual Query Language (ECQL) is an extension of CQL.
ECQLCompiler |
ECQLParser |
ECQLParser is the result of a javacc jjtree grammar.
ECQLParserConstants |
ECQLParserTokenManager |
ECQLParserTreeConstants |
ECWFormat |
An implementation of Format for the ECW format.
ECWFormatFactory |
Implementation of the Format service provider interface for ECW files.
ECWReader |
This class can read a ECW data source and create a GridCoverage2D from the data.
Edge |
Represents an edge in Graph.
EdgeData |
EdgeType |
A representation of the model object 'Edge Type'.
EdgeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Edge Type'.
EfficientInverseColorMapComputation |
This class is responsible for computing efficiently an inverse color map for a given color map.
Element |
Type of test applied to the data specified by a data quality scope.
Element |
An element in a Well Know Text (WKT).
Element |
Instances of this interface are intended to represent XML Schema Elements.
Element |
A representation of the model object 'Element'.
ElementEncodeExecutor |
ElementEncoder |
Utility class to be used by bindings to encode an element or an attribute.
ElementGrouping |
This represents an abstract collection of xml element definitions within a Schema.
ElementGroupingHandler |
Allows the developer to avoid instanceof operators when wishing to compress.
ElementGT |
Provides ...TODO summary sentence
ElementHandler |
Classes implementing this interface serve has handlers for elements in an instance document as it
is parsed.
ElementHandlerFactory |
This class is used to create handlers for child elements based on the currently defined
ElementHandlerImpl |
ElementImpl |
Type of test applied to the data specified by a data quality scope.
ElementImpl |
ElementImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Element'.
ElementInitializer |
ElementInstance |
Represents an element in an instance document.
ElementNameStreamingParserHandler |
ElementSetNameType |
A representation of the model object 'Element Set Name Type'.
ElementSetNameTypeBinding |
ElementSetNameTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Element Set Name Type'.
ElementSetType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Element Set Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
ElementType |
A representation of the model object 'Element Type'.
ElementTypeHandler |
ElementTypeHandler purpose.
ElementTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Element Type'.
ElementTypeValidator |
ElementValue |
This interface is intended to represent a data structure to pass resolved Child elements to the
parent element.
ElementValueGT |
Ellipsoid |
Geometric figure that can be used to describe the approximate shape of the earth.
EllipsoidalCS |
A two- or three-dimensional coordinate system in which position is specified by geodetic
latitude, geodetic longitude, and (in the three-dimensional case) ellipsoidal height.
EllipsoidalCSRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Ellipsoidal CS Ref Type'.
EllipsoidalCSRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Ellipsoidal CS Ref Type'.
EllipsoidalCSType |
A representation of the model object 'Ellipsoidal CS Type'.
EllipsoidalCSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Ellipsoidal CS Type'.
EllipsoidBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Ellipsoid Base Type'.
EllipsoidBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Ellipsoid Base Type'.
EllipsoidRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Ellipsoid Ref Type'.
EllipsoidRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Ellipsoid Ref Type'.
EllipsoidType |
A representation of the model object 'Ellipsoid Type'.
EllipsoidTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Ellipsoid Type'.
EmfAppSchemaParser |
Utility class to parse FeatureType given by an XML schema location and the name of the Feature
Element whose type is the one needed.
EmfComplexFeatureReader |
EMFUtils |
Utility methods for working with emf model objects.
EmptyFeatureCollection |
EmptyFeatureReader<T extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
Represents an Empty, Typed, FeatureReader.
EmptyFeatureWriter |
Represents an Empty, Typed, FeatureWriter.
EmptyIntersectionException |
Special subclass of CannotCropException reporting that the raster space intersection
between the crop area and the coverage one was found to be empty
EmptyIterator<T> |
An iterator that returns no content.
EmptyIterator |
An iterator for empty geometries
EmptySimpleFeatureReader |
SimpleFeatureReader with no content.
EmptyType |
A representation of the model object 'Empty Type'.
EmptyType |
A representation of the model object 'Empty Type'.
EmptyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Empty Type'.
EmptyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Empty Type'.
EmptyTypeValidator |
Encoder |
Encodes objects as xml based on a schema.
EncoderConfiguration |
Used to configure an instance of org.geotools.xml.Writer .
EncoderDelegate |
An interface used to signal to the Encoder that it should delegate to the object itself
to encode, rather than work the object through the typical encoding routine.
EndedBy |
Filter operator that determines if another temporal object is located at the end of a temporal
object as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.
EndedByBinding |
Binding object for the element
EndedByImpl |
Ends |
Filter operator that determines if a temporal object is located at the end of another temporal
object as defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.
EndsBinding |
Binding object for the element
EndsImpl |
EngineeringCRS |
A contextually local coordinate reference system.
EngineeringCRSRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Engineering CRS Ref Type'.
EngineeringCRSRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Engineering CRS Ref Type'.
EngineeringCRSType |
A representation of the model object 'Engineering CRS Type'.
EngineeringCRSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Engineering CRS Type'.
EngineeringDatum |
Defines the origin of an engineering coordinate reference system.
EngineeringDatumRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Engineering Datum Ref Type'.
EngineeringDatumRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Engineering Datum Ref Type'.
EngineeringDatumType |
A representation of the model object 'Engineering Datum Type'.
EngineeringDatumTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Engineering Datum Type'.
EntityNodeGeometryFactory |
Entry |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Entry |
Entry in a geopackage.
Entry.DataType |
EnumerationConverterFactory |
Converts between enumerations and strings
EnumMapper |
Helper class for enums mapped between integers and strings.
EnumSimpleBinding |
Parses a simple type into an exiting enum.
Envelope2DArchived |
EnvelopePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Envelope Property Type'.
EnvelopePropertyTypeBinding |
EnvelopePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Envelope Property Type'.
EnvelopePropertyTypeValidator |
Envelopes |
A helper class to create bounding envelopes with width and height that are simple multiples of a
given resolution.
EnvelopeType |
A representation of the model object 'Envelope Type'.
EnvelopeType |
A representation of the model object 'Envelope Type'.
EnvelopeType |
EnvelopeType specified in the header of a Geometry (see Geopackage specs)
EnvelopeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
EnvelopeTypeBinding |
EnvelopeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
EnvelopeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Envelope Type'.
EnvelopeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Envelope Type'.
EnvelopeTypeValidator |
EnvelopeWithTimePeriodType |
A representation of the model object 'Envelope With Time Period Type'.
EnvelopeWithTimePeriodType |
A representation of the model object 'Envelope With Time Period Type'.
EnvelopeWithTimePeriodTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
EnvelopeWithTimePeriodTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Envelope With Time Period Type'.
EnvelopeWithTimePeriodTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Envelope With Time Period Type'.
EnvelopeWithTimePeriodTypeValidator |
EnvFunction |
Provides local to thread and global thread-independent lookup tables of named variables allowing
externally defined values to be access within a SLD document.
EnviHdrFormat |
EnviHdrFormatFactory |
EnviHdrReader |
EPSGCRSAuthorityFactory |
Default implementation for a coordinate reference system authority factory backed by the EPSG
property file.
EpsgUnitFormat |
A factory for unit formatters that support the EPSG dialect.
EqualArea |
Equal Earth is a projection inspired by the Robinson projection, but unlike the Robinson
projection retains the relative size of areas.
EqualArea.Provider |
EqualAreaFunction |
Breaks a SimpleFeatureCollection into classes with (roughtly) equal total items area in each
EqualAreaListVisitor |
Obtains the data needed for a Equal Area operation (classification of features into classes each
roughly having the same area).
EqualIntervalFunction |
Classification function for breaking a feature collection into edible chunks of "equal" size.
Equals |
EqualsBinding |
Binding object for the element
EqualsImpl |
EquatorialOrthographic |
EquatorialStereographic |
EquidistantConic |
Equidistant Conic Projection.
EquidistantConic.Provider |
EquidistantCylindrical |
Equidistant cylindrical projection (EPSG code 9823).
EquidistantCylindrical.Provider |
EquidistantCylindrical.SphericalProvider |
ErdasImgFormat |
An implementation a Format for the Erdas Imagine format.
ErdasImgFormatFactory |
Implementation of the Format service provider interface for ERDAS Imagine files.
ErdasImgReader |
This class can read a ERDAS Imagine data source and create a GridCoverage2D from the
ErrorKeys |
Common error messages/patterns for GeoTools.
ErrorKeys |
Common error messages/patterns for the org.geotools.renderer package.
EscapeSql |
Perform basic SQL validation on input string.
EsriExtension |
Extends the EPSG database with Coordinate Reference
Systems defined by ESRI.
EsriHdrFormat |
An implementation of Format for the Esri Hdr format.
EsriHdrFormatFactory |
Implementation of the Format service provider interface for EHdr files.
EsriHdrReader |
This class can read a EHdr data source and create a GridCoverage2D from the data.
EsriUnitFormat |
A factory for unit formatters that support the EPSG dialect.
ETYPE is a set of constants used to describe Oracle SDO Geometries.
EvaluationMethodType |
Type of method for evaluating an identified data quality measure.
EventContentFeatureWriter |
FeatureWriter wrapper that issues events modifications as required.
ExceptionDetails |
Corresponds to one detail item of an WFS exception report.
ExceptionReportType |
A representation of the model object 'Exception Report Type'.
ExceptionReportType |
A representation of the model object 'Exception Report Type'.
ExceptionReportType |
A representation of the model object 'Exception Report Type'.
ExceptionReportTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Exception Report Type'.
ExceptionReportTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Exception Report Type'.
ExceptionReportTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Exception Report Type'.
ExceptionReportTypeValidator |
ExceptionReportTypeValidator |
ExceptionReportTypeValidator |
ExceptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Exception Type'.
ExceptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Exception Type'.
ExceptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Exception Type'.
ExceptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Exception Type'.
ExceptionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ExceptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Exception Type'.
ExceptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Exception Type'.
ExceptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Exception Type'.
ExceptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Exception Type'.
ExceptionTypeValidator |
ExceptionTypeValidator |
ExceptionTypeValidator |
ExceptionTypeValidator |
ExcessGranulePolicy |
Policy for excess granule removal
ExcludeFilter |
Indicating "filter all", evaluates to false .
ExecuteRequestType |
A representation of the model object 'Execute Request Type'.
ExecuteRequestTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ExecuteRequestTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Execute Request Type'.
ExecuteResponseType |
A representation of the model object 'Execute Response Type'.
ExecuteResponseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Execute Response Type'.
ExecuteResponseTypeValidator |
ExecuteType |
A representation of the model object 'Execute Type'.
ExecuteTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Execute Type'.
ExecuteTypeValidator |
ExecutionStatusType |
A representation of the model object 'Execution Status Type'.
ExecutionStatusTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Execution Status Type'.
ExecutionStatusTypeValidator |
ExhaustivePathFinder |
Exp |
Takes the exponential of the sample values of a coverage.
ExpandedTabWriter |
Writes characters to a stream while expanding tabs ('\t' ) into spaces.
ExplicitBoundsShape |
Decorator on top of the Shape .
ExplicitClassifier |
Explicit classification for a set of values.
ExplicitGroup |
A representation of the model object 'Explicit Group'.
ExplicitGroupImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Explicit Group'.
ExponentialContrastMethodStrategy |
ExponentialFunction |
Generate an output by interpolating between stops just less than and just greater than the
function input.
ExponentialTransform1D |
A one dimensional exponentional transform.
ExponentialTransform1D.Provider |
Expression |
Interface for all the OGC Filter elements that compute values.
ExpressionAbstract |
Abstract superclass of these Expression implementations.
ExpressionBuilder |
ExpressionBuilder acting as a simple wrapper around an Expression.
ExpressionDOMParser |
parses short sections of gml for use in expressions and filters.
ExpressionExtractor |
Helper class that allows the extraction of CQL expressions out of a plain text string using
special separators.
ExpressionHandler |
Handles xml parse events for Expression elements
(literals, rendering transforms, and functions).
ExpressionSAXParser |
ExpressionToCQL2Json |
This class is responsible to convert an expression to a CQL2-JSON expression.
ExpressionToText |
This class is responsible to convert an expression to a CQL/ECQL valid expression.
ExpressionType |
The ExpressionType interface lists all the possible type of filter.
ExpressionTypeVisitor |
Returns the output type of the visited expression, taking into account functions output types,
property types, and general promotion rules in arithmetic expressions
ExpressionValidator |
Validator for expressions
ExpressionVisitor |
Extended |
A representation of the model object 'Extended'.
ExtendedCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Extended Capabilities Type'.
ExtendedCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Extended Capabilities Type'.
ExtendedDataTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ExtendedDescriptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Extended Description Type'.
ExtendedDescriptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Extended Description Type'.
ExtendedDescriptionTypeValidator |
ExtendedImagingParameterDescriptors |
Extension of the ImagingParameterDescriptors class used for setting the right operation
name for the operation associated to the input RegistryElementDescriptor .
ExtendedImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Extended'.
ExtensionHandler |
Represents an Extension element
ExtensionItemType |
Contains one item from the csw:Extension container.
ExtensionItemTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Extension Item Type'.
ExtensionOperatorType |
A representation of the model object 'Extension Operator Type'.
ExtensionOperatorTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Extension Operator Type'.
ExtensionOpsType |
A representation of the model object 'Extension Ops Type'.
ExtensionOpsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Extension Ops Type'.
ExtensionSymbolizer |
An symbolizer interface for all unnormalized symbolizers, This interface should be used for
vendor specific symbolizers.
ExtensionSymbolizerBuilder |
ExtensionType |
A representation of the model object 'Extension Type'.
ExtensionType |
A representation of the model object 'Extension Type'.
ExtensionType |
A representation of the model object 'Extension Type'.
ExtensionTypeBinding |
Custom binding for the open ended WCS:Extension element
ExtensionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Extension Type'.
ExtensionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Extension Type'.
ExtensionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Extension Type'.
Extent |
Information about spatial, vertical, and temporal extent.
Extent |
An Extent gives feature/coverage/raster/matrix dimension extent.
Extent |
Property class for holding and handling of property values declared in Extent-element of a layer
ExtentBuilder<P> |
ExtentImpl |
Information about spatial, vertical, and temporal extent.
ExtentImpl |
ExtentType |
A representation of the model object 'Extent Type'.
ExtentTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Extent Type'.
ExternalGraphic |
Points to an external file that contains an image of some kind, such as a CGM, JPG, or SVG.
ExternalGraphicBinding |
Binding object for the element
ExternalGraphicBuilder |
ExternalGraphicFactory |
Symbol handler for an external symbolizers.
ExternalGraphicImpl |
ExternalGraphicParser |
ExternalMark |
The alternative to a WellKnownName is an external mark format.
ExternalMarkBuilder |
ExternalMarkImpl |
Default implementation of ExternalMark.
ExtractBoundsFilterVisitor |
Extract a maximal envelope from the provided Filter.
Extrema |
This operation simply wraps JAI Extrema operations described by ExtremaDescriptor inside
a GeoTools operation in order to make it spatial-aware.
Facet |
Facet |
A representation of the model object 'Facet'.
FacetGT |
FacetHandler |
FacetHandler purpose.
FacetImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Facet'.
FaceType |
A representation of the model object 'Face Type'.
FaceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Face Type'.
Factory |
Base interface for all factories.
Factory |
Base interface for Geotools factories (i.e. service discovery).
Factory |
FactoryCreator |
A factory registry capable to creates factories if no appropriate
instance was found in the registry.
FactoryDependencies |
Build a tree of factory dependencies.
FactoryException |
Thrown when a factory can't create an instance of the requested object.
FactoryFinder |
Base class for factory finders.
FactoryIteratorProvider |
Provides iterators over factories of specified categories.
FactoryNotFoundException |
Thrown when a requested factory has not been found.
FactoryNotFoundException |
Thrown when a factory can't be found in the registery.
FactoryRegistry |
A registry for factories, organized by categories (usually by interface).
FactoryRegistryException |
Thrown when a factory can't be found or can't be instantiate.
FactoryUsingAnsiSQL |
An EPSG factory for the database generated by SQL scripts rather than the MS-Access one.
FactoryUsingSQL |
FactoryUsingWKT |
FallbackAuthorityFactory |
A factory which delegates all object creation to a primary factory, and fallback on
an other one if the primary factory failed.
FallbackFunction |
A placeholder class used to track a function the user requested that is not supported by our java
FCBuffer |
Feature Buffer ... acts as a FeatureReader by making itself as
a seperate thread prior starting execution with the SAX Parser.
FCBuffer.StopException |
FCFlowHandler |
Allows the XMLSAXHandler to abort parsing of GML.
FCode |
Defines constants related to FACC Code processing.
Feature |
An instance of FeatureType representing a geographic feature composed of geometric and
non-geometric properties.
FeatureArrayPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Feature Array Property Type'.
FeatureArrayPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
FeatureArrayPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Feature Array Property Type'.
FeatureAttributeVisitor |
Extension of FeatureVisitor for visitors that require access to properties of the feature
collection being visited.
FeatureBuilder<FT extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
This class provides some common functionality for builders and defines an abstraction for Feature
builders' public interfaces.
FeatureCalc |
A visitor which performs a calculation on a FeatureCollection.
FeatureChainedAttributeVisitor |
Expression visitor that uses the attribute and mapping information provided by a FeatureTypeMapping object to determine which nested feature types / attributes must be traversed
to reach the attribute identified by the provided PropertyName expression.
FeatureChainedAttributeVisitor.FeatureChainedAttributeDescriptor |
Descriptor class holding information about a feature chained attribute, i.e. an attribute
belonging to a feature type that is linked to a root feature type via feature chaining.
FeatureChainedAttributeVisitor.FeatureChainLink |
Represents a single link in the "chain" of feature types that need to be linked to go from
the root type to a nested attribute.
FeatureClassStats |
FeatureClassStats.Results |
FeatureClassTypes |
FeatureCollection<T extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
Collection of features, often handled as a result set.
FeatureCollectionEncoderDelegate |
Base class for feature collection optimized GML encoder delegates
FeatureCollectionHandler |
FeatureCollectionIteration |
The FeatureCollectionIteration provides a depth first traversal of a SimpleFeatureCollection
which will call the provided call-back Handler.
FeatureCollectionIteration.Handler |
A callback handler for the iteration of the contents of a FeatureCollection.
FeatureCollectionTableModel |
A Swing TableModel to retrieve attribute values from each feature in a feature collection
and cache them for a JTable
FeatureCollectionType |
A representation of the model object 'Feature Collection Type'.
FeatureCollectionType |
A representation of the model object 'Feature Collection Type'.
FeatureCollectionType |
A representation of the model object 'Feature Collection Type'.
FeatureCollectionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
FeatureCollectionTypeBinding |
FeatureCollectionTypeBinding |
FeatureCollectionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
FeatureCollectionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Feature Collection Type'.
FeatureCollectionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Feature Collection Type'.
FeatureCollectionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Feature Collection Type'.
FeatureCollectionTypeValidator |
FeatureCollectionTypeValidator |
FeatureComparators |
A utility class for creating simple Comparators for Features.
FeatureComparators.Index |
A Comparator which performs the comparison on attributes at a given index.
FeatureComparators.Name |
A Comparator which performs the comparison on attributes with a given name.
FeatureEntry |
Feature entry in a geopackage.
FeatureEvent |
Represents all events triggered by DataStore instances (typically change events).
FeatureEvent.Type |
FeatureFactory |
Factory for creation of attributes, associations, and features.
FeatureGraphGenerator |
Builds a graph from org.geotools.feature.Feature objects.
FeatureHandler |
FeatureId |
Feature identifier.
FeatureIdImpl |
FeatureIdVersionedImpl |
FeatureImpl |
Temptative implementation of Feature.
FeatureImplUtils |
Utility class used by feature model implementation.
FeatureIndex |
An Index is built up around a FeatureCollection, using one of the attributes in the
SimpleFeatureCollection as a comparable reference.
FeatureInfoResponseBinding |
Binding object for the element
FeatureInfoResponseType |
A representation of the model object 'Feature Info Response Type'.
FeatureInfoResponseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Feature Info Response Type'.
FeatureIterator<F extends Feature> |
FeatureIteratorImpl<F extends Feature> |
A convenience class for dealing with wrapping a Collection Iterator up as a FeatureIterator.
FeatureIteratorIterator<F extends Feature> |
FeatureJSON |
Reads and writes feature objects to and from geojson.
FeatureLayer |
Layer responsible for rendering vector information provided by a FeatureSource.
FeatureLayerHelper |
FeatureListener |
Interface to be implemented by all listeners of FeatureEvents.
FeatureListenerManager |
This class is used by DataStore implementations to provide FeatureListener support for the
FeatureSources they create.
FeatureLock |
Used in conjuction with FeatureLocking to lock features during a transaction.
FeatureLockException |
Indicates a lock contention, and attempt was made to modify or aquire with out Authroization.
FeatureLocking<T extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
Provides Feature based locking.
FeatureLocking.Response |
Idea for a response from a high-level lock( Query ) function.
FeatureProcess |
FeaturePropertyAccessorFactory |
Creates a namespace aware property accessor for ISO Features.
FeaturePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Feature Property Type'.
FeaturePropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
FeaturePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Feature Property Type'.
FeatureReader<T extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
The low-level interface for reading Features.
FeatureReaderIterator<F extends Feature> |
An iterator that wraps around a FeatureReader.
Features |
Feature utility class.
FeaturesConformance |
FeaturesLockedType |
A representation of the model object 'Features Locked Type'.
FeaturesLockedType |
A representation of the model object 'Features Locked Type'.
FeaturesLockedTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
FeaturesLockedTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Features Locked Type'.
FeaturesLockedTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Features Locked Type'.
FeaturesLockedTypeValidator |
FeaturesLockedTypeValidator |
FeaturesNotLockedType |
A representation of the model object 'Features Not Locked Type'.
FeaturesNotLockedType |
A representation of the model object 'Features Not Locked Type'.
FeaturesNotLockedTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
FeaturesNotLockedTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Features Not Locked Type'.
FeaturesNotLockedTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Features Not Locked Type'.
FeaturesNotLockedTypeValidator |
FeaturesNotLockedTypeValidator |
FeatureSource<T extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
This class provides a high-level API for operations on feature data.
FeatureStore<T extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
This interface extends FeatureSource , adding methods to add and remove features and to
modify existing features.
FeatureStreams |
Provides toStream transform methods for Feature Collection & Iterator
FeatureStreams.StreamFeatureIterator<F extends Feature> |
Iterator Wrapper for use on streams
FeatureStyleEncoder |
FeatureStyleParser |
Handles parsing a Ysld "feature-styles" property into a FeatureTypeStyle object.
FeatureStylePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Feature Style Property Type'.
FeatureStylePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Feature Style Property Type'.
FeatureStylesHandler |
Handles xml parse events for org.geotools.styling.FeatureTypeStyle elements.
FeatureStyleType |
A representation of the model object 'Feature Style Type'.
FeatureStyleTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Feature Style Type'.
FeatureToFeatureProcess |
Abstract implementation of Process for feature collections.
FeatureToFeatureProcessFactory |
Base class for process factories which perform an operation on each feature in a feature
collection with the result being a feature collection (the original collection modified or a new
FeatureTransformer |
FeatureTransformer provides a mechanism for converting Feature objects into (hopefully) valid
FeatureTransformer.FeatureTypeNamespaces |
FeatureType |
The type of a Feature.
FeatureTypeAttributeIO |
FeatureTypeAttributeIterator |
A special iterator for iterating over the attributes of a feature type.
FeatureTypeAttributePointer |
Pointer to a single attribute of a feature type.
FeatureTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
FeatureTypeCache |
Holds a cache of FeatureTypes by Name.
FeatureTypeConstraint |
A FeatureTypeConstraint identifies a specific feature type and supplies filtering.
FeatureTypeConstraintBuilder |
FeatureTypeConstraintImpl |
FeatureTypeDBObject |
FeatureTypeFactory |
Factory for types and descriptors.
FeatureTypeFactoryImpl |
This implementation is capable of creating a good default implementation of the Types used in the
feature model.
FeatureTypeHandler |
Obtains a complete feature type from GeoJSON by parsing beyond first feature and finding
attributes that did not appear in the first feature or had null values.
FeatureTypeImpl |
Base implementation of FeatureType.
FeatureTypeInfo |
FeatureTypeInfoImpl |
FeatureTypeInfoImpl |
FeatureTypeListType |
A representation of the model object 'Feature Type List Type'.
FeatureTypeListType |
A representation of the model object 'Feature Type List Type'.
FeatureTypeListTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
FeatureTypeListTypeBinding |
FeatureTypeListTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Feature Type List Type'.
FeatureTypeListTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Feature Type List Type'.
FeatureTypeListTypeValidator |
FeatureTypeListTypeValidator |
FeatureTypeMapper |
A simple interface which provides FeatureType mapping information such as the name of the
original type name and the mapped one, the wrapped feature type as well as the customized version
FeatureTypeMapping |
FeatureTypeMappingFactory |
FeatureTypePointer |
Special node pointer for org.geotools.feature.FeatureType .
FeatureTypeProxy |
FeatureTypeRegistry |
FeatureTypeRegistryConfiguration |
Configuration for a Complex Feature Type Registry (see gt-complex module), - tells the registry
which schemas and configurations to use - tells the registry when to create a Feature Type, a
Geometry Type or set Identifiable
FeatureTypes |
Utility methods for working against the FeatureType interface.
FeatureTypeStyle |
Represents a style that applies to features or coverage.
FeatureTypeStyle.RenderingSelectionOptions |
FeatureTypeStyleBinding |
Binding object for the element
FeatureTypeStyleBuilder |
FeatureTypeStyleImpl |
Implementation of Feature Type Style; care is taken to ensure everything is mutable.
FeatureTypeTransformer |
Transformer that transforms feature types into (hopefully) valid XML schemas.
FeatureTypeTransformer.FeatureTypeTranslator |
A FeatureTypeTranslator encodes FeatureTypes as a (hopefully) valid XML schema.
FeatureTypeType |
A representation of the model object 'Feature Type Type'.
FeatureTypeType |
A representation of the model object 'Feature Type Type'.
FeatureTypeType_NoSRSBinding |
Binding object for the type
FeatureTypeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
FeatureTypeTypeBinding |
FeatureTypeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Feature Type Type'.
FeatureTypeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Feature Type Type'.
FeatureTypeTypeValidator |
FeatureTypeTypeValidator |
FeatureUtilities |
FeatureVisitor |
FeatureVisitor interface to allow for container optimised traversal.
FeatureWrapper |
You can make feature wrappers for specific types by extending this class and annotating the
descendant class's fields with XSDMapping to show what they correspond to in the XSD.
FeatureWriter<T extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
Provides the ability to write Features information.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
Fes20AdapterFactory |
The Adapter Factory for the model.
Fes20Factory |
The Factory for the model.
Fes20FactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
Fes20Package |
The Package for the model.
Fes20Package.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
Fes20PackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
Fes20Switch<T> |
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
Fes20Validator |
The Validator for the model.
FESConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
FESParseEncodeUtil |
Utility class for FES bindings.
FESParserDelegate |
Parser delegate for the FES schema.
FIDFeatureReader |
Experimental FeatureReader that always takes the first column
of the attributeReader as the FeatureID.
FidFilterImpl |
Defines a ID filter, which holds a list of IDs ( usually feature id;s ).
FidIndexer |
Creates a .fix file (fid index).
FIDReader |
FeatureReader<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> customized for FeatureID handling.
FieldHandler |
FieldHandler purpose.
FieldSubsetType |
A representation of the model object 'Field Subset Type'.
FieldSubsetTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Field Subset Type'.
FieldSubsetTypeValidator |
FieldType |
A representation of the model object 'Field Type'.
FieldType |
A FieldType describes a measure/observation/forecast of a certain
FieldType |
A representation of the model object 'Field Type'.
FieldTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Field Type'.
FieldTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Field Type'.
FieldTypeValidator |
Figure |
FileChannelDecorator |
FileConstants |
VPF File file constants.
FileCoverageAccess |
FileDataStore |
DataStore represents a single file of content.
FileDataStoreFactorySpi |
DataAccessFactory for working with formats based on a single URL.
FileDataStoreFinder |
Most of this code was copied from DataStoreFinder.
FileDriver |
FileGroupProvider |
FileGroupProvider.FileGroup |
A Group of Files consisting of a reference to a mainFile, plus a set of support Files (if
any) and metadata map.
FileNameRegexNameCollectorSPI |
FileReader |
Indicates that the object reads one of the Shapefile related files controlled by ShpFiles
FileReaderWriter |
Represents a GraphReaderWriter that reads/writes from/to files.
FileResourceInfo |
Extends ResourceInfo with information about the file structure of the resource
FileServiceInfo |
Extends ServiceInfo with information about the underlying file structure
FileSetManager |
FileStoreFactory |
A delegate that finds the files managed by the directory store and
FileSystemFileSetManager |
FileSystemIndexStore |
FileSystemNode |
FileType |
A representation of the model object 'File Type'.
FileTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'File Type'.
FileValueModelType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'File Value Model Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
FileWriter |
Indicates that the object writes to one of the Shapefile related files controlled by ShpFiles
Fill |
Indicates how the interior of polygons will be filled.
FillBinding |
Binding object for the element
FillBuilder |
FillDefaultType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Fill Default Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
FillEncoder |
FillExtrusionMBLayer |
MBLayer wrapper for "fill extrusion" representing extruded (3D) polygon.
FillExtrusionMBLayer.TranslateAnchor |
FillHandler |
Handles xml parse events for the org.geotools.styling.Fill element.
FillImpl |
FillImpl.ConstantFill |
FillMBLayer |
MBLayer wrapper for "Fill" layers.
FillMBLayer.FillTranslateAnchor |
Controls the translation reference point.
FillParser |
Handles parsing Ysld "fill-*" properties ("fill-color", "fill-opacity", "fill-graphic") into a
Fill object.
FillTimingAttrsType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Fill Timing Attrs Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
Filter |
Defines a constraint that can be checked against an instance of an object (Usually a Feature).
Filter_CapabilitiesTypeBinding |
FilterAbstract |
Abstract implementation for Filter.
FilterAttributeExtractor |
A simple visitor that extracts every attribute used by a filter or an expression
FilterBuilder |
FilterBuilder acting as a simple wrapper around an Expression.
FilterCapabilities |
FilterCapabilitiesBean used to represent
Filter expressions according to the
1.0.0 as well as the 1.1.1 Filter Encoding Implementation Specification .
FilterCapabilities |
Represents the Filter capabilities that are supported by a SQLEncoder
FilterCapabilitiesImpl |
Implementation of the FilterCapabilities interface.
FilterCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Filter Capabilities Type'.
FilterCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Filter Capabilities Type'.
FilterComplexTypes |
Represent complex types Bbox, Comparison etc ...
FilterComplexTypes.Arithmetic_OperatorsType |
FilterComplexTypes.BinaryOperatorType |
FilterComplexTypes.Comparison_OperatorsType |
FilterComplexTypes.EmptyType |
FilterComplexTypes.ExpressionType |
FilterComplexTypes.Filter_CapabilitiesType |
FilterComplexTypes.Function_NamesType |
FilterComplexTypes.Function_NameType |
FilterComplexTypes.FunctionsType |
FilterComplexTypes.FunctionType |
FilterComplexTypes.LiteralType |
FilterComplexTypes.PropertyNameType |
FilterComplexTypes.Scalar_CapabilitiesType |
FilterComplexTypes.ServiceExceptionReportType |
FilterComplexTypes.ServiceExceptionType |
FilterComplexTypes.SortByType |
This is a Filter 1.0.20 filter element.
FilterComplexTypes.SortOrderType |
also from the 1.0.20 version, and excluded from the Schema object
FilterComplexTypes.Spatial_CapabilitiesType |
FilterComplexTypes.Spatial_OperatorsType |
FilterCompliancePreProcessor |
Prepares a filter for xml encoded for interoperability with another system.
FilterDOMParser |
A dom based parser to build filters as per OGC 01-067
FilteredIterator<F extends Feature> |
Provides an implementation of Iterator that will filter contents using the provided filter.
FilteredSubsample |
This operation is simply a wrapper for the JAI FilteredSubsample operation which allows me to
arbitrarly scale a rendered image while smoothing it out.
FilterEncodingPreProcessor |
Prepares a filter for XML encoded for interoperability with another system.
FilterFactory |
Interface whose methods allow the caller to create instances of the various Filter and
Expression subclasses.
FilterFactoryCreationException |
An exception that can be thrown by the StyleFactory if it fails to create the implementation of
the StyleFactory.
FilterFactoryImpl |
Implementation of the FilterFactory, generates the filter implementations in defaultcore.
FilterFactoryImplNamespaceAware |
FilterFactoryImplReportInvalidProperty |
FilterFilter |
Creates an OGC filter using a SAX filter.
FilterFunction_abs |
FilterFunction_abs_2 |
FilterFunction_abs_3 |
FilterFunction_abs_4 |
FilterFunction_acos |
FilterFunction_area |
FilterFunction_asin |
FilterFunction_atan |
FilterFunction_atan2 |
FilterFunction_between |
FilterFunction_boundary |
FilterFunction_boundaryDimension |
FilterFunction_buffer |
FilterFunction_bufferWithSegments |
FilterFunction_ceil |
FilterFunction_centroid |
FilterFunction_contains |
FilterFunction_Convert |
Applies the available Converter to turn the value into the desired target class
FilterFunction_convexHull |
FilterFunction_cos |
FilterFunction_crosses |
FilterFunction_dateFormat |
Formats a date into a string given a certain pattern (specified in the format accepted by SimpleDateFormat }
FilterFunction_dateParse |
Parses a date from a string given a certain pattern (specified in the format accepted by SimpleDateFormat }
FilterFunction_difference |
FilterFunction_dimension |
FilterFunction_disjoint |
FilterFunction_disjoint3D |
FilterFunction_distance |
FilterFunction_distance3D |
FilterFunction_double2bool |
FilterFunction_endAngle |
FilterFunction_endPoint |
FilterFunction_envelope |
FilterFunction_equalsExact |
FilterFunction_equalsExactTolerance |
FilterFunction_equalTo |
FilterFunction_exp |
FilterFunction_exteriorRing |
FilterFunction_floor |
FilterFunction_geometryType |
FilterFunction_geomFromWKT |
FilterFunction_geomLength |
FilterFunction_getGeometryN |
FilterFunction_getX |
FilterFunction_getY |
FilterFunction_getZ |
FilterFunction_greaterEqualThan |
FilterFunction_greaterThan |
FilterFunction_IEEEremainder |
FilterFunction_if_then_else |
FilterFunction_in10 |
FilterFunction_in2 |
FilterFunction_in3 |
FilterFunction_in4 |
FilterFunction_in5 |
FilterFunction_in6 |
FilterFunction_in7 |
FilterFunction_in8 |
FilterFunction_in9 |
FilterFunction_int2bbool |
FilterFunction_int2ddouble |
FilterFunction_interiorPoint |
FilterFunction_interiorRingN |
FilterFunction_intersection |
FilterFunction_intersects |
FilterFunction_intersects3D |
FilterFunction_isClosed |
FilterFunction_isCoverage |
Function to identify if a feature is a wrapped coverage or not
FilterFunction_isEmpty |
FilterFunction_isLike |
FilterFunction_isNull |
FilterFunction_isometric |
FilterFunction_isRing |
FilterFunction_isSimple |
FilterFunction_isValid |
FilterFunction_isWithinDistance |
FilterFunction_isWithinDistance3D |
FilterFunction_lessEqualThan |
FilterFunction_lessThan |
FilterFunction_list |
A simple function that creates a list of values of any number of arguments
FilterFunction_listMultiply |
Filter function to multiply a text list of numbers with a given factor.
FilterFunction_log |
FilterFunction_max |
FilterFunction_max_2 |
FilterFunction_max_3 |
FilterFunction_max_4 |
FilterFunction_min |
FilterFunction_min_2 |
FilterFunction_min_3 |
FilterFunction_min_4 |
FilterFunction_minimumCircle |
A FilterFunction that expects a Geometry and returns it's minimum bounding circle.
FilterFunction_minimumDiameter |
A FilterFunction that expects a Geometry and returns it's minimum diameter.
FilterFunction_minimumRectangle |
A FilterFunction that expects a Geometry and returns it's minimum rectangle.
FilterFunction_not |
FilterFunction_notEqualTo |
FilterFunction_numberFormat |
Formats a number into a string given a certain pattern (specified in the format accepted by
DecimalFormat }
FilterFunction_numberFormat2 |
Formats a number into a string given a certain pattern (specified in the format accepted by
DecimalFormat }
FilterFunction_numGeometries |
FilterFunction_numInteriorRing |
FilterFunction_numPoints |
FilterFunction_octagonalEnvelope |
A FilterFunction that expects a Geometry and returns it's octagonal envelope.
FilterFunction_offset |
FilterFunction_offset.OffsetOrdinateFilter |
Applies an offset to the X and Y coordinates
FilterFunction_overlaps |
FilterFunction_parseBoolean |
FilterFunction_parseDouble |
FilterFunction_parseInt |
FilterFunction_parseLong |
FilterFunction_pgNearest |
NEAREST function implementation for Postgis
Function name: pgNearest
FilterFunction_pointN |
FilterFunction_pow |
FilterFunction_property |
Extracts a property from a feature, taking the property name as a parameter
FilterFunction_random |
FilterFunction_relate |
FilterFunction_relatePattern |
FilterFunction_rint |
FilterFunction_round |
FilterFunction_round_2 |
FilterFunction_roundDouble |
FilterFunction_sdonn |
Oracle function SDO_NN to identify the nearest neighbors for a geometry
FilterFunction_setCRS |
FilterFunction_sin |
FilterFunction_sqrt |
FilterFunction_startAngle |
FilterFunction_startPoint |
FilterFunction_strAbbreviate |
FilterFunction_strCapitalize |
FilterFunction_strConcat |
FilterFunction_strDefaultIfBlank |
FilterFunction_strEndsWith |
FilterFunction_strEqualsIgnoreCase |
FilterFunction_strIndexOf |
FilterFunction_strLastIndexOf |
FilterFunction_strLength |
FilterFunction_strMatches |
FilterFunction_strPosition |
Filter function implementing the Symbology Encoding "StringPosition" function.
FilterFunction_strReplace |
FilterFunction_strStartsWith |
FilterFunction_strStripAccents |
FilterFunction_strSubstring |
FilterFunction_strSubstringStart |
FilterFunction_strToLowerCase |
FilterFunction_strToUpperCase |
FilterFunction_strTrim |
FilterFunction_strTrim2 |
Function implementing the Symbology Encoding Trim function.
FilterFunction_symDifference |
FilterFunction_tan |
FilterFunction_toDegrees |
FilterFunction_toRadians |
FilterFunction_touches |
FilterFunction_toWKT |
FilterFunction_union |
FilterFunction_vertices |
FilterFunction_within |
FilterHandler |
Interface to recieve filters from the filter sax parsing classes.
FilterHandler |
Handles xml parse events for filter expressions.
FilteringFeatureCollection<T extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
Decorates a feature collection with one that filters content.
FilteringFeatureIterator<F extends Feature> |
Decorates a FeatureIterator with one that filters content.
FilteringFeatureReader<T extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
Basic support for a FeatureReader that does filtering.
FilteringFeatureWriter |
Filtering is performed on this hasNext() method.
FilteringFileStoreFactory |
A delegate that indicates which files can be managed by the delegate store, when setting up a
FilteringIterator<F extends Feature> |
Decorates a org.geotools.feature.Feature iterator with one that filters content.
FilteringSimpleFeatureCollection |
Decorates a feature collection with one that filters content.
FilteringSimpleFeatureIterator |
FilteringSimpleFeatureReader |
Filter simple reader content as it is being read.
FilterLang |
FilterOperation |
Common super-class for filter operation.
FilterOpsComplexTypes |
Encode/Decode Filter types.
FilterOpsComplexTypes.BBOXType |
The element is defined as a convenient and more compact way of encoding the very
common bounding box constraint based on the gml:Box geometry.
FilterOpsComplexTypes.BinaryComparisonOpType |
FilterOpsComplexTypes.BinaryLogicOpType |
FilterOpsComplexTypes.BinarySpatialOpType |
FilterOpsComplexTypes.ComparisonOpsType |
FilterOpsComplexTypes.DistanceBufferType |
FilterOpsComplexTypes.DistanceType |
FilterOpsComplexTypes.FeatureIdType |
FilterOpsComplexTypes.FilterType |
FilterOpsComplexTypes.LogicOpsType |
FilterOpsComplexTypes.LowerBoundaryType |
FilterOpsComplexTypes.PropertyIsBetweenType |
FilterOpsComplexTypes.PropertyIsLikeType |
FilterOpsComplexTypes.PropertyIsNullType |
FilterOpsComplexTypes.SpatialOpsType |
FilterOpsComplexTypes.UnaryLogicOpType |
FilterOpsComplexTypes.UpperBoundaryType |
FilterParserDelegate |
Parser delegate for the Filter 1.1 schema.
FilterParsingUtils |
Convenience class for filter parsing.
Filters |
Utility class for working with Filters & Expression.
FilterSAXParser |
Creates filters from FilterFilter, which reads in a SAX stream and passes the appropriate
messages here.
FilterSchema |
Schema for parsing filter content.
FilterSchema.FilterElement |
FilterToCQL2Json |
This class is responsible to transform a filter to an CQL2-JSON
FilterToMongo |
Visitor responsible for generating a BasicDBObject to use as a MongoDB query.
FilterToSQL |
Encodes a filter into a SQL WHERE statement.
FilterToSQL.FieldEncoder |
Interface for customizing the encoding of Fields, irrespective of which subclass of
FilterToSQL we are using.
FilterToSQLException |
Indicates a client class has attempted to encode a filter not supported by the SQLEncoder being
used, or that there were io problems.
FilterToTextUtil |
The method of this utility class allows to build the CQL/ECQL predicate associated to a Filter .
FilterTracker |
FilterTransformer |
An XMLEncoder for Filters and Expressions.
FilterTransformer.FilterTranslator |
FilterType |
A representation of the model object 'Filter Type'.
FilterType |
The FilterType interface lists all the possible type of filter.
FilterTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
FilterTypeBinding |
FilterTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Filter Type'.
FilterValidator |
Validator for Filters
FilterVisitor |
FilterVisitorSupport |
Base filter visitor class that aggregates the individual visit methods based on filter
FixBBOXFilterVisitor |
Visit the BBOX filter elements and make sure they are valid.
FixtureUtilities |
Static methods to support the implementation of tests that use fixture configuration files.
FloatFileNameExtractorSPI |
FloatParameter |
A parameter value as a floating point (double precision) number.
FlowHandler |
Provides a mechanism to indicate that the XMLSAXHandler should stop parsing.
Folder |
Container for folder name hierarchies
FolderBinding |
FolderStack |
FolderTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
Font |
The Font element identifies a font of a certain family, style, and size.
Font.Style |
Enumeration of allow font-style values.
Font.Weight |
Enumeration of allow font-weight values.
FontAlternativesFunction |
Looks up all script specific alternatives for the given font name.
FontAttributesExtractor |
Function object parsing a full font name and returning its base name, bold and italic modifiers
as properties.
FontBinding |
Binding object for the element
FontBuilder |
FontCache |
Lookup and caches font definitions for faster retrieval
FontEncoder |
FontImpl |
Provides a Java representation of the Font element of an SLD.
FootprintBehavior |
Handles the way footprints should be treated.
FootprintExtractionProcess |
A process to extract footprint from a raster.
FootprintGeometryProvider |
FootprintInsetPolicy |
Policy specifying how to apply an inset of the footprints
FootprintLoader |
Helper that loads a sidecar footprint file in a certain format
FootprintLoaderFinder |
Enable programs to find all available FootprintLoader implementations.
FootprintLoaderSpi |
Constructs a live FootprintLoader
FootprintsTransformation |
ForceCoordinateSystemFeatureReader |
ForceCoordinateSystemFeatureReader provides a CoordinateReferenceSystem for FeatureTypes.
ForceCoordinateSystemFeatureResults |
ForceCoordinateSystemFeatureResults provides a CoordinateReferenceSystem for FeatureTypes.
ForceCoordinateSystemIterator |
ForceCoordinateSystemFeatureReader provides a CoordinateReferenceSystem for FeatureTypes.
Format |
FormatDateBinding |
Binding object for the element
FormatDateTimezoneFunction |
FormatNumberBinding |
Binding object for the element
Formattable |
Formattable |
Formatter |
FormatType |
A representation of the model object 'Format Type'.
FormatTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Format Type'.
FormChoice |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Form Choice',
and utility methods for working with them.
FormulaType |
A representation of the model object 'Formula Type'.
FormulaTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Formula Type'.
FSDateExtractorSPI |
FullDerivationSetMember0 |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Full Derivation Set Member0',
and utility methods for working with them.
Function |
Instances of this class represent a function call into some implementation-specific function.
Function_NamesTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
Function_NameTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
FunctionBuilder |
FunctionExpression |
Quick Function implementation for direct use as a factory.
FunctionExpressionImpl |
Abstract class for a function expression implementation
FunctionFactory |
Factory interface for filter functions.
FunctionFinder |
Isolate function lookup code from Factory implementation(s).
FunctionImpl |
Default implementation of a Function; you may extend this class to implement specific
FunctionName |
Function description provided in a filter capabilities.
FunctionNameImpl |
Implementation of the FunctionName interface.
Functions |
Supported functions in a capabilities document.
FunctionsImpl |
Implementation of the Functions interface.
FunctionsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
FunctionType |
A representation of the model object 'Function Type'.
FunctionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
FunctionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
FunctionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Function Type'.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
GCOSchema |
GDALResourceInfo |
GeneralBounds |
A minimum bounding box or rectangle.
GeneralConversionRefType |
A representation of the model object 'General Conversion Ref Type'.
GeneralConversionRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'General Conversion Ref Type'.
GeneralDerivedCRS |
A coordinate reference system that is defined by its coordinate conversion from another coordinate reference system (not by a datum).
GeneralGridCoordinates |
Holds the set of grid coordinates that specifies the location of the grid
point within the grid.
GeneralGridCoordinates.Immutable |
GeneralGridEnvelope |
Defines a range of grid coverage coordinates.
GeneralGridGeometry |
Describes the valid range of grid coordinates and the math transform to transform grid
coordinates to real world coordinates.
Generalization |
GeneralizationInfo |
Container having a base feature and 0..n generalizations
GeneralizationInfos |
GeneralizationInfosProvider |
GeneralizationInfosProviderImpl |
GeneralMatrix |
A two dimensional array of numbers.
GeneralOblique |
General Oblique Transformation projection useful for rotated spherical coordinates ("Rotated
Pole"), commonly used in numerical weather forecasting models.
GeneralOblique.Provider |
GeneralParameterDescriptor |
Abstract definition of a parameter or group of parameters used by an operation method.
GeneralParameterValue |
Abstract parameter value or group of parameter values.
GeneralPosition |
Holds the coordinates for a position within some coordinate reference system.
GeneralTransformationRefType |
A representation of the model object 'General Transformation Ref Type'.
GeneralTransformationRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'General Transformation Ref Type'.
GenericGeometryEncoder |
Helper class that encodes the geometries within GeometryCollection
GenericGeometryEncoder |
Helper class that encodes the geometries within GeometryCollection
GenericGeometryParser |
Created by mihaildoronin on 11/11/15.
GenericInputType |
A representation of the model object 'Generic Input Type'.
GenericInputTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Generic Input Type'.
GenericMetaDataType |
A representation of the model object 'Generic Meta Data Type'.
GenericMetaDataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Generic Meta Data Type'.
GenericName |
A sequence of identifiers rooted within the context of a namespace.
GenericName |
GenericOutputType |
A representation of the model object 'Generic Output Type'.
GenericOutputTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Generic Output Type'.
GenericProcessType |
A representation of the model object 'Generic Process Type'.
GenericProcessTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Generic Process Type'.
GeocentricCRS |
A 3D coordinate reference system with the origin at the approximate centre of mass of the earth.
GeocentricCRSRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Geocentric CRS Ref Type'.
GeocentricCRSRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Geocentric CRS Ref Type'.
GeocentricCRSType |
A representation of the model object 'Geocentric CRS Type'.
GeocentricCRSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Geocentric CRS Type'.
GeocentricTransform |
GeocentricTransform.Provider |
GeocentricTransform.ProviderInverse |
GeocentricTranslation |
An affine transform applied on geocentric coordinates.
GeocentricTranslation.Provider |
GeocentricTranslation.ProviderFrameRotation |
GeocentricTranslation.ProviderSevenParam |
GeodesicStringType |
A representation of the model object 'Geodesic String Type'.
GeodesicStringTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Geodesic String Type'.
GeodesicType |
A representation of the model object 'Geodesic Type'.
GeodesicTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Geodesic Type'.
GeodeticCalculator |
Performs geodetic calculations on an ellipsoid.
GeodeticCRS |
A coordinate reference system associated with a geodetic datum.
GeodeticDatum |
Defines the location and precise orientation in 3-dimensional space of a defined ellipsoid (or
sphere) that approximates the shape of the earth.
GeodeticDatumRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Geodetic Datum Ref Type'.
GeodeticDatumRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Geodetic Datum Ref Type'.
GeodeticDatumType |
A representation of the model object 'Geodetic Datum Type'.
GeodeticDatumTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Geodetic Datum Type'.
GeographicBoundingBox |
Geographic position of the dataset.
GeographicBoundingBoxImpl |
Geographic position of the dataset.
GeographicCitation |
GeographicCRS |
A coordinate reference system based on an ellipsoidal approximation of the geoid; this provides
an accurate representation of the geometry of geographic features for a large portion of the
earth's surface.
GeographicCRSRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Geographic CRS Ref Type'.
GeographicCRSRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Geographic CRS Ref Type'.
GeographicCRSType |
A representation of the model object 'Geographic CRS Type'.
GeographicCRSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Geographic CRS Type'.
GeographicExtent |
Base interface for geographic area of the dataset.
GeographicExtentImpl |
Base class for geographic area of the dataset.
GeographicHandlerFactory |
GeoJson |
GeoJSONDataStore |
GeoJSONDataStoreFactory |
GeoJSONFeatureReader |
GeoJSONFeatureSource |
GeoJSONFeatureStore |
GeoJSONFeatureWriter |
GeoJSONMapper |
Maps a collection containing valid GeoJSON.
GeoJsonMBSource |
Wrapper around a JSONObject holding a Mapbox GeoJSON source.
GeoJSONReader |
Utility class to provide a reader for GeoJSON streams
GeoJSONReader.IdStrategy |
ID Strategy.
GeoJSONUtil |
GeoJSONWriter |
Wrapper to handle writing GeoJSON FeatureCollections
GeoKeyEntry |
This class is a holder for a GeoKey record containing four short values as specified in the
GeoTiff spec.
GeomCollectionIterator |
A path iterator for the LiteShape class, specialized to iterate over a geometry collection.
GeometricComplexPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Geometric Complex Property Type'.
GeometricComplexPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Geometric Complex Property Type'.
GeometricComplexType |
A representation of the model object 'Geometric Complex Type'.
GeometricComplexTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Geometric Complex Type'.
GeometricPrimitivePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Geometric Primitive Property Type'.
GeometricPrimitivePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Geometric Primitive Property Type'.
Geometries |
Constants to identify JTS geometry types, reducing the need for boiler-plate code such as this...
GeometryArrayPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Geometry Array Property Type'.
GeometryArrayPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Geometry Array Property Type'.
GeometryAttribute |
An attribute which has a geometric value.
GeometryAttributeImpl |
TODO: rename to GeometricAttribute Provides ...TODO summary sentence
GeometryBinding |
Binding object for the element
GeometryBooleanFunction |
An sqlite function that operates on a Geopackage Geometry BLOB and returns a boolean
GeometryBuilder |
GeometryClipper |
A stateful geometry clipper, can clip linestring on a specified rectangle.
GeometryCollectionEncoder |
Encodes a GML2 generic geometry collection
GeometryCollectionHandler |
GeometryCollectionParser |
Created by mihaildoronin on 11/11/15.
GeometryCollector |
A stateful geometry collector that will add all geometries into a single resulting geometry
collection with the following properties:
the elements of the resulting geometry are simple geometries, adding a geometry collection
will result in it being flattened
the resulting geometry collection type will match its contents, a generic geometry
collection will be used only in case of heterogeneous contents
all geometries will be cloned using the provided geometry factory (one based on a PackedCoordinateSequence is used by default to reduce memory usage)
GeometryColumnEncoder |
GeometryConverter |
Sample use of SDO class for simple JTS Geometry.
GeometryConverterFactory |
Converter factory performing converstions among geometric types.
GeometryCoordinateSequenceTransformer |
Service object that takes a geometry and applies a MathTransform to the coordinates it
contains, creating a new geometry as the transformed output.
GeometryDataset |
A dataset for plotting Geometry objects .
GeometryDefaulter |
GeoTools code uses the empty string to mean the default geometry, but a STAC API won't know about
this convention, this filter switches it to the "geometry" property of STAC items.
GeometryDescriptor |
Describes an instance of a geometry attribute.
GeometryDescriptorImpl |
GeometryDeserializer<T extends Geometry> |
Created by mihaildoronin on 11/11/15.
GeometryDimensionCollector |
Collects component of a given geometry that have the desired dimension
GeometryDoubleFunction |
An sqlite function that operates on a Geopackage Geometry BLOB and returns a double
GeometryEncoder<T extends Geometry> |
Base class for all encoders writing a Geometry.
GeometryFilterImpl |
Implements a geometry filter.
GeometryFunction |
Function the returns the default geometry of a feature, or null if there is none, or it's not a
JTS geometry
GeometryFunction |
GeometryFunctions |
GeometryHandler |
GeometryHandlerBase<G extends Geometry> |
GeometryHeader |
The Geopackage Geometry BLOB Header (see Geopackage specs).
GeometryHeaderFlags |
The Geopackage Geometry BLOB Header Flags (see Geopackage specs).
GeometryHeaderFlags.GeopackageBinaryType |
GeoPackage Binary Type inside Geometry Header Flags.
GeometryJSON |
Reads and writes geometry objects to and from geojson.
GeometryOperand |
Enumeration of the different GeometryOperand types.
GeometryOperandsType |
A representation of the model object 'Geometry Operands Type'.
GeometryOperandsType_GeometryOperandBinding |
GeometryOperandsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GeometryOperandsTypeBinding |
GeometryOperandsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Geometry Operands Type'.
GeometryOperandType |
A representation of the model object 'Geometry Operand Type'.
GeometryOperandTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GeometryOperandTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Geometry Operand Type'.
GeometryParser<T extends Geometry> |
Created by mihaildoronin on 11/11/15.
GeometryProcessFactory |
GeometryPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Geometry Property Type'.
GeometryPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GeometryPropertyTypeBindingBase |
GeometryPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Geometry Property Type'.
GeometryRenderer |
GeometrySerializer |
When an EMPTY geometery is passed in we will write out an empty coordinates array (see
GeometryStylePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Geometry Style Property Type'.
GeometryStylePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Geometry Style Property Type'.
GeometryStyleType |
A representation of the model object 'Geometry Style Type'.
GeometryStyleTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Geometry Style Type'.
GeometryTransformation |
This interface can be implemented by geometry transformation functions that whish to be used in
the geometry property.
GeometryTransformationVisitor |
Given an original rendering envelope it visits an expression, finds all GeometryTransformation , collects and merges all the returned query envelopes
GeometryTransformer |
Used to walk through GeometryObjects issuing SAX events as needed.
GeometryTransformer.GeometryTranslator |
GeometryType |
The type of a GeometryAttribute.
GeometryType |
The geometry types supported by HANA.
GeometryTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GeometryTypeConverterFactory |
Converter factory performing conversions among JTS geometries of different types.
GeometryTypeImpl |
AttributeType for hold geometry implementations, maintains CRS information.
GeometryTypeProxy |
GeometryUtil |
GeoPackage |
Provides access to a GeoPackage database.
GeoPackage.DataType |
GeoPackageFormat |
GeoPackage Grid Format (supports the GP mosaic datastore).
GeoPackageFormatFactorySpi |
Constructs a GeoPackage Grid Format (supports the GP mosaic datastore).
GeoPackageProcessRequest |
GeoPackage Process Request.
GeoPackageProcessRequest.FeaturesLayer |
GeoPackageProcessRequest.Layer |
GeoPackageProcessRequest.LayerType |
GeoPackageProcessRequest.Overview |
GeoPackageProcessRequest.Parameter |
GeoPackageProcessRequest.TilesLayer |
GeoPackageProcessRequest.TilesLayer.TilesCoverage |
GeoPackageReader |
GeoPackage Grid Reader (supports the GP mosaic datastore).
GeoPkgDataStoreFactory |
The GeoPackage DataStore Factory.
GeoPkgDialect |
The GeoPackage SQL Dialect.
GeoPkgExtension |
Base class for GeoPackage extensions, containing the share-able functionality
GeoPkgExtension.Association |
GeoPkgExtension.Scope |
Extension scope
GeoPkgExtensionFactory |
GeoPkgFilterToSQL |
GeoPkgGeomReader |
Translates a GeoPackage geometry BLOB to a vividsolutions Geometry.
GeoPkgGeomWriter |
Translates a vividsolutions Geometry to a GeoPackage geometry BLOB.
GeoPkgGeomWriter.Configuration |
GeoPkgMetadata |
A metadata entry in a GeoPackage
GeoPkgMetadata.Scope |
Scope of the metadata
GeoPkgMetadataExtension |
Supports the GeoPackage metadata extension, defined as a "registered extension" in the GeoPackage
standard at
GeoPkgMetadataExtension.Factory |
GeoPkgMetadataReference |
GeoPkgMetadataReference.Scope |
Scope of the metadata reference
GeoPkgSchemaExtension |
The geopackage schema extension, allowing to declare more information about columns and
eventually express constraints on them
GeoPkgSchemaExtension.Factory |
Geopkgtype_featuresBinding |
Binding object for the type
Geopkgtype_tilesBinding |
Binding object for the type
GeopkgtypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GeoServerPre200Strategy |
WFS strategy for GeoServer WFS 1.1 where the geoserver version is lower than 2.0.
GeoSpatialImageReader |
GeosProjectionHandlerFactory |
GeostationarySatellite |
The Geostationary Satellite Projection
GeostationarySatellite.Ellipsoidal |
GeostationarySatellite.Provider |
GeostationarySatellite.Spherical |
GeoTiffConstants |
GeoTiffCoordinateTransformationsCodes |
Key ID = 3075
Type = SHORT (code)
Values: Section codes
Allows specification of the coordinate transformation method used.
GeoTiffException |
This exception is thrown when the problem with reading the GeoTiff file has to do with
constructing either the raster to model transform, or the coordinate system.
GeoTiffFormat |
Provides basic information about the GeoTIFF format IO.
GeoTiffFormatFactorySpi |
The GeoTiffFormatFactorySpi should never be instantiated directly by user code.
GeoTiffGCSCodes | Geographic CS Type Codes Note: A Geographic coordinate system consists of both a datum
and a Prime Meridian.
GeoTiffIIOMetadataDecoder |
This class provides an abstraction from the details of TIFF data access for the purpose of
retrieving GeoTIFFWritingUtilities metadata from an image.
GeoTiffIIOMetadataEncoder |
This class is responsible for encoding the geotiff tags into suitable metadata for the ImageIO
GeoTiffIIOMetadataEncoder.TagSet |
GeoTiffMetadata2CRSAdapter |
The GeoTiffMetadata2CRSAdapter is responsible for interpreting the metadata provided
by the GeoTiffIIOMetadataDecoder for the purposes of constructing a CoordinateSystem
object representative of the information found in the tags.
GeoTiffPCSCodes |
GeoTiffReader |
this class is responsible for exposing the data and the Georeferencing metadata available to the
Geotools library.
GeoTiffUoMCodes |
GeoTiffVCSCodes |
GeoTiffWriteParams |
Subclass of GeoToolsWriteParams the allows the user to specify parameters to control the
process of writing out a GeoTiff file through standards ImageWriteParam (with possible
GeoTiffWriter |
GeoTools |
Static methods relative to the global GeoTools configuration.
GeoToolsReadParams |
This class is the base class for building adapters/extensions to the ImageIO ImageReadParam class for controlling the processing of reading a coverage from an ImageReader .
GeoToolsWriteParams |
GetCapabilitiesBinding |
Binding object for the element
GetCapabilitiesRequest |
Represents a GetCapabilitiesRequest.
GetCapabilitiesRequest |
GetCapabilitiesResponse |
Base class for GetCapabilities responses.
GetCapabilitiesResponse |
GetCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesType1 |
A representation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type1'.
GetCapabilitiesType1Impl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type1'.
GetCapabilitiesType1Validator |
GetCapabilitiesTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GetCapabilitiesTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Capabilities Type'.
GetCapabilitiesTypeValidator |
GetCapabilitiesTypeValidator |
GetCapabilitiesTypeValidator |
GetCapabilitiesTypeValidator |
GetCapabilitiesTypeValidator |
GetCapabilitiesTypeValidator |
GetCapabilitiesTypeValidator |
GetCapabilitiesTypeValidator |
GetCapabilitiesValueType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Get Capabilities Value Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
GetCapabilitiesValueTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GetCoverageType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Coverage Type'.
GetCoverageType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Coverage Type'.
GetCoverageType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Coverage Type'.
GetCoverageType1 |
A representation of the model object 'Get Coverage Type1'.
GetCoverageType1Impl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Coverage Type1'.
GetCoverageType1Validator |
GetCoverageTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Coverage Type'.
GetCoverageTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Coverage Type'.
GetCoverageTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Coverage Type'.
GetCoverageTypeValidator |
GetCoverageTypeValidator |
GetDomainResponseType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Domain Response Type'.
GetDomainResponseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Domain Response Type'.
GetDomainType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Domain Type'.
GetDomainTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Domain Type'.
GetFeatureInfoBinding |
Binding object for the element
GetFeatureInfoRequest |
Information required for a GetFeatureInfo request.
GetFeatureInfoResponse |
Process GetFeatureInfoResponse.
GetFeatureInfoResponse |
Process GetFeatureInfoResponse.
GetFeatureInfoType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Feature Info Type'.
GetFeatureInfoTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Feature Info Type'.
GetFeatureInfoValueType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Get Feature Info Value Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
GetFeatureInfoValueTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GetFeatureRequest |
GetFeatureRequest.ResultType |
GetFeatureResponse |
GetFeatureResponseParserFactory |
A WFS response parser factory for GetFeature requests in GML output formats.
GetFeatureType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Feature Type'.
GetFeatureType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Feature Type'.
GetFeatureTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GetFeatureTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Feature Type'.
GetFeatureTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Feature Type'.
GetFeatureTypeValidator |
GetFeatureTypeValidator |
GetFeatureWithLockType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Feature With Lock Type'.
GetFeatureWithLockType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Feature With Lock Type'.
GetFeatureWithLockTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GetFeatureWithLockTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Feature With Lock Type'.
GetFeatureWithLockTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Feature With Lock Type'.
GetFeatureWithLockTypeValidator |
GetFeatureWithLockTypeValidator |
GetFunction |
Returns the value of a given object key in a JSONObject.
GetGmlObjectType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Gml Object Type'.
GetGmlObjectTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GetGmlObjectTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Gml Object Type'.
GetGmlObjectTypeValidator |
GetLegendGraphicRequest |
A request used to get the legend graphic for a given layer
GetLegendGraphicResponse |
GetLegendGraphicResponse |
(Based on existing work by rgould for WMS service)
GetMapRequest |
Construct a WMS getMap request.
GetMapResponse |
Process GetMapResponse.
GetParser<F extends Feature> |
Interface to return appropriate feature parser.
GetPropertiesExecutor |
Gets properties from a parent object by visiting bindings in the hierachy.
GetPropertyExecutor |
Gets children from a parent object, visiting bindings in the hierachy until one is found.
GetPropertyValueType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Property Value Type'.
GetPropertyValueTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Property Value Type'.
GetPropertyValueTypeValidator |
GetRecordByIdResponseType |
A representation of the model object 'GeRecordsById results'.
GetRecordByIdResponseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Record By Id Response Type'.
GetRecordByIdType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Record By Id Type'.
GetRecordByIdTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Record By Id Type'.
GetRecordsResponseType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Records Response Type'.
GetRecordsResponseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Records Response Type'.
GetRecordsType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Records Type'.
GetRecordsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Records Type'.
GetResourceByIdType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Resource By Id Type'.
GetResourceByIdType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Resource By Id Type'.
GetResourceByIdTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Resource By Id Type'.
GetResourceByIdTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Resource By Id Type'.
GetResourceByIdTypeValidator |
GetResourceByIdTypeValidator |
GetResultType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Result Type'.
GetResultTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Result Type'.
GetStatusType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Status Type'.
GetStatusTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Status Type'.
GetStylesRequest |
Represents a GetStyles Request
GetStylesResponse |
Represents the result of a GetStyles request.
GetTileBinding |
Binding object for the element
GetTileRequest |
Construct a WMTS getTile request.
GetTileResponse |
Represents the response of a tile request.
GetTileType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Tile Type'.
GetTileTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Tile Type'.
GetTileValueType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Get Tile Value Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
GetTileValueTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GetType |
A representation of the model object 'Get Type'.
GetTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Get Type'.
GetTypeValidator |
A sample validator interface for GetType .
Glyph |
Renderers a small Glyph used to represent a Map Layer in a legend.
GlyphFactory |
Used to draw the little pictures that appear in a Legend.
GlyphPropertiesList |
GlyphProperty |
GlyphRenderer |
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
GMDSchema |
Names of GML elements parseable with XmlStreamGeometryReader.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types in the
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
UtilityClass for encoding GML content.
GML.DelegatingXSD |
An XSD that delegates to GML for its XSDSchema.
GML.Version |
Version of encoder to use
GML2EncodingUtils |
Utility methods used by gml2 bindigns when encodding.
GML2FeatureCollectionEncoderDelegate |
Optimized encoder delegate for GML2 feature collections.
GML2FeatureCollectionEncoderDelegate.GML2Delegate |
GML2ParsingUtils |
Utility methods used by gml2 bindings when parsing.
Gml311AdapterFactory |
The Adapter Factory for the model.
Gml311Factory |
The Factory for the model.
Gml311FactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
Gml311Package |
The Package for the model.
Gml311PackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
Gml311ResourceFactoryImpl |
The Resource Factory associated with the package.
Gml311ResourceImpl |
The Resource associated with the package.
Gml311Switch<T> |
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
Gml311Validator |
The Validator for the model.
Gml311XMLProcessor |
This class contains helper methods to serialize and deserialize XML documents
GML32EncodingUtils |
GML32FeatureCollectionEncoderDelegate |
SimpleFeatureCollection encoder delegate for fast GML3 encoding
GML32FeatureCollectionEncoderDelegate.GML32Delegate |
GML3EncodingUtils |
Utility class for gml3 encoding.
GML3EncodingUtils |
Utility class for gml3 encoding.
GML3FeatureCollectionEncoderDelegate |
GML3ParsingUtils |
Utility class for gml3 parsing.
GML3ParsingUtils |
Utility class for gml3 parsing.
Gml4wcsFactory |
GMLAbstractFeatureCollectionBaseTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLAbstractFeatureCollectionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLAbstractFeatureTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLAbstractGeometryCollectionBaseTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLAbstractGeometryTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GmlAdapterFactory |
The Adapter Factory for the model.
GMLBoundingShapeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLBoxTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLComplexTypes |
This class is intended to act as a collection of package visible GML complexType definition to be
used by the GMLSchema
GMLComplexTypes.AbstractFeatureCollectionsBaseType |
This class represents an AbstractFeatureCollectionsBaseType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.AbstractFeatureCollectionType |
This class represents an AbstractFeatureCollectionType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.AbstractFeatureType |
This class represents an AbstractFeatureType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.AbstractGeometryCollectionBaseType |
This class represents an AbstractGeometryCollectionBaseType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.AbstractGeometryType |
This class represents an AbstractGeometryType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.BoundingShapeType |
This class represents an BoundingShapeType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.BoxType |
This class represents an BoxType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.CoordinatesType |
This class represents an CoordinatesType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.CoordType |
This class represents an CoordType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.FeatureAssociationType |
This class represents an FeatureAssociationType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.GeometryAssociationType |
This class represents an GeometryAssociationType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.GeometryCollectionType |
This class represents an GeometryCollectionType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.GeometryPropertyType |
This class represents an GeometryPropertyType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.LinearRingMemberType |
This class represents an LinearRingMemberType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.LinearRingType |
This class represents an LinearRingType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.LineStringMemberType |
This class represents an LineStringMemberType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.LineStringPropertyType |
This class represents an LineStringPropertyType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.LineStringType |
This class represents an LineStringType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.MultiGeometryPropertyType |
This class represents an MultiGeometryPropertyType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.MultiLineStringPropertyType |
This class represents an MultiLineStringPropertyType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.MultiLineStringType |
This class represents an MultiLineStringType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.MultiPointPropertyType |
This class represents an MultiPointPropertyType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.MultiPointType |
This class represents an MultiPointType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.MultiPolygonPropertyType |
This class represents an MultiPolygonPropertyType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.MultiPolygonType |
This class represents an MultiPolygonType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.PointMemberType |
This class represents an PointMemberType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.PointPropertyType |
This class represents an PointPropertyType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.PointType |
This class represents an PointType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.PolygonMemberType |
This class represents an PolygonMemberType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.PolygonPropertyType |
This class represents an PolygonPropertyType within the GML Schema.
GMLComplexTypes.PolygonType |
This class represents an PolygonType within the GML Schema.
GMLConfiguration |
Configuration used by gml2 parsers.
GMLConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the gml3 schema.
GMLConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
GMLConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
GMLCoordinatesTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLCoordTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLDelegate |
Interface factoring out the differences between GML versions
GMLEncodingUtils |
GMLException |
An exception used to represent any GML related errors.
GmlFactory |
The Factory for the model.
GmlFactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
GMLFeatureAssociationTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLFeatureCollection |
GmlFeatureTypeRegistryConfiguration |
Feature Type Registry Configuration for GML.
GMLFilterDocument |
LEVEL1 saxGML4j GML filter: Sends basic alerts for GML types to GMLFilterGeometry.
GMLFilterFeature |
LEVEL3 GML filter: translates JTS elements and attribute data into features.
GMLFilterGeometry |
LEVEL2 saxGML4j GML filter: translates coordinates and GML events into OGC simple types.
GMLGeometryAssociationTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLGeometryCollectionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLGeometryPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GmlGetFeatureResponseParserFactory |
A WFS response parser factory for GetFeature requests in GML output formats.
GMLHandlerFeature |
LEVEL4 saxGML4j GML handler: Gets features.
GMLHandlerGeometry |
LEVEL2 saxGML4j GML handler: Gets basic alerts from GMLFilterDocument.
GMLHandlerJTS |
LEVEL3 saxGML4j GML handler: Gets JTS objects.
GMLLinearRingMemberTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLLinearRingTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLLineStringMemberTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLLineStringPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLLineStringTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLMultiGeometryPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLMultiLineStringPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLMultiLineStringTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLMultiPointPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLMultiPointTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLMultiPolygonPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLMultiPolygonTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLNullTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GmlObjectId |
Feature and Geometry identifier for GML3 specification.
GmlObjectIdImpl |
GmlObjectIdTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GmlObjectStore |
Interface providing lookup operations for gml objects.
GMLObjectTypeListType |
A representation of the model object 'GML Object Type List Type'.
GMLObjectTypeListTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLObjectTypeListTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'GML Object Type List Type'.
GMLObjectTypeListTypeValidator |
GMLObjectTypeType |
A representation of the model object 'GML Object Type Type'.
GMLObjectTypeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLObjectTypeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'GML Object Type Type'.
GMLObjectTypeTypeValidator |
GmlPackage |
The Package for the model.
GmlPackage.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
GmlPackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
GMLParserDelegate |
Parser delegate for GML 2.
GMLParserDelegate |
Parser delegate for GML 3.
GMLPointMemberTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLPointPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLPointTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLPolygonMemberTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLPolygonPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLPolygonTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GMLReceiver |
GMLSchema |
GMLSchema |
GMLSchema |
GMLSchema |
This class represents a hard coded, java interpreted version of the GML 2.1.2 schema.
GmlSwitch |
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
GMLUtil |
GmlValidator |
The Validator for the model.
GMLWriter |
Helper class writing out GML elements and coordinates.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
GMXSchema |
Gnomonic |
The gnomonic projection using a spheroid algorithm.
Gnomonic.Provider |
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
GPKGConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
GradientColorMapGenerator |
A class mainly used to parse an SVG file and create a ColorMap on top of the LinearGradientEntry
contained on it, or create a ColorMap on top of a ";" separated values list of colors such as:
rgb(0,0,255);rgb(0,255,0);rgb(255,0,0);... or #0000FF;#00FF00;#FF0000 as an instance
GranuleAcceptor |
Class responsible for determining whether a given coverage should or should not be part of the
image mosaic.
GranuleAcceptorFactorySPI |
Factory for creating GranuleAcceptor instances
GranuleAcceptorFactorySPIFinder |
Helper to find GranuleFactorySPI instances
GranuleAccessProvider |
An interface providing multiple types of entities involved when getting access to a Granule.
GranuleCatalog |
GranuleCatalogFactory |
Simple Factory class for creating GranuleCatalog instance to handle the catalog of
granules for this mosaic.
GranuleCatalogSource |
GranuleCatalogStore |
GranuleCatalogVisitor |
Simple interface for creating visitors to a GranuleCatalog implementation.
GranuleDescriptor |
A granuleDescriptor is a single piece of the mosaic, with its own overviews and everything.
GranuleDescriptor.GranuleLoadingResult |
Simple placeholder class to store the result of a Granule Loading which comprises of a raster
as well as a ROIShape for its footprint.
GranuleDescriptorModifier |
Simple interface to update a GranuleDescriptor.
GranuleHandler |
Handle setting the geometry of the index feature for incoming granules
GranuleHandlerFactoryFinder |
Access the granule handler factories
GranuleHandlerFactorySPI |
Simple factory for GranuleGeometryHandlers
GranuleHandlingException |
Class signifying issues handling a granule
GranuleLoader |
GranuleLoadingException |
Class signifying issues loading a granule
GranuleRemovalPolicy |
GranuleSource |
API to operate on Granules data.
GranuleStore |
API extending GranuleSource providing capabilities to add, delete and modify granules.
GranuleStoreFinder |
Utility class to find a DataStoreFactorySpi for a given set of connection parameters.
GranuleStoreFinderImpl |
Class used to find the DataStore for a VectorMosaicGranule.
GranuleTracker |
Class used to track the number of times a granule is accessed and the number of unique granules
Graph |
Represents a graph.
Graphable |
Represents a component of a graph.
GraphBuilder |
Build the physical components of a Graph.
GraphFuser |
Removes all nodes of degree 2 from a graph.
GraphFuser.EdgeMerger |
Merges the underlying objects represented by a number of edges into a single object.
GraphGenerator |
Contructs a graph based on relationships between the entities (objects) modelled by the graph.
Graphic |
A Graphic is a "graphic symbol" with an inherent shape, color(s), and possibly size.
GraphicalSymbol |
GraphicBinding |
Binding object for the element
GraphicBuilder |
GraphicCache |
GraphicEncoder |
GraphicFill |
A GraphicFill is a simple interface with only a graphic but additional parameters for the
GraphicFill may be provided in the future to provide more control the exact style of filling.
GraphicFillBinding |
Binding object for the element
GraphicHandler |
Handles xml parse events for org.geotools.styling.Graphic elements.
GraphicImpl |
Direct implementation of Graphic.
GraphicImpl.ConstantGraphic |
GraphicLegend |
The LegendGraphic element allow an optional explicit graphic symbolizer to do displayed in a
legend for the rule.
GraphicLegendBuilder |
GraphicParser |
Handles parsing Ysld "graphic" properties (e.g., "graphic", "stroke-graphic", "fill-graphic")
into a Graphic object.
GraphicsAwareDpiRescaleStyleVisitor |
This class extends DpiRescaleStyleVisitor to add support for rescaling external graphics
and marks whose size has not been explicitly set.
GraphicStroke |
The GraphicStroke element both indicates that a repeated-linear-graphic stroke type will be used.
GraphicStrokeBinding |
Binding object for the element
GraphicStyle2D |
A style class used to depict a point, polygon centroid or line with a small graphic icon
GraphIterator |
Defines an algorithm in which to traverse the components of a graph.
GraphPartitioner |
Creates a collection of connected graphs from a single graph.
GraphReaderWriter |
Reads and writes features to and from some permanent form.
GraphStylePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Graph Style Property Type'.
GraphStylePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Graph Style Property Type'.
GraphStyleType |
A representation of the model object 'Graph Style Type'.
GraphStyleTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Graph Style Type'.
GraphTraversal |
Iterates a GraphWalker over the components of a Graph.
GraphTypeType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Graph Type Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
GraphViewer |
GraphVisitor |
An interface in which to implement a visitor pattern with components of a graph.
GraphWalker |
Iterated over the components of a graph using a standard visitor pattern.
GrassBinaryImageMetadata |
Represents the metadata associated with the native grass binary map.
GrassBinaryImageMetadataFormat |
Defines the structure of metadata documents describing Grass raster image metadata.
GrassBinaryImageReader |
ImageIO reader for the grass binary raster format.
GrassBinaryImageReaderSpi |
The Service Provider Interface for GRASS binary rasters.
GrassBinaryImageWriter |
GrassBinaryImageWriterSpi |
The Service Provider Interface for GRASS binary rasters.
GrassBinaryRasterReadHandler |
Grass binary data input/ouput handler.
GrassBinaryRasterWriteHandler |
Grass binary data input/ouput handler.
GrassCoverageFormat |
Provides basic information about the grass raster format IO.
GrassCoverageFormatFactory |
The GrassCoverageFormatFactory will be discovered by the GridFormatFinder.
GrassCoverageReader |
Coverage Reader class for reading GRASS raster maps.
GrassCoverageReadParam |
Represents the read parameters in the geotools space, as opposed to GrassBinaryImageReadParam that are for the imageio space.
GrassCoverageWriter |
Coverage Writer class for writing GRASS raster maps.
GraticuleDataStore |
GraticuleDataStoreFactory |
GraticuleFeatureReader |
GraticuleFeatureSource |
GraticuleLabelPointProcess |
GraticuleLabelPointProcess.PositionEnum |
GrayscaleFunction |
Tint color function.
GRIBFormat |
GRIBFormatFactorySPI |
GribUtilities |
Helper class used for setting a GRIB cache if defined with the JAVA argument -DGRIB_CACHE_DIR
GridCoordinates |
Holds the set of grid coordinates that specifies the location of the grid corners.
GridCoordinates2D |
Holds the set of two-dimensional grid coordinates that specifies the location of the grid point within the grid.
GridCoverage |
Represent the basic implementation which provides access to grid coverage data.
GridCoverage2D |
Basic access to grid data values backed by a two-dimensional rendered
GridCoverage2DReader |
Provides access to named GridCoverage2D (along with any context information) from a persistent
GridCoverage2DRIA |
A RenderedImage that provides values coming from a source GridCoverage2D, with a backing grid
addressable as the target GridCoverage2D.
GridCoverageBuilder |
GridCoverageFactory |
GridCoverageLayer |
Layer used to draw a raster GridCoverage .
GridCoverageLayerHelper |
GridCoverageProcessor |
Provides operations for different ways of accessing the grid coverage values as well as image
processing functionality.
GridCoverageReader |
Support for reading grid coverages out of a persistent store.
GridCoverageReaderHelper |
Support class that performs the actions needed to read a GridCoverage for the task of rendering
it at a given resolution, on a given area, taking into account projection oddities, dateline
crossing, and the like
GridCoverageReaderProgressAdapter |
GridCoverageRenderer |
GridCoverageRendererUtilities |
GridCoverageResponse |
An interface implementing GridCoverage with add of temporal extent and vertical extent
GridCoverageType |
A representation of the model object 'Grid Coverage Type'.
GridCoverageTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Grid Coverage Type'.
GridCoverageWriter |
Support for writing grid coverages into a persistent store.
GridCoverageWriterProgressAdapter |
GridCrsType |
A representation of the model object 'Grid Crs Type'.
GridCrsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Grid Crs Type'.
GridCrsTypeValidator |
GridDomainType |
A representation of the model object 'Grid Domain Type'.
GridDomainTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Grid Domain Type'.
GridElement |
The base interface for vector grid elements.
GridEnvelope |
GridEnvelope2D |
Defines a range of two-dimensional grid coverage coordinates.
GridEnvelopeType |
A representation of the model object 'Grid Envelope Type'.
GridEnvelopeType |
A representation of the model object 'Grid Envelope Type'.
GridEnvelopeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GridEnvelopeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Grid Envelope Type'.
GridEnvelopeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Grid Envelope Type'.
GridEnvelopeTypeValidator |
GridFeatureBuilder |
Controls the creating of features representing grid elements during vector grid construction.
GridFormatFactorySpi |
Constructs a live GridCoverageFormat.
GridFormatFinder |
Enable programs to find all available grid format implementations.
GridFunctionType |
A representation of the model object 'Grid Function Type'.
GridFunctionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Grid Function Type'.
GridGeometry |
Describes the geometry and georeferencing information of the grid coverage.
GridGeometry2D |
Describes the valid range of grid coordinates and the math transform, in the special case where
only 2 dimensions are in use.
GridLengthType |
A representation of the model object 'Grid Length Type'.
GridLengthTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Grid Length Type'.
GridLimitsType |
A representation of the model object 'Grid Limits Type'.
GridLimitsType |
A representation of the model object 'Grid Limits Type'.
GridLimitsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GridLimitsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Grid Limits Type'.
GridLimitsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Grid Limits Type'.
GridLimitsTypeValidator |
GridNotEditableException |
Thrown when an attempt is made to write in a non-editable grid.
GridProcess |
A process that builds a regular grid as a feature collection
GridProcess.GridMode |
GridReaderLayer |
GridReaderLayerHelper |
Grids |
A utility class to create polygonal vector grids with basic attributes.
GridSampleDimension |
Describes the data values for a coverage as a list of categories.
Gridsettype_gridsBinding |
Binding object for the type
GridsettypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GridShiftLocator |
Provides a hook to locate grid shift files, such as NTv1, NTv2 and NADCON ones
GridToEnvelopeMapper |
GridType |
A representation of the model object 'Grid Type'.
GridType |
A representation of the model object 'Grid Type'.
GridtypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GridTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
GridTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Grid Type'.
GridTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Grid Type'.
GridTypeValidator |
A sample validator interface for GridType .
GridValidator |
Validator for gridset definitions
GroundControlPoints |
Image ground control points, as a list of TiePoint and their CRS
Group |
This interface is intended to represent the Group construct within XML Schemas.
Group |
A representation of the model object 'Group'.
GroupByVisitor |
Group features by one or several attributes and applies an aggregator visitor to each group.
GroupByVisitor.GroupByRawResult |
Helper class that should be used by optimizations to set the results.
GroupByVisitor.GroupByResult |
This class implements the feature calculation result of the group by visitor.
GroupByVisitorBuilder |
Helper class to help building a valid group by visitor.
GroupCandidateSelectionProcess |
GroupGT |
GroupHandler |
GroupHandler purpose.
GroupHandler.DefaultGroup |
GroupImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Group'.
GroupRef |
A representation of the model object 'Group Ref'.
GroupRefImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Group Ref'.
GrowableInternationalString |
An implementation of international string using a map of strings for different
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
GSRSchema |
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
GSSSchema |
GTAffinePropertyGenerator |
A property generator for the Affine operation that builds a ROI with a sane image layout even
with large upscale factors
GTDataStoreGranuleCatalog |
GTRenderer |
GeoTools renderer for rendering spatial content into a Graphics2D.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
GTSSchema |
GTWarpPropertyGenerator |
A property generator for the Warp operation that builds the expected ROI bounds even when the
source and target image bounds are not superimposed
Operates as a front end to GTXML parser/encoder services.
H2ClobConverterFactory |
Converts a H2 JdbcClob to a String
H2DataStoreFactory |
DataStoreFacotry for H2 database.
H2Dialect |
H2DialectBasic |
H2 database dialect based on basic (non-prepared) statements.
H2DialectPrepared |
H2 database dialect based on prepared statements.
H2FilterToSQL |
H2GISDataStoreFactory |
jdbc-h2gis is an extension to connect H2GIS a spatial library that brings spatial support to the
H2 Java database.
H2GISDialect |
jdbc-h2gis is an extension to connect H2GIS a spatial library that brings spatial support to the
H2 Java database.
H2GISFilterToSQL |
jdbc-h2gis is an extension to connect H2GIS a spatial library that brings spatial support to the
H2 Java database.
H2GISFilterToSQLHelper |
jdbc-h2gis is an extension to connect H2GIS a spatial library that brings spatial support to the
H2 Java database.
H2GISJNDIDataStoreFactory |
jdbc-h2gis is an extension to connect H2GIS a spatial library that brings spatial support to the
H2 Java database.
H2GISPSDialect |
jdbc-h2gis is an extension to connect H2GIS a spatial library that brings spatial support to the
H2 Java database.
H2GISPSFilterToSql |
jdbc-h2gis is an extension to connect H2GIS a spatial library that brings spatial support to the
H2 Java database.
H2JNDIDataStoreFactory |
JNDI DataStoreFactory for H2.
H2Migrate |
Command line utility to migrate an existing mosaic of NetCDF files from sidecar H2 slice indexes
to a centralized index
H2MigrateConfiguration |
Configuration for NetCDF sidecar H2 index to target store migration
H2MigrateConfiguration.ConfigurationException |
H2Migrator |
Converts NetCDF slice H2 indexes towards a centralized database approach
Halo |
A Halo is a type of Fill that is applied to the backgrounds of font glyphs.
HaloBinding |
Binding object for the element
HaloBuilder |
HaloImpl |
Direct implementation of Halo.
HanaConnectionParameters |
SAP HANA connection parameters.
HanaDataStoreFactory |
A JDBC data store factory for connecting to SAP HANA.
HanaDialect |
A prepared statement SQL dialect for SAP HANA.
HanaDimensionFinder |
Find the coordinate dimension of a geometry instance.
HanaFilterToSQL |
A filter-to-SQL converter for SAP HANA.
HanaJNDIDataStoreFactory |
A JNDI data store factory for SAP HANA.
HanaUtil |
Various utility methods for SAP HANA.
HanaWKBParser |
A parser for the well-known-binary created by HANA.
HanaWKBParserException |
Exception thrown if WKB parsing fails.
HanaWKBWriter |
A well-known binary writer.
HanaWKBWriterException |
Exception thrown if WKB writing fails.
Handler |
Class implementing this interface serve has handlers for content of an instance document as it is
HandlerBase |
HandlerFactory |
Factory used to create element handler objects during the processing of an instance document.
HandlerFactoryImpl |
HandlerImpl |
HarvestedSource |
HarvestResponseType |
A representation of the model object 'Harvest Response Type'.
HarvestResponseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Harvest Response Type'.
HarvestType |
A representation of the model object 'Harvest Type'.
HarvestTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Harvest Type'.
HasFunction |
Evaluate to TRUE if a JSONObject contains a given key value or FALSE if it does not.
HeaderType |
A representation of the model object 'Header Type'.
HeaderTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Header Type'.
HeaderTypeValidator |
HeatmapProcess |
HeatmapSurface |
Computes a Heat Map surface from a set of irregular data points, each containing a positive
height value.
HeterogeneousCRSAcceptorFactory |
Acceptor factory that only checks color model limitations
HeuristicPrimaryKeyFinder |
Looks up the primary key using the DatabaseMetaData for the specified table, looking both
for primary keys and unique indexes.
Hexagon |
Defines methods and enum constants to work with hexagons.
HexagonBuilder |
Used by Hexagons class to build grids.
HexagonImpl |
Default implementation of Hexagon .
HexagonOrientation |
Constants to describe the orientation of a Hexagon .
Hexagons |
A utilities class with static methods to create and work with hexagonal grid elements.
HexBinary |
Utility class for xs:hexbinary.
Hints |
A set of hints providing control on factories to be used.
Hints.ClassKey |
A key for value that may be specified either as instance of T , or as
Class<T> .
Hints.ConfigurationMetadataKey |
Keys for extra configuration options that are passed from the overhead application into
Hints.DoubleKey |
A hint used to capture a configuration setting as double.
Hints.FileKey |
Key for hints to be specified as a File .
Hints.IntegerKey |
A hint used to capture a configuration setting as an integer.
Hints.Key |
The type for keys used to control various aspects of the factory creation.
Hints.OptionKey |
Key that allows the choice of several options.
Histogram |
* This operation simply wraps JAI Histogram operations described by HistogramDescriptor
inside a GeoTools operation in order to make it spatial-aware.
HistogramBinding |
Binding object for the element
HistogramContrastMethodStrategy |
HistoryPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'History Property Type'.
HistoryPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'History Property Type'.
HomogeneousCRSAcceptor |
Check for homogeneous CRS in the upcoming granule.
Homolosine |
Homolosine projection
Homolosine.Provider |
HomolosineHandlerFactory |
HotineObliqueMercator |
Hotine Oblique Mercator projection.
HotineObliqueMercator.Provider |
HotineObliqueMercator.Provider_TwoPoint |
HSLColor |
Support class for color functions, represents a color in HSL space (based on
HSLFunction |
hsl color function.
HsqlDialectEpsgMediator |
Mediator which delegates the creation of referencing objects to the HsqlDialectEpsgFactory.
HsqlEpsgDatabase |
This utility class knows everything there is to know about the care and feeding of our pet EPSG
HStore |
HStoreConverterFactory |
ConverterFactory for handling Map of String to HStore conversion.
HTTP_AuthorityFactory |
HTTP_URI_AuthorityFactory |
HTTPBehavior |
To specify a specific behavior for a http client.
HTTPClient |
Defines the interface by which an AbstractOpenWebService executes HTTP requests.
HTTPClientFactory |
Factory class to create a HTTP client.
HTTPClientFinder |
Factory finder for getting instances of HTTPClientFactory.
HTTPConnectionPooling |
Interface to support clients that uses a connection pool
HTTPFactoryException |
HttpMethod |
HttpMethod |
All possible HTTP methods
HTTPProxy |
Http client implementing this are capable of using a proxy.
HTTPResponse |
Interface by which an AbstractOpenWebService retrieves the contents of an HTTP request
issued through its HTTPClient .
HTTPType |
A representation of the model object 'HTTP Type'.
HTTPType |
A representation of the model object 'HTTP Type'.
HTTPType |
A representation of the model object 'HTTP Type'.
HTTPType |
A representation of the model object 'HTTP Type'.
HTTPTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'HTTP Type'.
HTTPTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'HTTP Type'.
HTTPTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'HTTP Type'.
HTTPTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'HTTP Type'.
HTTPTypeValidator |
A sample validator interface for HTTPType .
HTTPTypeValidator |
A sample validator interface for HTTPType .
HTTPTypeValidator |
A sample validator interface for HTTPType .
HTTPTypeValidator |
A sample validator interface for HTTPType .
HTTPURIHandler |
A URI handler that handles HTTP connections with connection timeouts and read timeouts.
IAUAuthorityFactory |
IAULongitudeFirstFactory |
An IAU authority factory using (longitude, latitude) axis order.
ICompiler |
This interface presents the methods which will be implemented by the different compiles.
IconStyle2D |
IContentHandler<T> |
Id |
A filter that passes only the Identifiers listed.
Id_CapabilitiesTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
Id_CapabilitiesTypeBinding |
IdBuilder<P> |
FilterBuilder acting as a simple wrapper around an Expression.
IdCapabilities |
Capabilities used to convey supported id operators.
IdCapabilitiesImpl |
Implementation of the IdCapabilities interface.
IdCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Id Capabilities Type'.
IdCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Id Capabilities Type'.
IdCollectorFilterVisitor |
Gather up all FeatureId strings into a provided HashSet.
Identification |
IdentificationType |
A representation of the model object 'Identification Type'.
IdentificationType |
A representation of the model object 'Identification Type'.
IdentificationType |
A representation of the model object 'Identification Type'.
IdentificationTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
IdentificationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Identification Type'.
IdentificationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Identification Type'.
IdentificationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Identification Type'.
IdentificationTypeOws11Binding |
Binding object for the type
IdentificationTypeValidator |
IdentificationTypeValidator |
IdentificationTypeValidator |
IdentifiedObject |
Supplementary identification and remarks information for a CRS or CRS-related object.
IdentifiedObjectFinder |
IdentifiedObjectSet |
Identifier |
An object identifier.
Identifier |
Value uniquely identifying an object within a namespace.
IdentifierGenerationOptionType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Identifier Generation Option Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
IdentifierGenerationOptionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
IdentifierImpl |
Value uniquely identifying an object within a namespace.
IdentifierType |
A representation of the model object 'Identifier Type'.
IdentifierTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Identifier Type'.
IdentityTransform |
The identity transform.
IdFinderFilterVisitor |
Quick check to see if an ID filter is found.
IDFunction |
Allow access to the value of Feature.getID() as an expression
IDFunctionExpression |
IdInfo |
Bean of idinfo element of shp.xml.
IDRISIFormat |
An implementation of Format for the IDRIS (RST) format.
IDRISIFormatFactory |
Implementation of the Format service provider interface for IDRISI files.
IDRISIReader |
This class can read a RST data source and create a GridCoverage2D from the data.
IFeatureCollectionHandler |
IgnoreHandler |
This is a default Handler which is used in case a handler cannot be created for an arbitry
IgnoreHandler |
Used to represent elements which are not important to our parse, basically place holders.
IIOMetadataDumper |
Utility class that can be used to dump a DOM tree in a formatted way.
IllegalAttributeException |
Indicates a validation check has failed; the provided descriptor and value are available via this
IllegalFilterException |
Defines an exception for illegal filters.
ImageAssert |
Compares two images using perceptual criterias: the assertions will fail if the images would look
different to a human being.
ImageComparator |
Utility to compare two images and verify if the are equal to the human eye, or not.
ImageComparator.Mode |
ImageCRS |
An engineering coordinate reference system applied to locations in images.
ImageCRSRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Image CRS Ref Type'.
ImageCRSRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Image CRS Ref Type'.
ImageCRSRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Image CRS Ref Type'.
ImageCRSRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Image CRS Ref Type'.
ImageCRSRefTypeValidator |
ImageCRSType |
A representation of the model object 'Image CRS Type'.
ImageCRSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Image CRS Type'.
ImageDatum |
Defines the origin of an image coordinate reference system.
ImageDatumRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Image Datum Ref Type'.
ImageDatumRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Image Datum Ref Type'.
ImageDatumType |
A representation of the model object 'Image Datum Type'.
ImageDatumTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Image Datum Type'.
ImageGeometry |
ImageGraphicFactory |
External graphic factory accepting an Expression that can be evaluated to a URL pointing to a
image file.
ImageIOExt |
Provides an alternative source of image input and output streams that uses optimized behavior.
ImageLoader |
The ImageLoader is a delegate used by a tile to load the image.
ImageMBSource |
Wrapper around a JSONObject containing a Mapbox image source.
ImageMosaicConfigHandler |
This class is in responsible for creating and managing the catalog and the configuration of the
ImageMosaicDescriptor |
A class which can be used as input of an ImageMosaicReader to describe an available
mosaic without the need to access an external file such as a shapeFile, a property file, a data
directory or something else.
ImageMosaicDirectoryWalker |
This class is in responsible for creating the index for a mosaic of images that we want to tie
together as a single coverage.
ImageMosaicEventHandlers |
Base class to handle events
ImageMosaicEventHandlers.CompletionEvent |
Event launched when processing completes
ImageMosaicEventHandlers.ExceptionEvent |
Event launched when an exception occurs.
ImageMosaicEventHandlers.FileProcessingEvent |
A special ProcessingEvent raised when a file has completed/failed ingestion
ImageMosaicEventHandlers.ProcessingEvent |
ImageMosaicEventHandlers.ProcessingEventListener |
ImageMosaicEventHandlers.ProgressEventDispatchThreadEventLauncher |
Private Class which simply fires the events using a copy of the listeners list in order to
avoid problems with listeners that remove themselves or are removed by someone else
ImageMosaicEventHandlers.URIProcessingEvent |
A special ProcessingEvent raised when a url has completed/failed ingestion
ImageMosaicEventHandlers.URLProcessingEvent |
A special ProcessingEvent raised when a url has completed/failed ingestion
ImageMosaicFileFeatureConsumer |
An ImageMosaicElementConsumer which handles a provided SimpleFeature by
leveraging on the File associated to the feature.
ImageMosaicFileResourceInfo |
ImageMosaicFormat |
ImageMosaicFormatFactory |
Implementation of the GridCoverageFormat service provider interface for mosaic of georeferenced
ImageMosaicReader |
Reader responsible for providing access to mosaic of georeferenced images.
ImageMosaicURIFeatureConsumer |
An ImageMosaicElementConsumer which handles a provided SimpleFeature by
leveraging on the URI associated to the feature.
ImageMosaicURLFeatureConsumer |
An ImageMosaicElementConsumer which handles a provided SimpleFeature by
leveraging on the URL associated to the feature.
ImageOutline |
ImageOutline specifies how individual source rasters in a multi-raster set (such as a set of
satellite-image scenes) should be outlined to make the individual-image locations visible.
ImageOutlineBinding |
Binding object for the element
ImageOutlineImpl |
ImagePyramidFormat |
This class implements the basic format capabilities for a coverage format.
ImagePyramidFormatFactory |
Implementation of the GridCoverageFormat service provider interface for arc grid files.
ImagePyramidReader |
This reader is responsible for providing access to a pyramid of mosaics of georeferenced
coverages that are read directly through imageio readers, like tiff, pngs, etc...
ImageUtilities |
A set of static methods working on images.
ImageWorker |
Helper methods for applying JAI operations on an image.
ImageWorker.PNGImageWriteParam |
Workaround class for compressing PNG using the default PNGImageEncoder shipped with the JDK.
ImagingParameterDescriptors |
Wraps a JAI's ParameterListDescriptor .
ImagingParameters |
Wraps a JAI's ParameterList .
IMappingFeatureIterator |
ImportHandler |
ImportHandler purpose.
ImportType |
A representation of the model object 'Import Type'.
ImportTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Import Type'.
InArrayFunction |
IncludeFilter |
Indicating "no filtering", evaluates to true .
IncludeHandler |
ImportHandler purpose.
IncludeType |
A representation of the model object 'Include Type'.
IncludeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Include Type'.
InclusionFeatureCollection |
A process providing a feature collection containing the features of the first input collection
which are included in the second feature collection
IncompatibleOperationException |
Thrown when an operation is applied in a manner inconsistent with one or both of two particular
CRS objects.
IncrementOrder |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Increment Order',
and utility methods for working with them.
IndentedLineWriter |
A writer that put some spaces in front of every lines.
IndeterminateValue |
Provides 4 values for indeterminate positions.
Index |
Represents a database index
IndexCombinedFilterTransformerVisitor |
Duplicates Filter replacing mixed-indexed operator with combined ID IN clause + remaining filters
IndexedDbaseFileReader |
A DbaseFileReader is used to read a dbase III format file.
IndexedFeatureResults |
IndexedFidReader |
This object reads from a file the fid of a feature in a shapefile.
IndexedFidWriter |
The Writer writes out the fid and record number of features to the fid index file.
IndexedFilterDetectorVisitor |
Detects which AND/OR filter (BinaryLogicOperator) is the parent operator of indexed filter(s).
IndexedMappingFeatureIterator |
Base class for Indexed Iterators
IndexedMappingFeatureIteratorFactory |
Factory for IndexedMappingFeatureIterator subclasses
IndexedResourceBundle |
ResourceBundle implementation using integers instead of strings for resource keys.
IndexedResourceCompiler |
Resource compiler.
IndexedStack<E> |
Indexer |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Indexer.Collectors |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Indexer.Collectors.Collector |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Indexer.Coverages |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Indexer.Coverages.Coverage |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Indexer.Datastore |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Indexer.MultipleBandsDimensions |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Indexer.MultipleBandsDimensions.MultipleBandsDimension |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
IndexerUtils |
IndexFile |
IndexFile parser for .shx files.
For now, the creation of index files is done in the ShapefileWriter.
IndexHeader |
IndexIdIterator |
Iterator for result ids from index datasource
IndexIdIterator.IndexFeatureIdIterator |
Index iterator for to work with a FeatureIterator delegate
IndexIdIterator.IndexUniqueVisitorIterator |
Index iterator for to work with UniqueVisitor over id field.
IndexMapType |
A representation of the model object 'Index Map Type'.
IndexMapTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Index Map Type'.
IndexQueryManager |
Manages unrolled Query indexes and partial indexes
IndexQueryManager.PartialIndexQueryManager |
Partial Indexed Query management/transform/utils
IndexQueryManager.QueryIndexCoverage |
IndexQueryUtils |
IndexStore |
IndexUnmappingVisitor |
IndirectEntryType |
A representation of the model object 'Indirect Entry Type'.
IndirectEntryTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Indirect Entry Type'.
InfoAction |
An action for connect a control (probably a JButton) to the InfoTool to get information about
features under the mouse cursor
InformixDataStoreFactory |
DataStoreFactory for Informix database.
InformixDialect |
Informix database dialect based on basic (non-prepared) statements.
InformixFilterToSQL |
Encodes a filter into a SQL WHERE statement using Informix-appropriate syntax.
InformixJNDIDataStoreFactory |
JNDI DataStoreFactory for Informix database.
InfoTool |
A cursor tool to retrieve information about features that the user clicks on with the mouse.
InfoToolHelper |
Abstract base class for helper classes used by InfoTool to query features in map
InfoToolHelperUtils |
Contains static methods used by some InfoToolHelper classes.
InfoToolResult |
Used by InfoToolHelper classes to pass feature data to the parent InfoTool
InFunction |
The function checks whether a candidate value is contained in an arbitrary long list of user
provided values.
InlineContentBinding |
Binding object for the element
InPlaceCoordinateSequenceTransformer |
A JTS CoordinateSequenceTransformer which transforms the values in place.
InProcessLockingManager |
Provides In-Process FeatureLocking support for DataStore implementations.
InProcessLockingManager.Lock |
Represents In-Process locks for Transactions or FeatureLocks.
InputDescriptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Input Description Type'.
InputDescriptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Input Description Type'.
InputDescriptionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
InputDescriptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Input Description Type'.
InputDescriptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Input Description Type'.
InputDescriptionTypeValidator |
InputReferenceType |
A representation of the model object 'Input Reference Type'.
InputReferenceTypeBinding |
Binding for inputReference attribute of Method element
InputReferenceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Input Reference Type'.
InputReferenceTypeValidator |
InputType |
A representation of the model object 'Input Type'.
InputTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Input Type'.
InputTypeValidator |
InsertedFeatureType |
A representation of the model object 'Inserted Feature Type'.
InsertedFeatureTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
InsertedFeatureTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Inserted Feature Type'.
InsertedFeatureTypeValidator |
InsertElementType |
A representation of the model object 'Insert Element Type'.
InsertElementTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
InsertElementTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Insert Element Type'.
InsertElementTypeValidator |
InsertResultsType |
A representation of the model object 'Insert Results Type'.
InsertResultsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
InsertResultsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Insert Results Type'.
InsertResultsTypeValidator |
InsertResultType |
A representation of the model object 'Insert Result Type'.
InsertResultTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
InsertResultTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Insert Result Type'.
InsertType |
A representation of the model object 'Insert Type'.
InsertType |
A representation of the model object 'Insert Type'.
InsertTypeBinding |
InsertTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Insert Type'.
InsertTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Insert Type'.
InsertTypeValidator |
InstanceBinding |
Marker interfaces for bindings which are registered as an instance and not as a class.
InstanceComponent |
InstanceComponentImpl |
Instant |
A zero-dimensional geometric primitive that represents position in time, equivalent to a point in
IntegerDivisionFunction |
Implements an integer division
IntegerFileNameExtractorSPI |
IntegerList |
A list of unsigned integer values.
IntegerListBinding |
Binding object for the type
IntegerListBinding |
Binding object for the type
InternalFunction |
Special Function type indicating that that the function is to be executed exclusively at
run-time, and does not participate in the SPI (Service Provider Interface) lookup mechanism (i.e.
InternalVolatileFunction |
A base class functions (i.e. anonymous inner classes) that are both volatile (i.e. explicitly stating evaluation needs to happen for each object in the collection
being traversed) and internal (i.e. are not subject of SPI lookup, such
as anonymous inner classes).
InternationalString |
Interpolate |
Specifies the interpolation type to be used to interpolate values for points which fall between
grid cells.
Interpolate |
Interpolation: Transformation of continuous values by a function defined on a number of nodes.
InterpolateBinding |
Binding object for the element
InterpolateFunction |
This is an implemenation of the Interpolate function as defined by OGC Symbology Encoding (SE)
1.1 specification.
Interpolation |
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
InterpolationAxesType |
Specifies a different interpolation for each axis
InterpolationAxesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Interpolation Axes Type'.
InterpolationAxisType |
The interpolation to be used on a specific axis
InterpolationAxisTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Interpolation Axis Type'.
InterpolationConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the
InterpolationConverterFactory |
Convert String to Interpolation classes.
InterpolationMethod |
A list of codes that identify interpolation methods that may be used for evaluating continuous
InterpolationMethodBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Interpolation Method Base Type'.
InterpolationMethodBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Interpolation Method Base Type'.
InterpolationMethodBaseTypeValidator |
InterpolationMethodsType |
A representation of the model object 'Interpolation Methods Type'.
InterpolationMethodsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Interpolation Methods Type'.
InterpolationMethodsTypeValidator |
InterpolationMethodType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Interpolation Method Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
InterpolationMethodType |
A representation of the model object 'Interpolation Method Type'.
InterpolationMethodType |
The interpolation method (the standard provides a list of values, but the XSD leaves it open
InterpolationMethodTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
InterpolationMethodTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Interpolation Method Type'.
InterpolationMethodTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Interpolation Method Type'.
InterpolationMethodTypeValidator |
InterpolationParserDelegate |
InterpolationPoint |
The InterpolationPoints have to be specified in ascending order of Data.
InterpolationPointBinding |
Binding object for the element
InterpolationProperties |
Stores properties and provides methods to support interpolation of properties in a file.
InterpolationType |
The root object for wcs 2.0 interpolation extension
InterpolationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Interpolation Type'.
Interpolator2D |
A grid coverage using an interpolation for evaluating points.
IntersectionFeatureCollection |
A process providing the intersection between two feature collections
IntersectionFeatureCollection.IntersectionMode |
Intersects |
IntersectsBinding |
Binding object for the element
IntersectsImpl |
IntersectUtils |
Performs some naive intersections on GeometryCollections, because JTS is not supporting them.
IntervalLength |
A data type for intervals of time which supports the expression of duration in terms of a
specified multiple of a single unit of time.
IntervalType |
A representation of the model object 'Interval Type'.
IntervalTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
IntervalTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Interval Type'.
IntervalTypeValidator |
InvalidGridGeometryException |
InvalidMetadataException |
Thrown when a metadata entity is in a
invalid state, usually because a mandatory attribute is missing.
InvalidParameterCardinalityException |
InvalidParameterNameException |
InvalidParameterTypeException |
Thrown when a parameter can't be cast to the requested type.
InvalidParameterValueException |
Thrown when an invalid value was given to a parameter.
InvalidRangeException |
InverseColorMapOp |
InverseColorMapRasterOp |
Invert |
Inverts the sample values of a coverage.
InvertAxisFilterVisitor |
Returns a clone of the provided filter where all geometries and bboxes have inverted coordinates
(x, y) -> (y, x).
IonicStrategy |
IsBetweenImpl |
Straight implementation of GeoAPI interface.
IsEqualsToImpl |
IsFullySupportedFilterVisitor |
This visitor will return Boolean.TRUE if the provided filter is completely supported by the
IsGreaterThanImpl |
IsGreaterThanOrEqualToImpl |
IsLessThenImpl |
IsLessThenOrEqualToImpl |
IsNilImpl |
JD: PropertyIsNil requires us to return true if a property is "nil" in the xml schema sense.
IsNotEqualToImpl |
IsNullImpl |
IsolatedPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Isolated Property Type'.
IsolatedPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Isolated Property Type'.
IsSphereType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Is Sphere Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
IsStaticExpressionVisitor |
Check if an expression is static (ie does not contain a PropertyName expression).
IsSupportedFilterVisitor |
This visitor will return Boolean.TRUE if the provided filter is supported by the the
IToken |
Interface must be implemented by the specific compiler.
JAboutDialog |
An 'About' dialog which displays information about the host environment, software licenses
pertaining to GeoTools (not implemented yet) and, if provided, summary details about your
JAboutDialog.Category |
JavaCharStream |
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to
contain only ASCII characters (with java-like unicode escape processing).
JavaCharStream |
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to
contain only ASCII characters (with java-like unicode escape processing).
JColorIcon |
An Icon to display a color.
JCoordsStatusBarItem |
A status bar item that displays the world coordinates of the mouse cursor position.
JCRSChooser |
This class has a single static method that shows a dialog to prompt the user to choose a
coordinate reference system.
JCRSPopupMenu |
A pop-up menu that can be used with a MapPane for coordinate reference system operations.
JCRSStatusBarItem |
A status bar item that displays the coordinate reference system name and provides a pop-up menu
to inspect or change the CRS.
JDataChoosePage |
A wizard page that will allow the user to choose a format (ie DataAccess factory).
JDataStorePage |
A wizard page that will prompt the user for a file of the supplied format ask for any additional
JDataStoreWizard |
Wizard prompting the user to enter or review connection parameters.
A set of utilities methods related to JDBC (Java Database Connectivity).
JDBCCallbackFactory |
JDBC callback factory.
JDBCClosingFeatureReader |
JDBCClosingFeatureWriter |
JDBCDataStore |
Datastore implementation for jdbc based relational databases.
JDBCDataStoreFactory |
Abstract implementation of DataStoreFactory for jdbc datastores.
JDBCFeatureReader |
Reader for jdbc datastore
JDBCFeatureSource |
JDBCFeatureStore |
FeatureStore implementation for jdbc based relational database tables.
JDBCInsertFeatureWriter |
Inserts features in the database.
JDBCJNDIDataStoreFactory |
Abstract implementation of DataStoreFactory for jdbc datastores which obtain a JNDI connection.
JDBCJoiningFeatureReader |
Feature reader that wraps multiple feature readers in a join query.
JDBCJoiningFilteringFeatureReader |
Feature reader that wraps multiple feature readers in a joining / post filtered query.
JdbcMultipleValue |
Implementation of the multivalued mappings API for JDBC based data sources.
JdbcMultipleValueEncoder |
Visitor that encode a JDBC multivalued mapping to SQL.
JDBCReaderCallback |
JDBCState |
State for jdbc datastore providing additional cached values such as primary key and database
JDBCUpdateFeatureWriter |
JDBCUpdateInsertFeatureWriter |
JDBCUtils |
Utility class helping developers to safely clean up after connections.
JDoubleField |
Widget for double values
JDTSSQLServerJNDIDataStoreFactory |
JenksNaturalBreaksFunction |
Calculate the Jenks' Natural Breaks classification for a featurecollection
JExceptionReporter |
Displays an Exception to the user in a modal dialog.
JExtentStatusBarItem |
A status bar item that displays the map pane's world bounds.
JField |
Field that uses the converter API to hack away at a text representation of the provided value.
JFileDataStoreChooser |
A file chooser dialog to get user choices for data stores.
JFileField |
Widget for File; provides a "Browse" button to open a file dialog.
JFileImageChooser |
A file chooser dialog for common raster image format files.
JFontChooser |
A dialog to prompt the user for a font.
JGeometryConverter |
Converts between JGeometry and JTS geometries.
JGeometryField |
Text field for filling in a Geometry parameter using WKT.
JGrassColorTable |
Represents a GRASS rastermap color table.
JGrassConstants |
Constants used by the JGrass engine
JGrassMapEnvironment |
Represents the structure around a map inside a grass database.
JGrassRegion |
Represents the geographic region used in the jGrass engines.
JGrassUtilities |
A facade of often used methods by the JGrass engine
JiffleProcess |
JIntegerField |
A text field control to work with integer values.
JLayeredMapPane |
This class is not usable yet !
JlsTokenizer |
Providing much the same functionality as java.util.StringTokenizer, but avoiding some of its more
common problems.
JMapFrame |
A Swing frame containing a map display pane and (optionally) a toolbar, status bar and map layer
JMapFrame.Tool |
JMapPane |
A lightweight map pane which uses a single renderer and backing image.
JMapStatusBar |
A status bar that works with a map pane to display cursor coordinates and other data.
JMenuStatusBarItem |
A status bar item with an icon which displays a pop-up menu when clicked.
JNDIDataSourceFactory |
A datasource factory SPI doing JDNI lookups
JniOGR |
JniOGRDataStoreFactory |
JobControlOptionsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
JobControlOptionsTypeMember0 |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Job Control Options Type Member0',
and utility methods for working with them.
Join |
Represents the joining of two feature types within a Query .
Join.Type |
type of join
JoinId |
Id filter that knows what feature type it comes from.
JoinInfo |
Holds information about a join query.
JoinInfo.JoinPart |
JoinInfo.JoinQualifier |
JoiningAttributeReader |
Attribute Reader that joins.
JoiningAttributeWriter |
Provides ...
JoiningJDBCFeatureSource |
This is where the magic happens.
JoiningJDBCFeatureSource.JoiningFieldEncoder |
Field Encoder for converting Filters/Expressions to SQL, will encode table name with field.
JoiningNestedAttributeMapping |
Nested attribute mapping used for joining system
JoiningNestedAttributeMapping.Instance |
Instance that holds temporary data for going through the features, for each 'caller' (any
object going through the features) there is one.
JoiningNestedAttributeMapping.Instance.Skip |
JoiningQuery |
Special Query that includes joining information
JoiningQuery.QueryJoin |
JoinPropertyName |
Property name that knows what feature type it comes from.
JP2ECWFormat |
An implementation of Format for the JP2K format based on the ECW driver.
JP2ECWFormatFactory |
Implementation of the Format service provider interface for JP2K files.
JP2ECWReader |
This class can read a JP2K data source and create a GridCoverage2D from the data.
JP2KFormat |
An implementation of Format for the JP2K format.
JP2KFormat |
An implementation of Format for the JP2K format.
JP2KFormatFactory |
Implementation of the Format service provider interface for JP2K files.
JP2KFormatFactory |
Implementation of the Format service provider interface for JP2K files.
JP2KReader |
This class can read a JP2K data source and create a GridCoverage2D from the data.
JP2KReader |
This class can read a JP2K data source and create a GridCoverage2D from the data.
JP2MrSIDFormat |
An implementation of Format for the JP2K format based on the MrSID driver.
JP2MrSIDFormatFactory |
Implementation of the Format service provider interface for JP2K files.
JP2MrSIDReader |
This class can read a JP2K data source and create a GridCoverage2D from the data.
JPage |
Wizard page; will be created as needed.
JParameterListPage |
A wizard page that will prompt the user for a file of the supplied format ask for any additional
JParameterListWizard |
Wizard prompting the user to enter or review connection parameters.
JProcessWizard |
Wizard to walk users through running a process.
JProgressWindow |
Reports progress of a lengthly operation in a window.
JRendererStatusBarItem |
A status bar item that displays an animated icon to indicate renderer activity.
JSimpleStyleDialog |
A dialog to prompt the user for feature style choices.
JsonArrayContainsFunction |
JsonFunctionUtils |
JSONNodePropertyAccessorFactory |
Property Accessor Factory for JsonNode
JsonPointerFilterSplittingVisitor |
JsonPointerFunction |
Applies a JSON pointer on a given JSON string, extracting a value out of it
JsonSelectAllFunction |
Extracts all the values of a given JSON path.
JsonSelectFunction |
Function that selects a JSON object using a JSON path.
JTDSClobConverterFactory |
JTDSDateConverterFactory |
JTDSSqlServerDataStoreFactory |
JTDSSQLServerDialect |
JTextReporter |
Displays a text report dialog with options to copy text to the system clipboard or save to file.
JTextReporter.Connection |
A connection to an active text reporter dialog providing methods to update the text
displayed, add or remove listeners, and close the dialog programatically.
Static collection of JTS operations.
JTS Geometry utility methods, bringing Geotools to JTS.
JTSFactoryFinder |
JtsModule |
JtsModule3D |
JTSUtilities |
A collection of utility methods for use with JTS and the shapefile package.
JulianDate |
The Julian day numbering system is a temporal coordinate system that has its origin at noon on 1
January 4713 BC in the Julian proleptic calendar.
JURLField |
Widget for URL; provides a "Browse" button to open a file dialog.
JValueField |
Abstract base class for text field controls that work with a simple value such as
JIntegerField .
JWizard |
Swing does not provide a wizard construct (boo hiss) so this is a quick dialog that can step us
through a series of pages.
JXPathStreamingParserHandler |
JXPathUtils |
Contains utility methods to create safe JXPathContext objects.
Keybase |
A representation of the model object 'Keybase'.
KeybaseImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Keybase'.
KeyHandler |
KeyHandler purpose.
KeyInfo |
Represents a keyboard key or key combination.
KeyrefHandler |
KeyrefHandler purpose.
KeyrefType |
A representation of the model object 'Keyref Type'.
KeyrefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Keyref Type'.
KeySortedList<K extends Comparable<K>,V> |
List of elements sorted by a key which is not the element itself.
KeywordsType |
A representation of the model object 'Keywords Type'.
KeywordsType |
A representation of the model object 'Keywords Type'.
KeywordsType |
A representation of the model object 'Keywords Type'.
KeywordsType |
A representation of the model object 'Keywords Type'.
KeywordsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
KeywordsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Keywords Type'.
KeywordsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Keywords Type'.
KeywordsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Keywords Type'.
KeywordsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Keywords Type'.
KeywordsTypeValidator |
KeywordsTypeValidator |
KeywordsTypeValidator |
KeywordsTypeValidator |
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
KMLConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
KMLConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
KMLCustomSchemaHandlerFactory |
KmlTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
KnotPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Knot Property Type'.
KnotPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Knot Property Type'.
KnotType |
A representation of the model object 'Knot Type'.
KnotTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Knot Type'.
KnotTypesType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Knot Types Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
Krovak |
Krovak Oblique Conformal Conic projection (EPSG code 9819).
Krovak.NorthProvider |
Krovak.Provider |
A linked HashMap set up for easy construction.
LabelCache |
Used to cache labels prior to their being drawn on the screen.
LabelCacheImpl |
Default LabelCache Implementation.
LabelCacheImpl.LabelRenderingMode |
LabelCacheItem |
The Labelling information that is put in the label cache.
LabelCacheItem.GraphicResize |
LabelIndex |
Stores label items and helps in finding the interferering ones, either by pure overlap or within
a certain distance from the specified bounds
LabelPainter |
This class performs the layouting and painting of the single label (leaving the label cache the
task to sort labels and locate the best label points)
LabelPlacement |
The LabelPlacement element is used to position a label relative to a point, line string or
LabelPlacementBinding |
Binding object for the element
LabelStylePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Label Style Property Type'.
LabelStylePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Label Style Property Type'.
LabelStyleType |
A representation of the model object 'Label Style Type'.
LabelStyleTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
LabelStyleTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Label Style Type'.
LabelType |
A representation of the model object 'Label Type'.
LabelTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Label Type'.
LambertAzimuthalEqualArea |
Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (EPSG code 9820).
LambertAzimuthalEqualArea.Provider |
LambertAzimuthalEqualAreaHandlerFactory |
Returns a ProjectionHandler for the LambertAzimuthalEqualArea projection that
will cut geometries 90° away from the projection center (at the moment it works only with with
the versions centered on poles and the equator)
LambertConformal |
Lambert Conical Conformal Projection.
LambertConformal1SP |
Lambert Conical Conformal 1SP Projection.
LambertConformal1SP.Provider |
LambertConformal2SP |
Lambert Conical Conformal 2SP Projection.
LambertConformal2SP.Provider |
LambertConformalBelgium |
Lambert Conical Conformal 2SP Belgium Projection.
LambertConformalBelgium.Provider |
LambertConformalEsriProvider |
A specialized version
Language |
Languages supported by this module
LanguageAdapterFactory |
The Adapter Factory for the model.
LanguageFactory |
The Factory for the model.
LanguageFactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
LanguagePackage |
The Package for the model.
LanguagePackage.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each operation of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
LanguagePackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
LanguageResourceFactoryImpl |
The Resource Factory associated with the package.
LanguageResourceImpl |
The Resource associated with the package.
LanguagesBinding |
Manual binding for 'wps:Languages' in wpsGetCapabilibies_response.xsd'.
LanguageStringType |
A representation of the model object 'Language String Type'.
LanguageStringType |
A representation of the model object 'Language String Type'.
LanguageStringTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Language String Type'.
LanguageStringTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Language String Type'.
LanguageStringTypeValidator |
LanguageStringTypeValidator |
LanguagesType |
A representation of the model object 'Languages Type'.
LanguagesType |
A representation of the model object 'Languages Type'.
LanguagesType1 |
A representation of the model object 'Languages Type1'.
LanguagesType1Impl |
An implementation of the model object 'Languages Type1'.
LanguagesType1Validator |
LanguagesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Languages Type'.
LanguagesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Languages Type'.
LanguagesTypeValidator |
LanguagesTypeValidator |
LanguageSwitch<T> |
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
LanguageXMLProcessor |
This class contains helper methods to serialize and deserialize XML documents
LapplyFunction |
Apply an expression to each item of a list, resulting in a new list.
Latitude |
A latitude angle.
LatLonBoxTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
LatLongBoundingBoxBinding |
Layer |
A Layer to be rendered.
Layer |
Nested list of zero or more map Layers offered by this server.
LayerBinding |
Binding object for the element
LayerDescription |
Used to hold data regarding Layers.
LayerFeatureConstraints |
LayerFeatureConstraints define what features and feature types are referenced in a layer.
LayerFeatureConstraintsBuilder<P> |
LayerFeatureConstraintsImpl |
LayerType |
A representation of the model object 'Layer Type'.
LayertypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
LayerTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
LayerTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Layer Type'.
LazySearchIterator |
Iterator that search the quad tree depth first. 32000 indices are cached at a time and each time
a node is visited the indices are removed from the node so that the memory footprint is kept
LazySet<E> |
An immutable set built from an iterator, which will be filled only when needed.
LegendGraphicBinding |
Binding object for the element
LegendRenderingSelectorStyleVisitor |
RenderingSelectorStyleVisitor implementation meant to be used when rendering legends *
LegendURLBinding |
Binding object for the element
LegendURLType |
A representation of the model object 'Legend URL Type'.
LegendURLTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Legend URL Type'.
Length |
length is the number of units of length, where units of length varies depending on the type that
is being ???
LengthFunction |
Takes an AttributeExpression, and computes the length of the data for the attribute.
LengthType |
A representation of the model object 'Length Type'.
LengthTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Length Type'.
LenientFeatureFactoryImpl |
LifecycleConnectionUnWrapper |
Un-wraps the LifecycleConnection instances
LightenFunction |
Implements the lighten function
LikeFilterImpl |
Defines a like filter, which checks to see if an attribute matches a REGEXP.
LikeToRegexConverter |
Helper class that takes a LikeFilter and generates the equivalent Java Pattern syntax
LimitingVisitor |
A visitor that can limit the features that can be visited (for example to implement startOffset,
maxFeatures pagination).
Line |
Equation of a line in a two dimensional space (x,y).
LinearCS |
A one-dimensional coordinate system that consists of the points that lie on the single axis
LinearCSRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Linear CS Ref Type'.
LinearCSRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Linear CS Ref Type'.
LinearCSType |
A representation of the model object 'Linear CS Type'.
LinearCSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Linear CS Type'.
LinearizationTolerance |
LinearRingPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Linear Ring Property Type'.
LinearRingPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
LinearRingPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Linear Ring Property Type'.
LinearRingType |
A representation of the model object 'Linear Ring Type'.
LinearRingType |
A representation of the model object 'Linear Ring Type'.
LinearRingTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
LinearRingTypeBinding |
LinearRingTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
LinearRingTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
LinearRingTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Linear Ring Type'.
LinearRingTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Linear Ring Type'.
LinearRingTypeValidator |
LinearTransform |
LinearTransform1D |
A one dimensional, linear transform.
LineElement |
A marker (empty) interface for a grid element that is a line.
LineFeatureBuilder |
LineFormat |
Parses a line of text data.
LineGeometryFactory |
LineGraphGenerator |
Builds a graph representing a line network.
LineHandler |
LineIterator |
A path iterator for the LiteShape class, specialized to iterate over LineString object.
LineIterator2 |
A path iterator for the LiteShape class, specialized to iterate over LineString object.
LineMBLayer |
MBLayer wrapper for "line" layers.
LineMBLayer.LineCap |
The display of line endings.
LineMBLayer.LineJoin |
(Optional) The display of lines when joining.
LineMBLayer.LineTranslateAnchor |
Controls the translation reference point.
LineOrientation |
Constants to identify the orientation of an ortho-line.
LineParser |
Handles parsing a Ysld "line" symbolizer property into a Symbolizer object.
LinePlacement |
The "LinePlacement" specifies where and how a text label should be rendered relative to a line.
LinePlacementBinding |
Binding object for the element
LinePlacementBuilder |
LinePlacementImpl |
Default implementation of LinePlacement.
Lines |
A utility class to create line grids with basic attributes.
LineStringCursor |
Allows to move a point cursor along the path of a LineString using a curvilinear coordinate
system and either absolute distances (from the start of the line) or offsets relative to the
current position, to return the absolute position of the cursor as a Point, and to get the
orientation of the current segment.
LineStringGraphGenerator |
Builds a graph representing a line network in which edges in the network are represented by
LineString geometries.
LineStringParser |
Created by mihaildoronin on 11/11/15.
LineStringPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Line String Property Type'.
LineStringPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
LineStringPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Line String Property Type'.
LineStringSegmentArrayPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Line String Segment Array Property Type'.
LineStringSegmentArrayPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Line String Segment Array Property Type'.
LineStringSegmentType |
A representation of the model object 'Line String Segment Type'.
LineStringSegmentTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
LineStringSegmentTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Line String Segment Type'.
LineStringType |
A representation of the model object 'Line String Type'.
LineStringTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
LineStringTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
LineStringTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Line String Type'.
LineStyle2D |
A rendered style to draw the contour of shapes TODO: add support for Graphic rendering (that is,
an image painted along the contour)
LineStyleTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
LineSymbolizer |
Gives directions for how to draw lines on a map.
LineSymbolizerBinding |
Binding object for the element
LineSymbolizerBuilder |
LineSymbolizerEncoder |
LineSymbolizerHandler |
Handles xml parse events for org.geotools.styling.LineSymbolizer elements.
LineSymbolizerImpl |
Provides a representation of a LineSymbolizer in an SLD Document.
LineTypeType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Line Type Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
LineWriter |
Writes characters to a stream while replacing various EOL by a unique string.
LinFunction |
The function checks whether a candidate value is contained in a list object.
Link |
A Link with common (and less common) properties found in OGC APIs
ListenerList |
This class is used to maintain a list of listeners, and is used in the implementations of several
classes within JFace which allow you to register listeners of various kinds.
ListFeatureCollection |
FeatureCollection implementation wrapping around a java.util.List.
ListHandler |
ListHandler purpose.
ListOfValuesType |
A representation of the model object 'List Of Values Type'.
ListOfValuesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'List Of Values Type'.
ListSizeFunction |
Returns the size of a given list
ListStoredQueriesRequest |
ListStoredQueriesResponse |
ListStoredQueriesResponseFactory |
ListStoredQueriesResponseType |
A representation of the model object 'List Stored Queries Response Type'.
ListStoredQueriesResponseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'List Stored Queries Response Type'.
ListStoredQueriesResponseTypeValidator |
ListStoredQueriesType |
A representation of the model object 'List Stored Queries Type'.
ListStoredQueriesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'List Stored Queries Type'.
ListStoredQueriesTypeValidator |
ListType |
A representation of the model object 'List Type'.
ListTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'List Type'.
ListZoomContext |
A zoom context specified by an explicit list of scale denominators.
ListZoomContext |
LiteCoordinateSequence |
LiteCoordinateSequenceFactory |
LitemFunction |
Select one item for a list.
Literal |
Instances of this interface provide a constant, literal value that can be used in expressions.
LiteralBinding |
Binding object for the element
LiteralBuilder |
LiteralDataDomainType |
A representation of the model object 'Literal Data Domain Type'.
LiteralDataDomainType1 |
A representation of the model object 'Literal Data Domain Type1'.
LiteralDataDomainType1Impl |
An implementation of the model object 'Literal Data Domain Type1'.
LiteralDataDomainTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Literal Data Domain Type'.
LiteralDataType |
A representation of the model object 'Literal Data Type'.
LiteralDataType |
A representation of the model object 'Literal Data Type'.
LiteralDataType_LiteralDataDomainBinding |
Binding object for the type
LiteralDataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Literal Data Type'.
LiteralDataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Literal Data Type'.
LiteralDataTypeValidator |
LiteralDemultiplyingFilterVisitor |
This visitor gets rid of equations that contain literals with multiple values (collections) and
creates instead multiple singe value equations, replacing the ANY, ALL, ONE logic by AND, OR, NOT
LiteralDemultiplyingFilterVisitor.FilterReplacer<F extends MultiValuedFilter> |
This interface is in support of a generic function (demultiply) that gets rid of the
multi-valued literals, with any type of filter that takes two expressions.
LiteralExpressionImpl |
Defines an expression that holds a literal for return.
LiteralInputType |
A representation of the model object 'Literal Input Type'.
LiteralInputTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Literal Input Type'.
LiteralInputTypeValidator |
LiteralOutputType |
A representation of the model object 'Literal Output Type'.
LiteralOutputTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Literal Output Type'.
LiteralOutputTypeValidator |
LiteralType |
A representation of the model object 'Literal Type'.
LiteralTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Literal Type'.
LiteralValueType |
A representation of the model object 'Literal Value Type'.
LiteralValueTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Literal Value Type'.
LiterateFunction |
Builds a list via iteration.
LiteShape |
A thin wrapper that adapts a JTS geometry to the Shape interface so that the geometry can be used
by java2d without coordinate cloning.
LiteShape2 |
A thin wrapper that adapts a JTS geometry to the Shape interface so that the geometry can be used
by java2d without coordinate cloning.
LobConverterFactory |
Converter factory for converting SQL Large Objects.
LocalComplexType |
A representation of the model object 'Local Complex Type'.
LocalComplexTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Local Complex Type'.
LocalElement |
A representation of the model object 'Local Element'.
LocalElementImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Local Element'.
Locales |
Static i18n methods.
LocaleUtils |
Provides localized text strings to GUI elements.
LocalizationGrid |
LocalName |
Identifier within a name space for a local object.
LocalName |
Identifier within a name space for a local object.
LocalSimpleType |
A representation of the model object 'Local Simple Type'.
LocalSimpleTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Local Simple Type'.
LocationPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Location Property Type'.
LocationPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
LocationPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Location Property Type'.
LocationTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
LocatorType |
A representation of the model object 'Locator Type'.
LocatorTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Locator Type'.
Lock |
LockFeatureResponseType |
A representation of the model object 'Lock Feature Response Type'.
LockFeatureResponseType |
A representation of the model object 'Lock Feature Response Type'.
LockFeatureResponseTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
LockFeatureResponseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Lock Feature Response Type'.
LockFeatureResponseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Lock Feature Response Type'.
LockFeatureResponseTypeValidator |
LockFeatureResponseTypeValidator |
LockFeatureType |
A representation of the model object 'Lock Feature Type'.
LockFeatureType |
A representation of the model object 'Lock Feature Type'.
LockFeatureTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
LockFeatureTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Lock Feature Type'.
LockFeatureTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Lock Feature Type'.
LockFeatureTypeValidator |
LockFeatureTypeValidator |
LockingGranuleCatalog |
Applies read/write locks around all operations to protect the underlying store, which might not
be able to handle this scenario correctly
LockingManager |
This class describes a featureID based locking service.
LockManager |
LockTimeoutException |
LockType |
A representation of the model object 'Lock Type'.
LockTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
LockTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Lock Type'.
LockTypeValidator |
A sample validator interface for LockType .
Log |
Takes the natural logarithm of the sample values of a coverage.
Log4J2Logger |
An adapter that redirect all Java logging events to the Apache's Log4J framework.
Log4J2LoggerFactory |
A factory for loggers that redirect all Java logging events to the Apache's Log4J framework.
Log4JLogger |
An adapter that redirect all Java logging events to the Apache's Log4J framework.
Log4JLoggerFactory |
A factory for loggers that redirect all Java logging events to the Apache's Log4J framework.
LogarithmicContrastMethodStrategy |
LogarithmicTransform1D |
A one dimensional, logarithmic transform.
LogarithmicTransform1D.Provider |
LogbackLogger |
Logger that redirect all Java logging events to logback framework * (using the
sl4j API).
LogbackLoggerFactory |
A factory for loggers that redirect all Java logging events to logback framework
(using the sl4j API).
LoggerAdapter |
An adapter that redirect all Java logging events to an other logging framework.
LoggerFactory<L> |
A factory for Java Logger wrapping an other logging framework.
Loggers |
Internal utility class providing static constants for Loggers used during WFSDataStore operation.
Logging |
Base class for locale-dependent resources.
Logging |
Utility class for configuring logging in GeoTools.
Logging.LogLevel |
Custom logging level used for FATAL and OPERATION.
LoggingHTTPClient |
A wrapper around a HTTPClient that will send messages to log for each request and response.
LoggingKeys |
Resource keys.
Loggings |
Base class for locale-dependent resources.
Loggings_en |
English language resource.
Loggings_es |
Spanish language resource.
Loggings_fr |
French language resource.
LogicalOperatorsType |
A representation of the model object 'Logical Operators Type'.
LogicalOperatorsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Logical Operators Type'.
LogicFilterImpl |
Defines a logic filter (the only filter type that contains other filters).
LogicOpsType |
A representation of the model object 'Logic Ops Type'.
LogicOpsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Logic Ops Type'.
LogicSAXParser |
Processes messages from clients to create Logic Filters.
LogoURL |
This class is used for representing the LogoURL element inside the Attribution element of a Layer
when parsing a GetCapabilities response.
LongFileNameExtractorSPI |
Longitude |
A longitude angle.
LongitudeFirstEpsgDecorator |
An EPSG authority factory using (longitude, latitude) axis order.
LongitudeFirstFactory |
An EPSG authority factory using (longitude, latitude) axis order.
LonLatEnvelopeBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Lon Lat Envelope Base Type'.
LonLatEnvelopeBaseTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
LonLatEnvelopeBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Lon Lat Envelope Base Type'.
LonLatEnvelopeBaseTypeValidator |
LonLatEnvelopeType |
A representation of the model object 'Lon Lat Envelope Type'.
LonLatEnvelopeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
LonLatEnvelopeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Lon Lat Envelope Type'.
LonLatEnvelopeTypeValidator |
LookAtTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
LookupTableFactory |
A factory for LookupTableJAI objects built from an array of MathTransform1D .
LowerBoundaryType |
A representation of the model object 'Lower Boundary Type'.
LowerBoundaryTypeBinding |
Binding object for the lower boundary of a property is between filter
LowerBoundaryTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Lower Boundary Type'.
LRSGeocodeProcess |
LRSMeasureProcess |
LRSSegmentProcess |
MalformedFilterException |
Defines an exception for a malformed filter.
ManageableDataSource |
ManifestType |
A representation of the model object 'Manifest Type'.
ManifestType |
A representation of the model object 'Manifest Type'.
ManifestTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Manifest Type'.
ManifestTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Manifest Type'.
ManifestTypeValidator |
ManifestTypeValidator |
ManyAuthoritiesFactory |
An authority factory that delegates the object creation to an other factory determined from the
authority name in the code.
MapAction |
Base class for map pane actions; just provides a common initializing method and a reference to
the map pane being serviced.
MapAdapter |
An abstract adapter class to receive events about map bounds and layer changes.
MapBoundsEvent |
Event object for MapContext area of interest and coordinate system changes.
MapBoundsEvent.Type |
Type of map bounds event
MapBoundsListener |
The listener that's notified when a bounding box changes its area of interest.
MapBoxAnchorFunction |
MapBoxFontBaseNameFunction |
Returns a font base name
MapBoxFontStyleFunction |
Returns "italic" or "normal" based on the font name
MapBoxFontWeightFunction |
Returns "bold" or "normal" based on the font name
MapBoxLengthFunction |
Returns the size of a list or the length of a string
MapBoxStyle |
MapBox Style facade offering utility methods for quickly working with JSON and converting to
StyledLayerDescriptor .
MapContent |
Stores the contents of a map for display, including a list of layers, a MapViewport
defining the device and world bounds of display area, and optional user data.
MapEntry<K,V> |
A default implementation of Map.Entry which map an arbitrary key-value pairs.
MapGetFunction |
Extracts a value from a map given the map name and the needed key as parameters
MapInfoFileReader |
Reader for Mapinfo .TAB files Finds control points and CRS in .TAB file and parses them
accordingly and builds a mathtransform and CRS
MapItem |
This function recodes values from a property or expression into corresponding values of arbitrary
MapItemBinding |
Binding object for the element
MapLayerEvent |
Event fired when some Layer property changes.
MapLayerListener |
The listener that's notified when some layer property changes.
MapLayerListEvent |
Event object used to report changes in the list of layers managed by a MapContext
MapLayerListListener |
MapLayerTable |
Displays a list of the map layers in an associated MapPane and provides controls to
set the visibility, selection and style of each layer.
MapLayerTableCellRenderer |
A custom list cell renderer for items in the JList used by MapLayerTable to show map
layer names and states.
MapLayerTableCellRenderer.LayerControlItem |
Items used to display layer states and controls.
MapMouseAdapter |
An adapter class that implements all of the mouse event handling methods defined in the
MapMouseListener interface as empty methods, allowing sub-classes to just override the methods
they need.
MapMouseEvent |
A MouseEvent with methods to retrieve position in world coordinates.
MapMouseEventDispatcher |
Takes Java AWT mouse events received by a map pane and converts them to MapMouseEvents
which add world location data.
MapMouseListener |
Interface for classes that listen to MapMouseEvents
MapPane |
Defines the core map pane methods.
MapPaneAdapter |
An adapter class that implements all of the methods defined by MapPaneListener as empty
methods, allowing sub-classes to just override the methods they need.
MapPaneEvent |
An event class used by MapPane to signal changes of state to listeners.
MapPaneEvent.Type |
Type of MapPane event
MapPaneKeyHandler |
Handles keyboard events for a map pane.
MapPaneKeyHandler.Action |
Constants for supported actions.
MapPaneListener |
Listens to events published by the MapPane.
MappedPosition |
An association between a source and target direct
MappingAttributeIterator |
A Feature iterator that operates over the FeatureSource of a FeatureTypeMapping that is of a simple content type, e.g. representing
a gml:name element.
MappingFeatureCollection |
MappingFeatureIteratorFactory |
MappingFeatureSource |
MapProjection |
Base class for transformation services between ellipsoidal and cartographic projections.
MapProjection.AbstractProvider |
MapPropertyAccessorFactory |
MapRenderingSelectorStyleVisitor |
RenderingSelectorStyleVisitor implementation meant to be used when rendering maps *
MapServerWFSStrategy |
This strategy addresses a bug in most MapServer implementations where a filter is required in
order for all the features to be returned.
MapViewport |
Represents the area of a map to be displayed, expressed in world coordinates and (optionally)
screen (window, image) coordinates.
MarchingSquaresVectorizer |
Algorithm computing the image footprint.
MarchingSquaresVectorizer.FootprintCoordinates |
MarchingSquaresVectorizer.ImageAnalysisResultThdLocal |
MarchingSquaresVectorizer.ImageLoadingType |
Mark |
Indicate that one of a few predefined shapes will be drawn at the points of the geometry.
MarkAlongLine |
Custom stroke to drape shapes along Line Strings
MarkBinding |
Binding object for the element
MarkBuilder |
MarkFactory |
Symbol handler for a Mark.
MarkFactoryListComparator |
Mark factory comparator based on a simple class name identifiers list.
MarkFactoryListPredicate |
Mark factory filtering predicate based on a provided class name identifiers list.
MarkImpl |
Default implementation of Mark.
MarkParser |
Handles parsing a Ysld "mark" property into a Mark object.
MarkStyle2D |
Style to represent points as small filled and stroked shapes
MaskOverviewProvider |
Helper class used for handling Internal/External overviews and masks for a File
MaskOverviewProvider.MaskInfo |
Helper class used for storing information to use for read the mask data.
MaskOverviewProvider.SpiHelper |
Helper class containing previous code used to get streamSPI and readerSPI for an input file.
MatchActionBinding |
MatchActionType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Match Action Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
MathExpressionImpl |
Holds a mathematical relationship between two expressions.
MathTransform |
Transforms multi-dimensional coordinate points.
MathTransform1D |
Transforms one-dimensional coordinate points.
MathTransform2D |
Transforms two-dimensional coordinate points.
MathTransformationAdapter |
MathTransformBuilder |
MathTransformFactory |
MathTransformParser |
MathTransformProvider |
MathTransformProvider.Delegate |
MathTransformProxy |
A math transform which delegates part of its work to an other math transform.
Matrix |
A two dimensional array of numbers.
Matrix1 |
A matrix of fixed 1× 1 size.
Matrix2 |
A matrix of fixed 2× 2 size.
Matrix3 |
A matrix of fixed 3× 3 size.
Matrix4 |
A matrix of fixed 4× 4 size.
MatrixFactory |
Static utility methods for creating matrix.
MatrixParameterDescriptors |
A parameter group for matrix elements.
MatrixParameters |
MaxFeatureReader<T extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
Basic support for a FeatureReader that limits itself to the
number of features passed in.
MaxFeaturesFeatureCollection<T extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
SimpleFeatureCollection wrapper which limits the number of features returned.
MaxFeaturesIterator<F extends Feature> |
Iterator wrapper which caps the number of returned features.
MaxFeaturesSimpleFeatureIterator |
SimpleFeatureIterator wrapper which can use a start and end bounds to cap the number of returned
MaxFilter |
For each position of the mask, replaces the center pixel by the maximum of the pixel values
covered by the mask.
MaxSimpleFeatureCollection |
SimpleFeatureCollection wrapper which limits the number of features returned.
MaxVisitor |
Calculates the maximum value of an attribute.
MaxVisitor.MaxResult |
MBArrayStop |
Wrapper for a "stop" in an array function (See MBFunction.isArrayFunction() ), providing
methods to access the stop key and stop value array, as well as a method to reduce it from an
array stop to a single-value stop (for a given index).
MBColor |
A class to transform mapbox color expressions into GeoTools expressions.
MBDecision |
The expressions in this section can be used to add conditional logic to your styles.
MBExpression |
The value for any layout property, paint property, or filter may be specified as an expression.
MBFeatureData |
MBFilter |
MBFilter json wrapper, allowing conversion to a GeoTools Filter.
MBFormatException |
Thrown if the MapBox JSON used by MBStyle does not conform to the MapBox specification
MBFunction |
MBFunction json wrapper, allowing conversion of function to a GeoTools Expression.
MBFunction.FunctionCategory |
Function category property, zoom, or property and zoom.
MBFunction.FunctionType |
Optional type, one of identity, exponential, interval, categorical.
MBFunctionFactory |
MBFunctionUtil |
Utility functions for MBExpressions.
MBHeatmap |
MBLayer |
MBLayer wrapper (around one of the MBStyle layers).
MBLayer.Visibility |
Whether this layer is displayed.
MBLookup |
MBMath |
MBObjectParser |
Helper class used to perform JSON traversal of JSONObject and perform Expression and
Filter conversions.
MBObjectStops |
This class provides the ability to find all the zoom levels within a MapBox Style and returns a
reduced list of only the layers and properties containing Base and Stops values.
MBObjectStops.LayerStops |
Function stops representation.
MBRampsScalesCurves |
MBSource |
Wrapper around a JSONObject containing the "sources" in a Mapbox style.
MBSpriteException |
Thrown by SpriteGraphicFactory in case of an exception while retrieving or parsing either
a spritesheet or a sprite index file.
MBString |
This class is an extension of the MBExpression containing the functions to support MapBox Style
String expressions.
MBStyle |
MapBox Style implemented as wrapper around parsed JSON file.
MBStyleParser |
MBStyleTransformer |
MBTilesDataStore |
MBTilesDataStoreFactory |
MBTilesFile |
MBTilesFormat |
MBTilesFormatFactorySpi |
MBTilesGrid |
MBTilesMetadata |
The well known contents of the metadata table
MBTilesMetadata.t_format |
MBTilesMetadata.t_type |
MBTilesReader |
MBTilesTile |
MBTypes |
The expressions in this section are provided for the purpose of testing for and converting
between different data types like strings, numbers, and boolean values.
MBVariableBinding |
MBZoom |
This class is here to get zoom level properties from a map
Measure<V extends Number,Q extends Quantity<Q>> |
Measurement recorded in provided unit.
Measure |
A scalar with an unit.
MeasureConverterFactory |
ConverterFactory which converts between the Measure and String.
MeasureListType |
A representation of the model object 'Measure List Type'.
MeasureListTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Measure List Type'.
MeasurementRange<T extends Number & Comparable<? super T>> |
A range of numbers associated with a unit of measurement.
MeasureOrNullListType |
A representation of the model object 'Measure Or Null List Type'.
MeasureOrNullListTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Measure Or Null List Type'.
MeasureType |
A representation of the model object 'Measure Type'.
MeasureType |
A representation of the model object 'Measure Type'.
MeasureTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MeasureTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MeasureTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Measure Type'.
MeasureTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Measure Type'.
MedialZoomContext |
A zoom context that can find half way points between zoom levels.
MedialZoomContext |
MediaMBSource |
Wrapper around a JSONObject containing a Mapbox media (image or video) source.
MedianFilter |
For each position of the mask, replaces the center pixel by the median of the pixel values
covered by the mask.
MedianVisitor |
Calculates the median of an attribute in all features of a collection
MedianVisitor.MedianResult |
Meets |
Filter operator that determines if a temporal period is met by another temporal period as defined
by the Filter Encoding Specification.
MeetsBinding |
Binding object for the element
MeetsImpl |
MemberName |
The name to identify a member of a record.
MemberPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Member Property Type'.
MemberPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MemberPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Member Property Type'.
MemberPropertyTypeValidator |
MemoryDataStore |
This is an example implementation of a DataStore used for testing.
MemoryEntry |
Entry used to store features (of a single FeatureType).
MemoryFeatureCollection |
Implement a SimpleFeatureCollection by burning memory!
MemoryFeatureReader |
Read contents from MemoryDataStore.
MemoryFeatureSource |
Read access to feature content held in memory.
MemoryFeatureStore |
MemoryFeatureWriter |
Update contents of MemoryDataStore.
MemoryMappedFileCache |
MemoryMappedRandomAccessFile |
A ReadOnly MemoryMapped RandomAccessFile.
MemoryState |
State for MemoryDataStore providing FeatureType and stored features.
Mercator |
Mercator Cylindrical Projection.
Mercator1SP |
Mercator Cylindrical 1SP Projection.
Mercator1SP.Provider |
Mercator2SP |
Mercator Cylindrical 2SP Projection.
Mercator2SP.Provider |
MercatorHandlerFactory |
MercatorPseudoProvider |
Supports the popular visualisation projection used by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, OSM and others
MergeBehavior |
This class is responsible for implementing the strategies for the mosaicking which can be a flat
merge of band-stacking merge.
MessageDirectLayer |
This is a simple watermark used to place a message (such as copyright information) onto a map.
MetaBufferEstimator |
Parses a style or part of it and returns the size of the largest stroke and the biggest point
symbolizer whose width is specified with a literal expression.
Also provides an indication whether the stroke width is accurate, or if a non literal width has
been found.
Metadata |
Bean capturing shapefile metadata information.
MetadataAssociationType |
A representation of the model object 'Metadata Association Type'.
MetadataAssociationTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MetadataAssociationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Metadata Association Type'.
MetadataAssociationTypeValidator |
MetadataAttribute |
MetadataDdl |
Helper class to create DDL statements for creating unit-of-measures and spatial reference
MetadataEntity |
A superclass for implementing ISO 19115 metadata interfaces.
MetadataImport |
MetadataImport.IPasswordReader |
MetadataLinkType |
A representation of the model object 'Metadata Link Type'.
MetadataLinkTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MetadataLinkTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Metadata Link Type'.
MetadataLinkTypeValidator |
MetadataNode |
MetaDataPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Meta Data Property Type'.
MetaDataPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Meta Data Property Type'.
MetaDataPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MetaDataPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Meta Data Property Type'.
MetaDataPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Meta Data Property Type'.
MetaDataPropertyTypeValidator |
MetadataStandard |
Enumeration of some metadata standards.
MetadataTablePrimaryKeyFinder |
Looks up primary key information in a metadata table provided by the user.
MetadataType |
A representation of the model object 'Metadata Type'.
MetadataType |
A representation of the model object 'Metadata Type'.
MetadataType |
A representation of the model object 'Metadata Type'.
MetadataTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MetadataTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MetadataTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MetadataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Metadata Type'.
MetadataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Metadata Type'.
MetadataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Metadata Type'.
MetadataTypeType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Metadata Type Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
MetadataTypeValidator |
MetadataTypeValidator |
MetadataTypeValidator |
MetadataURL |
A Map Server may use zero or more MetadataURL elements to offer detailed, standardized metadata
about the data underneath a particular layer.
MetadataURLType |
A representation of the model object 'Metadata URL Type'.
MetadataURLType |
A representation of the model object 'Metadata URL Type'.
MetadataURLTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MetadataURLTypeBinding |
MetadataURLTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Metadata URL Type'.
MetadataURLTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Metadata URL Type'.
MetadataURLTypeValidator |
MetadataURLTypeValidator |
MetBy |
Filter operator that determines if a temporal period meets by another temporal period as defined
by the Filter Encoding Specification.
MetByBinding |
Binding object for the element
MetByImpl |
MeteoMarkFactory |
Adds to the well-known shapes some symbols the weathermen may find useful.
MeteosatSG |
Meteosat Second Generation imagery projection
MeteosatSG.Provider |
Method |
Interpolation method used by the Interpolate function.
MethodType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Method Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
MethodTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MigrationException |
Exception occurring during the migration process, typically stopping it
MimeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MinFilter |
For each position of the mask, replaces the center pixel by the minimum of the pixel values
covered by the mask.
MinVisitor |
Calculates the minimum value of an attribute.
MinVisitor.MinResult |
MismatchedBindingFinder |
MismatchedDimensionException |
Indicates that an operation cannot be completed properly because of a mismatch in the dimensions
of object attributes.
MismatchedReferenceSystemException |
Indicates that an object cannot be constructed because of a mismatch in the reference systems of geometric components.
MissingInfoException |
Thrown when a required operation can't be performed because some information is missing or isn't
set up properly.
MixFunction |
Mix color function.
Mode |
Interpolation mode used by interpolate function.
ModeType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Mode Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
ModeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ModifiableMetadata |
Base class for metadata that may (or may not) be modifiable.
ModuloFunction |
Implements the Knuth floored division modulo_operation
Mollweide |
Mollweide projection
Mollweide.MollweideProvider |
Mollweide.WagnerIVProvider |
Mollweide.WagnerVProvider |
MolodenskiTransform |
Two- or three-dimensional datum shift using the (potentially abridged) Molodensky transformation.
MolodenskiTransform.Provider |
MolodenskiTransform.ProviderAbridged |
MongoCollectionMeta |
Class used to store metadata of mongo collection
MongoComplexDataSource |
Class that builds an App-Schema iterator ready to be used with MongoDB.
MongoComplexUtilities |
This class contains utilities methods for dealing with MongoDB complex features.
MongoDataStore |
MongoDataStoreFactory |
MongoDBObjectFeature |
MongoFeature |
MongoFeatureReader |
MongoFeatureSource |
MongoFeatureStore |
MongoFeatureWriter |
MongoFilterSplitter |
MongoGeometryBuilder |
MongoInferredMapper |
MongoNestedAttributeExpressionFactory |
Custom nested attribute expressions builder for MongoDB.
MongoNestedMapping |
MongoDB custom nested attribute mapping for app-schema.
MongoNestedMappingFactory |
Custom nested attributes mappings builder for MongoDB.
MongoSchemaDBStore |
MongoSchemaFileStore |
MongoSchemaInitParams |
MongoSchemaInitParams.Builder |
MongoSchemaMapper |
MongoSchemaStore |
MongoUtil |
MongoUtil.SchemaFolderFinder |
MonolineFormatter |
A formatter writting log messages on a single line.
Mosaic |
Mosaic.GridGeometryPolicy |
Mosaic.Params |
MosaicBeanBuilder |
Simple builder which builds the configuration bean of a mosaic configuration.
MosaicConfigurationBean |
Very simple bean to hold the configuration of the mosaic.
MosaicElement |
Represents the input raster element for a mosaic operation, source RenderedImage , ROI and alpha channel.
MosaicInputs |
This class represents the inputs for a mosaic JAI operation.
Mosaicker |
A class doing the mosaic operation on top of a List of MosaicElement s.
MouseDragBox |
Draws a box on the parent component (e.g.
MovingObjectStatusType |
A representation of the model object 'Moving Object Status Type'.
MovingObjectStatusTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Moving Object Status Type'.
MrSIDFormat |
An implementation of Format for the MrSID format.
MrSIDFormatFactory |
Implementation of the Format service provider interface for MrSID files.
MrSIDReader |
This class can read a MrSID data source and create a GridCoverage2D from the data.
MultiCompareFilterImpl |
Support for Multi-valued properties when comparing
MultiCurve |
A subclass of multi line string that can host also curves and will linearize if needed
MultiCurveCoverageType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Curve Coverage Type'.
MultiCurveCoverageTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Curve Coverage Type'.
MultiCurvedGeometry<T extends Geometry> |
This interface is really just a trick for schema building, there are no concrete implementors for
MultiCurveDomainType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Curve Domain Type'.
MultiCurveDomainTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Curve Domain Type'.
MultiCurvePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Curve Property Type'.
MultiCurvePropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MultiCurvePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Curve Property Type'.
MultiCurveType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Curve Type'.
MultiCurveTypeBinding |
MultiCurveTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MultiCurveTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Curve Type'.
MultiGeometryPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Geometry Property Type'.
MultiGeometryPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MultiGeometryPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Geometry Property Type'.
MultiGeometryType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Geometry Type'.
MultiGeometryTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MultiGeometryTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MultiGeometryTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Geometry Type'.
MultiLevelROI |
A ROI provider that handles multi-scale ROI
MultiLevelROIGeometry |
A ROIGeometry provider that handles multi-scale ROI with some extras:
Caching of reduced resolution of the same ROI
Management of the footprint inset
MultiLevelROIGeometryOverviews |
A ROIGeometry provider that handles multi-scale ROI, supporting per imageIndex overviews's
geometries being stored in separate sidecar file
MultiLevelROIGeometryOverviewsProvider |
MultiLevelROIGeometryProvider |
MultiLevelROIProvider |
Provider used for generating a MultiLevelROI object from a granule
MultiLevelROIProviderFactory |
Factory class used for returning a MultiLevelROIProvider based on the input footprint
properties and files
MultiLevelROIProviderMosaicFactory |
Factory class used for returning a MultiLevelROIProvider based on the input footprint
properties and files for mosaics
MultiLevelROIRaster |
MultiLevelROIRasterProvider |
MultiLineHandler |
The default JTS handler for shapefile.
MultiLineHandler |
MultiLineStringParser |
Created by mihaildoronin on 11/11/15.
MultiLineStringPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Line String Property Type'.
MultiLineStringPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MultiLineStringPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Line String Property Type'.
MultiLineStringType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Line String Type'.
MultiLineStringTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MultiLineStringTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Line String Type'.
MultiMap |
MultipleValue |
Represents a mapping that can result in multiple values.
MultipleValueExtractor |
Multiply |
Encodes the operation of multiplication.
Multiply |
Create a new coverage as the multiplication of two source coverages by doing pixel by pixel
multiplication: result[0][0] = source0[0][0] * source1[0][0] ... ... result[i][j] = source0[i][j]
* source1[i][j] ... ... result[n-1][m-1] = source0[n-1][m-1] * source1[n-1][m-1]
MultiplyBuilder |
MultiplyConst |
Multiplies every sample values of the source coverage by constants (one for each band).
MultiplyCoveragesProcess |
Multiply two coverages together (pixel by pixel).
MultiplyImpl |
Implementation of Multiply expression.
MultiPointCoverageType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Point Coverage Type'.
MultiPointCoverageTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Point Coverage Type'.
MultiPointDomainType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Point Domain Type'.
MultiPointDomainTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Point Domain Type'.
MultiPointHandler |
MultiPointHandler |
MultiPointParser |
Created by mihaildoronin on 11/11/15.
MultiPointPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Point Property Type'.
MultiPointPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MultiPointPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Point Property Type'.
MultiPointType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Point Type'.
MultiPointTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MultiPointTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Point Type'.
MultiPolygonHandler |
MultiPolygonParser |
Created by mihaildoronin on 11/11/15.
MultiPolygonPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Polygon Property Type'.
MultiPolygonPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MultiPolygonPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Polygon Property Type'.
MultiPolygonType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Polygon Type'.
MultiPolygonTypeBinding |
MultiPolygonTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MultiPolygonTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Polygon Type'.
MultiRange<T extends Comparable<? super T>> |
Represents the domain of a variable as a set of ranges
MultiSolidCoverageType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Solid Coverage Type'.
MultiSolidCoverageTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Solid Coverage Type'.
MultiSolidDomainType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Solid Domain Type'.
MultiSolidDomainTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Solid Domain Type'.
MultiSolidPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Solid Property Type'.
MultiSolidPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Solid Property Type'.
MultiSolidType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Solid Type'.
MultiSolidTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Solid Type'.
MultiSurface |
MultiSurfaceCoverageType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Surface Coverage Type'.
MultiSurfaceCoverageTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Surface Coverage Type'.
MultiSurfaceDomainType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Surface Domain Type'.
MultiSurfaceDomainTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Surface Domain Type'.
MultiSurfacePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Surface Property Type'.
MultiSurfacePropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MultiSurfacePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Surface Property Type'.
MultiSurfaceType |
A representation of the model object 'Multi Surface Type'.
MultiSurfaceTypeBinding |
MultiSurfaceTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
MultiSurfaceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Surface Type'.
MultithreadedHttpClient |
MultithreadedHttpClientFactory |
Factory for MultithreadedHttpClient
MultiValuedFilter |
Defines a filter that supports filtering on multi-valued attributes.
MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction |
Enumerated type for MatchAction property (used by comparison and geometry operations): When
one or more of the operands evaluates to multiple values rather than a single value, which
action should be taken?
MySQLDataStoreFactory |
DataStoreFactory for MySQL database.
MySQLDialect |
MySQLDialectBasic |
MySQL database dialect based on basic (non-prepared) statements.
MySQLDialectPrepared |
MySQL database dialect based on prepared statements.
MySQLFilterToSQL |
MySQLJNDIDataStoreFactory |
JNDI DataStoreFactory for mysql database.
NADConGridShift |
A NADCON localization grid
NADCONGridShiftFactory |
Loads and caches NADCON grid shifts
NADCONTransform |
Transform backed by the North American Datum Conversion grid.
NADCONTransform.Provider |
Name |
A qualified Name (with respect to a namespace rather than just a simple prefix).
NameBinding |
NameConverterFactory |
ConverterFactory for handling Name conversions.
NamedAttributeGroup |
A representation of the model object 'Named Attribute Group'.
NamedAttributeGroupImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Named Attribute Group'.
NamedGroup |
A representation of the model object 'Named Group'.
NamedGroupImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Named Group'.
NamedIdentifier |
An identification of a CRS object.
NamedLayer |
A NamedLayer is used to refer to a layer that has a name in a WMS.
NamedLayerBinding |
Binding object for the element
NamedLayerBuilder |
NamedLayerImpl |
Default implementation of named layer.
NamedStyle |
A NamedStyle is used to refer to a style that has a name in a WMS.
NamedStyleBinding |
Binding object for the element
NamedStyleImpl |
A NamedStyle is used to refer to a style that has a name in a WMS.
NameFactory |
NameFactory |
NameImpl |
Simple implementation of Name.
NameListBinding |
Binding object for the type
Namespace |
A set of 0 or more names, with no duplicates.
NameSpace |
A domain in which names given by character strings are defined.
NamespaceAwareAttributeRenameVisitor |
Renames the specified attribute to a new target name, preserving the namespace context.
NamespaceListMember0 |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Namespace List Member0',
and utility methods for working with them.
NamespaceListMember1ItemMember1 |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Namespace List Member1 Item Member1',
and utility methods for working with them.
NamespaceSupportWrapper |
NamespaceContext wrapper around namespace support.
NameValidator |
Validator for expressions
NarrowMaxMin |
A representation of the model object 'Narrow Max Min'.
NarrowMaxMinImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Narrow Max Min'.
NativeFilter |
This filter should be treated as an extension point that allows the injection of a complex
filtering expression defined in the language of the target data store.
NativeFilterImpl |
Default implementation of a native filter that works like an holder for the native expression.
NativeType |
A representation of the model object 'Native Type'.
NativeType |
A representation of the model object 'Native Type'.
NativeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
NativeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Native Type'.
NativeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Native Type'.
NativeTypeValidator |
NativeTypeValidator |
NearestProcess |
NearestVisitor |
Finds the nearest value to the provided one in the attribute domain.
Neighbor |
Constants for neighbor positions used when bulding polygonal grids.
NestedAttributeExpression |
This class represents a list of expressions broken up from a single XPath expression that is
nested in more than one feature.
NestedAttributeMapping |
This class represents AttributeMapping for attributes that are nested inside another complex
NestedCollectionLinkFunction |
Function used to chain an entity with a sub collection.
NestedFilterToSQL |
FilterToSQL decorator capable of encoding filters on nested attributes.
NetCDFAccess |
NetCDFAuxiliaryStoreFactory |
Creates a vector store that publishes the index information of the NetCDF Store.
NetCDFCFParser |
A NetCDF CF (ClimateForecast) parser.
NetCDFCoordinateReferenceSystemType |
Enum used to represent different coordinate reference systems stored within a NetCDF dataset.
NetCDFCoordinateReferenceSystemType.NetCDFCoordinate |
Contains basic information related to a NetCDF Coordinate such as: - short name (as an
instance: x) - long name (as an instance: x coordinate of projection) - standard name (as an
instance: projection_x_coordinate) - the name of the associated dimension (as an instance: x)
- the unit of measure of that coordinate (as an instance: m)
NetCDFCRSAuthorityFactory |
NetCDFCRSUtilities |
NetCDFDriver |
NetCDF Driver
NetCDFFormat |
NetCDFFormatFactorySPI |
NetCDFImageMetadata |
Simple image metadata for NetCDF
NetCDFImageReader |
Base implementation for NetCDF-CF image flat reader.
NetCDFImageReaderSpi |
Service provider interface for the NetCDF Image
NetCDFProjection |
Class used to properly setup NetCDF CF Projection parameters.
NetCDFReader |
A NetCDF Reader implementation
NetCDFSource |
Implementation of a coverage source for netcdf data
NetCDFTimeUtilities |
NetCDFUnitFormat |
Parser/Encoder for units expressed in the NetCDF CF syntax, with ability to configure the unit
syntax transformation and allow setting up custom aliases just for the NetCDF case.
NetCDFUtilities |
Set of NetCDF utility methods.
NetCDFUtilities.Axis |
Global attribute for coordinate coverageDescriptorsCache.
NetCDFUtilities.CheckType |
NetCDFUtilities.FileFormat |
NetCDFUtilities.ParameterBehaviour |
NewZealandMapGrid |
The NZMG (New Zealand Map Grid) projection.
NewZealandMapGrid.Provider |
NilBuilder |
NilExpression |
Placeholder class used to represent a NIL expression, evaluates to null .
NilValueType |
A representation of the model object 'Nil Value Type'.
NilValueTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Nil Value Type'.
NilValueTypeValidator |
NIOUtilities |
Utility class for managing memory mapped buffers.
NITFFormat |
An implementation of Format for the NITF format.
NITFFormatFactory |
Implementation of the Format service provider interface for NITF files.
NITFReader |
This class can read a NITF data source and create a GridCoverage2D from the data.
NoBifurcationIterator |
Iterates over the nodes of a graph starting from a specified node, stopping at a bifurcation.
NoContentIterator |
This iterator is used to indicate that contents could not be aquired.
NoCRSType |
A representation of the model object 'No CRS Type'.
NoCRSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'No CRS Type'.
NoCRSTypeValidator |
Node |
Node |
This interface extends the functionalities provided by the default
implementation generated by javacc.
Node |
This interface extends the functionalities provided by the default
implementation generated by javacc.
Node |
Represents a node in a graph.
Node |
Represents a value in the parse tree.
NodeImpl |
NodePropertyHandler |
NodeSequence |
Represents a sequence of nodes in a graph.
NodeType |
A representation of the model object 'Node Type'.
NodeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Node Type'.
NoFixedFacet |
A representation of the model object 'No Fixed Facet'.
NoFixedFacetImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'No Fixed Facet'.
NonFeatureTypeProxy |
This class represents the fake feature type needed for feature chaining for properties that are
not features.
NonIncrementingPrimaryKeyColumn |
Represents a column of a primary key which is not auto incrementing.
NoninvertibleTransformException |
NonNegativeIntegerOrUnknownMember0 |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Non Negative Integer Or Unknown Member0',
and utility methods for working with them.
NormalizeBinding |
Binding object for the element
NormalizeContrastMethodStrategy |
NormalizeCoverageProcess |
NorthFix |
Function that allows correcting a heading angle based on the north direction in the point and CRS
NoSRSType |
A representation of the model object 'No SRS Type'.
NoSRSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'No SRS Type'.
NoSRSTypeValidator |
NoSuchAuthorityCodeException |
NoSuchIdentifierException |
Not |
Reverses the logical value of an expression.
NotationType |
A representation of the model object 'Notation Type'.
NotationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Notation Type'.
NotBinding |
Binding object for the element
NotImpl |
NoToolAction |
An action to de-select any active map cursor tool.
NoValuesType |
A representation of the model object 'No Values Type'.
NoValuesType |
A representation of the model object 'No Values Type'.
NoValuesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'No Values Type'.
NoValuesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'No Values Type'.
NoValuesTypeValidator |
NoValuesTypeValidator |
NowFunction |
Return the current time as a Date.
NTv2GridShiftFactory |
Loads and caches NTv2 grid files.
NTv2Transform |
The "NTv2" coordinate transformation method (EPSG:9615).
NTv2Transform.Provider |
NullEntityResolver |
NullObject implementation for EntityResolver2 (used as an alternative to null checks).
NullEnumerationMember0 |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Null Enumeration Member0',
and utility methods for working with them.
NullExpressionVisitor |
This class does *nothing* - useful to prevent null checks in AbstractFilterVisitor.
NullFilterImpl |
Defines a null filter, which checks to see if an attribute is null.
NullFilterVisitor |
Abstract implementation of FilterVisitor simple returns the provided data.
NullPrimaryKey |
Primary key for tables which do not have a primary key.
NullProgressListener |
A default progress listener implementation suitable for subclassing.
NullPropertyAccessorFactory |
This class supports the use of Expression/NIL for referring to a 'null' value.
NullTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
NumberRange<T extends Number & Comparable<? super T>> |
A range of numbers.
NumberRangeComparator |
A NumberRange comparator
NumericConverterFactory |
ConverterFactory which converts between the "standard" numeric types.
NumFacet |
A representation of the model object 'Num Facet'.
NumFacetImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Num Facet'.
ObjectCache<K,V> |
A cache for arbitrary objects.
ObjectCaches |
This is facade around several constructs used by GeoTools for internal caching.
ObjectEncoder<T> |
ObjectFactory |
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the package.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the generated package.
ObjectId |
ObjectId refered to by Filter 1.1 specification (as an example).
ObjectTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ObjectValidator |
A sample validator interface for Object .
Obligation |
Obligation of the element or entity.
Obligation |
Obligation of the element or entity.
ObliqueCartesianCSRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Oblique Cartesian CS Ref Type'.
ObliqueCartesianCSRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Oblique Cartesian CS Ref Type'.
ObliqueCartesianCSType |
A representation of the model object 'Oblique Cartesian CS Type'.
ObliqueCartesianCSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Oblique Cartesian CS Type'.
ObliqueMercator |
Oblique Mercator Projection.
ObliqueMercator.Provider |
ObliqueMercator.Provider_TwoPoint |
ObliqueOrthographic |
ObliqueStereographic |
Provides the transform equations for the Oblique Stereographic (EPSG code 9809).
ObliqueStereographic.Provider |
Oblong |
Marker interface for oblong grid elements.
OblongBuilder |
Used by Oblongs class to build grids.
OblongImpl |
Default implementation of Oblong .
Oblongs |
A utility class with static methods to create and work with oblong grid elements.
ObservationType |
A representation of the model object 'Observation Type'.
ObservationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Observation Type'.
OfferedCoverageType |
A representation of the model object 'Offered Coverage Type'.
OfferedCoverageTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Offered Coverage Type'.
OffsetCurveBuilder |
Builds a offset curve, that is, a line parallel to the provided geometry at a given distance.
OffsetCurveType |
A representation of the model object 'Offset Curve Type'.
OffsetCurveTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Offset Curve Type'.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
OGCAddBinding |
Binding object for the element
OGCAndBinding |
Binding object for the element
Similar to the OGC CRS factory, but with a different authority name, designed to support URNs
coming from the OGC API - Features - Part 1: Core specification (e.g.,
OGCBBOXTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OGCBeyondBinding |
Binding object for the element
OGCBinaryComparisonOpTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OGCBinaryLogicOpTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OGCBinaryOperatorTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OGCBinarySpatialOpTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OGCComparisonOpsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ogcComplexType |
ogcComplexTypes |
ogcComplexTypes._FeatureInfoOutput |
ogcComplexTypes._FeatureInfoSize |
ogcComplexTypes._GetCapabilities |
ogcComplexTypes._GetFeatureInfo |
ogcComplexTypes._GetMap |
ogcComplexTypes._Output |
ogcComplexTypes._Size |
ogcComplexTypes.VendorType |
OGCConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
OGCConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the filter 1.0 schema.
OGCConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the filter 1.1 schema.
OGCContainsBinding |
Binding object for the element
OGCCrossesBinding |
Binding object for the element
OGCDisjointBinding |
Binding object for the element
OGCDistanceBufferTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OGCDistanceTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OGCDivBinding |
Binding object for the element
OGCDWithinBinding |
Binding object for the element
ogcElement |
OGCEqualsBinding |
Binding object for the element
OGCExpressionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OGCFeatureIdTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OGCFilterTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OGCFunctionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OGCIntersectsBinding |
Binding object for the element
OGCLiteralTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OGCLogicOpsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OGCLowerBoundaryTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OGCMulBinding |
Binding object for the element
OGCNotBinding |
Binding object for the element
OGCOrBinding |
Binding object for the element
OGCOverlapsBinding |
Binding object for the element
OGCPropertyIsBetweenTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OGCPropertyIsEqualToBinding |
Binding object for the element
OGCPropertyIsGreaterThanBinding |
Binding object for the element
OGCPropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualToBinding |
Binding object for the element
OGCPropertyIsLessThanBinding |
Binding object for the element
OGCPropertyIsLessThanOrEqualToBinding |
Binding object for the element
OGCPropertyIsLikeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OGCPropertyIsNotEqualToBinding |
Binding object for the element
OGCPropertyIsNullTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OGCPropertyNameTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OGCSchema |
ogcSimpleType |
ogcSimpleTypes |
ogcSimpleTypes.CapabilitiesSectionType |
ogcSimpleTypes.ExceptionsType |
ogcSimpleTypes.FormatType |
ogcSimpleTypes.OWSType |
OGCSpatialOpsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OGCSubBinding |
Binding object for the element
OGCTouchesBinding |
Binding object for the element
OGCUpperBoundaryTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OGCUtils |
Filter parsing / encoding utility class.
OGCWithinBinding |
Binding object for the element
Encapsulates calls to the OGR library.
OGRDataStore |
A data store based on the OGR native library
OGRDataStoreFactory |
Implementation of the DataStore service provider interface for OGR.
OnLineFunction |
Class of information to which the referencing entity applies.
OnLineResource |
Information about on-line sources from which the dataset, specification, or community profile
name and extended metadata elements can be obtained.
OnlineResourceBinding |
Binding object for the element
OnLineResourceImpl |
Information about on-line sources from which the dataset, specification, or community profile
name and extended metadata elements can be obtained.
OnlineResourceType |
A representation of the model object 'Online Resource Type'.
OnlineResourceType |
A representation of the model object 'Online Resource Type'.
OnlineResourceType |
A representation of the model object 'Online Resource Type'.
OnlineResourceType |
A representation of the model object 'Online Resource Type'.
OnlineResourceTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OnlineResourceTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OnlineResourceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Online Resource Type'.
OnlineResourceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Online Resource Type'.
OnlineResourceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Online Resource Type'.
OnlineResourceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Online Resource Type'.
OnlineResourceTypeValidator |
OnlineResourceTypeValidator |
OnlineResourceTypeValidator |
OnlineResourceTypeValidator |
OnlineTestCase |
Test support for test cases that require an "online" resource, such as an
external server or database.
OnlineTestSupport |
JUnit 4 test support for test cases that require an "online" resource, such as an external server
or database.
OpacityFinder |
Searches for translucent symbolizers
OpenAttrs |
A representation of the model object 'Open Attrs'.
OpenAttrsImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Open Attrs'.
Operation |
This interface provides descriptive information for a grid coverage processing operation.
Operation |
An implementation of an operation that may be invoked on an Attribute.
Operation |
A parameterized mathematical operation on coordinates that transforms or converts coordinates to
another coordinate reference system.
Operation2D |
OperationJAI |
OperationJAI.Parameters |
OperationMethod |
Definition of an algorithm used to perform a coordinate operation.
OperationMethodBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Operation Method Base Type'.
OperationMethodBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Operation Method Base Type'.
OperationMethodRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Operation Method Ref Type'.
OperationMethodRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Operation Method Ref Type'.
OperationMethodType |
A representation of the model object 'Operation Method Type'.
OperationMethodTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Operation Method Type'.
OperationNotFoundException |
OperationNotFoundException |
OperationParameterBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Operation Parameter Base Type'.
OperationParameterBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Operation Parameter Base Type'.
OperationParameterGroupBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Operation Parameter Group Base Type'.
OperationParameterGroupBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Operation Parameter Group Base Type'.
OperationParameterGroupRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Operation Parameter Group Ref Type'.
OperationParameterGroupRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Operation Parameter Group Ref Type'.
OperationParameterGroupType |
A representation of the model object 'Operation Parameter Group Type'.
OperationParameterGroupTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Operation Parameter Group Type'.
OperationParameterRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Operation Parameter Ref Type'.
OperationParameterRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Operation Parameter Ref Type'.
OperationParameterType |
A representation of the model object 'Operation Parameter Type'.
OperationParameterTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Operation Parameter Type'.
OperationRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Operation Ref Type'.
OperationRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Operation Ref Type'.
Operations |
Convenience, type-safe, methods for applying some common operations on coverage objects.
OperationsMetadataType |
A representation of the model object 'Operations Metadata Type'.
OperationsMetadataType |
A representation of the model object 'Operations Metadata Type'.
OperationsMetadataType |
A representation of the model object 'Operations Metadata Type'.
OperationsMetadataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Operations Metadata Type'.
OperationsMetadataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Operations Metadata Type'.
OperationsMetadataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Operations Metadata Type'.
OperationsMetadataTypeValidator |
OperationsMetadataTypeValidator |
OperationsMetadataTypeValidator |
OperationsType |
A representation of the model object 'Operations Type'.
OperationsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OperationsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OperationsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Operations Type'.
OperationsTypeValidator |
OperationType |
A representation of the model object 'Operation Type'.
OperationType |
A representation of the model object 'Operation Type'.
OperationType |
A representation of the model object 'Operation Type'.
OperationType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Operation Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
OperationType |
The type of operations to be invoked on an attribute.
OperationType |
Represents an operation used by Open Web Services for requests and responses.
OperationTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OperationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Operation Type'.
OperationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Operation Type'.
OperationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Operation Type'.
OperationTypeValidator |
OperationTypeValidator |
OperationTypeValidator |
Operator |
Indicates a supported Operator.
OperatorImpl |
Implementation of the Operator interface.
OperatorNameFilterVisitor |
A FilterVisitor responsible for providing the capabilities name used to identify the provided
OptDirectedEdge |
Optimized implementation of DirectedEdge.
OptDirectedGraphBuilder |
An implementation of GraphBuilder that builds optimized directed graph components.
OptDirectedLineGraphBuilder |
An inmplementation extended from OptDirectedGraphBuilder used to build optimized directed
components for line networks.
OptDirectedLineGraphGenerator |
An implementation of GraphGenerator used to generate an optimized graph representing a line
OptDirectedNode |
Optimized implementation of DirectedNode.
OptDirectedXYNode |
Optimized implementation of XYNode extended from OptDirectedNode.
OptEdge |
Optimized implementation of Edge.
OptGraphable |
Root of class hierarchy for optimized implementation of graph components.
OptGraphBuilder |
An implementation of GraphBuilder that builds optimized graph components.
Option |
A command-line option.
OptionalComponentParameter |
A pico container "parameter" which allows one to make setter injection optional.
OptionalDependencies |
Bridges to optional dependencies (especially widget-swing module).
OptionalFactory |
An optional factory that may not be available in all configurations.
OptLineGraphBuilder |
An inmplementation extended from OptGraphBuilder used to build optimized components for line
OptLineGraphGenerator |
An implementation of GraphGenerator used to generate an optimized graph representing a line
OptNode |
Optimized implementation of Node.
OptXYNode |
Optimized implementation of XYNode extended from OptNode.
Or |
Evaluates to true if any of the combined expressions evaluate to
true .
OracleBlobConverterFactory |
OracleClobConverterFactory |
OracleDatastoreWrapper |
Specific Oracle implementation for a DataStoreWrapper Oracle DB has a couple of
limitations: 1) All attributes and type names are UPPERCASE 2) attribute and type names can't be
longer than 30 chars
OracleDateConverterFactory |
OracleDialect |
Abstract dialect implementation for Oracle.
OracleFeatureTypeMapper |
OracleFilterToSQL |
Oracle specific filter encoder.
OracleNGDataStoreFactory |
Oracle data store factory.
OracleNGJNDIDataStoreFactory |
JNDI DataStoreFactory for oracle database.
OracleNGOCIDataStoreFactory |
Creates an Oracle datastore based on a thick OCI client connection, instead of the traditional
(thin) jdbc connection.
OracleTransformFeatureStore |
OrBinding |
Binding object for the element
OrderedAxisAuthorityFactory |
An authority factory which delegates all the work to an other factory, and reorder the axis in
some pre-determined order.
OrderedAxisCRSAuthorityFactory |
An authority factory which delegates all the work to an other factory, and reorder the axis in
some pre-determined order.
OrdinalEra |
Provides a reference to the ordinal era in which the instant occurs.
OrdinalPosition |
A data type that shall be used for identifying temporal position within an ordinal temporal
reference system.
OrdinalReferenceSystem |
Provides only the attributes inherited from temporal reference system.
OrdinateList |
Used to provide a List API of an ordinate array.
OrFunction |
This function is used to evaluate a or operator with a left and right operands
OrientableCurveType |
A representation of the model object 'Orientable Curve Type'.
OrientableCurveTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Orientable Curve Type'.
OrientableSurfaceType |
A representation of the model object 'Orientable Surface Type'.
OrientableSurfaceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Orientable Surface Type'.
OrImpl |
Orthographic |
Orthographic Projection.
Orthographic.Provider |
OrthographicProjectionHandlerFactory |
OrthoLine |
An ortho-line grid element.
OrthoLineBuilder |
A builder to generate a grid of horizontal and/or vertical ortho-lines.
OrthoLineDef |
Defines how to generate a set of regularly-spaced, ortho-line elements with given orientation and
OrthoLineFeatureBuilder |
A basic implementation of LineFeatureBuilder which will create a
SimpleFeatureType having two properties:
element - TYPE LineString
id - TYPE Integer
The attribute names can also be referred to using LineFeatureBuilder#DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME and OrthoLineFeatureBuilder.ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME
OSMService |
The tile service for the OpenStreetMap family.
OSMTile |
The tile implementation for the OpenStreetMap family
OSMTileFactory |
The tile factory implementation for the OpenStreetMap family
OSMTileIdentifier |
The TileIdentifier implementation for the OpenStreetMap family.
OtherText |
Allows open ended extensions for text oriented rendering formats.
OtherTextImpl |
OutputDataType |
A representation of the model object 'Output Data Type'.
OutputDataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Output Data Type'.
OutputDataTypeValidator |
OutputDefinitionsType |
A representation of the model object 'Output Definitions Type'.
OutputDefinitionsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Output Definitions Type'.
OutputDefinitionsTypeValidator |
OutputDefinitionType |
A representation of the model object 'Output Definition Type'.
OutputDefinitionType |
A representation of the model object 'Output Definition Type'.
OutputDefinitionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OutputDefinitionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Output Definition Type'.
OutputDefinitionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Output Definition Type'.
OutputDefinitionTypeValidator |
OutputDescriptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Output Description Type'.
OutputDescriptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Output Description Type'.
OutputDescriptionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OutputDescriptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Output Description Type'.
OutputDescriptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Output Description Type'.
OutputDescriptionTypeValidator |
OutputFormatListType |
A representation of the model object 'Output Format List Type'.
OutputFormatListType |
A representation of the model object 'Output Format List Type'.
OutputFormatListTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OutputFormatListTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Output Format List Type'.
OutputFormatListTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Output Format List Type'.
OutputFormatListTypeValidator |
OutputFormatListTypeValidator |
OutputReferenceType |
A representation of the model object 'Output Reference Type'.
OutputReferenceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Output Reference Type'.
OutputReferenceTypeValidator |
OutputType |
A representation of the model object 'Output Type'.
OutputType |
A representation of the model object 'Output Type'.
OutputTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
OutputTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Output Type'.
OutputTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Output Type'.
OutputTypeValidator |
OutputTypeValidator |
Oval |
Marker interface for oval grid elements.
OvalBuilder |
Used by Ovals class to build grids.
OvalImpl |
Default implementation of Oval .
Ovals |
A utility class with static methods to create and work with oval grid elements.
OverlapBehavior |
OverlapBehaviorBinding |
Binding object for the element
OverlapBehaviorEnum |
The OverlapBehavior element tells a system how to behave when multiple raster images in a layer
overlap each other, for example with satellite-image scenes.
OverlapBehaviorImpl |
OverlapBehavior tells a system how to behave when multiple raster images in a layer overlap each
other, for example with satellite-image scenes.
OverlappedBy |
Filter operator that determines if a temporal period is overlapped by another temporal period as
defined by the Filter Encoding Specification.
OverlappedByBinding |
Binding object for the element
OverlappedByImpl |
Overlaps |
Concrete binary spatial operator that evaluates to
true if the interior of the first geometry somewhere overlaps the interior of the second
OverlapsBinding |
Binding object for the element
OverlapsImpl |
OverviewBinding |
OverviewPolicy |
Overview policies.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
Ows10Factory |
The Factory for the model.
Ows10FactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
Ows10Package |
The Package for the model.
Ows10PackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
Ows11AdapterFactory |
The Adapter Factory for the model.
Ows11Factory |
The Factory for the model.
Ows11FactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
Ows11Package |
The Package for the model.
Ows11Package.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
Ows11PackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
Ows11Switch |
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
Ows11Validator |
The Validator for the model.
Ows20AdapterFactory |
The Adapter Factory for the model.
Ows20Factory |
The Factory for the model.
Ows20FactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
Ows20Package |
The Package for the model.
Ows20Package.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
Ows20PackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
Ows20ResourceFactoryImpl |
The Resource Factory associated with the package.
Ows20ResourceImpl |
The Resource associated with the package.
Ows20Switch<T> |
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
Ows20Validator |
The Validator for the model.
Ows20XMLProcessor |
This class contains helper methods to serialize and deserialize XML documents
OWSConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
OWSConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
OWSConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
PackedCSBuilder |
An implementation of a JTS CSBuilder which uses a PackedCoordinateSequence.
PackedCSBuilder.Double |
PackedCSBuilder.Float |
PackedLineIterator |
A path iterator for the LiteShape class, specialized to iterate over LineString object.
PagingFeatureCollection |
A GeoJSON specific feature collection that can follow "next" links in order to retrieve all data
PaletteFunction |
PaletteInterpretation |
Describes the color entry in a color table.
PaletteSuitability |
Contains the suitability information for a single palette with several colour schemes.
PaletteType |
This class doubles as a filter and an identifier for colour palettes.
PAMResourceInfo |
A that can return a PAMDataset
PanAction |
An action for connect a control (probably a JButton) to the PanTool for panning the map with
mouse drags.
PanTool |
A cursor tool to pan the map pane display.
ParallelLinesFiller |
Support class that fills a given rectangle with a set of parallel lines derived from a sample
mark that would generate sets of parallel lines when tiled
Parameter<T> |
A Parameter defines information about a valid process parameter.
Parameter<T> |
General parameter interface.
Parameter<T> |
A parameter value used by an operation method.
ParameterBinding |
ParameterCQLExpressionFilterFactoryImpl |
Stored Query parameters may be configured as CQL expressions.
ParameterCQLExpressionPropertyName |
ParameterDescriptor<T> |
The definition of a parameter used by an operation method.
ParameterDescriptorGroup |
The definition of a group of related parameters used by an operation method.
ParameterExpressionType |
A representation of the model object 'Parameter Expression Type'.
ParameterExpressionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Parameter Expression Type'.
ParameterExpressionTypeValidator |
ParameterGroup |
A group of related parameter values.
ParameterHandler |
Handles xml parse events for CssParameter and SvgParameter.
ParameterMapping |
ParameterMappingBlockValue |
ParameterMappingContext |
The property expression evaluation context for stored query parameter mappings.
ParameterMappingDefaultValue |
ParameterMappingExpressionValue |
ParameterNotFoundException |
ParameterParserDelegate |
Parameters |
ParametersType |
Java class for parametersType complex type.
ParametersType.Parameter |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
ParameterType |
A representation of the model object 'Parameter Type'.
ParameterTypeBinding |
ParameterTypeFactory |
Builds parameters to pass to the stored query.
ParameterTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Parameter Type'.
ParameterTypeValidator |
ParameterValue<T> |
A parameter value used by an operation method.
ParameterValueGroup |
A group of related parameter values.
ParameterValueGroupType |
A representation of the model object 'Parameter Value Group Type'.
ParameterValueGroupTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Parameter Value Group Type'.
ParameterValueType |
A representation of the model object 'Parameter Value Type'.
ParameterValueTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ParameterValueTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Parameter Value Type'.
ParameterWriter |
ParamField |
Super class that provides additional helper methods useful when implementing your own
ParamWidgetFactory |
A factory that takes a parameter type and its map of metadata and determines what sort of form
widget to create for it
ParseErrorHandler |
ParseException |
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
ParseException |
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
ParseExecutor |
ParseHierarchy |
A utility class used to parse objects in a type hierarchy.
Parser |
Parser |
GeoTools XML parser.
ParserDelegate |
Interface for objects which need to take over parsing control from the main parsing driver.
ParserDelegate2 |
ParserHandler |
The main sax event handler used for parsing the input document.
ParserHandler.ContextCustomizer |
Customize the context, after the configuration has set up the context before the document is
ParserNamespaceSupport |
NamespaceSupport implementation that allows additional NamespaceSupport objects to be part of the
look up process.
PartialIndexedMappingFeatureIterator |
MappingFeatureIterator with partial index query support
PartiallyOrderedSet<E> |
PassThroughOperation |
A pass-through operation specifies that a subset of a coordinate tuple is subject to a specific
coordinate operation.
PassThroughOperationRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Pass Through Operation Ref Type'.
PassThroughOperationRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Pass Through Operation Ref Type'.
PassThroughOperationType |
A representation of the model object 'Pass Through Operation Type'.
PassThroughOperationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Pass Through Operation Type'.
PassThroughTransform |
Transform which passes through a subset of ordinates to another transform.
Path |
Represents a path in a graph.
PathAttributeList |
PathType |
Enum that can be use to distinguish between relative paths and absolute paths when trying to load
a granuleDescriptor for a mosaic.
PatternType |
A representation of the model object 'Pattern Type'.
PatternTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Pattern Type'.
PercentageConverterFactory |
ConverterFactory which converts between a percentage to Float or Double
Period |
A one-dimensional geometric primitive that represent extent in time.
PeriodDuration |
Uses the format specified by ISO 8601 for exchanging information about the duration of a period.
PeriodNode |
Period is constructed in the parsing process. this has convenient method to deliver begin and end
date of period. a period can be created from date-time/date-time or date-time/duration or
PermissiveValidator |
Validator which accepts a YAML subtree and then removes itself from the stack.
PGRasterFactory |
PGRasterFormat |
PGRasterReader |
PostGIS raster reader.
PicoMap |
A Map decorator which implements the MutablePicoContainer interface.
PiFunction |
Allow access to the value of Math.PI as an expression
PixelInCell |
Specification of the way the image grid is associated with the image data attributes.
PixelInCellType |
A representation of the model object 'Pixel In Cell Type'.
PixelInCellTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Pixel In Cell Type'.
PixelOrientation |
Point in a pixel corresponding to the Earth location of the pixel.
PixelScale |
This class is a placeholder for defining exact affine transformations between raster and model
PixelTranslation |
PlacemarkTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
PlanarProjection |
Base interface for for azimuthal (or planar) map projections.
PlateCarree |
Plate Carree (or Equirectangular) projection.
PlateCarree.Provider |
PointArrayPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Point Array Property Type'.
PointArrayPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
PointArrayPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Point Array Property Type'.
PointBuffers |
Generates a set of polygons, each representing the set of points within a given distance from the
central point The data layer must be a point layer, the reference layer must be a polygonal one"
PointData |
PointHandler |
Wrapper for a Shapefile point.
PointHandler |
PointIterator |
A path iterator for the LiteShape class, specialized to iterate over Point objects.
PointOnLineFunction |
Returns a point on the provided line.
PointOutsideCoverageException |
Thrown when a evaluate method is invoked for a
location outside the domain of the coverage.
PointOutsideEnvelopeException |
Thrown by MapProjection when a map projection failed because the point is outside the
envelope of validity.
PointParser |
Created by mihaildoronin on 11/11/15.
PointParser |
Handles parsing a Ysld "point" symbolizer property into a Symbolizer object.
PointPlacement |
A PointPlacement specifies how a text label is positioned relative to a geometric point.
PointPlacementBinding |
Binding object for the element
PointPlacementBuilder |
PointPlacementImpl |
PointPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Point Property Type'.
PointPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
PointPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Point Property Type'.
PointStackerProcess |
A Rendering Transformation process which aggregates features into a set of visually
non-conflicting point features.
PointStackerProcess.PreserveLocation |
PointStyle2D |
A point style can be used to depict a point, or can be repeated along a line or inside a fill.
PointSymblolizerEncoder |
PointSymbolizer |
Indicates how to draw point geometries on a map.
PointSymbolizerBinding |
Binding object for the element
PointSymbolizerBuilder |
PointSymbolizerHandler |
Handles xml parse events for org.geotools.styling.PointSymbolizer elements.
PointSymbolizerImpl |
Provides a Java representation of the PointSymbolizer.
PointType |
A representation of the model object 'Point Type'.
PointType |
A representation of the model object 'Point Type'.
PointTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
PointTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
PointTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
PointTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Point Type'.
PointTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Point Type'.
PointTypeValidator |
PoissonClusterer |
PolarCS |
A two-dimensional coordinate system in which position is specified by the distance from the
origin and the angle between the line from the origin to a point and a reference direction.
PolarCSRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Polar CS Ref Type'.
PolarCSRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Polar CS Ref Type'.
PolarCSType |
A representation of the model object 'Polar CS Type'.
PolarCSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Polar CS Type'.
PolarOrthographic |
PolarStereographic |
PolarStereographic.ProviderA |
PolarStereographic.ProviderB |
PolarStereographic.ProviderNorth |
PolarStereographic.ProviderSouth |
PolarStereographicHandlerFactory |
Polyconic |
Polyconic (American).
Polyconic.Abstract |
Polyconic.Ellipsoidal |
Ellipsoidal Polyconic projection.
Polyconic.Provider |
Polyconic.Spherical |
Ellipsoidal Polyconic projection.
PolygonBuilder |
The base class for builders that generate polygonal grid elements.
PolygonElement |
Represents a GridElement that is a polygon.
PolygonExtractionProcess |
A process for raster to vector conversion.
PolygonGraphGenerator |
An implementation of GraphGenerator used to build graphs from a set of polygons.
PolygonGraphGenerator.PolygonRelationship |
Determines the relationship among two polygons.
PolygonHandler |
Wrapper for a Shapefile polygon.
PolygonHandler |
PolygonIterator |
A path iterator for the LiteShape class, specialized to iterate over Polygon objects.
PolygonLabelFunction |
PolygonLabelFunctionFactory |
PolygonLabelProcess |
Based on Vladimir Agafonkin's Algorithm
PolygonParser |
Created by mihaildoronin on 11/11/15.
PolygonParser |
Handles parsing a Ysld "polygon" symbolizer property into a Symbolizer object.
PolygonPatchArrayPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Polygon Patch Array Property Type'.
PolygonPatchArrayPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Polygon Patch Array Property Type'.
PolygonPatchType |
A representation of the model object 'Polygon Patch Type'.
PolygonPatchTypeBinding |
PolygonPatchTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
PolygonPatchTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Polygon Patch Type'.
PolygonPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Polygon Property Type'.
PolygonPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
PolygonPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Polygon Property Type'.
PolygonStyle2D |
A style that contains the specification to renderer both the contour and the interior of a shape
PolygonSymbolizer |
Holds the information that indicates how to draw the lines and the interior of polygons.
PolygonSymbolizerBinding |
Binding object for the element
PolygonSymbolizerBuilder |
PolygonSymbolizerEncoder |
PolygonSymbolizerHandler |
Handles xml parse events for org.geotools.styling.PolygonSymbolizer elements.
PolygonSymbolizerImpl |
Provides a representation of a PolygonSymbolizer in an SLD Document.
PolygonType |
A representation of the model object 'Polygon Type'.
PolygonType |
A representation of the model object 'Polygon Type'.
PolygonTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
PolygonTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
PolygonTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
PolygonTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Polygon Type'.
PolygonTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Polygon Type'.
PolygonTypeValidator |
PolyhedralSurfaceType |
A representation of the model object 'Polyhedral Surface Type'.
PolyhedralSurfaceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Polyhedral Surface Type'.
PolyLabeller |
Formerly, based on Vladimir Agafonkin's Algorithm
PolyStyleTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
PopupMenuProvider |
Position |
Holds the coordinates for a position within some coordinate reference system.
Position |
A union class that consists of one of the data types listed as its attributes.
Position1D |
Holds the coordinates for a one-dimensional position within some coordinate reference system.
Position2D |
Holds the coordinates for a two-dimensional position within some coordinate reference system.
Position3D |
Holds the coordinates for a three-dimensional position within some coordinate reference system.
PositionalAccuracy |
Accuracy of the position of features.
PositionalAccuracyImpl |
Accuracy of the position of features.
PositionType2DBinding |
Binding object for the type
PositionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
PostFilteringMappingFeatureIterator |
PostgisDatastoreWrapper |
Specific Postgis implementation for a DataStoreWrapper By default, Postgresql identifiers
can't be longer than 63 chars.
PostGISDialect |
PostgisFeatureTypeMapper |
PostgisFilterToSQL |
PostgisNGDataStoreFactory |
PostgisNGJNDIDataStoreFactory |
JNDI DataStoreFactory for Postgis database.
PostGISPSDialect |
PostgisPSFilterToSql |
PostgisTransformFeatureStore |
A Postgis transforming feature store, will transform on the fly all attempts to write so that the
underlying features are getting modified while exposing a different feature type to its callers.
PostPreProcessFilterSplittingVisitor |
Determines what queries can be processed server side and which can be processed client side.
PostType |
A representation of the model object 'Post Type'.
PostTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Post Type'.
PostTypeValidator |
A sample validator interface for PostType .
PreciseCoordinateSequenceTransformer |
This coordinate sequence transformer will take a Geometry and transform in a set of curved lines
that will be "flattened" in order to get back a set of straight segments.
PrefixDefinition |
This class contains a unit prefix and allows the definition of additional aliases for this unit
PrefixDefinitions |
This class holds definitions of common metric unit prefixes for use in unit definitions.
PreGeneralizedDataStore |
PreGeneralizedDataStoreFactory |
PreGeneralizedFeatureCollection |
PreGeneralizedFeatureIterator |
PreGeneralizedFeatureReader |
PreGeneralizedFeatureSource |
PreGeneralizedSimpleFeature |
PreparedFilterToSQL |
Extension of FilterToSQL intended for use with prepared statements.
PreparedStatementSQLDialect |
SQL dialect which uses prepared statements for database interaction.
Preprocessor |
A parser that performs string replacements before to delegate the work to an other parser.
PresentationForm |
Mode in which the data is represented.
PreventLocalEntityResolver |
EntityResolver implementation to prevent use external entity resolution to local files.
PrimaryKey |
Primary key of a table.
PrimaryKeyColumn |
Represents a column in a primary key.
PrimaryKeyFIDValidator |
Fid validator which validates with respect to a primary key.
PrimaryKeyFinder |
PrimeMeridian |
A prime meridian defines the origin from which longitude values are determined.
PrimeMeridianBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Prime Meridian Base Type'.
PrimeMeridianBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Prime Meridian Base Type'.
PrimeMeridianRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Prime Meridian Ref Type'.
PrimeMeridianRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Prime Meridian Ref Type'.
PrimeMeridianType |
A representation of the model object 'Prime Meridian Type'.
PrimeMeridianTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Prime Meridian Type'.
PrimitiveDataFactory |
PrintHandler |
PrintHandler accepts SAXish events and generated output.
PriorityLocationPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Priority Location Property Type'.
PriorityLocationPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Priority Location Property Type'.
PrjFileReader |
Process |
A Process that returns a result and reports progress.
ProcessBriefType |
A representation of the model object 'Process Brief Type'.
ProcessBriefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Process Brief Type'.
ProcessBriefTypeValidator |
ProcessContentsType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Process Contents Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
ProcessDescriptionsType |
A representation of the model object 'Process Descriptions Type'.
ProcessDescriptionsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Process Descriptions Type'.
ProcessDescriptionsTypeValidator |
ProcessDescriptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Process Description Type'.
ProcessDescriptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Process Description Type'.
ProcessDescriptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Process Description Type'.
ProcessDescriptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Process Description Type'.
ProcessDescriptionTypeValidator |
ProcessException |
A runtime exception used when executing a process.
ProcessExecutor |
An Executor that provides methods to manage termination and methods that can produce a
Progress for tracking one or more asynchronous tasks.
ProcessFactory |
Used to describe the parameters needed for a group of Process, and for creating a Process to use.
ProcessFailedType |
A representation of the model object 'Process Failed Type'.
ProcessFailedTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Process Failed Type'.
ProcessFailedTypeValidator |
ProcessFunction |
A wrapper allowing a Process with a single output to be called as a Function .
ProcessFunctionFactory |
A bridge between the process world and the filter function world: any process returning a single
value can be seen as a filter function
ProcessingCollection<T extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
Abstract base class to ease the implementation of a streaming processing collection, that is, one
that tries to compute the results on the fly as the iterator is traversed.
ProcessOfferingsType |
A representation of the model object 'Process Offerings Type'.
ProcessOfferingsType |
A representation of the model object 'Process Offerings Type'.
ProcessOfferingsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Process Offerings Type'.
ProcessOfferingsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Process Offerings Type'.
ProcessOfferingsTypeValidator |
ProcessOfferingType |
A representation of the model object 'Process Offering Type'.
ProcessOfferingTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Process Offering Type'.
Processors |
ProcessOutputsType |
A representation of the model object 'Process Outputs Type'.
ProcessOutputsType1 |
A representation of the model object 'Process Outputs Type1'.
ProcessOutputsType1Impl |
An implementation of the model object 'Process Outputs Type1'.
ProcessOutputsType1Validator |
ProcessOutputsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Process Outputs Type'.
ProcessOutputsTypeValidator |
ProcessParameterPage |
This page is responsible making a user interface based on the provided ProcessFactory.
ProcessRunPage |
This page is responsible for actually executing the process with the given parameters and then
displaying the result.
ProcessSelectionPage |
This page is responsible for making a process selection widget that moves onto to the selected
process page.
ProcessStartedType |
A representation of the model object 'Process Started Type'.
ProcessStartedTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Process Started Type'.
ProcessStartedTypeValidator |
ProcessSummaryType |
A representation of the model object 'Process Summary Type'.
ProcessSummaryTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Process Summary Type'.
ProcessTestUtilities |
ProcessUtil |
Utilities for working with process api, not meant to be public.
ProfileImpl |
A "sub" Schema used to select types for a specific use.
Progress |
Used to report on the progress of a running Process .
ProgressListener |
Monitor the progress of some lengthly operation, and allows cancelation.
ProgressTask |
An implementation of the Progress interface.
PROJAliases |
A PROJ Dedicated Aliases Lookup that allows to retrieve PROJ Aliases for most common EPSG
Ellipsoids and PrimeMeridians
ProjectedCRS |
A 2D coordinate reference system used to approximate the shape of the earth on a planar surface.
ProjectedCRSRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Projected CRS Ref Type'.
ProjectedCRSRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Projected CRS Ref Type'.
ProjectedCRSType |
A representation of the model object 'Projected CRS Type'.
ProjectedCRSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Projected CRS Type'.
Projection |
A conversion transforming
( longitude, latitude) coordinates to cartesian coordinates
( x, y).
ProjectionBuilder |
Class used to create an OGC ProjectedCRS instance on top of Projection name, parameters
and Ellipsoid.
ProjectionException |
ProjectionHandler |
A class that can perform transformations on geometries to handle the singularity of the rendering
CRS, deal with geometries that are crossing the dateline, and eventually wrap them around to
produce a seamless continuous map effect.
ProjectionHandlerFactory |
Builds ProjectionHandler instances WARNING: this API is not finalized and is meant to be
used by StreamingRenderer only
ProjectionHandlerFinder |
ProjectiveTransform |
A usually affine, or otherwise a projective transform.
ProjectiveTransform.ProviderAffine |
The provider for the "Affine general parametric transformation" (EPSG 9624).
ProjectiveTransform.ProviderLongitudeRotation |
The provider for the "Longitude rotation" (EPSG 9601).
ProjectiveTransformBuilder |
PROJFormattable |
Simple interface for objects that can be formatted as PROJ String (using the provided PROJFormatter instance
PROJFormatter |
PropertiesCollector |
PropertiesCollectorFinder |
PropertiesCollectorSPI |
PropertiesFileFinder |
Searches for properties files in a resource directory within the gt-swing module and records the
Locales supported by each file.
PropertiesFileInfo |
Records the base name of a properties file and the Locales that it supports.
Property |
PropertyAccessor |
Used to get and set object properties based on an xpath expression.
PropertyAccessorFactory |
PropertyAccessors |
Convenience class for looking up a property accessor for a particular object type.
PropertyAuthorityFactory |
Default implementation for a coordinate reference system authority factory backed by a property
PropertyCoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory |
PropertyDataStore |
Sample DataStore implementation, please see formal tutorial included with users docs.
PropertyDataStoreFactory |
PropertyDescriptor |
Describes a Property, and how it relates to its containing entity, which is often a ComplexAttribute .
PropertyDescriptorImpl |
PropertyExistsFunction |
A new function to check if a property exists.
PropertyExtractor |
Factory used by the encoder to obtain child values from objects being encoded.
PropertyFeatureReader |
Read a property file directly.
PropertyFeatureSource |
PropertyFeatureStore |
Implementation used for writeable property files.
PropertyFeatureWriter |
Uses PropertyAttributeWriter to generate a property file on disk.
PropertyImpl |
Implementation of Property.
PropertyIsBetween |
A compact way of encoding a range check.
PropertyIsBetweenType |
A representation of the model object 'Property Is Between Type'.
PropertyIsBetweenTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
PropertyIsBetweenTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Property Is Between Type'.
PropertyIsEqualTo |
Filter operator that compares that its two sub-expressions are equal to each other.
PropertyIsEqualToBinding |
Binding object for the element
PropertyIsGreaterThan |
Filter operator that checks that its first sub-expression is greater than its second
PropertyIsGreaterThanBinding |
Binding object for the element
PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo |
Filter operator that checks that its first sub-expression is greater or equal to its second
PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualToBinding |
Binding object for the element
PropertyIsLessThan |
Filter operator that checks that its first sub-expression is less than its second subexpression.
PropertyIsLessThanBinding |
Binding object for the element
PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo |
Filter operator that checks that its first sub-expression is less than or equal to its second
PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualToBinding |
Binding object for the element
PropertyIsLike |
Filter operator that performs the equivalent of the SQL "like " operator on properties of
a feature.
PropertyIsLikeType |
A representation of the model object 'Property Is Like Type'.
PropertyIsLikeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
PropertyIsLikeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Property Is Like Type'.
PropertyIsNil |
Filter operator that checks if an expression's value is nil.
PropertyIsNilType |
A representation of the model object 'Property Is Nil Type'.
PropertyIsNilTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Property Is Nil Type'.
PropertyIsNotEqualTo |
Filter operator that compares that its two sub-expressions are not equal to each other.
PropertyIsNotEqualToBinding |
Binding object for the element
PropertyIsNull |
Filter operator that checks if an expression's value is null .
PropertyIsNullType |
A representation of the model object 'Property Is Null Type'.
PropertyIsNullTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
PropertyIsNullTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Property Is Null Type'.
PropertyName |
Expression class whose value is computed by retrieving the value indicated by the provided name.
PropertyNameBuilder |
PropertyNameResolvingVisitor |
Resolves all property name references in a filter against a particular feature type.
PropertyNameType |
A representation of the model object 'Property Name Type'.
PropertyNameTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Property Name Type'.
PropertyNameTypeValidator |
PropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Property Type'.
PropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Property Type'.
PropertyType |
The type of a Property.
PropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
PropertyTypeBinding |
PropertyTypeBinding_1_1 |
PropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Property Type'.
PropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Property Type'.
PropertyTypeImpl |
PropertyTypeValidator |
PropertyTypeValidator |
PropertyValueCollection |
Wrapping feature collection used by GetPropertyValue operation.
PullParser |
XML pull parser capable of streaming.
PullParserFeatureReader |
GetParser for WFSFeatureReader that uses the
geotools PullParser to fetch Features out of a WFS GetFeature response.
PushBackFeatureIterator<F extends Feature> |
A feature iterator allowing to push back one feature
PutStylesRequest |
Represents a PutStyles request
PutStylesResponse |
Represents the results of a PutStyles request.
QGISMarkFactory |
Factory with additional "well known" marks for compatibility with other applications.
QNameConverterFactory |
ConverterFactory for handling qname conversions.
QNameValidatingHandler |
Validates that element names do not contain invalid/illegal XML characters.
QuadTree |
Java porting of mapserver quadtree implementation.
Note that this implementation is not thread safe, so don't share the same instance across
two or more threads.
QualifiedName |
A QName subclass holding the fully qualified name as a field (important performance wise,
ContentHandler writes out XML much faster if given the fully qualified name as opposed to
namespace URI and local name)
QuantileFunction |
Breaks a SimpleFeatureCollection into classes with an equal number of items in each.
QuantileListVisitor |
Obtains the data needed for a Quantile operation (classification of features into classes of
equal size).
QuantitativeResult |
Information about the value (or set of values) obtained from applying a data quality measure.
QuantitativeResultImpl |
Information about the value (or set of values) obtained from applying a data quality measure.
QuantityExtentType |
A representation of the model object 'Quantity Extent Type'.
QuantityExtentTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Quantity Extent Type'.
QuantityPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Quantity Property Type'.
QuantityPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Quantity Property Type'.
Query |
Encapsulates a request for data, typically as:
QueryBand |
Thread local table that holds transaction local query bands.
QueryCacheGranuleCatalog |
QueryCapabilities |
Describes the query capabilities for a specific FeatureType, so client code can request which
features are natively supported by a FeatureSource.
QueryConstraintType |
A representation of the model object 'Query Constraint Type'.
QueryConstraintTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Query Constraint Type'.
QueryExpressionTextDelegate |
QueryExpressionTextType |
A representation of the model object 'Query Expression Text Type'.
QueryExpressionTextTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
QueryExpressionTextTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Query Expression Text Type'.
QueryExpressionTextTypeValidator |
QueryGrammarEnumeration |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Query Grammar Enumeration',
and utility methods for working with them.
QueryProcess |
QueryType |
A representation of the model object 'Query Type'.
QueryType |
A representation of the model object 'Query Type'.
QueryType |
A representation of the model object 'Query Type'.
QueryTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
QueryTypeBinding |
QueryTypeBinding |
QueryTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Query Type'.
QueryTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Query Type'.
QueryTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Query Type'.
QueryTypeValidator |
QueryTypeValidator |
RandomFeatureAccess |
Access Feature content using Feature "Id".
Range<T extends Comparable<? super T>> |
A range between a minimum and maximum comparable.
RangeBinding |
Parses rangeBinding
RangeClosureBinding |
RangeClosureType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Range Closure Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
RangeClosureType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Range Closure Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
RangedClassifier |
Classifies into ranges of minimum and maximum values.
RangeIntervalType |
A range interval, selecting bands by providing low and high extremas
RangeIntervalTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Range Interval Type'.
RangeItemType |
A range item, either a single value or an interval
RangeItemTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Range Item Type'.
RangeLookupProcess |
A raster reclassified process
RangeMeaning |
RangeOfValuesType |
A representation of the model object 'Range Of Values Type'.
RangeOfValuesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Range Of Values Type'.
RangeParametersType |
A representation of the model object 'Range Parameters Type'.
RangeParametersTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Range Parameters Type'.
RangeSet<T extends Comparable<? super T>> |
An ordered set of ranges.
RangeSetType |
A representation of the model object 'Range Set Type'.
RangeSetType |
A representation of the model object 'Range Set Type'.
RangeSetType1 |
A representation of the model object 'Range Set Type1'.
RangeSetType1Impl |
An implementation of the model object 'Range Set Type1'.
RangeSetType1Validator |
RangeSetTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
RangeSetTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Range Set Type'.
RangeSetTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Range Set Type'.
RangeSetTypeValidator |
RangeSpecifier |
Argument type for DefaultProcessor operations for specifying the range, colors and units
of a computation result.
RangeSubset |
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
RangeSubsetConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
RangeSubsetParserDelegate |
RangeSubsetType |
A representation of the model object 'Range Subset Type'.
RangeSubsetType |
A representation of the model object 'Range Subset Type'.
RangeSubsetType |
The range subset from the WCS 2.0 range subsetting specification
RangeSubsetType_axisSubsetBinding |
Binding object for the type
RangeSubsetTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
RangeSubsetTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Range Subset Type'.
RangeSubsetTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Range Subset Type'.
RangeSubsetTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Range Subset Type'.
RangeSubsetTypeValidator |
RangeSubsetTypeValidator |
RangeType |
A representation of the model object 'Range Type'.
RangeType |
A representation of the model object 'Range Type'.
RangeType |
A representation of the model object 'Range Type'.
RangeType |
Defines the fields (categories, measures, or values) in the range records available for each
location in the coverage domain.
RangeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Range Type'.
RangeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Range Type'.
RangeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Range Type'.
RangeTypeValidator |
RangeTypeValidator |
RangeTypeValidator |
RangeValidator<T extends Comparable<T>> |
Validators for tuples that represent a range of values This Validator is stateful, do not re-use
RasterAsPointCollectionProcess |
A process that wraps a GridCoverage2D as a collection of point feature.
RasterLayer |
Layer responsible for raster content.
RasterLayerRequest |
A class to handle coverage requests to a reader for a single 2D layer..
RasterLayerResponse |
A RasterLayerResponse.
RasterLayout |
A class describing the desired layout of an OpImage .
RasterManager |
RasterMBLayer |
RasterMBSource |
Wrapper around a JSONObject holding a Mapbox raser source.
RasterParser |
Handles the parsing of a Ysld "raster" symbolizer property into a Symbolizer object.
RasterProcess |
Marker interface for processes that should be grouped into the "raster" family.
RasterProcessFactory |
RasterSymbolizer |
The RasterSymbolizer describes how to render raster/matrix-coverage data (e.g., satellite photos,
RasterSymbolizerBinding |
Binding object for the element
RasterSymbolizerBuilder |
RasterSymbolizerEncoder |
RasterSymbolizerHandler |
RasterSymbolizerHelper |
RasterSymbolizerImpl |
Default implementation of RasterSymbolizer.
RasterZonalStatistics |
A process computing zonal statistics based on a raster data set and a set of polygonal zones of
RasterZonalStatistics2 |
This class wraps the "ZonalStats2" OperationJAI and executes the selected operation with the
defined parameters.
RATCollector |
RatioZoomContext |
ZoomContext defined by an initial scale and a ratio between levels.
RatioZoomContext |
ReadableByteChannelDecorator |
A ReadableByteChannel that delegates all calls to the underlying ReadableByteChannel but for
ReadableByteChannelDecorator.close() it also calls ShapefileFiles.unlock method to release the lock on the URL.
ReadonlyAttributeDecorator |
Readonly wrapper around the provided Attribute.
ReadParamsController |
Class that fills up properly read params given a RasterLayerRequest , an OverviewsController
ReadResolutionCalculator |
Class that supports readers in computing the proper reading resolution for a given grid geometry
ReadType |
This enum can be used to distinguish between differet read methods, namely, JAI ImageRead based
and Java2D direct read via ImageReader.
ReadType |
This enum can be used to distinguish between differet read methods, namely, JAI ImageRead based
and Java2D direct read via ImageReader.
RealGroup |
A representation of the model object 'Real Group'.
RealGroupImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Real Group'.
Recode |
Recoding: Transformation of discrete values to any other values.
RecodeBinding |
Binding object for the element
RecodeFunction |
This is an implemenation of the Recode function as defined by the OGC Symbology Encoding (SE) 1.1
Record |
A list of logically related elements as (name, value) pairs in a
RecordBinding |
RecordId |
RecordId refered to by CSW-2 specification.
RecordingHandler |
Handler that records sequence of calls to be replayed layer.
RecordPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Record Property Type'.
RecordPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Record Property Type'.
RecordSchema |
RecordType |
A representation of the model object 'Record Type'.
RecordType |
The type definition of a record.
RecordTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Record Type'.
RectangleType |
A representation of the model object 'Rectangle Type'.
RectangleTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Rectangle Type'.
RectangularClipProcess |
A process clipping the geometries in the input feature collection to a specified rectangle
RectifiedGridCoverageType |
A representation of the model object 'Rectified Grid Coverage Type'.
RectifiedGridCoverageTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Rectified Grid Coverage Type'.
RectifiedGridDomainType |
A representation of the model object 'Rectified Grid Domain Type'.
RectifiedGridDomainTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Rectified Grid Domain Type'.
RectifiedGridType |
A representation of the model object 'Rectified Grid Type'.
RectifiedGridType |
A representation of the model object 'Rectified Grid Type'.
RectifiedGridTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
RectifiedGridTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Rectified Grid Type'.
RectifiedGridTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Rectified Grid Type'.
RectifiedGridTypeValidator |
RecursiveSearchException |
RecyclingTileFactory |
A simple implementation of TileFactory wherein the tiles returned from
createTile() attempt to re-use primitive arrays provided by the TileRecycler
method recycleTile() .
RedefineHandler |
RedefineHandler purpose.
RedefineType |
A representation of the model object 'Redefine Type'.
RedefineTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Redefine Type'.
ReducedDerivationControl |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Reduced Derivation Control',
and utility methods for working with them.
ReferencedEnvelope |
ReferencedEnvelope3D |
ReferencedEnvelopeConverterFactory |
ReferenceGroupType |
A representation of the model object 'Reference Group Type'.
ReferenceGroupType |
A representation of the model object 'Reference Group Type'.
ReferenceGroupTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Reference Group Type'.
ReferenceGroupTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Reference Group Type'.
ReferenceGroupTypeValidator |
ReferenceGroupTypeValidator |
ReferenceIdentifier |
Identifier used for reference systems.
ReferenceSystem |
Description of a spatial and temporal reference system used by a dataset.
ReferenceSystemRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Reference System Ref Type'.
ReferenceSystemRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Reference System Ref Type'.
ReferenceType |
A representation of the model object 'Reference Type'.
ReferenceType |
A representation of the model object 'Reference Type'.
ReferenceType |
A representation of the model object 'Reference Type'.
ReferenceType |
A representation of the model object 'Reference Type'.
ReferenceType |
A representation of the model object 'Reference Type'.
ReferenceTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ReferenceTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ReferenceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Reference Type'.
ReferenceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Reference Type'.
ReferenceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Reference Type'.
ReferenceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Reference Type'.
ReferenceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Reference Type'.
ReferenceTypeValidator |
ReferenceTypeValidator |
ReferenceTypeValidator |
ReferencingDirectiveLeakPreventer |
Adapter to prevent memory leaks that occur when importing a gml schema.
ReferencingFactory |
Base class for all factories in the referencing module.
ReferencingFactoryContainer |
A set of utilities methods working on factories.
ReferencingFactoryFinder |
Defines static methods used to access the application's default factory
ReferencingObjectFactory |
Builds Geotools implementations of CRS, CS and datum objects.
RefLocationType |
A representation of the model object 'Ref Location Type'.
RefLocationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Ref Location Type'.
RegExPropertiesCollector |
RegexpValidator |
A regular expression based validator
RegionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
RegistrableFactory |
Registry |
A set of static methods for managing JAI's operation registry.
ReIcon |
Quick utility class used to "resize" an icon.
RelatedTimeType |
A representation of the model object 'Related Time Type'.
RelatedTimeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Related Time Type'.
RelativeInternalPositionalAccuracyType |
A representation of the model object 'Relative Internal Positional Accuracy Type'.
RelativeInternalPositionalAccuracyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Relative Internal Positional Accuracy Type'.
RelativePosition |
Values for relative temporal position based on the 13 temporal relationships identified by Allen
RelativePositionType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Relative Position Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
RemoteOWS |
A RemoteOWS gives a reference to a remote WFS/WCS/other-OWS server.
RemoteOWSBinding |
Binding object for the element
RemoteOWSBuilder |
RemoteOWSImpl |
RenamingGranuleSource |
RenamingGranuleStore |
RenderableSVGCache |
Cache for RenderableSVG instances
Renderer |
Base interface for renderer.
Renderer2D |
Renderer draws a map on behalf on MapPane .
RendererUtilities |
This is a reduced copy of RenderUtilities found in the render module, to avoid adding a
dependency on it while using only a few methods
RendererUtilities |
Class for holding utility functions that are common tasks for people using the
RenderingExecutor |
Defines the core methods for executors used to run drawing tasks on background threads.
RenderingExecutorEvent |
An event type used by RenderingExecutor to communicate task status to client objects.
RenderingExecutorListener |
RenderingOperands |
RenderingProcess |
An interface to be implemented by processes meant to be integrated as feature collection/grid
coverage transformations in a rendering chain.
RenderingSelectorStyleVisitor |
This abstract class applies the include VendorOptions to a Style eg.
RenderingTask |
A rendering task to be run by a RenderingExecutor .
RenderingTransformation |
An interface to be implemented by processes or by filter functions meant to be integrated as
feature collection/grid coverage transformations in a rendering chain.
RenderingTransformationHelper |
Helper class that transforms the input data via rendering transformations.
RenderListener |
A RenderListener is notified each time a feature is rendered and each time an error occurs during
ReplaceType |
A representation of the model object 'Replace Type'.
ReplaceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Replace Type'.
ReplaceTypeValidator |
Repository |
An adapter interface allowing a hosting application to advertise DataStore instances to GeoTools.
RepositoryDataStoreCatalog |
A catalog fetching the backing GeoTools data store from a Repository on demand
ReprojectFeatureIterator |
ReprojectFeatureReader provides a reprojection for FeatureTypes.
ReprojectFeatureReader |
ReprojectFeatureReader provides a reprojection for FeatureTypes.
ReprojectFeatureResults |
ReprojectFeatureReader provides a reprojection for FeatureTypes.
ReprojectingFeatureCollection |
SimpleFeatureCollection decorator that reprojects all geometries of the features within the
feature collection.
ReprojectingFeatureIterator |
ReprojectingFilterVisitor |
Returns a clone of the provided filter where all geometries and bboxes have been reprojected to
the CRS of the associated attributes.
ReprojectingGranuleHandler |
Granule handler that reprojects envelopes of non-structured grid coverages
ReprojectingGranuleHandlerFactory |
Factory for the Reprojecting granule handler
ReprojectingIterator |
ReprojectingSubmosaicProducerFactory |
Creates a SubmosaicProducer that can handle reprojecting granules into the mosaic's target CRS
ReprojectProcess |
Will reproject the features to another CRS.
Request |
This represents a Request to be made against a Open Web Service.
RequestBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Request Base Type'.
RequestBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Request Base Type'.
RequestBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Request Base Type'.
RequestBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Request Base Type'.
RequestBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Request Base Type'.
RequestBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Request Base Type'.
RequestBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Request Base Type'.
RequestBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Request Base Type'.
RequestBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Request Base Type'.
RequestBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Request Base Type'.
RequestBaseTypeValidator |
RequestBaseTypeValidator |
RequestComponents |
Holds the components needed by the data store to issue and post process a GetFeature request.
RequestMethodType |
A representation of the model object 'Request Method Type'.
RequestMethodType |
A representation of the model object 'Request Method Type'.
RequestMethodType |
A representation of the model object 'Request Method Type'.
RequestMethodTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
RequestMethodTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Request Method Type'.
RequestMethodTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Request Method Type'.
RequestMethodTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Request Method Type'.
RequestMethodTypeValidator |
RequestMethodTypeValidator |
RequestMethodTypeValidator |
RequestServiceType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Request Service Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
RequestServiceTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
RequestStatusType |
A representation of the model object 'Request Status Type'.
RequestStatusTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Request Status Type'.
RequestType |
A representation of the model object 'Request Type'.
RequestTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Request Type'.
RequestTypeValidator |
Resample |
Resample a grid coverage using a different grid geometry.
Rescale |
Maps the sample values of a coverage from one range to another range.
RescaleStyleVisitor |
This is a style visitor that will produce a copy of the provided style rescaled by a provided
RescaleToPixelsFunction |
Applies unit to pixel rescaling around expressions whose native unit cannot be determined in a
static fashion
ResetAction |
An action to reset a map pane display to its full extent.
ResolutionExtractorSPI |
ResolutionXExtractorSPI |
ResolutionYExtractorSPI |
ResolveValueType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Resolve Value Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
ResourceId |
Resource identifier as per FES 2.0.
ResourceIdentifierType |
A representation of the model object 'Resource Identifier Type'.
ResourceIdentifierTypeBinding |
ResourceIdentifierTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Resource Identifier Type'.
ResourceIdImpl |
ResourceIdType |
A representation of the model object 'Resource Id Type'.
ResourceIdTypeBinding |
ResourceIdTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Resource Id Type'.
ResourceInfo |
This interface defines methods to convey information about some resource such as title, keywords,
description and spatial parameters.
ResourceInternationalString |
ResourceLocator |
ResourceType |
A representation of the model object 'Resource Type'.
ResourceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Resource Type'.
ResourceTypeType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Resource Type Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
Response |
Provides a base class for Responses from an OWS.
ResponseBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Response Base Type'.
ResponseBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Response Base Type'.
ResponseBaseTypeValidator |
ResponseDocumentType |
A representation of the model object 'Response Document Type'.
ResponseDocumentTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Response Document Type'.
ResponseDocumentTypeValidator |
ResponseFormType |
A representation of the model object 'Response Form Type'.
ResponseFormTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Response Form Type'.
ResponseFormTypeValidator |
ResponseType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Response Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
ResponsibleParty |
Identification of, and means of communication with, person(s) and organizations associated with
the dataset.
ResponsiblePartyImpl |
Identification of, and means of communication with, person(s) and organizations associated with
the dataset.
ResponsiblePartySubsetType |
A representation of the model object 'Responsible Party Subset Type'.
ResponsiblePartySubsetType |
A representation of the model object 'Responsible Party Subset Type'.
ResponsiblePartySubsetType |
A representation of the model object 'Responsible Party Subset Type'.
ResponsiblePartySubsetTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ResponsiblePartySubsetTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Responsible Party Subset Type'.
ResponsiblePartySubsetTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Responsible Party Subset Type'.
ResponsiblePartySubsetTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Responsible Party Subset Type'.
ResponsiblePartySubsetTypeValidator |
ResponsiblePartySubsetTypeValidator |
ResponsiblePartySubsetTypeValidator |
ResponsiblePartyType |
A representation of the model object 'Responsible Party Type'.
ResponsiblePartyType |
A representation of the model object 'Responsible Party Type'.
ResponsiblePartyType |
A representation of the model object 'Responsible Party Type'.
ResponsiblePartyType |
A representation of the model object 'Responsible Party Type'.
ResponsiblePartyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ResponsiblePartyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ResponsiblePartyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Responsible Party Type'.
ResponsiblePartyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Responsible Party Type'.
ResponsiblePartyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Responsible Party Type'.
ResponsiblePartyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Responsible Party Type'.
ResponsiblePartyTypeValidator |
ResponsiblePartyTypeValidator |
ResponsiblePartyTypeValidator |
ResponsiblePartyTypeValidator |
RestartDefaultType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Restart Default Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
RestartTimingType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Restart Timing Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
RestrictionHandler |
RestrictionHandler purpose.
RestrictionType |
A representation of the model object 'Restriction Type'.
RestrictionType1 |
A representation of the model object 'Restriction Type1'.
RestrictionType1Impl |
An implementation of the model object 'Restriction Type1'.
RestrictionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Restriction Type'.
Result |
Base interface of more specific result classes.
Result<V,S> |
Result |
Maintains the result of building process.
ResultImpl |
Type of test applied to the data specified by a data quality scope.
ResultType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Result Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
ResultType |
A representation of the model object 'Result Type'.
ResultTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Result Type'.
ResultTypeType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Result Type Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
ResultTypeType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Result Type Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
ResultTypeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ReturnFeatureTypesListTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ReTypeFeatureReader |
Supports on the fly retyping of FeatureReader contents.
ReTypingFeatureCollection |
SimpleFeatureCollection decorator which decorates a feature collection "re-typing" its schema
based on attributes specified in a query.
ReTypingFeatureIterator |
FeatureIterator wrapper which re-types features on the fly based on a target feature type.
RingEncoder |
Encodes a GML3 curved ring
RingPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Ring Property Type'.
RingPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Ring Property Type'.
RingType |
A representation of the model object 'Ring Type'.
RingTypeBinding |
RingTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Ring Type'.
Robinson |
Robinson projection
Robinson.Provider |
ROIExcessGranuleRemover |
Support class helping to remove images not contributing pixels to the final mosaic based on the
image ROIs (thus, working in raster space after the images are read)
Role |
Function performed by the responsible party.
RootEncoder |
RootHandler |
RootHandler purpose.
RootHandler |
Handles xml parse events for top-level elements such as Name, and UserStyle.
RootParser |
RootValidator |
Top-level validator that checks the expression type and delegates to the appropriate validator
RotatedPole |
Rotated Pole Transformation for rotated spherical coordinates ("Rotated Pole Coordinates"),
commonly used in numerical weather forecasting models.
RotatedPole.Provider |
RowField | Created: Mon Jan 27 13:58:34 2003
RowType |
A representation of the model object 'Row Type'.
RowTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Row Type'.
RPFTOCFormat |
An implementation of Format for the RPFTOC format.
RPFTOCFormatFactory |
Implementation of the Format service provider interface for RPFTOC files.
RPFTOCReader |
This class can read a RPFTOC data source and create a GridCoverage2D from the data.
RubberSheetBuilder |
Builds a RubberSheet transformation from a set of control points, defined as a List of
MappedPosition objects,
and a quadrilateral delimiting the outer area of interest, defined as a List of four DirectPosition objects.
Rule |
A rule consists of two important parts: a filter and a list of symbols.
RuleBinding |
Binding object for the element
RuleBuilder |
RuleEncoder |
RuleImpl |
Provides the default implementation of Rule.
RuleParser |
RulesHandler |
RuntimeExtractorSPI |
SafeAction |
A safe version of AbstractAction that will log any problems encountered.
SampleDataAccess |
SampleDataAccessData |
SampleDataAccessFactory |
SampleDataAccessFeatureCollection |
SampleDataAccessFeatureIterator |
Decorator for Iterator<Feature> to provide a FeatureIterator<Feature> that adds a
close method that does nothing.
SampleDataAccessFeatureSource |
SampleDimension |
Contains information for an individual sample dimension of coverage.
SampleDimensionType |
Specifies the various dimension types for coverage values.
SampleImage |
Simple serializable class holding a sample model and a color model
SampleScheme |
Number of samples that can be represented.
SaturateFunction |
Implements the saturate function
Scalar_CapabilitiesTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
Scalar_CapabilitiesTypeBinding |
ScalarCapabilities |
Capabilities used to convey supported scalar operators.
ScalarCapabilitiesImpl |
Implementation of the ScalarCapabilities interface.
ScalarCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Scalar Capabilities Type'.
ScalarCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Scalar Capabilities Type'.
ScalarValidator |
ScalarValuePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Scalar Value Property Type'.
ScalarValuePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Scalar Value Property Type'.
Scale |
This operation is simply a wrapper for the JAI scale operation which allows me to arbitrarily
scale and translate a rendered image.
ScaleAxisByFactorType |
Used in the WCS 2.0 scaling extension to specify a different rescaling for each axis
ScaleAxisByFactorTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Scale Axis By Factor Type'.
ScaleAxisType |
Used in the WCS 2.0 scaling extension to specify the scale for a particular axis
ScaleAxisTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Scale Axis Type'.
ScaleByFactorType |
Used in the WCS 2.0 scaling extension to specify the scale for a particular axis
ScaleByFactorTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Scale By Factor Type'.
ScaleCoverage |
Applies a generic scale and translate operation to a coverage
ScaleRange |
Represents and provides utility methods for a scale range (e.g., "scale: [min, max]") that can be
applied to a given Rule .
ScaleRange |
ScaleToExtentType |
Used in the WCS 2.0 scaling extension to specify a different rescaling for each axis
ScaleToExtentTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Scale To Extent Type'.
ScaleToSizeType |
Used in the WCS 2.0 scaling extension to specify a different rescaling for each axis
ScaleToSizeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Scale To Size Type'.
ScaleType |
A representation of the model object 'Scale Type'.
ScaleTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Scale Type'.
ScaleValidator |
Validator for Scale
ScaleZoomLevelMatcher |
This class is responsible for finding the right zoom-level for a given map extent.
Scaling |
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
ScalingConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
ScalingParserDelegate |
ScalingType |
The root object for wcs 2.0 scaling
ScalingTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Scaling Type'.
Schema |
A collection of AttributeType.
Schema |
This Interface is intended to represent the public portion of an XML Schema.
SchemaAdapterFactory |
The Adapter Factory for the model.
SchemaCache |
Cache containing XML schemas.
SchemaCatalog |
Support for XML schema resolution in an OASIS Catalog (with
URI resolution semantics).
SchemaComponentType |
A representation of the model object 'Schema Component Type'.
SchemaComponentTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Schema Component Type'.
SchemaDataTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SchemaException |
Indicates client class has attempted to create an invalid schema.
SchemaFactory |
This is the main entry point into the XSI parsing routines.
SchemaFactory |
The Factory for the model.
SchemaFactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
SchemaHandler |
SchemaHandler purpose.
SchemaImpl |
Implementation of Schema.
SchemaIndex |
SchemaIndexedFilterDetectorVisitor |
Detects which AND/OR filter (BinaryLogicOperator) is the parent operator of indexed filter(s).
SchemaIndexImpl |
SchemaLocationResolver |
Resolves a physical schema location from a namespace uri.
SchemaLocator |
Helper class which ensures that the xsd schema parser uses pre-build schema objects.
SchemaNotFoundException |
Indicates a FeatureType could not be found.
SchemaPackage |
The Package for the model.
SchemaPackage.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
SchemaPackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
SchemaRegistry |
SchemaResolver |
XML Schema resolver that maps absolute URLs to local URL resources.
Schemas |
Utility class for performing various operations.
SchemaStoreDirectory |
SchemaStoreDirectoryProvider |
SchemasType |
Java class for schemasType complex type.
SchemaSwitch<T> |
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
SchemaType |
Java class for schemaType complex type.
SchemaType |
A representation of the model object 'Type'.
SchemaTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SchemaTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Type'.
SchemaValidator |
The Validator for the model.
ScopedName |
ScopedName |
Fully qualified identifier for an object.
ScreenMap |
The screenmap is a packed bitmap of the screen, one bit per pixels.
ScrollWheelTool |
Allow scrolling with the mouse wheel.
Oracle Spatial Data Object utilities functions.
SDOSqlDumper |
Converts a JTS geometry into the equivalent MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY SQL syntax.
SE |
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
SearchDirectionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SearchModule |
SearchQuery |
Represents a STAC query used in search requests
SearchResultsType |
A representation of the model object 'Search Results Type'.
SearchResultsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Search Results Type'.
SeaWater |
Sea water properties as a function of salinity, temperature and pressure.
SecondDefiningParameterType |
A representation of the model object 'Second Defining Parameter Type'.
SecondDefiningParameterTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Second Defining Parameter Type'.
SEConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
Section |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Section',
and utility methods for working with them.
Sections |
A representation of the model object 'Sections'.
SectionsBinding |
SectionsImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Sections'.
SectionsType |
A representation of the model object 'Sections Type'.
SectionsType |
A representation of the model object 'Sections Type'.
SectionsType |
A representation of the model object 'Sections Type'.
SectionsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SectionsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SectionsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Sections Type'.
SectionsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Sections Type'.
SectionsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Sections Type'.
SectionsTypeValidator |
SectionsTypeValidator |
SectionsTypeValidator |
Segment |
Segment enumeration
SelectedChannelType |
A class to hold Channel information for use in ChannelSelection objects.
SelectedChannelTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SelectedChannelTypeBuilder |
SelectedChannelTypeImpl |
Default implementation of SelectedChannelType.
SelectorHandler |
SelectorHandler purpose.
SelectorType |
A representation of the model object 'Selector Type'.
SelectorTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Selector Type'.
SelectSampleDimension |
Chooses N sample dimensions
from a grid coverage and copies their sample data to the destination grid coverage in the order
SemanticType |
Identifies the more general "type" of geometry that this style is meant to act upon.
Separation |
Provides operations for calculating temporal length and distance.
Sequence |
This interface is intended to represent a Sequence in an XML Schema.
SequencedPrimaryKeyColumn |
Represents a column of a primary key which has an associated sequence used to generate its
SequenceGT |
SequenceHandler |
SequenceHandler purpose.
SequenceRuleNames |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Sequence Rule Names',
and utility methods for working with them.
SequenceRuleType |
A representation of the model object 'Sequence Rule Type'.
SequenceRuleTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Sequence Rule Type'.
SequenceValidator |
Validator for Sequences
SerializedReaderWriter |
An implementation of GraphReaderWriter that uses java serialization to read and write graph
Service |
This is a data model for the Open Web Service (OWS) metadata.
ServiceException |
ServiceExceptionParser |
Utility class that will parse ServiceExceptions out of an inputStream.
ServiceIdentificationType |
A representation of the model object 'Service Identification Type'.
ServiceIdentificationType |
A representation of the model object 'Service Identification Type'.
ServiceIdentificationType |
A representation of the model object 'Service Identification Type'.
ServiceIdentificationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Service Identification Type'.
ServiceIdentificationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Service Identification Type'.
ServiceIdentificationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Service Identification Type'.
ServiceIdentificationTypeValidator |
ServiceIdentificationTypeValidator |
ServiceIdentificationTypeValidator |
ServiceInfo |
Information about a service.
ServiceMetadataType |
A representation of the model object 'Service Metadata Type'.
ServiceMetadataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Service Metadata Type'.
ServiceParametersType |
A representation of the model object 'Service Parameters Type'.
ServiceParametersTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Service Parameters Type'.
ServiceProviderType |
A representation of the model object 'Service Provider Type'.
ServiceProviderType |
A representation of the model object 'Service Provider Type'.
ServiceProviderType |
A representation of the model object 'Service Provider Type'.
ServiceProviderTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Service Provider Type'.
ServiceProviderTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Service Provider Type'.
ServiceProviderTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Service Provider Type'.
ServiceProviderTypeValidator |
ServiceProviderTypeValidator |
ServiceProviderTypeValidator |
ServiceReferenceType |
A representation of the model object 'Service Reference Type'.
ServiceReferenceType |
A representation of the model object 'Service Reference Type'.
ServiceReferenceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Service Reference Type'.
ServiceReferenceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Service Reference Type'.
ServiceReferenceTypeValidator |
ServiceReferenceTypeValidator |
ServiceType |
A representation of the model object 'Service Type'.
ServiceTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ServiceTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ServiceTypeBinding |
ServiceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Service Type'.
ServiceTypeValidator |
SessionCommandsListener |
SetPrototype |
A representation of the model object 'Set Prototype'.
SetPrototypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Set Prototype'.
SetType |
A representation of the model object 'Set Type'.
SetTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Set Type'.
ShadedRelief |
The ShadedRelief element selects the application of relief shading (or “hill shading”) to an
image for a three-dimensional visual effect.
ShadedRelief |
A simple wrapper for the jai-ext ShadedRelief operation.
ShadedReliefBinding |
Binding object for the element
ShadedReliefBuilder |
ShadedReliefImpl |
Default implementation of ShadedRelief.
ShadeFunction |
Shade color function.
Shape |
ShapefileDataStore |
ShapefileDataStoreFactory |
Builds instances of the shapefile data store
ShapefileDataStoreFactory.ShpFileStoreFactory |
A delegates that allow to build a directory of shapfiles store
ShapefileDirectoryFactory |
Creates a directory datastore pointing to a directory of shapefiles
ShapefileDumper |
Class specializing in dumping a feature collection onto one or more shapefiles into a target
ShapefileException |
Thrown when an error relating to the shapefile occures
ShapefileHeader |
ShapefileLoaderSPI |
ShapefileReader |
The general use of this class is:
ShapefileSizeException |
Exception thrown by the writer when the maximum size of the shapefile or dbf is reached.
ShapefileWriter |
ShapefileWriter allows for the storage of geometries in esris shp format.
ShapeHandler |
A ShapeHandler defines what is needed to construct and persist geometries based upon the
shapefile specification.
ShapeMarkFactory |
ShapeType |
Not much but a type safe enumeration of file types as ints and names.
ShapeUtilities |
Static utilities methods.
ShortFileNameExtractorSPI |
ShowType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Show Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
ShpFiles |
The collection of all the files that are the shapefile and its metadata and indices.
ShpFiles.State |
ShpFileType |
Enumerates the known types of files associated with a shapefile.
ShpXmlFileReader |
SidecarFootprintProvider |
A footprint provider looking for sidecar files (SHP, WKB, WKT, ...).
SignType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Sign Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
SimilarityTransformProvider |
The provider for the "Similarity transformation" (EPSG 9621).
SimilarTransformBuilder |
Simple |
A representation of the model object 'Simple'.
SimpleBinding |
A strategy for parsing components in an instance document which are of simple type.
SimpleContentComplexEMFBinding |
A binding implementation which handles the case of a complex type with simple content.
SimpleContentHandler |
represtents a simpleContent element
SimpleContentType |
A representation of the model object 'Simple Content Type'.
SimpleContentTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Simple Content Type'.
SimpleDerivationSetMember0 |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Simple Derivation Set Member0',
and utility methods for working with them.
SimpleDerivationSetMember1Item |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Simple Derivation Set Member1 Item',
and utility methods for working with them.
SimpleElementHandler |
This class is intended to handle parsing an xml element from an instance document for elements
who's type is both known and simple.
SimpleExplicitGroup |
A representation of the model object 'Simple Explicit Group'.
SimpleExplicitGroupImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Simple Explicit Group'.
SimpleExtensionType |
A representation of the model object 'Simple Extension Type'.
SimpleExtensionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Simple Extension Type'.
SimpleFeature |
SimpleFeatureBuilder |
A builder for features.
SimpleFeatureCollection |
Access to "simple" Feature content where each feature has the same SimpleFeatureType.
SimpleFeatureCollectionType |
A representation of the model object 'Simple Feature Collection Type'.
SimpleFeatureCollectionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Simple Feature Collection Type'.
SimpleFeatureCollectionTypeValidator |
SimpleFeatureImpl |
An implementation of SimpleFeature geared towards speed and backed by an Object[].
SimpleFeatureIO |
Allows writing and reading features to/from the given file
SimpleFeatureIterator |
SimpleFeatureIteratorImpl |
A convenience class for wrapping a Collection Iterator up as a SimpleFeatureCollection.
SimpleFeatureLocking |
Used to lock feature content to protect against other threads (or depending on the source of data
other applications) making modifications when you are not looking.
SimpleFeaturePropertyAccessorFactory |
Creates a property accessor for simple features.
SimpleFeatureReader |
FeatureReader for SimpleFeature content.
SimpleFeatureSource |
FeatureSource explicitly working with SimpleFeatureCollection.
SimpleFeatureStore |
SimpleFeatureType |
The type of a SimpleFeature.
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder |
A builder for simple feature types.
SimpleFeatureTypeImpl |
Implementation fo SimpleFeatureType, subtypes must be atomic and are stored in a list.
SimpleFeatureWriter |
FeatureWriter for updating SimpleFeature content.
SimpleFileFilter |
SimpleGraphWalker |
A simple implementation of GraphWalker that decorates a GraphVisitor.
SimpleHttpClient |
SimpleImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Simple'.
SimpleInternationalString |
A simple international string consisting of a single string for all locales.
SimpleLayer |
A simple bean that represents a layer name paired with a style name for use in requests.
SimpleLiteral |
SimpleLiteralBinding |
SimpleLiteralImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Simple Literal'.
SimpleNode |
Redefines SimpleNode to allow access to additional
information to the CQLCompiler
Note: set the option BUILD_NODE_FILES=false to avoid that javacc generates
a new SimpleNode.
SimpleNode |
Redefines SimpleNode to allow access to additional
information to the CQLCompiler
Note: set the option BUILD_NODE_FILES=false to avoid that javacc generates
a new SimpleNode.
SimpleProcess |
Provide an implementation for a simple process (ie so quick and easy it is not going to need to
report progress as it goes).
SimpleProcessingCollection |
SimpleRestrictionType |
A representation of the model object 'Simple Restriction Type'.
SimpleRestrictionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Simple Restriction Type'.
SimpleSchema |
Schema containing a set of "simple" types.
SimpleType |
This interface is intended to represent an XML Schema simple type.
SimpleType |
A representation of the model object 'Simple Type'.
SimpleTypeGT |
SimpleTypeHandler |
SimpleTypeHandler purpose.
SimpleTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Simple Type'.
SimplifiableFunction |
Implemented by functions that can turn themselves into a simpler, more efficient expression, when
certain conditions are met.
SimplificationMethod |
Methods of geometries simplification available for the store.
SimplifyingFilterVisitor |
Takes a filter and returns a simplified, equivalent one.
SimplifyingFilterVisitor.FIDValidator |
Defines a simple means of assessing whether a feature id in an Id filter is
structurally valid and hence can be send down to the backend with confidence it will not
cause trouble, the most common one being filtering by pk number even if the type name prefix
does not match.
SimplifyingFilterVisitor.RegExFIDValidator |
A FID validator that matches the fids with a given regular expression to determine the fid's
SimplifyingFilterVisitor.TypeNameDotNumberFidValidator |
A convenient fid validator for the common case of a feature id being a composition of a
SimplifyProcess |
A process simplifying the geometries in the input feature collection according to a specified
distance, and using either a topology preserving or a Douglas-Peuker algorithm
SingleCRS |
SingleCurvedGeometry<T extends LineString> |
SingleFeatureSourceDataStore |
SingleFeatureTypeAttributeIterator |
Iterates over a single attribute of a feature type.
SingleLayerMapContent |
SingleOperation |
SingleOperationRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Single Operation Ref Type'.
SingleOperationRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Single Operation Ref Type'.
SingleProcessFactory |
Helper class for a process factory that will return just a single process
SingularMatrixException |
Matrix is singular, and thus an inverse is not available.
Sinusoidal |
Sinusoidal (Sanson–Flamsteed) projection
Sinusoidal.Provider |
SizeFunction |
Return the size of a list (or other collection).
Skeletonize |
SkeletonizeProcess |
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
Utility class that provides static helper methods for common operations on GeoTools styling
objects (e.g.
SLDAbstractBinding |
<xsd:element name="Abstract" type="sld:InternationalStringType"/>
SLDAnchorPointBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDBlueChannelBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDChannelSelectionBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDColorMapBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDColorMapBuilder |
Builder facility for creating a LinearColorMap using elements from RasterSymbolizer ColorMapTransform element.
SLDColorMapEntryBinding |
Binding object for the element
sldComplexType |
sldComplexTypes |
sldComplexTypes2 |
Provides ...TODO summary sentence
SLDConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the Styled Layer Descriptor schema.
SLDConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
SLDContrastEnhancementBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDCssParameterBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDDisplacementBinding |
Binding object for the element
sldElement |
SLDExtentBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDExternalGraphicBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDFeatureTypeConstraintBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDFeatureTypeStyleBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDFillBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDFontBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDFormatBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDGammaValueBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDGeometryBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDGraphicBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDGraphicFillBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDGraphicStrokeBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDGrayChannelBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDGreenChannelBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDHaloBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDHistogramBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDImageOutlineBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDInlineFeatureParser |
SLDInternationalStringBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDLabelPlacementBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDLayerFeatureConstraintsBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDLegendGraphicBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDLinePlacementBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDLineSymbolizerBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDMarkBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDNamedLayerBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDNamedStyleBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDNormalizeBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDOnlineResourceBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDOverlapBehaviorBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDParameterValueTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SLDParser |
TODO: This really needs to be container ready
SLDPerpendicularOffsetBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDPointPlacementBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDPointSymbolizerBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDPolygonSymbolizerBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDRasterSymbolizerBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDRedChannelBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDRemoteOWSBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDRuleBinding |
Binding object for the element
sldSchema |
SLDSelectedChannelTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SLDShadedReliefBinding |
Binding object for the element
sldSimpleTypes |
sldSimpleTypes._Service |
SLDStrokeBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDStyledLayerDescriptorBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDStyleFactory |
Factory object that converts SLD style into rendered styles.
SLDSymbolizerBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDSymbolizerTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SLDTextSymbolizerBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDTitleBinding |
<xsd:element name="Title" type="sld:InternationalStringType"/>
SldTransformer |
Transforms an XML/SLD stream to a Yaml/Ysld stream.
SLDTransformer |
Produces SLD to an output stream.
SldTransformHandler |
Handles xml parse events.
SLDUserLayerBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDUserStyleBinding |
Binding object for the element
SLDVendorOptionBinding |
Binding object for the element
Slice2DIndex |
A bean that represents a row in the index used for mapping 2d grids to 2d slices in NetCDF files.
Slice2DIndex.Slice2DIndexManager |
An wrapper for variable index files.
SMIL20 |
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
Smil20AdapterFactory |
The Adapter Factory for the model.
SMIL20Configuration |
Parser configuration for SMIL20 schema.
Smil20Factory |
The Factory for the model.
Smil20FactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
SMIL20LANGConfiguration |
SMIL20LANGSchema |
SMIL20Language |
Smil20Package |
The Package for the model.
Smil20Package.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each operation of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
Smil20PackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
Smil20ResourceFactoryImpl |
The Resource Factory associated with the package.
Smil20ResourceImpl |
The Resource associated with the package.
SMIL20Schema |
SMIL20SchemaLocationResolver |
SMIL20SchemaLocator |
Smil20Switch<T> |
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
Smil20Validator |
The Validator for the model.
Smil20XMLProcessor |
This class contains helper methods to serialize and deserialize XML documents
SnapProcess |
SoftValueHashMap<K,V> |
A hash map implementation that uses soft references, leaving memory
when an entry is not used anymore and memory is low.
SoftValueHashMap.ValueCleaner<K,V> |
A delegate that can be used to perform clean up operation, such as resource closing, before
the values cached in soft part of the cache gets disposed of
SolidArrayPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Solid Array Property Type'.
SolidArrayPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Solid Array Property Type'.
SolidPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Solid Property Type'.
SolidPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Solid Property Type'.
SolidType |
A representation of the model object 'Solid Type'.
SolidTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Solid Type'.
SortBy |
Defines the sort order, based on a property and ascending/descending.
SortBy |
Sort declaration from the STAC API Search Sort fragment
SortBy.Direction |
SortByImpl |
SortByType |
A representation of the model object 'Sort By Type'.
SortByTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SortByTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SortByTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Sort By Type'.
SortedFeatureIterator |
SortedFeatureReader |
FeatureReader used to sort contents.
SortedSimpleFeatureCollection |
A wrapper that will sort a feature collection using a size sensitive algorithm, in main memory
for small collections, using secondary memory otherwise.
SortOrder |
Captures the SortBy order, ASC or DESC .
SortOrderType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Sort Order Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
SortOrderTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SortPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Sort Property Type'.
SortPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SortPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SortPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Sort Property Type'.
SourceDataStore |
SourceGraphIterator |
A GraphIterator that starts iteration from a specefied point.
SourceSPIProviderFactory |
Simple interface returning a SourceSPIProvider from a source object.
Spatial_CapabilitiesTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
Spatial_CapabilitiesTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
Spatial_CapabilitiesTypeBinding |
Spatial_OperatorsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SpatialCapabilities |
Capabilities used to convey supported spatial operators.
SpatialCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Spatial Capabilities Type'.
SpatialCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Spatial Capabilities Type'.
SpatialCapabiltiesImpl |
Implementation of the SpatialCapabilities interface.
SpatialDomainType |
A representation of the model object 'Spatial Domain Type'.
SpatialDomainType |
A representation of the model object 'Spatial Domain Type'.
SpatialDomainTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SpatialDomainTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Spatial Domain Type'.
SpatialDomainTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Spatial Domain Type'.
SpatialDomainTypeValidator |
SpatialDomainTypeValidator |
SpatialFilterVisitor |
Filter that can be applied to determine if a Filter contains any spatial filter
SpatialIndexFeatureCollection |
FeatureCollection used to stage information for display using a SpatialIndex.
SpatialIndexFeatureSource |
A FeatureSource using a spatial index to hold on to features and serve them up for fast display.
SpatialIndexHeader | Created: Tue Mar 11 23:42:48 2003
SpatialIndexInputStream | Created: Mon Feb 24 22:25:15 2003
SpatialOperator |
Indicates support for the named spatial operator.
SpatialOperator |
Abstract base class for operators that perform a spatial comparison on geometric attributes of a
SpatialOperatorImpl |
Implementation of the SpatialOperator interface.
SpatialOperatorNameTypeMember0 |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Spatial Operator Name Type Member0',
and utility methods for working with them.
SpatialOperators |
Supported spatial operators in a filter capabilities document.
SpatialOperatorsImpl |
Implementation of the SpatialOperators interface.
SpatialOperatorsType |
A representation of the model object 'Spatial Operators Type'.
SpatialOperatorsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SpatialOperatorsTypeBinding |
SpatialOperatorsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Spatial Operators Type'.
SpatialOperatorType |
A representation of the model object 'Spatial Operator Type'.
SpatialOperatorTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SpatialOperatorTypeBinding |
SpatialOperatorTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Spatial Operator Type'.
SpatialOpsType |
A representation of the model object 'Spatial Ops Type'.
SpatialOpsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Spatial Ops Type'.
SpatialReferenceSystemUsingGeographicIdentifier |
Spatial reference system using geographic identifier, a reference to a feature with a known
spatial location.
SpatialRequestHelper |
Helper class which takes coverage's spatial information input (CRS, bbox, resolution,...) and a
set of request's parameters (requestedCRS, requestedBBox, requested resolution, ...) and takes
care of computing all auxiliary spatial variables for future computations.
SpatialRequestHelper |
Helper class which takes coverage's spatial information input (CRS, bbox, resolution,...) and a
set of request's parameters (requestedCRS, requestedBBox, requested resolution, ...) and takes
care of computing all auxiliary spatial variables for future computations.
SpatialRequestHelper.CoverageProperties |
SpatialRequestHelper.CoverageProperties |
SpatialSubsetType |
A representation of the model object 'Spatial Subset Type'.
SpatialSubsetTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SpatialSubsetTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Spatial Subset Type'.
SpatialSubsetTypeValidator |
Specification |
The specifications from which an interface, method or code list was derived.
Specification |
Provides support for the Open Web Service Specificaitons.
SpeedType |
A representation of the model object 'Speed Type'.
SpeedTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Speed Type'.
SphereType |
A representation of the model object 'Sphere Type'.
SphereTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Sphere Type'.
SphericalCS |
A three-dimensional coordinate system with one distance measured from the origin and two angular
SphericalCSRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Spherical CS Ref Type'.
SphericalCSRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Spherical CS Ref Type'.
SphericalCSType |
A representation of the model object 'Spherical CS Type'.
SphericalCSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Spherical CS Type'.
SpinFunction |
Mix color function.
SpriteGraphicFactory |
Implementation of an ExternalGraphicFactory that takes the address of a Mapbox-style
sprite sheet resource and an icon name, and retrieves the icon from the sprite sheet.
SpriteIndex |
Wrapper that takes the sprite index file (as a JSONObject) for a Mapbox Sprite Sheet and parses
the all the individual icons as SpriteIndex.IconInfo objects.
SpriteIndex.IconInfo |
Wrapper for parsing the properties of an individual sprite index entry (JSONObject) for a
single icon.
SQLArrayConverterFactory |
ConverterFactory for handling PgArray conversions
SQLDialect |
The driver used by JDBCDataStore to directly communicate with the database.
SqlScriptReader |
Reads a multiline SQL file extracting each command separately.
SqlServerBinaryParseException |
SqlServerBinaryReader |
Decode Sql Server binary format to JTS
SQLServerDataStoreFactory |
DataStore factory for Microsoft SQL Server.
SQLServerDatastoreWrapper |
SQLServerDialect |
Dialect implementation for Microsoft SQL Server.
SQLServerFilterToSQL |
SQLServerJNDIDataStoreFactory |
JNDI DataStoreFactory for sql server database.
SQLServerTransformFeatureStore |
A SQLServer transforming feature store, will transform on the fly all attempts to write so that
the underlying features are getting modified while exposing a different feature type to its
SQLServerTypeMapper |
Specific SQLServer implementation for a DataStoreWrapper By default, SQLServer
identifiers can't be longer than 128 chars.
SqlUtil |
Builder class for creating prepared statements.
SqlUtil.PreparedStatementBuilder |
SRPFormat |
An implementation of Format for the SRP format.
SRPFormatFactory |
Implementation of the Format service provider interface for SRP (ASRP/USPR) files.
SRPReader |
This class can read a SRP data source and create a GridCoverage2D from the data.
Srs |
Metadata to create a new spatial reference system in SAP HANA.
Srs.Type |
SrsSyntax |
Enumeration describing the syntax to use for an srsName URI.
STACClient |
Minimal STAC API client supporting the needs of the STAC datastore.
STACClient.SearchMode |
Used to indicate how to perform search queries.
STACConformance |
STACDataStore |
A DataStore implementation connecting to a STAC API, exposing collections as
feature types, and items as features.
STACDataStoreFactory |
STACFeatureSource |
STACFilterSerializer |
STACLandingPage |
Landing page for STAC APIs, basically a document with links, with the addition of conformance
StagedGraphTraversal |
StandardDeviationFunction |
Breaks a SimpleFeatureCollection into classes using the standard deviation classification method.
StandardDeviationVisitor |
Determines the standard deviation.
StandardDeviationVisitor.Result |
StandardNameTable |
Java class for anonymous complex type.
StarStringType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Star String Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
StatefulValidator |
Abstract stateful validator.
StateValueTypeMember0 |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'State Value Type Member0',
and utility methods for working with them.
StaticGeometry |
StaticMethodsProcessFactory<T> |
Grabbed from Geotools and generalized a bit, should go back into GeoTools once improved enough.
Statistics |
Holds some statistics about a series of sample values.
Statistics.Delta |
Holds some statistics about a series of sample values and the difference between them.
StatusBarItem |
StatusInfoType |
A representation of the model object 'Status Info Type'.
StatusInfoTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Status Info Type'.
StatusType |
A representation of the model object 'Status Type'.
StatusTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Status Type'.
StatusTypeMember0 |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Status Type Member0',
and utility methods for working with them.
StatusTypeValidator |
Stereographic |
Stereographic Projection.
Stereographic.Provider |
StorageFile |
Encapsulates the idea of a file for writing data to and then later updating the original.
StoredQueryConfiguration |
StoredQueryDescriptionType |
A representation of the model object 'Stored Query Description Type'.
StoredQueryDescriptionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Stored Query Description Type'.
StoredQueryDescriptionTypeValidator |
StoredQueryListItemType |
A representation of the model object 'Stored Query List Item Type'.
StoredQueryListItemTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Stored Query List Item Type'.
StoredQueryListItemTypeValidator |
StoredQueryType |
A representation of the model object 'Stored Query Type'.
StoredQueryTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Stored Query Type'.
StoredQueryTypeValidator |
StoreException |
StreamingParser |
XML parser capable of streaming.
StreamingParserHandler |
StreamingRenderer |
A streaming implementation of the GTRenderer interface.
StreamLogging |
StrictWFS_1_x_Strategy |
StrictWFS_2_0_Strategy |
StringFileNameExtractorSPI |
StringInFunction |
StringLengthBinding |
Binding object for the element
StringOrRefType |
A representation of the model object 'String Or Ref Type'.
StringOrRefType |
A representation of the model object 'String Or Ref Type'.
StringOrRefTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
StringOrRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'String Or Ref Type'.
StringOrRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'String Or Ref Type'.
StringOrRefTypeValidator |
StringPositionBinding |
Binding object for the element
StringTemplateFunction |
StringTemplate function, applies a regular expression with capturing groups, and them uses the
groups to build a new string based on the provided template.
StringTransformFunction |
Function that takes an input and applies a text transformation (one of "lowercase", "uppercase",
or "none").
StripOffPositionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
Stroke |
Contains all the information needed to draw styled lines.
Stroke.ConstantStroke |
StrokeBinding |
Binding object for the element
StrokeBuilder |
StrokeEncoder |
StrokeHandler |
Handles xml parse events for org.geotools.styling.Stroke elements.
StrokeImpl |
Provides a Java representation of the Stroke object in an SLD document.
StrokeParser |
Handles parsing Ysld "stroke-*" (e.g., "stroke-color", "stroke-width", ... ) properties into a
Stroke object.
StructuredGridCoverage2DReader |
A GridCoverage2DReader which exposes the underlying granule structure and allows to
create and remove coverages.
Style |
A UserStyle is at the same semantic level as a NamedStyle used in the context of a WMS.
Style |
Base class for resolved styles.
Style2D |
StyleAttributeExtractor |
A simple visitor whose purpose is to extract the set of attributes used by a Style, that is,
those that the Style expects to find in order to work properly
StyleAttributeExtractorTruncated |
A simple visitor whose purpose is to extract the set of attributes used by a Style, that is,
those that the Style expects to find in order to work properly
StyleBinding |
Binding object for the element
StyleBuilder |
StyleBuilder |
An utility class designed to ease style building with convenience methods.
StyleCoverage |
Applies a raster symbolizer to the coverage
StyledLayer |
'StyledLayer' is not part of the SLD 1.0 spec.
StyledLayerDescriptor |
Holds styling information (from a StyleLayerDescriptor document).
StyledLayerDescriptorBinding |
Binding object for the element
StyledLayerDescriptorBuilder |
StyledLayerDescriptorImpl |
Holds styling information (from a StyleLayerDescriptor document).
StyledLayerImpl |
Default implementation of StyledLayer.
StyledShapePainter |
A simple class that knows how to paint a Shape object onto a Graphic given a Style2D.
StyledShapePainter.TextureAnchorKey |
StyleFactory |
Factory used in the production of style objects.
StyleFactoryCreationException |
An exception that can be thrown by the StyleFactory if it fails to create the implementation of
the StyleFactory.
StyleFactoryImpl |
Factory for creating Styles.
StyleFactoryImpl2 |
StyleGenerator |
Generates a style/featureTypeStyle using ColorBrewer.
StyleImpl |
StyleImpl |
Implementation of style.
StyleLayer |
Layer responsible for rendering under control of a user supplied Style object.
StyleMap |
Simple container for holding styles by uri.
StyleType |
A representation of the model object 'Style Type'.
StyleType |
A representation of the model object 'Style Type'.
StyleTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
StyleTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Style Type'.
StyleTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Style Type'.
StyleVariationType |
A representation of the model object 'Style Variation Type'.
StyleVariationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Style Variation Type'.
StyleVisitor |
An interface for classes that want to perform operations on a Style hierarchy.
StyleVisitorAdapter |
StyleVisitorCoverageProcessingNodeAdapter |
SubchainStyleVisitorCoverageProcessingAdapter |
Helper class that implements a subchain.
SubFeatureCollection |
SubFeatureList |
SubFilterBuilder<P> |
SubHandler |
Specifies how a generic OGC simple geometry handler should behave.
SubHandlerBox |
Creates a simple OGC box.
SubHandlerFactory |
Creates the appropriate SubHandler element for a given OGC simple geometry type.
SubHandlerLinearRing |
Creates a simple OGC LinearRing (a closed LineString).
SubHandlerLineString |
Creates a simple OGC LineString element.
SubHandlerMulti |
Creates a MultiPoint, MultiLineString, or MultiPolygon geometry as required by the internal
SubHandlerPoint |
Creates an OGC simple point.
SubHandlerPolygon |
Creates a Polygon geometry.
SubmosaicProducer |
Responsible for creating subsets of the whole imagemosaic.
SubmosaicProducerFactory |
Creates the SubmosaicProducers necessary for the MosaicProducer to actually produce the mosaic.
SubmosaicProducerFactoryFinder |
Helper finder for SubmosaicProducerFactories
SubProgressListener |
A sub progress monitor, used to delegate a portion of work to a separate process.
SubsampleAverage |
This operation is simply a wrapper for the JAI SubsampleAverage operation which allows me to
arbitrarily scale a rendered image while smoothing it out.
SubstitutionGroupLeakPreventer |
Adapter for preventing memory leaks created by substitution group affiliations.
SubstringBinding |
Binding object for the element
Subtract |
Encodes the operation of subtraction where the second argument is subtracted from the first.
SubtractBuilder |
SubtractConst |
Subtracts constants (one for each band) from every sample values of the source coverage.
SubtractFromConst |
Subtracts every sample values of the source coverage from constants (one for each band).
SubtractImpl |
Implementation of Subtract expression.
SuccessionType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Succession Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
SumAreaVisitor |
Calculates the Sum of Areas for geometric fields
SummaryRecordType |
A representation of the model object 'Summary Record Type'.
SummaryRecordTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Summary Record Type'.
SumVisitor |
Calculates the Sum of an attribute (of a FeatureVisitor)
SumVisitor.SumResult |
SumVisitor.SumStrategy |
SunRelativePosition |
Calcule la position du soleil relativement à la position de l'observateur.
SupportedComplexDataInputType |
A representation of the model object 'Supported Complex Data Input Type'.
SupportedComplexDataInputTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Supported Complex Data Input Type'.
SupportedComplexDataInputTypeValidator |
SupportedComplexDataType |
A representation of the model object 'Supported Complex Data Type'.
SupportedComplexDataTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Supported Complex Data Type'.
SupportedComplexDataTypeValidator |
SupportedCRSsType |
A representation of the model object 'Supported CR Ss Type'.
SupportedCRSsType |
A representation of the model object 'Supported CR Ss Type'.
SupportedCRSsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SupportedCRSsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Supported CR Ss Type'.
SupportedCRSsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Supported CR Ss Type'.
SupportedCRSsTypeValidator |
SupportedCRSsTypeValidator |
SupportedCRSType |
A representation of the model object 'Supported CRS Type'.
SupportedCRSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Supported CRS Type'.
SupportedFormatsType |
A representation of the model object 'Supported Formats Type'.
SupportedFormatsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SupportedFormatsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Supported Formats Type'.
SupportedFormatsTypeValidator |
SupportedInterpolationsType |
A representation of the model object 'Supported Interpolations Type'.
SupportedInterpolationsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SupportedInterpolationsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Supported Interpolations Type'.
SupportedInterpolationsTypeValidator |
SupportedUOMsType |
A representation of the model object 'Supported UO Ms Type'.
SupportedUOMsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Supported UO Ms Type'.
SupportedUOMsTypeValidator |
SupportFilesCollector |
A collector of supportFiles.
SuppressFBWarnings |
GeoTools custom ersion of Spotbugs SuppressFBWarnings, added here to avoid dependencies on extra
jars and for IDE friendlyness (IntelliJ does not seem to provide completion for optional
dependencies, even if annotations not found at runtime apparently don't cause issues).
SurfaceArrayPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Surface Array Property Type'.
SurfaceArrayPropertyTypeBinding |
SurfaceArrayPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SurfaceArrayPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Surface Array Property Type'.
SurfaceInterpolationType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Surface Interpolation Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
SurfacePatchArrayPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Surface Patch Array Property Type'.
SurfacePatchArrayPropertyTypeBinding |
SurfacePatchArrayPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SurfacePatchArrayPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Surface Patch Array Property Type'.
SurfacePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Surface Property Type'.
SurfacePropertyTypeBinding |
SurfacePropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SurfacePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Surface Property Type'.
SurfaceType |
A representation of the model object 'Surface Type'.
SurfaceTypeBinding |
SurfaceTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SurfaceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Surface Type'.
SVGGraphicFactory |
External graphic factory accepting an Expression that can be evaluated to a URL pointing to a SVG
SVGMarkFactory |
SvgParameterBinding |
Binding object for the element
SwingUtil |
SwingUtilities |
A collection of utility methods for Swing.
Symbol |
This a mostly empty interface for styling symbol objects to implement
Symbolizer |
Abstract superclass of the symbolizers defined by the Symbology Encoding specification.
SymbolizerBuilder<T extends Symbolizer> |
Base class handling options management
SymbolizerEncoder<S extends Symbolizer> |
SymbolizerHandler |
Handles xml parse events for org.geotools.styling.Symbolizer elements.
SymbolizerParser<T extends Symbolizer> |
Base class for handling the parsing of Ysld "symbolizer" properties into Symbolizer
SymbolizersEncoder |
SymbolizersHandler |
SymbolizersParser |
Handles parsing a Ysld "symbolizers" property into Symbolizer objects, delegating to
SymbolizerParser and its subclasses.
SymbolizerTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
SymbolMBLayer |
A symbol.
SymbolMBLayer.Alignment |
Interpreted differently when applied to different fields.
SymbolMBLayer.IconTextFit |
SymbolMBLayer.Justification |
SymbolMBLayer.SymbolPlacement |
SymbolMBLayer.TextAnchor |
Text justification options.
SymbolMBLayer.TextTransform |
SymbolMBLayer.TranslateAnchor |
Symbols |
The set of symbols to use for WKT parsing and formatting.
SymbolsEncoder |
SymbolType |
A representation of the model object 'Symbol Type'.
SymbolTypeEnumeration |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Symbol Type Enumeration',
and utility methods for working with them.
SymbolTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Symbol Type'.
SyncBehaviorDefaultType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Sync Behavior Default Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
SyncBehaviorType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Sync Behavior Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
SynchronizedLabelCache |
Allow multiple thread to modify LabelCache.
TableColumnDef |
This class contains definition of VPF standard table column definition according to specification
found in: "Interface Standard for Vector Product Format."
TableHeader |
This class contains definition of VPF standard table header according to specification found in:
"Interface Standard for Vector Product Format."
TableRow | Created: Thu Jan 02 23:58:39 2003
TableWriter |
A character stream that can be used to format tables.
TargetAxisExtentType |
Used in the WCS 2.0 scaling extension to specify the scale for a particular axis
TargetAxisExtentTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Target Axis Extent Type'.
TargetAxisSizeType |
Used in the WCS 2.0 scaling extension to specify the scale for a particular axis
TargetAxisSizeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Target Axis Size Type'.
TargetPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Target Property Type'.
TargetPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Target Property Type'.
TContains |
Filter operator that determines if a temporal object contains another temporal object as defined
by the Filter Encoding Specification.
TContainsBinding |
Binding object for the element
TContainsImpl |
Telephone |
Telephone numbers for contacting the responsible individual or organization.
TelephoneImpl |
Telephone numbers for contacting the responsible individual or organization.
TelephoneType |
A representation of the model object 'Telephone Type'.
TelephoneType |
A representation of the model object 'Telephone Type'.
TelephoneType |
A representation of the model object 'Telephone Type'.
TelephoneType |
A representation of the model object 'Telephone Type'.
TelephoneTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TelephoneTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TelephoneTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Telephone Type'.
TelephoneTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Telephone Type'.
TelephoneTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Telephone Type'.
TelephoneTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Telephone Type'.
TelephoneTypeValidator |
TelephoneTypeValidator |
TelephoneTypeValidator |
TelephoneTypeValidator |
TemporalCapabilities |
Capabilities used to convey supported temporal operators.
TemporalCapabilitiesImpl |
TemporalCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Temporal Capabilities Type'.
TemporalCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Temporal Capabilities Type'.
TemporalComplex |
TemporalConverterFactory |
Converter factory which created converting between the various temporal types.
TemporalConverterFactory |
TemporalCoordinate |
A data type that shall be used for identifying temporal position within a temporal coordinate
TemporalCoordinateSystem |
A temporal coordinate system to simplify the computation of temporal distances between points and
the functional description of temporal operations.
TemporalCRS |
A 1D coordinate reference system used for the recording of time.
TemporalCRSRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Temporal CRS Ref Type'.
TemporalCRSRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Temporal CRS Ref Type'.
TemporalCRSType |
A representation of the model object 'Temporal CRS Type'.
TemporalCRSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Temporal CRS Type'.
TemporalCSRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Temporal CS Ref Type'.
TemporalCSRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Temporal CS Ref Type'.
TemporalCSType |
A representation of the model object 'Temporal CS Type'.
TemporalCSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Temporal CS Type'.
TemporalDatum |
A temporal datum defines the origin of a temporal coordinate reference system.
TemporalDatumBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Temporal Datum Base Type'.
TemporalDatumBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Temporal Datum Base Type'.
TemporalDatumRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Temporal Datum Ref Type'.
TemporalDatumRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Temporal Datum Ref Type'.
TemporalDatumType |
A representation of the model object 'Temporal Datum Type'.
TemporalDatumTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Temporal Datum Type'.
TemporalEdge |
One-dimensional topological primitive in time.
TemporalExtent |
Time period covered by the content of the dataset.
TemporalExtentImpl |
Boundary enclosing the dataset, expressed as the closed set of (x,y)
coordinates of the polygon.
TemporalFactory |
TemporalFilterVisitor |
Several parts of GeoTools build simple comparisons for temporal filters, CQL2 uses dedicated
operators instead, this visitor switches simple comparisons to temporal ones when a temporal
property is used.
TemporalGeometricPrimitive |
An abstract class with two subclasses for representing a temporal instant and a temporal period.
TemporalNode |
A zero dimensional topological primitive in time.
TemporalObject |
Base interface for temporal object.
TemporalOperandsType |
A representation of the model object 'Temporal Operands Type'.
TemporalOperandsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Temporal Operands Type'.
TemporalOperandType |
A representation of the model object 'Temporal Operand Type'.
TemporalOperandTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Temporal Operand Type'.
TemporalOperator |
A named temporal operator.
TemporalOperatorImpl |
TemporalOperatorNameTypeMember0 |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Temporal Operator Name Type Member0',
and utility methods for working with them.
TemporalOperators |
Supported temporal operators in a filter capabilities document.
TemporalOperatorsImpl |
TemporalOperatorsType |
A representation of the model object 'Temporal Operators Type'.
TemporalOperatorsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Temporal Operators Type'.
TemporalOperatorType |
A representation of the model object 'Temporal Operator Type'.
TemporalOperatorTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Temporal Operator Type'.
TemporalOpsType |
A representation of the model object 'Temporal Ops Type'.
TemporalOpsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Temporal Ops Type'.
TemporalOrder |
TemporalPosition |
Used for describing temporal positions referenced to other temporal reference systems.
TemporalPositionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TemporalPrimitive |
An abstract class that represents a non-decomposed element of geometry or topology of time.
TemporalReferenceSystem |
Provides information about a temporal reference system.
TemporalTopologicalComplex |
TemporalTopologicalPrimitive |
Represents a single non-decomposable element of topology and its relationships to other
topological primitives within a topological complex.
TEquals |
Filter operator that determines if two temporal objects are equal as defined by the Filter
Encoding Specification.
TEqualsBinding |
Binding object for the element
TEqualsImpl |
TeradataDataStoreFactory |
TeradataDialect |
TeradataFilterToSQL |
TeradataJNDIDataStoreFactory |
JNDI DataStoreFactory for Teradata database.
TessellationInfo |
Holds teradata tessellation parameters.
TestData |
Provides access to test-data directories associated with JUnit tests.
TestData |
Provides access to the common test-data directories provided in the sample-data
TestGraphics |
Utility class you can use in test cases to ensure a renderer is doing what you expected.
TestHandler |
Simple test implementation of GMLHandlerJTS .
Text |
Helper class for working with InternationalString and other forms of Text.
Text |
Represents text encountered in the parse tree.
TextfileReaderWriter |
An implementation of GraphReaderWriter that reads/writes graphs from/to text files.
TextGeometryFactory |
Builds text primities
TextInstance |
TextParser |
Handles parsing a Ysld "text" symbolizer property into a Symbolizer object.
TextPayloadBinding |
Binding object for the element
TextPayloadType |
A representation of the model object 'Text Payload Type'.
TextPayloadTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Text Payload Type'.
TextReporterListener |
Implemented by objects that wish to receive events published by JTextReporter .
TextStyle2D |
TextSymbolizer |
Indicates how text will be drawn.
TextSymbolizer.DisplacementMode |
DisplacementMode associates an angle with each enum value
TextSymbolizer.GraphicPlacement |
GraphicPlacemnts controls the position of the Graphic associated with the label
TextSymbolizer.PolygonAlignOptions |
Enumerated options that can be used with polygonAlign.
TextSymbolizerBinding |
Binding object for the element
TextSymbolizerBuilder |
TextSymbolizerEncoder |
TextSymbolizerHandler |
Handles xml parse events for org.geotools.styling.TextSymbolizer elements.
TextSymbolizerImpl |
Provides a Java representation of an SLD TextSymbolizer that defines how text symbols should be
ThemeBinding |
Binding object for the element
ThemesBinding |
Binding object for the element
ThemesType |
A representation of the model object 'Themes Type'.
ThemesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Themes Type'.
ThemeType |
A representation of the model object 'Theme Type'.
ThemeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Theme Type'.
ThisPropertyAccessorFactory |
ThreadedAuthorityFactory |
An authority factory that caches all objects created by an other factory.
ThreadedEpsgFactory |
ThreadedHsqlEpsgFactory |
Connection to the EPSG database in HSQL database engine format using JDBC.
ThreadedPostgreSQLEpsgFactory |
Connection to the EPSG database in PostgreSQL database engine using JDBC.
ThreadPoolProcessExecutor |
ThreshholdsBelongTo |
Used by Categorize function.
Whether the Threshold values themselves belong to the preceding or the succeeding interval can be
controlled by the attribute thresholdsBelongTo= with the possible values "preceding" and
"succeeding" the latter being the default.
ThreshholdsBelongToTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TiePoint |
Quoting the geotiff spec:
Tile |
A single tile from a geopackage tiles layer.
Tile |
At tile represents a single space on the map within a specific ReferencedEnvelope.
Tile.ContextState |
These states represent the state of the context.
Tile.RenderState |
These are the states of the tile.
Tile.ScreenState |
These states represent if the tile is on or off screen.
Tile.ValidatedState |
These states represent if the tile has been validated in response to a user event.
TileDecoder |
A task that decodes TileData 's as they are streamed from a query.
TileEntry |
Tiles Entry inside a GeoPackage.
TileFactory |
A TileFactory is responsible for finding and/or creating tiles for a given TileService and area.
TileIdentifier |
A TileIdentifier locates a tile in the grid space of a given tile server by giving its column,
row and zoom level.
TileLayer |
TileLayer is a direct map layer that does the mosaicking work for tiles of a given tile service.
TileMatrix |
A TileMatrix inside a Geopackage.
TileMatrix |
A tile matrix set is composed of a collection of tile matrices, each one with a resolution
optimized for a particular scale and identified by a tile matrix identifier.
TileMatrixBinding |
Binding object for the element
TileMatrixLimits |
Range subset for a layer in a TileMatrixSet.
TileMatrixLimitsBinding |
Binding object for the element
TileMatrixLimitsType |
A representation of the model object 'Tile Matrix Limits Type'.
TileMatrixLimitsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Tile Matrix Limits Type'.
TileMatrixSet |
The geometry of the tiled space.
TileMatrixSetBinding |
Binding object for the element
TileMatrixSetLimitsBinding |
Binding object for the element
TileMatrixSetLimitsType |
A representation of the model object 'Tile Matrix Set Limits Type'.
TileMatrixSetLimitsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Tile Matrix Set Limits Type'.
TileMatrixSetLink |
Tells which TileMatrixSet a layer is using.
TileMatrixSetLinkBinding |
Binding object for the element
TileMatrixSetLinkType |
A representation of the model object 'Tile Matrix Set Link Type'.
TileMatrixSetLinkTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Tile Matrix Set Link Type'.
TileMatrixSetType |
A representation of the model object 'Tile Matrix Set Type'.
TileMatrixSetTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Tile Matrix Set Type'.
TileMatrixType |
A representation of the model object 'Tile Matrix Type'.
TileMatrixTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Tile Matrix Type'.
TileMBSource |
Wrapper around a JSONObject holding a tiled Mapbox source.
TileReader |
The TileReader reads tiles consecutively from a tile layer inside a GeoPackage.
TileService |
A TileService represent the class of objects that serve map tiles.
TileStateChangedListener |
A listener for tile state change events.
TimeCalendarEraPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Calendar Era Property Type'.
TimeCalendarEraPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Calendar Era Property Type'.
TimeCalendarEraType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Calendar Era Type'.
TimeCalendarEraTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Calendar Era Type'.
TimeCalendarPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Calendar Property Type'.
TimeCalendarPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Calendar Property Type'.
TimeCalendarType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Calendar Type'.
TimeCalendarTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Calendar Type'.
TimeClockPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Clock Property Type'.
TimeClockPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Clock Property Type'.
TimeClockType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Clock Type'.
TimeClockTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Clock Type'.
TimeCoordinateSystemType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Coordinate System Type'.
TimeCoordinateSystemTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Coordinate System Type'.
TimeCS |
A one-dimensional coordinate system containing a single time axis, used to describe the temporal
position of a point in the specified time units from a specified time origin.
TimeDurationTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TimeEdgePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Edge Property Type'.
TimeEdgePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Edge Property Type'.
TimeEdgeType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Edge Type'.
TimeEdgeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Edge Type'.
TimeGeometricPrimitivePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Geometric Primitive Property Type'.
TimeGeometricPrimitivePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Geometric Primitive Property Type'.
TimeIndeterminateValueType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Time Indeterminate Value Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
TimeIndeterminateValueType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Time Indeterminate Value Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
TimeIndeterminateValueTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TimeInstantPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Instant Property Type'.
TimeInstantPropertyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TimeInstantPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Instant Property Type'.
TimeInstantType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Instant Type'.
TimeInstantTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TimeInstantTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Instant Type'.
TimeIntervalLengthType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Interval Length Type'.
TimeIntervalLengthTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Interval Length Type'.
TimeNodePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Node Property Type'.
TimeNodePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Node Property Type'.
TimeNodeType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Node Type'.
TimeNodeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Node Type'.
TimeOrdinalEraPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Ordinal Era Property Type'.
TimeOrdinalEraPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Ordinal Era Property Type'.
TimeOrdinalEraType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Ordinal Era Type'.
TimeOrdinalEraTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Ordinal Era Type'.
TimeOrdinalReferenceSystemType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Ordinal Reference System Type'.
TimeOrdinalReferenceSystemTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Ordinal Reference System Type'.
TimeParser |
TimePeriodPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Period Property Type'.
TimePeriodPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Period Property Type'.
TimePeriodType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Period Type'.
TimePeriodType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Period Type'.
TimePeriodType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Period Type'.
TimePeriodTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TimePeriodTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TimePeriodTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TimePeriodTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Period Type'.
TimePeriodTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Period Type'.
TimePeriodTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Period Type'.
TimePeriodTypeValidator |
TimePeriodTypeValidator |
TimePositionType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Position Type'.
TimePositionType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Position Type'.
TimePositionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TimePositionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TimePositionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TimePositionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Position Type'.
TimePositionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Position Type'.
TimePositionTypeValidator |
TimePositionUnionBinding |
Binding object for the type
TimePrimitivePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Primitive Property Type'.
TimePrimitivePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Primitive Property Type'.
TimeRangeVisitor |
Returns a DateRange if the filter is equivalent to a date range on the "datetime"
property, null otherwise, meaning there is more filtering included.
TimeSequenceType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Sequence Type'.
TimeSequenceType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Sequence Type'.
TimeSequenceTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TimeSequenceTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TimeSequenceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Sequence Type'.
TimeSequenceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Sequence Type'.
TimeSequenceTypeValidator |
TimeSequenceTypeValidator |
TimestampFileNameExtractorSPI |
TimeTopologyComplexPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Topology Complex Property Type'.
TimeTopologyComplexPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Topology Complex Property Type'.
TimeTopologyComplexType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Topology Complex Type'.
TimeTopologyComplexTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Topology Complex Type'.
TimeTopologyPrimitivePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Topology Primitive Property Type'.
TimeTopologyPrimitivePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Topology Primitive Property Type'.
TimeType |
A representation of the model object 'Time Type'.
TimeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Time Type'.
TimeUnitTypeMember0 |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Time Unit Type Member0',
and utility methods for working with them.
TintFunction |
Tint color function.
TinType |
A representation of the model object 'Tin Type'.
TinTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Tin Type'.
TitleEltType |
A representation of the model object 'Title Elt Type'.
TitleEltTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Title Elt Type'.
TitleType |
A representation of the model object 'Title Type'.
TitleTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Title Type'.
TitleTypeValidator |
ToDirectPositionFunction |
This function converts double values to DirectPosition geometry type.
ToEnvelopeFunction |
ToEnvelope function can take in the following set of parameters and return as either Envelope or
ReferencedEnvelope type:
Option 1 (1D Envelope) : ToEnvelope(minx,maxx)
Option 2 (1D Envelope with crsname): ToEnvelope(minx,maxx,crsname)
Option 3 (2D Envelope) : ToEnvelope(minx,maxx,miny,maxy)
Option 4 (2D Envelope with crsname): ToEnvelope(minx,maxx,miny,maxy,crsname)
Token |
Describes the input token stream.
Token |
Describes the input token stream.
TokenAdapter |
TokenMgrError |
TokenMgrError |
ToLineStringFunction |
This function converts double values to 1D LineString geometry object.
Toolbox |
Utility class
TopLevelAttribute |
A representation of the model object 'Top Level Attribute'.
TopLevelAttributeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Top Level Attribute'.
TopLevelComplexType |
A representation of the model object 'Top Level Complex Type'.
TopLevelComplexTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Top Level Complex Type'.
TopLevelElement |
A representation of the model object 'Top Level Element'.
TopLevelElementImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Top Level Element'.
TopLevelSimpleType |
A representation of the model object 'Top Level Simple Type'.
TopLevelSimpleTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Top Level Simple Type'.
TopoComplexMemberType |
A representation of the model object 'Topo Complex Member Type'.
TopoComplexMemberTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Topo Complex Member Type'.
TopoComplexType |
A representation of the model object 'Topo Complex Type'.
TopoComplexTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Topo Complex Type'.
TopoCurvePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Topo Curve Property Type'.
TopoCurvePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Topo Curve Property Type'.
TopoCurveType |
A representation of the model object 'Topo Curve Type'.
TopoCurveTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Topo Curve Type'.
ToPointFunction |
This function converts double values to a 2D Point geometry type.
TopologyStylePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Topology Style Property Type'.
TopologyStylePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Topology Style Property Type'.
TopologyStyleType |
A representation of the model object 'Topology Style Type'.
TopologyStyleTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Topology Style Type'.
TopoPointPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Topo Point Property Type'.
TopoPointPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Topo Point Property Type'.
TopoPointType |
A representation of the model object 'Topo Point Type'.
TopoPointTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Topo Point Type'.
TopoPrimitiveArrayAssociationType |
A representation of the model object 'Topo Primitive Array Association Type'.
TopoPrimitiveArrayAssociationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Topo Primitive Array Association Type'.
TopoPrimitiveMemberType |
A representation of the model object 'Topo Primitive Member Type'.
TopoPrimitiveMemberTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Topo Primitive Member Type'.
TopoSolidType |
A representation of the model object 'Topo Solid Type'.
TopoSolidTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Topo Solid Type'.
TopoSurfacePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Topo Surface Property Type'.
TopoSurfacePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Topo Surface Property Type'.
TopoSurfaceType |
A representation of the model object 'Topo Surface Type'.
TopoSurfaceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Topo Surface Type'.
TopoVolumePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Topo Volume Property Type'.
TopoVolumePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Topo Volume Property Type'.
TopoVolumeType |
A representation of the model object 'Topo Volume Type'.
TopoVolumeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Topo Volume Type'.
ToRgb |
Generate a rgb color from integer values between 0-255.
TotalDigitsType |
A representation of the model object 'Total Digits Type'.
TotalDigitsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Total Digits Type'.
TotalIndexedMappingFeatureIterator |
MappingFeatureIterator for full index coverage case
Touches |
Concrete binary spatial operator that evaluates to
true if the feature's geometry touches, but does not overlap with the geometry held by this
TouchesBinding |
Binding object for the element
TouchesImpl |
TOverlaps |
Filter operator that determines if a temporal period overlaps another temporal period as defined
by the Filter Encoding Specification.
TOverlapsBinding |
Binding object for the element
TOverlapsImpl |
ToXlinkHrefFunction |
This function redirects an attribute to be encoded as xlink:href, instead of being encoded as a
full attribute.
TPKBundle |
A zoom level consists of 1 or more bundles A bundle is physically always 128 columns by 128 rows
but may be "logically" smaller (ie it doesn't necessarily have data for each row/column)
TPKFile |
TPKFormat |
TPKFormatFactorySpi |
TPKReader |
TPKReader.ImageFormats |
TPKTile |
Tile object returned to the reader
TPKTile.TileInfo |
Temporary utility object to keep tile location/length info
TPKTile.TPKTileSorter |
Sort comparator -- sorts tiles by bundle and then the tile data offset
TPKZoomLevel |
A TPK file contains one or more zoom levels This interface is an abstraction of a zoom level
providing the coverage values of the zoom level (minColumn, minRow, maxColumn, maxRow) and the
ability to retrieve tiles for a particular coverage in that zoom level.
TPKZoomLevelV1 |
TPKZoomLevel interface implementation for ESRI Compact Cache V1 files
TPKZoomLevelV2 |
TPKZoomLevel interface implementation for ESRI Compact Cache V2 files
TracingEmitter |
Wrapper for a yaml Emitable which logs Event s.
TracingHandler |
TrackType |
A representation of the model object 'Track Type'.
TrackTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Track Type'.
Transaction |
The controller for Transaction with FeatureStore.
Transaction.State |
DataStore implementations can use this interface to externalize the state they require to
implement Transaction Support.
TransactionRequest |
TransactionRequest.Delete |
TransactionRequest.TransactionElement |
TransactionRequest.Update |
TransactionResponse |
TransactionResponseFactory |
TransactionResponseImpl |
TransactionResponseImpl |
TransactionResponseType |
A representation of the model object 'Transaction Response Type'.
TransactionResponseType |
A representation of the model object 'Transaction Response Type'.
TransactionResponseType |
A representation of the model object 'Transaction Response Type'.
TransactionResponseTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TransactionResponseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Transaction Response Type'.
TransactionResponseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Transaction Response Type'.
TransactionResponseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Transaction Response Type'.
TransactionResponseTypeValidator |
TransactionResponseTypeValidator |
TransactionResultsType |
A representation of the model object 'Transaction Results Type'.
TransactionResultsTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TransactionResultsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Transaction Results Type'.
TransactionResultsTypeValidator |
TransactionResultTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TransactionSummaryType |
A representation of the model object 'Transaction Summary Type'.
TransactionSummaryType |
A representation of the model object 'Transaction Summary Type'.
TransactionSummaryType |
A representation of the model object 'Transaction Summary Type'.
TransactionSummaryTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TransactionSummaryTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Transaction Summary Type'.
TransactionSummaryTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Transaction Summary Type'.
TransactionSummaryTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Transaction Summary Type'.
TransactionSummaryTypeValidator |
TransactionSummaryTypeValidator |
TransactionType |
A representation of the model object 'Transaction Type'.
TransactionType |
A representation of the model object 'Transaction Type'.
TransactionType |
A representation of the model object 'Transaction Type'.
TransactionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TransactionTypeBinding |
TransactionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Transaction Type'.
TransactionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Transaction Type'.
TransactionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Transaction Type'.
TransactionTypeValidator |
TransactionTypeValidator |
TransfertRectIter |
A writable iterator that read pixel values from an image, and write
pixel values to a different image.
Transformation |
An operation on coordinates that usually includes a change of Datum.
TransformationRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Transformation Ref Type'.
TransformationRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Transformation Ref Type'.
TransformationType |
A representation of the model object 'Transformation Type'.
TransformationTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Transformation Type'.
TransformedAuthorityFactory |
An authority factory which returns modified CRS,
CS or datum objects from other factory
TransformedPosition |
TransformedShape |
TransformEncoder |
Encodes a Rendering Transform, represented by an Expression as YSLD.
TransformerBase |
TransformerBase provides support for writing Object->XML encoders.
TransformerBase.SchemaLocationSupport |
Adds support for schemaLocations.
TransformerBase.TranslatorSupport |
Support for writing Translators.
TransformerBase.XMLReaderSupport |
Support for the setup of an XMLReader for use in a transformation.
TransformException |
Common superclass for a number of transformation-related exceptions.
TransformFactory |
TransformFeatureLocking |
TransformFeatureSource |
A feature source that can transform a source feature source using a set of expressions
TransformFeatureStore |
A transforming feature store, will transform on the fly all attempts to write so that the
underlying features are getting modified while exposing a different feature type to its callers.
TransformHandler |
Handles parsing a Ysld "transform" property into a transformation Function object.
TransformPathNotFoundException |
Thrown when a transformation can't be performed because no path from source CRS to target CRS has been found.
TransformProcess |
Used to transform a feature collection as defined using a series of expressions.
TransformProcess.Definition |
Definition of an attribute used during transform
Translator |
A Translator is used in an XMLEncoding process by the FeatureTransformer class.
TransparencyFill |
TransparencyFillDescriptor |
TransparencyFillDescriptor.FillType |
TransparencyFillOpImage |
TransparencyFillProcess |
A transparency holes-dashes filling process
TransparencyFillRIF |
TransparencyFillSpi |
TransverseMercator |
Transverse Mercator Projection (EPSG code 9807).
TransverseMercator.Provider |
TransverseMercator.Provider_SouthOrientated |
TransverseMercatorHandlerFactory |
TraversingStyleVisitor |
An interface for classes that want to perform operations on a Style hierarchy.
TreeException |
TreeSetFeatureCollection |
Origional implementation of FeatureCollection using a TreeMap for internal storage.
Triangle |
TrianglePatchArrayPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Triangle Patch Array Property Type'.
TrianglePatchArrayPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Triangle Patch Array Property Type'.
TriangleType |
A representation of the model object 'Triangle Type'.
TriangleTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Triangle Type'.
TriangulatedSurfaceType |
A representation of the model object 'Triangulated Surface Type'.
TriangulatedSurfaceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Triangulated Surface Type'.
TriangulationException |
Thrown when it is unable to generate TIN.
TrimBinding |
Binding object for the element
TripletId |
Class is responsible for
TruncatedResponseType |
A representation of the model object 'Truncated Response Type'.
TruncatedResponseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Truncated Response Type'.
TruncatedResponseTypeValidator |
TT |
TT.GeomClasses |
TTFMarkFactory |
This factory accepts mark paths in the ttf://fontName#code format, where fontName is
the name of a TrueType font installed in the system, or a URL to a TTF file, and the code is the
character code, which may be expressed in decimal, hexadecimal (e.g.
Tuple |
Ysld Tuple implementation.
TupleType |
A representation of the model object 'Tuple Type'.
TupleTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TupleTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Tuple Type'.
TupleTypeValidator |
TupleValidator |
Validator for Tuples
TWKBReader |
TWKBReader.TWKBMetadata |
Type |
Type |
This is a convinience interface to help speed up the code, allowing for any type definition to
handled in a consistent manner, independant of whether it's nested or not.
TypeBuilder |
Makes building types easier by maintaining state.
TypeDerivationControl |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Type Derivation Control',
and utility methods for working with them.
TypedLiteralType |
A representation of the model object 'Typed Literal Type'.
TypedLiteralTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
TypedLiteralTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Typed Literal Type'.
TypedLiteralTypeValidator |
TypeMap |
TypeMapping |
TypeName |
TypeNameListTypeBinding |
Types |
This is a set of utility methods used when implementing types.
Types |
This is a set of utility methods used when implementing types.
TypeStreamingParserHandler |
TypeType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Type Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
TypeWalker |
TypeWalker.Visitor |
An annotation mapping each interface, methods or fields to the UML identifier where they come
UnaryLogicOpType |
A representation of the model object 'Unary Logic Op Type'.
UnaryLogicOpTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Unary Logic Op Type'.
UnformattableObjectException |
UnionFeatureCollection |
A process providing the union between two feature collections
UnionHandler |
UnionHandler purpose.
UnionType |
A representation of the model object 'Union Type'.
UnionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Union Type'.
UniqueCountVisitor |
Determines the number of unique features in the collection on the basis of the specified feature
UniqueHandler |
UniqueHandler purpose.
UniqueIntervalFunction |
Clone of EqualIntervalFunction for unique values
UniqueNameFeatureTypeFactoryImpl |
UniqueNameFeatureTypeImpl |
A specialisation of FeatureTypeImpl that avoids equality tests on feature types with
cyclic definitions by considering features types to be equal if and only if their names are
UniqueProcess |
Returns the unique values of a certain attribute
UniqueVisitor |
Generates a list of unique values from a collection
UniqueVisitor.UniqueResult |
UnitBinding |
UnitDefinition |
This class holds a unit and associates it with its available prefixes and aliases.
UnitDefinitions |
This class holds unit definitions for use in unit formatter implementations.
UnitDefinitionType |
A representation of the model object 'Unit Definition Type'.
UnitDefinitionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Unit Definition Type'.
UnitFormat |
A factory for unit formatters that support the units required by GeoTools.
UnitFormatter |
An interface similar to UnitFormat but without mutating methods.
UnitOfMeasureType |
A representation of the model object 'Unit Of Measure Type'.
UnitOfMeasureTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Unit Of Measure Type'.
Units |
A set of units to use in addition of SI and NonSI .
UnitValidator |
A sample validator interface for Unit .
UnknownFormat |
This class can be used when a proper Format cannot be found for some input sources.
UnlimitedInteger |
An integer with associated infinite flag.
UnmappingFilterVisitor |
A Filter visitor that traverse a Filter or Expression made against a complex FeatureType, and
that uses the attribute and type mapping information given by a FeatureTypeMapping object to produce an equivalent Filter that
operates against the original FeatureType.
UnmappingFilterVisitorFactory |
UnmodifiableArrayList<E> |
An unmodifiable view of an array.
UnmodifiableMetadataException |
Thrown when a setter method is invoked on a metadata entity, but this entity was declared unmodifiable.
UnNamedDomainType |
A representation of the model object 'Un Named Domain Type'.
UnNamedDomainType |
A representation of the model object 'Un Named Domain Type'.
UnNamedDomainTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Un Named Domain Type'.
UnNamedDomainTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Un Named Domain Type'.
UnNamedDomainTypeValidator |
UnNamedDomainTypeValidator |
UnnamedExtension |
Provides common Coordinate Reference Systems not found in
the standard EPSG database.
UnsupportedFilterException |
This exception is thrown when we are asked to use a filter that does not contain a geometry
literal (or anything else we can guess a bounds for).
UnsupportedFilterException |
Indicates an illegal filter configuration according to the compliance level set.
UnsupportedImplementationException |
Throws when an operation can't use arbitrary implementation of an interface, and a given instance
doesn't meet the requirement.
UnWrapper |
Uom |
Metadata of a unit-of-measure.
Uom.Type |
UomMapper |
Maps YSLD uom names and aliases defined by UomOgcMapping to Unit s.
UomOgcMapping |
Defines the Units of Measure (UOMs) specified by the OGC SE standard and their mappings to Java
Units defined in javax.measure.unit .
UomRescaleStyleVisitor |
Visitor used for rescaling a Style given a map scale (e.g., meters per pixel) and taking into
consideration the Unit of Measure (UOM, e.g., SI.METRE, USCustomary.FOOT) of each symbolizer.
UOMsType |
A representation of the model object 'UOMs Type'.
UOMsTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'UO Ms Type'.
UOMsTypeValidator |
A sample validator interface for UOMsType .
UpdateActionType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Update Action Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
UpdateElementType |
A representation of the model object 'Update Element Type'.
UpdateElementTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
UpdateElementTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Update Element Type'.
UpdateElementTypeValidator |
UpdateSequenceTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
UpdateType |
A representation of the model object 'Update Type'.
UpdateType |
A representation of the model object 'Update Type'.
UpdateTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Update Type'.
UpdateTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Update Type'.
UpdateTypeValidator |
UpperBoundaryType |
A representation of the model object 'Upper Boundary Type'.
UpperBoundaryTypeBinding |
Binding object for the upper boundary of a property is between filter.
UpperBoundaryTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Upper Boundary Type'.
URConverterFactory |
Converter factory which can convert between URL,URI, and String.
URIs |
URLChecker |
Checks URIs/URLs/locations to confirm if they are allowed for use.
URLCheckerException |
URLCheckers |
Scans for all available URLChecker implementations, allows to register new ones, and provides a
convenient method to apply them on a given location.
URLEncodeFunction |
URL encodes a string.
URLs |
Utilities for manipulating and converting to and from URL s.
URLTemplateType |
A representation of the model object 'URL Template Type'.
URLTemplateTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
URLTemplateTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'URL Template Type'.
URN_AuthorityFactory |
UserDefinedCS |
A two- or three-dimensional coordinate system that consists of any combination of coordinate axes
not covered by any other Coordinate System type.
UserDefinedCSRefType |
A representation of the model object 'User Defined CS Ref Type'.
UserDefinedCSRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'User Defined CS Ref Type'.
UserDefinedCSType |
A representation of the model object 'User Defined CS Type'.
UserDefinedCSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'User Defined CS Type'.
UserLayer |
A UserLayer allows a user-defined layer to be built from WFS and WCS data.
UserLayerBinding |
Binding object for the element
UserLayerBuilder |
UserLayerImpl |
DJB: on inlinefeature support: The inline features also lets you "sort of" make your WMS into a
UserStyleBinding |
Binding object for the element
UseType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Use Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
Util |
Parsing utilities
Utilities |
Utilities |
Miscellaneous methods, including cnvenience methods for equals and hashCode implementations.
Utils |
Sparse utilities for the various mosaic classes.
Utils |
This is a tool class to convert DateTime from ISO8601 to Date object.
Utils.BBOXFilterExtractor |
Extracts a bbox from a filter in case there is at least one.
Utils.Prop |
Utils.SourceGetter |
Given a source object, allow to retrieve (when possible) the related url, the related file or
the original input source object itself.
UuidConverterFactory |
ConverterFactory for handling uuid (uniqueidentifier) conversions.
ValidatingFeatureFactoryImpl |
Factory for creating instances of the Attribute family of classes.
ValidatorHandler |
Handler for validating a document.
ValueArrayPropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Value Array Property Type'.
ValueArrayPropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Value Array Property Type'.
ValueArrayType |
A representation of the model object 'Value Array Type'.
ValueArrayTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Value Array Type'.
ValueChangedEvent<T> |
An event published when the value of a control derived from JValueField changes.
ValueChangedListener |
A listener to work with controls derived from JValueTextField .
ValueCollectionType |
A representation of the model object 'Value Collection Type'.
ValueCollectionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ValueCollectionTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Value Collection Type'.
ValueCollectionTypeValidator |
ValueEnumBaseType |
A representation of the model object 'Value Enum Base Type'.
ValueEnumBaseTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ValueEnumBaseTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Value Enum Base Type'.
ValueEnumBaseTypeValidator |
ValueEnumType |
A representation of the model object 'Value Enum Type'.
ValueEnumTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ValueEnumTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Value Enum Type'.
ValueEnumTypeValidator |
ValueListType |
A representation of the model object 'Value List Type'.
ValueListTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Value List Type'.
ValueListTypeValidator |
ValuePropertyType |
A representation of the model object 'Value Property Type'.
ValuePropertyTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Value Property Type'.
ValueRangeType |
A representation of the model object 'Value Range Type'.
ValueRangeTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
ValueRangeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Value Range Type'.
ValueRangeTypeValidator |
ValueReferenceBinding |
Binding object for the element
ValueReferenceType |
A representation of the model object 'Value Reference Type'.
ValueReferenceTypeBinding |
ValueReferenceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Value Reference Type'.
ValueReferenceTypeValidator |
ValuesReferenceType |
A representation of the model object 'Values Reference Type'.
ValuesReferenceType |
A representation of the model object 'Values Reference Type'.
ValuesReferenceType |
A representation of the model object 'Values Reference Type'.
ValuesReferenceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Values Reference Type'.
ValuesReferenceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Values Reference Type'.
ValuesReferenceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Values Reference Type'.
ValuesReferenceTypeValidator |
ValuesReferenceTypeValidator |
ValuesReferenceTypeValidator |
ValuesType |
A representation of the model object 'Values Type'.
ValuesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Values Type'.
ValuesTypeValidator |
ValueType |
A representation of the model object 'Value Type'.
ValueType |
A representation of the model object 'Value Type'.
ValueTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Value Type'.
ValueTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Value Type'.
ValueTypeValidator |
ValueTypeValidator |
VariableAdapter |
VariableIndexHeader | Created: Tue Mar 11 23:41:57 2003
VariableIndexInputStream | Created: Mon Feb 24 22:23:58 2003
VariableIndexRow | Created: Sun Mar 16 23:28:11 2003
VarintDataInStream |
VectorMBSource |
Wrapper around a JSONObject holding a Mapbox vectorsource.
VectorMosaicFeatureSource |
FeatureSource for a vector mosaic.
VectorMosaicGranule |
Configuration for a vector mosaic.
VectorMosaicPostPreFilterSplitter |
VectorMosaicState |
VectorMosaicStore |
VectorMosaicStoreFactory |
VectorMosaicTypeConfiguration |
VectorProcess |
Marker interface for processes that should be grouped into the "vector" family.
VectorProcessFactory |
Factory providing a number of processes for working with feature data.
VectorToRasterException |
Exception class used by FeatureRasterizerProcess
VectorToRasterProcess |
A Process to rasterize vector features in an input FeatureCollection.
VectorType |
A representation of the model object 'Vector Type'.
VectorType |
A representation of the model object 'Vector Type'.
VectorTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
VectorTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Vector Type'.
VectorTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Vector Type'.
VectorTypeValidator |
VectorZonalStatistics |
Provides statistics for the distribution of a certain quantity in a set of reference areas.
VendorOptionBinding |
Binding object for the element
VendorOptionParser |
Helper class that provides utility methods to extract and parse elements from the vendor options
map, some generic, other geared to specific contents
VendorSpecificCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Vendor Specific Capabilities Type'.
VendorSpecificCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Vendor Specific Capabilities Type'.
VendorSpecificCapabilitiesTypeValidator |
VendorSymbolizerImpl |
ExtensioSymbolizer capturing a vendor specific extension.
Version |
Union type class for the Version Union type in FES 2.0.
Version |
Holds a version number.
Version.Action |
The VersionAction attribute may also be the strings FIRST, LATEST, PREVIOUS, NEXT and ALL.
VersionActionTokens |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Version Action Tokens',
and utility methods for working with them.
Versions |
Supported WFS versions
VersionType |
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Version Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
VersionTypeBinding |
Binding for FES 2.0 VersionType mapping to Version
VersionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
VersionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
VerticalCRS |
A 1D coordinate reference system used for recording heights or depths.
VerticalCRSRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Vertical CRS Ref Type'.
VerticalCRSRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Vertical CRS Ref Type'.
VerticalCRSType |
A representation of the model object 'Vertical CRS Type'.
VerticalCRSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Vertical CRS Type'.
VerticalCS |
A one-dimensional coordinate system used to record the heights (or depths) of points.
VerticalCSRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Vertical CS Ref Type'.
VerticalCSRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Vertical CS Ref Type'.
VerticalCSType |
A representation of the model object 'Vertical CS Type'.
VerticalCSTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Vertical CS Type'.
VerticalDatum |
A textual description and/or a set of parameters identifying a particular reference level surface
used as a zero-height surface.
VerticalDatumRefType |
A representation of the model object 'Vertical Datum Ref Type'.
VerticalDatumRefTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Vertical Datum Ref Type'.
VerticalDatumType |
A representation of the model object 'Vertical Datum Type'.
VerticalDatumType |
Type of a vertical datum.
VerticalDatumTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Vertical Datum Type'.
VerticalDatumTypeType |
A representation of the model object 'Vertical Datum Type Type'.
VerticalDatumTypeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Vertical Datum Type Type'.
VerticalExtent |
Vertical domain of dataset.
VerticalTransform |
Base class for transformations from a height above the ellipsoid to a height
above the geoid.
VideoMBSource |
Wrapper around a JSONObject containing a Mapbox video source.
VirtualTable |
Describes a virtual table, that is, a feature type created starting from a generic SQL query.
VirtualTableParameter |
VirtualTableParameter.Validator |
Interface to be implemented by parameter value validators
VocabFunction |
Vocabulary translation; using an external lookup table.
Vocabulary |
Base class for locale-dependent resources.
Vocabulary |
Base class for locale-dependent resources.
Vocabulary_de |
German language resource.
Vocabulary_el |
Greek language resource.
Vocabulary_en |
English language resource.
Vocabulary_es |
Spanich language resource.
Vocabulary_fr |
French language resource.
Vocabulary_pt |
Portuguese language resource.
Vocabulary_pt_BR |
Brazil Portuguese language resource.
VocabularyKeys |
Resource keys.
VocabularyKeys |
Resource keys.
VolatileFunction |
Marker interface indicating that that the function return value can change during a single data
access operation even if the argument values provided to it remain constant
VolumeType |
A representation of the model object 'Volume Type'.
VolumeTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Volume Type'.
VPFColumn |
A column in a VPF File.
VPFCoverage |
A VPF coverage.
VPFCoverageIfc |
Coverage File constants.
VPFCovFeatureSource |
VPFFeature Source
VPFDataBase |
This class is not completely implemented due to a decision that the VPFDataStore shall correspond
to the VPFLibrary class, not this class
VPFDataException | Created: Mon Mar 03 21:32:32 2003
VPFDataFormatException |
Class is responsible for
VPFDataStoreFactory |
Class is responsible for constructing appropriate VPFDataStore
(actually VPFLibrary) objects.
VPFDate | Created: Tue Jan 28 20:50:51 2003
VPFFeatureClass |
A VPF feature class.
VPFFeatureReader |
VPFFeatureSource |
VPFFeature Source
VPFFeatureType |
A VPF feature type.
VPFFile |
This class encapsulates VPF files, serving as a factory for VPFColumns.
VPFFileFactory |
A factory for VPFFileStore.
VPFFileFeatureReader |
A feature reader for the VPFFile object
VPFFileFeatureSource |
VPFFile Feature Source
VPFFileStore |
A data store for VPF files.
VPFGeometryFactory |
VPFHeader | Created: Mon Feb 24 22:51:07 2003
VPFHeaderFormatException |
Class is responsible for
VPFInputStream | Created: Mon Feb 24 22:39:57 2003
VPFLibFeatureSource |
VPFFeature Source
VPFLibrary |
VPFLibraryIfc |
VPFLogger |
VPFRow | Created: Mon Feb 24 22:51:21 2003
VPFRowDataException | Created: Mon Jan 27 21:29:00 2003
VRTFormat |
An implementation of Format for the VRT format
VRTFormatFactory |
Implementation of the Format service provider interface for VRT files.
VRTReader |
This class can read a VRT data source and create a GridCoverage2D from the data.
VSIDataset |
Abstraction of the VSI Virtual File System data type used to generate readable VRT virtual files
VSIFormat |
VSIFormatFactory |
VSIProperties |
GDAL config loader for VSI Virtual File Systems
VSIReader |
This class can read a VSI data source and create a GridCoverage2D from the data.
VSIUtils |
Walk |
Represents a walk in a graph.
Warp |
This operation is simply a wrapper for the JAI Warp operation
WarpBuilder |
Builds Warp objects that approximate a specified MathTransform in a certain
rectangular domain within the specified tolerance
WarpTransform2D |
WarpTransform2DProvider |
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
WCS_CapabilitiesTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
Wcs10AdapterFactory |
The Adapter Factory for the model.
Wcs10Factory |
The Factory for the model.
Wcs10FactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
Wcs10Package |
The Package for the model.
Wcs10Package.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
Wcs10PackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
Wcs10Switch |
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
Wcs111AdapterFactory |
The Adapter Factory for the model.
Wcs111Factory |
The Factory for the model.
Wcs111FactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
Wcs111Package |
The Package for the model.
Wcs111Package.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
Wcs111PackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
Wcs111Switch |
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
Wcs111Validator |
The Validator for the model.
Wcs11AdapterFactory |
The Adapter Factory for the model.
Wcs11Factory |
The Factory for the model.
Wcs11FactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
Wcs11Package |
The Package for the model.
Wcs11Package.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
Wcs11PackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
Wcs11Switch |
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
Wcs11Validator |
The Validator for the model.
Wcs20Factory |
The Factory for the model.
Wcs20FactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
Wcs20Package |
The Package for the model.
Wcs20Package.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
Wcs20PackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
Wcs20Validator |
The Validator for the model.
WCSCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'WCS Capabilities Type'.
WCSCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'WCS Capabilities Type'.
WCSCapabilitiesTypeValidator |
WCSCapabilityType |
A representation of the model object 'WCS Capability Type'.
WCSCapabilityType_ExceptionBinding |
Binding object for the type
WCSCapabilityType_RequestBinding |
Binding object for the type
WCSCapabilityType_VendorSpecificCapabilitiesBinding |
Binding object for the type
WCSCapabilityTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
WCSCapabilityTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'WCS Capability Type'.
WCSCapabilityTypeValidator |
WCSConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
WCSConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
WCSConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
WCSEOConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
WeakCollectionCleaner |
WeakHashSet<E> |
A set of objects hold by weak references.
WeakValueHashMap<K,V> |
A hashtable-based Map implementation with weak values.
WebCRSFactory |
WebMapServer |
WebMapServer is a class representing a WMS.
WebMapTileServer |
WebMapTileServer is a class representing a WMTS.
WebMercatorTileFactory |
The WebMercatorTileFactory is an abstract class that holds some of the tile calculation logic for
Mercator-based tile services.
WebMercatorTileService |
The WebMercatorTileService is an abstract class that holds some of the tile service logic for
Mercator-based tile services.
WebMercatorZoomLevel |
The WebMercatorTileService is an abstract class that holds some of the tile service logic for
Mercator-based tile services.
WellKnownMarkFactory |
The WellKnownMarkFactory is used to hold the knolwedge of how to draw all the marks hardboiled
into the SLD specification (cross, arrow, triangle etc...)
WellKnownZoomContextFinder |
A collection of commonly used ZoomContexts
WellKnownZoomContextFinder |
XSD for wfs 1.0; except for WFS 1.0 capabilities document, for which WFSCapabilities
shall be used, as its based on a different schema.
XSD for wfs 1.1.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the for the schema.
WFS_CapabilitiesTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
WFS_CapabilitiesTypeBinding |
WFS_LockFeatureResponseTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
WFS_TransactionResponseTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
Wfs20AdapterFactory |
The Adapter Factory for the model.
Wfs20Factory |
The Factory for the model.
Wfs20FactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
Wfs20Package |
The Package for the model.
Wfs20Package.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
Wfs20PackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
Wfs20Switch<T> |
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
Wfs20Validator |
The Validator for the model.
WFSBindingUtils |
Utility class to be used by bindings.
WFSCapabilities |
XSD for wfs 1.0. capabilities document; for non capabilities use WFS , as it's based on a
different schema.
WFSCapabilities |
XSD for wfs 1.0. capabilities document; for non capabilities use WFS , as it's based on a
different schema.
WFSCapabilitiesConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the wfs 1.0 schema , different from the WFSConfiguration_1_0 because WFS 1.0 bases capabilities document and request/response documents
on different schemas.
WFSCapabilitiesConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the wfs 1.0 schema , different from the WFSConfiguration because WFS 1.0 bases capabilities document and request/response documents on
different schemas.
WFSCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'Capabilities Type'.
WFSCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'WFS Capabilities Type'.
WFSCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'WFS Capabilities Type'.
WFSCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'WFS Capabilities Type'.
WFSCapabilitiesTypeValidator |
WFSCapabilitiesTypeValidator |
WFSClient |
WFSConfig |
WFSConfig.PreferredHttpMethod |
WFSConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the wfs 1.1 schema.
WFSConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
WFSConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
WFSConfiguration_1_0 |
WFSContentComplexFeatureCollection |
Feature collection for parsing complex features.
WFSContentComplexFeatureSource |
Combines the WFSClient and DataAccess objects and exposes methods to access the features by using
the XmlComplexFeatureParser.
WFSContentDataAccess |
DataAccess for WFS with complex features.
WFSContentState |
WFSDataAccessFactory |
The factory responsible for creating WFSDataAccess objects based on their capabilities and the
configuration file used.
WFSDataAccessFactory.WFSFactoryParam<T> |
WFSDataStore |
WFSDataStoreFactory |
WFSDiff |
WFSDiff.BatchUpdate |
WFSException |
A Java Exception that mirrors a WFS ExceptionReport .
WFSExtensions |
Utility class to look up for a parser that can deal with a given WFS response and process it.
WfsFactory |
The Factory for the model.
WfsFactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
WFSFeatureWriter |
WFSGetCapabilities |
WFSOperationType |
Enumeration for the possible operations a WFS may implement.
WfsPackage |
The Package for the model.
WfsPackage.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
WfsPackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
WFSParserDelegate |
Parser delegate for WFS.
WFSParsingUtils |
WFSRequest |
WFSResponse |
A handle to a WFS response that contains the input stream to the actual contents and some well
known response information derived from the HTTP response headers.
WFSResponseFactory |
A factory interface meant to be used through the usual GeoTools SPI mechanism to dynamically find
out a parser capable of processing a WFS response based on the request to be sent.
WFSServiceInfo |
Extends the standard ServiceInfo interface to provide WFS specific metadata.
WFSStoredQueryFeatureSource |
WFSStrategy |
Facade interface to interact with a WFS instance.
WGS84BoundingBoxType |
A representation of the model object 'WGS84 Bounding Box Type'.
WGS84BoundingBoxType |
A representation of the model object 'WGS84 Bounding Box Type'.
WGS84BoundingBoxType |
A representation of the model object 'WGS84 Bounding Box Type'.
WGS84BoundingBoxTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
WGS84BoundingBoxTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'WGS84 Bounding Box Type'.
WGS84BoundingBoxTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'WGS84 Bounding Box Type'.
WGS84BoundingBoxTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'WGS84 Bounding Box Type'.
WGS84BoundingBoxTypeValidator |
WGS84BoundingBoxTypeValidator |
WGS84BoundingBoxTypeValidator |
Whitespace |
Captures the whitespace facet.
WhiteSpaceType |
A representation of the model object 'White Space Type'.
WhiteSpaceTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'White Space Type'.
Wildcard |
A representation of the model object 'Wildcard'.
WildcardImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Wildcard'.
WindBarbsFactory |
Factory to produce WindBarbs.
WinkelTripel |
Winkel Tripel and Hammer Aitoff projection
WinkelTripel.AitoffProvider |
WinkelTripel.WinkelProvider |
Within |
Concrete binary spatial operator that evaluates to
true if the feature's geometry is completely contained by the constant geometry held by this
WithinBinding |
Binding object for the element
WithinImpl |
WKBAttributeIO |
An attribute IO implementation that can manage the WKB
WKBAttributeIO |
An attribute IO implementation that can manage the WKB
WKBLoaderSPI |
WKBReader |
Reads a Geometry from a byte stream in Postgis Extended Well-Known Binary format.
WKTLoaderSPI |
WKTLoaderSPI.WKTLoader |
Loads WKT files
WKTMarkFactory |
Factory to produce marks based on WKT representation of symbols.
WKTReader2 |
Create a geometry from SQL Multi-Media Extension Well-Known Text which allows curves.
WktUnitFormat |
UnitFormat configured to parse units.
WKTWriter2 |
A fork of JTS own WKTWriter that can write curved geometries using SQL Multi-Media
Extension Well-Known Text
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
WMS1_0_0 |
Provides support for the Web Map Server 1.0 Specification.
WMS1_0_0.GetCapsRequest |
We need a custom request object.
WMS1_0_0.GetFeatureInfoRequest |
A GetFeatureInfoRequest for a 1.0.0 server
WMS1_0_0.GetMapRequest |
A GetMapRequest for a 1.0.0 Server
WMS1_0_0.InternalGetStylesRequest |
WMS1_1_0 |
WMS1_1_0.GetCapsRequest |
WMS1_1_0.GetFeatureInfoRequest |
WMS1_1_0.GetMapRequest |
WMS1_1_0.InternalDescribeLayerRequest |
WMS1_1_0.InternalGetLegendGraphicRequest |
WMS1_1_1 |
Provides support for the Web Map Server 1.1.1 Specificaiton.
WMS1_1_1.GetCapsRequest |
WMS1_1_1.GetFeatureInfoRequest |
WMS1_1_1.GetMapRequest |
WMS1_1_1.InternalGetStylesRequest |
WMS1_1_1.InternalPutStylesRequest |
WMS1_3_0 |
WMS1_3_0.GetCapsRequest |
WMS1_3_0.GetFeatureInfoRequest |
WMS1_3_0.GetMapRequest |
WMSCapabilities |
Represents a base object for a WMS getCapabilities response.
WMSChooser |
WMSComplexTypes |
WMSComplexTypes.__ExtendedCapabilitiesType |
WMSComplexTypes._AttributionType |
WMSComplexTypes._AuthorityURLType |
WMSComplexTypes._BLANKType |
WMSComplexTypes._BMPType |
WMSComplexTypes._BoundingBoxType |
WMSComplexTypes._CapabilityType |
WMSComplexTypes._ContactAddressType |
WMSComplexTypes._ContactInformationType |
WMSComplexTypes._ContactPersonPrimaryType |
WMSComplexTypes._CW_WKBType |
WMSComplexTypes._DataURLType |
WMSComplexTypes._DCPTypeType |
WMSComplexTypes._DimensionType |
WMSComplexTypes._EX_GeographicBoundingBoxType |
WMSComplexTypes._ExceptionType |
WMSComplexTypes._ExtentType |
WMSComplexTypes._FeatureListURLType |
WMSComplexTypes._FormatType |
WMSComplexTypes._GeoTIFFType |
WMSComplexTypes._GetType |
WMSComplexTypes._GIFType |
WMSComplexTypes._GML_1Type |
WMSComplexTypes._GML_2Type |
WMSComplexTypes._GML_3Type |
WMSComplexTypes._HTTPType |
WMSComplexTypes._IdentifierType |
WMSComplexTypes._INIMAGEType |
WMSComplexTypes._JPEGType |
WMSComplexTypes._KeywordListType |
WMSComplexTypes._KeywordsType |
WMSComplexTypes._KeywordType |
WMSComplexTypes._LatLonBoundingBoxType |
WMSComplexTypes._LayerType |
WMSComplexTypes._LegendURLType |
WMSComplexTypes._LogoURLType |
WMSComplexTypes._MetadataURLType |
WMSComplexTypes._MIMEType |
WMSComplexTypes._OnlineResourceType |
WMSComplexTypes._PNGType |
WMSComplexTypes._PostType |
WMSComplexTypes._PPMType |
WMSComplexTypes._RequestType |
WMSComplexTypes._ScaleHintType |
WMSComplexTypes._ServiceException |
WMSComplexTypes._ServiceExceptionReport |
WMSComplexTypes._ServiceType |
WMSComplexTypes._StyleSheetURLType |
WMSComplexTypes._StyleType |
WMSComplexTypes._StyleURLType |
WMSComplexTypes._SVGType |
WMSComplexTypes._TIFFType |
WMSComplexTypes._UserDefinedSymbolizationType |
WMSComplexTypes._VendorSpecificCapabilitiesType |
WMSComplexTypes._WBMPType |
WMSComplexTypes._WebCGMType |
WMSComplexTypes._WMS_CapabilitiesType |
WMSComplexTypes._WMS_XMLType |
WMSComplexTypes._WMT_MS_CapabilitiesType |
WMSComplexTypes._WMTException |
WMSConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
WMSCoverageReader |
A grid coverage readers backing onto a WMS server by issuing GetMap
WMSDescribeLayerTypes |
WMSDescribeLayerTypes._LayerDescription |
WMSDescribeLayerTypes._Query |
WMSDescribeLayerTypes.WMS_DescribeLayerResponse |
WMSGetCapabilitiesResponse |
Provides a hook up to parse the capabilties document from inputstream.
WMSLayer |
Wraps a WMS layer into a Layer for interactive rendering usage TODO: expose a
GetFeatureInfo that returns a feature collection TODO: expose the list of named styles and allow
choosing which style to use
WMSLayerChooser |
Dialog providing a chance to chose a WMSLayer.
WMSRequest |
Available WMS Operations are listed in a Request element.
WMSSchema |
WMSSpecification |
WMSUtils |
Provides miscellaneous utility methods for use with WMSs.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
WMTSCapabilities |
Represents a base object for a WMTS getCapabilities response.
WMTSConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
WMTSCoverageReader |
A grid coverage readers backing onto a WMTS server by issuing GetTile requests
WMTSGetCapabilitiesResponse |
Provides a hook up to parse the capabilties document from inputstream.
WMTSHelper |
Some useful functions that was used within gt-wmts.
WMTSLayer |
WMTSMapLayer |
Wraps a WMTS layer into a Layer for interactive rendering usage.
WMTSRequest |
Available WMTS Operations are listed in a Request element.
WMTSService |
WMTSServiceType |
WMTSSpecification |
WMTS version 1.0.0 specification.
WMTSSpecification.GetCapsRequest |
WMTSSpecification.GetKVPTileRequest |
GetTile request base on query string parameters
WMTSSpecification.GetMultiTileRequest |
GetMultiTileRequest - used for getting a Set of tiles
WMTSSpecification.GetRestTileRequest |
GetTile request based on a resourceUrl specified in Capabilities.
WMTSSpecification.GetSingleTileRequest |
Represents a GetTile request for a single tile.
WMTSTileFactory |
Implementation of TileFactory for WMTS
WMTSTileService |
A tile service for a single matrix set of a WMTS servers.
wmtsv_1AdapterFactory |
The Adapter Factory for the model.
wmtsv_1Factory |
The Factory for the model.
wmtsv_1FactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
wmtsv_1Package |
The Package for the model.
wmtsv_1Package.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each operation of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
wmtsv_1PackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
wmtsv_1ResourceFactoryImpl |
The Resource Factory associated with the package.
wmtsv_1ResourceImpl |
The Resource associated with the package.
wmtsv_1Switch<T> |
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
wmtsv_1Validator |
The Validator for the model.
wmtsv_1XMLProcessor |
This class contains helper methods to serialize and deserialize XML documents
WorkingDirectory |
WorldFileReader |
This class is responsible for parsing a world file in order to build an affine transform using
the parameters provided in the file itself.
WorldFileWriter |
WorldImageFormat |
A Format to allow discovery of Readers/Writers for raster images that support world files
containing information about the image.
WorldImageFormatFactory |
WorldImageReader |
Reads a GridCoverage from a given source.
WorldImageWriter |
Writes a GridCoverage to a raster image file and an accompanying world file.
WorldVanDerGrintenI |
World Van der Grinten I projection.
WorldVanDerGrintenI.Provider |
WorldVanDerGrintenIHandlerFactory |
Returns a ProjectionHandler for the WorldVanDerGrintenI projection that will cut
geometries going above or below the poles, this projection will fail with latitudes out of range
(but not longitudes)
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
Wps10AdapterFactory |
The Adapter Factory for the model.
Wps10Factory |
The Factory for the model.
Wps10FactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
Wps10Package |
The Package for the model.
Wps10Package.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
Wps10PackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
Wps10Switch |
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
Wps10Validator |
The Validator for the model.
Wps20AdapterFactory |
The Adapter Factory for the model.
Wps20Factory |
The Factory for the model.
Wps20FactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
Wps20Package |
The Package for the model.
Wps20Package.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
Wps20PackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
Wps20ResourceFactoryImpl |
The Resource Factory associated with the package.
Wps20ResourceImpl |
The Resource associated with the package.
Wps20Switch<T> |
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
Wps20Validator |
The Validator for the model.
Wps20XMLProcessor |
This class contains helper methods to serialize and deserialize XML documents
WPSCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'WPS Capabilities Type'.
WPSCapabilitiesType |
A representation of the model object 'WPS Capabilities Type'.
WPSCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'WPS Capabilities Type'.
WPSCapabilitiesTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'WPS Capabilities Type'.
WPSCapabilitiesTypeValidator |
WPSConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
WPSConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
WrappedFilterToSql |
Wraps a filter to SQL encoder allowing us to write directly to the output stream.
Wrapper |
Interface for classes which provide the ability to retrieve the delegate instance when the
instance in question is in fact a proxy/decorator class.
WrappingIterator |
WrappingProjectionHandler |
A ProjectionHandler for projections that do warp in the East/West direction, it will
replicate the geometries generating a Google Maps like effect
WritableByteChannelDecorator |
A WritableByteChannel that delegates all calls to the underlying WritableByteChannel but for
WritableByteChannelDecorator.close() it also calls ShapefileFiles.unlock method to release the lock on the URL.
WSDLType |
A representation of the model object 'WSDL Type'.
WSDLType |
A representation of the model object 'WSDL Type'.
WSDLTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'WSDL Type'.
WSDLTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'WSDL Type'.
WSDLTypeValidator |
A sample validator interface for WSDLType .
WSDLTypeValidator |
A sample validator interface for WSDLType .
X364 |
Escape codes from ANSI X3.64 standard (aka ECMA-48 and ISO/IEC 6429).
XAffineTransform |
Utility methods for affine transforms.
XArray |
Simple operations on arrays.
XDimension2D |
XDimension2D.Double |
XDimension2D.Float |
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
XLINKConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the xlink schema.
XlinkFactory |
The Factory for the model.
XlinkFactoryImpl |
An implementation of the model Factory.
XlinkPackage |
The Package for the model.
XlinkPackage.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
XlinkPackageImpl |
An implementation of the model Package.
XlinkPropertyNameType |
A representation of the model object 'Xlink Property Name Type'.
XlinkPropertyNameTypeImpl |
An implementation of the model object 'Xlink Property Name Type'.
XlinkPropertyNameTypeValidator |
XLinkSchema |
This class is a hard-coded version of the XLink Schema.
XLINKSchema |
XLinkSchema.Actuate |
Actuate represents an Actuate attribute in the XLink Schema
XLinkSchema.ArcLink |
ArcLink represents a ArcLink AttributeGroup in the XLink Schema
XLinkSchema.Arcrole |
Arcrole represents an Arcrole attribute in the XLink Schema
XLinkSchema.EmptyLink |
EmptyLink represents a EmptyLink AttributeGroup in the XLink Schema
XLinkSchema.ExtendedLink |
ExtendedLink represents a ExtendedLink AttributeGroup in the XLink Schema
XLinkSchema.From |
From represents a From attribute in the XLink Schema
XLinkSchema.Href |
Href purpose.
XLinkSchema.Label |
Label represents a Label attribute in the XLink Schema
XLinkSchema.LocatorLink |
LocatorLink represents a LocatorLink AttributeGroup in the XLink Schema
XLinkSchema.ResourceLink |
ResourceLink represents a ResourceLink AttributeGroup in the XLink Schema
XLinkSchema.Role |
XLinkSchema.Show |
Show represents a Show attribute in the XLink Schema
XLinkSchema.SimpleLink |
SimpleLink represents a SimpleLink AttributeGroup in the XLink Schema
XLinkSchema.Title |
Title represents a Title attribute in the XLink Schema
XLinkSchema.TitleLink |
TitleLink represents a TitleLink AttributeGroup in the XLink Schema
XLinkSchema.To |
To represents a To attribute in the XLink Schema
XLinkSchema.XLinkAttribute |
XLinkAttribute purpose.
XLinkSchema.XLinkAttributeGroup |
XLinkAttributeGroup purpose.
XlinkValidator |
The Validator for the model.
XMath |
Simple mathematical functions in addition to the ones provided in Math .
XMath |
Simple mathematical functions.
XMatrix |
A matrix capable of some matrix operations.
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types,elements, and attributes in the schema.
XmlAttributeNodeIterator |
XmlAttributeNodePointer |
Special node pointer for an XML-attribute inside an attribute.
XmlComplexFeatureParser |
Parses complex features from a WFS response input stream.
XMLConfigDigester |
XMLConfiguration |
Parser configuration for the schema.
XmlConverterFactory |
XMLElementHandler |
Intended to act as both a definition and a generic handler.
XmlFeatureCollection |
XmlFeatureParser<FT extends FeatureType,F extends Feature> |
Abstract form of XmlFeatureParser.
XmlFeatureSource |
XmlFeatureTypeMapping |
XMLHandlerHints |
Hint object with known parameters for XML parsing.
XmlMappingFeatureIterator |
An implementation of AbstractMappingFeatureIterator to handle XML datasources.
XmlResponse |
The xml object returned for processing via a backend xmlDataStore.
XMLSAXHandler |
This is a schema content handler.
XmlSimpleFeatureParser |
A GetParser implementation that uses plain xml pull to parse a GetFeature
XmlStreamGeometryReader |
Parse GML geometries from a StAX XMLStreamReader.
XmlTestSupport |
XmlTestSupport.Namespace |
Simple tuple for holding a namespace.
XMLTypeHelper |
Utility class with methods to help implement Element and Type Handlers
XMLUtils |
XML related utilities not otherwise found in base libraries
XmlXpathFilterData |
A DTO used to pass data to the XmlXPathPropertyAccessorFactory, to filter responses from the
backend on the Geoserver side.
XmlXPathPropertyAccessorFactory |
PropertyAccessorFactory used to create property accessors which can handle xpath expressions
against instances of Feature .
XmlXpathUtilites |
Ulities class for xpath handling on a jdom document object
XPath |
Utility class to evaluate XPath expressions against an Attribute instance, which may be any
Attribute, whether it is simple, complex, a feature, etc.
XPathUtil |
Utility class to evaluate XPath expressions against an Attribute instance, which may be any
Attribute, whether it is simple, complex, a feature, etc.
XPathUtil.Step |
XPathUtil.StepList |
XRectangle2D |
Serializable, high-performance double-precision rectangle.
XS |
This interface contains the qualified names of all the types in the schema.
XSAllBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSAllNNIBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSAnnotatedBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSAnySimpleTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSAnyTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSAnyURIBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSAttributeBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSAttributeGroupBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSAttributeGroupRefBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSBase64BinaryBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSBlockSetBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSBooleanBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSByteBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSComplexRestrictionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSComplexTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSConfiguration |
Parser configuration for xml schema schema.
Xml Schema for a particular namespace.
XSDateBinding |
Binding object for the type
XsDateFormat |
An instance of Format , which may be used to parse and format xs:dateTime
XSDateTimeBinding |
Binding object for the type
XsDateTimeFormat |
An instance of Format , which may be used to parse and format xs:dateTime
XSDecimalBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSDerivationControlBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSDerivationSetBinding |
Binding object for the type
XsdHttpHandler |
Handling url's in XSD documents with the same HTTP client as the WFS.
XSDIdRegistry |
Holds the collection of encoded XSD ids to ensure that they're unique, therefore valid.
XSDMapping |
Use this annotation on descendants of FeatureWrapper.
XSDoubleBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSDParserDelegate |
Parser delegate which which uses the xsd framework to parse.
XSDurationBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSElementBinding |
Binding object for the type
Binding object for the type
Binding object for the type
XSExplicitGroupBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSExtensionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSFacetBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSFloatBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSFormChoiceBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSFullDerivationSetBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSGDayBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSGMonthBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSGMonthDayBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSGroupBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSGroupRefBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSGYearBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSGYearMonthBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSHexBinaryBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSIDBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSIDREFBinding |
Binding object for the type
Binding object for the type
XSIElementHandler |
This abstract class is intended to act as both a definition of what a generic handler is, and a
default handler.
XSIntBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSIntegerBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSISAXHandler |
This is a schema handler.
XSISimpleTypes |
This class represents the pre-defined simpletypes included within the XML schema definition.
XSISimpleTypes.AnyType |
XSISimpleTypes.AnyURI |
XSI Schema instance of AnyURI
XSISimpleTypes.Base64Binary |
XSI Schema instance of Base64Binary
XSISimpleTypes.Boolean |
XSI Schema instance of Boolean
XSISimpleTypes.Byte |
XSI Schema instance of Byte
XSISimpleTypes.Date |
XSI Schema instance of Date
XSISimpleTypes.DateTime |
XSI Schema instance of DateTime
XSISimpleTypes.Decimal |
XSI Schema instance of Decimal
XSISimpleTypes.Double |
XSI Schema instance of Double
XSISimpleTypes.Duration |
XSI Schema instance of Duration
XSI Schema instance of ENTITIES
XSISimpleTypes.ENTITY |
XSI Schema instance of ENTITY
XSISimpleTypes.Float |
XSI Schema instance of Float
XSISimpleTypes.gDay |
XSI Schema instance of gDay
XSISimpleTypes.gMonth |
XSI Schema instance of gMonth
XSISimpleTypes.gMonthDay |
XSI Schema instance of gMonthDay
XSISimpleTypes.gYear |
XSI Schema instance of gYear
XSISimpleTypes.gYearMonth |
XSI Schema instance of gYearMonth
XSISimpleTypes.HexBinary |
XSI Schema instance of HexBinary
XSISimpleTypes.ID |
XSI Schema instance of ID
XSISimpleTypes.IDREF |
XSI Schema instance of IDREF
XSISimpleTypes.IDREFS |
XSI Schema instance of IDREFS
XSISimpleTypes.Int |
XSI Schema instance of Int
XSISimpleTypes.Integer |
XSI Schema Integer
XSISimpleTypes.Language |
XSI Schema instance of Language
XSISimpleTypes.Long |
XSI Schema instance of Long
XSISimpleTypes.Name |
XSI Schema instance of Name
XSISimpleTypes.NCName |
XSI Schema instance of NCNAME
XSISimpleTypes.NegativeInteger |
XSI Schema instance of NegativeInteger
XSISimpleTypes.NMTOKEN |
XSI Schema instance of NMTOKEN
XSI Schema instance of NMTOKENS
XSISimpleTypes.NonNegativeInteger |
XSI Schema instance of NonNegativeInteger
XSISimpleTypes.NonPositiveInteger |
XSI Schema instance of NonPositiveInteger
XSISimpleTypes.NormalizedString |
XSI Schema instance of NormalizedString
XSI Schema instance of NOTATION
XSISimpleTypes.PositiveInteger |
XSI Schema instance of PositiveInteger
XSISimpleTypes.QName |
XSI Schema instance of QName
XSISimpleTypes.Short |
XSI Schema instance of Short
XSISimpleTypes.String |
XSI Schema instance of String
XSISimpleTypes.Time |
XSI Schema instance of Time
XSISimpleTypes.Token |
XSI Schema instance of Token
XSISimpleTypes.UnsignedByte |
XSI Schema instance of UnsignedByte
XSISimpleTypes.UnsignedInt |
XSI Schema instance of UnsignedInt
XSISimpleTypes.UnsignedLong |
XSI Schema instance of UnsignedLong
XSISimpleTypes.UnsignedShort |
XSI Schema instance of UnsignedShort
XSISimpleTypes.XSISimpleType |
A generic implementation of a SimpleType for use by the xsi Schema.
XSKeybaseBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSLanguageBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSLocalComplexTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
XsLocalDateFormat |
An instance of Format , which may be used to parse xs:dateTime
values and format xs:dateTime as local date.
XSLocalElementBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSLocalSimpleTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSLongBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSNameBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSNamedAttributeGroupBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSNamedGroupBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSNamespaceListBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSNarrowMaxMinBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSNCNameBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSNegativeIntegerBinding |
Binding object for the type
Binding object for the type
Binding object for the type
XSNoFixedFacetBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSNonNegativeIntegerBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSNonPositiveIntegerBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSNormalizedStringBinding |
Binding object for the type
Binding object for the type
XSNumFacetBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSOpenAttrsBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSPositiveIntegerBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSPublicBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSQNameBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSRealGroupBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSReducedDerivationControlBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSRestrictionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSSchema |
Schema for XML simple types.
XSShortBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSSimpleDerivationSetBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSSimpleExplicitGroupBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSSimpleExtensionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSSimpleRestrictionTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSSimpleTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSStringBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSTimeBinding |
Binding object for the type
XsTimeFormat |
An instance of Format , which may be used to parse and format xs:dateTime
XSTokenBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSTopLevelAttributeBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSTopLevelComplexTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSTopLevelElementBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSTopLevelSimpleTypeBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSTypeDerivationControlBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSUnsignedByteBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSUnsignedIntBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSUnsignedLongBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSUnsignedShortBinding |
Binding object for the type
XSUtils |
Util class for shared static methods for XS and its bindings.
XSWildcardBinding |
Binding object for the type
XYHandler |
Handles xml parse events for co-ordinate tuples.
XYNode |
Represents a node in a line network.
XyzmMode |
The dimension modes supported by HANA.
YamlMap |
Wrapper around a parsed Yaml mapping.
YamlObject<T> |
Base class for Yaml object wrappers.
YamlParseContext |
YamlParseHandler |
Abstract base class for Yaml parse handlers.
YamlParser |
YamlSeq |
Wrapper around a parsed Yaml sequence.
YamlUtil |
Factory for Yaml instances.
Ysld |
Parses, encodes, and transforms Ysld.
YsldEncodeHandler<T> |
Encodes a single style object as YSLD
YsldEncoder |
Encodes GeoTools style objects as Ysld.
YsldParseHandler |
YsldParser |
YsldRepresenter |
Represent YSLD JavaBeans Extends the yaml Representer for YSLD-specific representations
for Color, UOM (unit of measure) and Tuple.
YsldValidateContext |
YsldValidateHandler |
Handles a Yaml parse event.
YsldValidator |
Validates a YSLD style
ZeroImageNode |
Returns a constant image with the same data type, size and layout as the first source
ZipUtil |
Deprecated. |
ZonalStatistics |
This operation is similar to the ZonalStats operation but implements a new version of the
"ZonalStats" operation.
ZonalStats |
This operation simply wraps Jai-tools Zonalstats operations described by ZonalStatsDescriptor inside a GeoTools operation in order to make it spatial-aware.
ZoomContext |
Represents a mapping between zoom level and scale.
ZoomContext |
ZoomContextFinder |
Mapping of names to ZoomContexts
ZoomContextFinder |
ZoomInAction |
An action for connect a control (probably a JButton) to the ZoomInTool for zooming the map with
mouse clicks or drags.
ZoomInTool |
A cursor tool to zoom in the map pane display.
ZoomLevel |
ZoomLevel is a class in dire need of documentation.
ZoomLevelFunction |
Function that takes a scale denominator and a srid and outputs the zoom level.
ZoomOutAction |
An action for connect a control (probably a JButton) to the ZoomOutTool for ZoomOutg the map with
mouse clicks or drags.
ZoomOutTool |
A cursor tool to zoom out the map pane display.
ZoomValidator |
Validator for Zoom
_axisDescriptionBinding |
Binding object for the type
_ContentMetadataBinding |
Binding object for the type
_CoverageDescriptionBinding |
Binding object for the type
_DataBinding |
Binding object for the type
_DCPBinding |
Binding object for the type
_DescribeCoverageBinding |
Binding object for the type
_ExceptionReportBinding |
Binding object for the type
_Filter_CapabilitiesBinding |
Binding object for the type
_Filter_CapabilitiesBinding |
Binding object for the type
_GetCapabilitiesBinding |
Binding object for the type
_GetCoverageBinding |
Binding object for the type
_HTTPBinding |
Binding object for the type
_keywordsBinding |
Binding object for the type
_LogicalOperatorsBinding |
_OperationBinding |
Binding object for the type
_OperationsMetadataBinding |
Binding object for the type
_rangeSetBinding |
Binding object for the type
_ServiceIdentificationBinding |
Binding object for the type
_ServiceProviderBinding |
Binding object for the type
_XlinkPropertyNameBinding |
Binding object for the type