Interface SimpleFeatureType

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AttributeType, ComplexType, FeatureType, PropertyType
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    SimpleFeatureTypeImpl, VPFFeatureClass, VPFFeatureType

    public interface SimpleFeatureType
    extends FeatureType
    The type of a SimpleFeature.

    The definition of a "simple feature" can be summed up as the following:

    • made up of only non-complex attributes, no associations
    • attributes are of multiplicity 1
    • attributes are ordered
    • attribute names are unqualified (namespaceURI == null)

    Attribute Indexing

    The attributes which compose a simple feature type are ordered. For this reason attributes are available via a simple index. Given the following type definition:
       <complexType name="mySimpleType"/>
            <element name="foo" type="xs:string"/>
            <element name="bar" type="xs:integer"/>

    The attribute descriptor are addressable via index:
       SimpleFeatureType type = ...;
       AttributeDescriptor foo = type.getAttribute( 0 );
       AttributeDescriptor bar-= type.getAttribute( 1 );

    Attribute Multiplicity

    With simple feature types, the multiplicity of attributes is always assumed to be 1, ie, getMinOccurs() == 1 and getMaxOccurs() == 1. A consequence of this is that attributes from a simple feature always line up 1 to 1 with the descriptors from the type:
       SimpleFeature feature = ...;
       SimpleFeatureType type = feature.getType();
       type.getAttribute( 0 ).getDescriptor() == type.getAttribute( 0 );
       type.getAttribute( 1 ).getDescriptor() == type.getAttribute( 1 );

    Attribute Naming

    The names of attributes in a simple feature type are never namespace qualified. For this reason there is no difference between accessing an attribute with getDescriptor(String) and getDescriptor(Name).
    Jody Garnett, Refractions Research, Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project
    • Method Detail

      • getTypeName

        String getTypeName()
        The local name for this FeatureType.

        Specifically this method returns getName().getLocalPart().

        The local name for this FeatureType.
      • getAttributeDescriptors

        List<AttributeDescriptor> getAttributeDescriptors()
        The list of attribute descriptors which make up the feature type.

        This method is a convenience for:

         return (List<AttributeDescriptor>) getProperties();
        The ordered list of attribute descriptors.
      • getDescriptor

        AttributeDescriptor getDescriptor​(String name)
        Returns the attribute descriptor which matches the specified name.

        This method is convenience for:

         return (AttributeDescriptor) getProperty(name);

        This method returns null if no such attribute exists.

        Specified by:
        getDescriptor in interface ComplexType
        name - The name of the descriptor to return.
        The attribute descriptor matching the specified name, or null if no such attribute exists.
      • getDescriptor

        AttributeDescriptor getDescriptor​(Name name)
        Returns the attribute descriptor which matches the specified name.

        This method is convenience for:

         return (AttributeDescriptor) getProperty(name);

        This method returns null if no such attribute exists.

        Specified by:
        getDescriptor in interface ComplexType
        name - The name of the descriptor to return.
        The attribute descriptor matching the specified name, or null if no such attribute exists.
      • getDescriptor

        AttributeDescriptor getDescriptor​(int index)
                                   throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
        Returns the attribute descriptor at the specified index.

        This method is convenience for:

         return (AttributeDescriptor) ((List) getProperties()).get(index);
        index - The index of the descriptor to return.
        The attribute descriptor at the specified index.
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - When the index is out of bounds.
      • getAttributeCount

        int getAttributeCount()
        Returns the number of attributes composing the feature type

        This method is convenience for getAttributes().size().

        The number of attributes.
      • getTypes

        List<AttributeType> getTypes()
        Returns the types of all the attributes which make up the feature.

        This method is convenience for:

         List types = new ArrayList();
         for (Property p : getProperties()) {
         return types;
        The list of attribute types.
      • getType

        AttributeType getType​(String name)
        Returns the type of the attribute which matches the specified name.

        This method is convenience for:

         return (AttributeType) getProperty(name).getType();

        If there is no such attribute which matches name, null is returned.

        name - The name of the attribute whose type to return.
        The attribute type matching the specified name, or null.
      • getType

        AttributeType getType​(Name name)
        Returns the type of the attribute which matches the specified name.

        This method is convenience for:

         return (AttributeType) getProperty(name).getType();

        If there is no such attribute which matches name, null is returned.

        name - The name of the attribute whose type to return.
        The attribute type matching the specified name, or null.
      • getType

        AttributeType getType​(int index)
                       throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
        Returns the type of the attribute at the specified index.

        This method is convenience for:

           return (AttributeType)((List)getProperties()).get(index)).getType();
        index - The index of the attribute whose type to return.
        The attribute type at the specified index.
        IndexOutOfBoundsException - When the index is out of bounds.
      • indexOf

        int indexOf​(String name)
        Returns the index of the attribute which matches the specified name.

        -1 is returned in the instance there is no attribute matching the specified name.

        name - The name of the attribute whose index to return.
        index of named attribute, or -1 if not found.
      • indexOf

        int indexOf​(Name name)
        Returns the index of the attribute which matches the specified name.

        -1 is returned in the instance there is no attribute matching the specified name.

        name - The name of the attribute whose index to return.
        index of named attribute, or -1 if not found.