Class TileMatrixSetBinding

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Binding, ComplexBinding

    public class TileMatrixSetBinding
    extends DescriptionTypeBinding
    Binding object for the element

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><element name="TileMatrixSet" xmlns="">
                            <documentation>Describes a particular set of tile matrices.</documentation>
                                    <extension base="ows:DescriptionType">
                                                    <element ref="ows:Identifier">
                                                                    <documentation>Tile matrix set identifier</documentation>
                                                    <element minOccurs="0" ref="ows:BoundingBox">
                                                                            Minimum bounding rectangle surrounding
                                                                            the visible layer presented by this tile matrix
                                                                            set, in the supported CRS </documentation>
                                                    <element ref="ows:SupportedCRS">
                                                                    <documentation>Reference to one coordinate reference
                                                                    system (CRS).</documentation>
                                                    <element minOccurs="0" name="WellKnownScaleSet" type="anyURI">
                                                                    <documentation>Reference to a well known scale set.
                                                                            urn:ogc:def:wkss:OGC:1.0:GoogleCRS84Quad and
                                                                            urn:ogc:def:wkss:OGC:1.0:GoogleMapsCompatible are
                                                                    possible values that are defined in Annex E. It has to be consistent with the
                                                                    SupportedCRS and with the ScaleDenominators of the TileMatrix elements.
                                                    <element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="wmts:TileMatrix">
                                                                    <documentation>Describes a scale level and its tile matrix.</documentation>