Class GrassCoverageReadParam

  • public class GrassCoverageReadParam
    extends Object
    Represents the read parameters in the geotools space, as opposed to GrassBinaryImageReadParam that are for the imageio space.

    Represents the parameters needed by the GrassCoverageReader for reading coverage, i.e. the portion and resolution of the map you want to get from the GridCoverageReader.

    The needed parameters to read a GRASS raster map, are the following:

    • the northern boundary coordinate
    • the southern boundary coordinate
    • the eastern boundary coordinate
    • the western boundary coordinate
    • the north-south or west-east resolution
    • the number of rows and columns

    All these values are already handled in the JGrassRegion, so that has to be supplied in order to choose a region different from the native data region. Note: it is enough to have bounds and row-cols, or bounds and resolutions, or also a corner and row-cols and resolutions.

    Andrea Antonello (
    • Constructor Detail

      • GrassCoverageReadParam

        public GrassCoverageReadParam​(JGrassRegion requestedWorldRegion)
        requestedWorldRegion - the active region to which to set read region to.
    • Method Detail

      • getRequestedWorldRegion

        public JGrassRegion getRequestedWorldRegion()
        Getter for the active region