Class GMLComplexTypes.AbstractFeatureCollectionsBaseType

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ComplexType, Type
    Enclosing class:

    public static class GMLComplexTypes.AbstractFeatureCollectionsBaseType
    extends GMLComplexTypes.AbstractFeatureType
    This class represents an AbstractFeatureCollectionsBaseType within the GML Schema. This includes both the data and parsing functionality associated with an AbstractFeatureCollectionsBaseType.
    See Also:
    GMLSchema.GMLComplexType, ComplexType
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractFeatureCollectionsBaseType

        public AbstractFeatureCollectionsBaseType()
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static GMLSchema.GMLComplexType getInstance()
      • isAbstract

        public boolean isAbstract()
        Description copied from interface: ComplexType
        Returns true when the complexType should be considered abstract, as defined by the XML schema of which this complex type definition is a part.
        Specified by:
        isAbstract in interface ComplexType
        isAbstract in class GMLComplexTypes.AbstractFeatureType
        See Also:
      • getAttributes

        public Attribute[] getAttributes()
        Description copied from interface: ComplexType
        The set of attributes required by this complex type declaration. As per the xml schema definition, there is not an implied order to the attributes. For performance reasons an implementor may wich to order the attributes from most common to least commonly used attributes.
        Specified by:
        getAttributes in interface ComplexType
        getAttributes in class GMLComplexTypes.AbstractFeatureType
        See Also:
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Description copied from interface: Type
        This returns the XML Schema declaration name of this type (both complex and simple types have names ...)
        Specified by:
        getName in interface Type
        getName in class GMLComplexTypes.AbstractFeatureType
        See Also:
      • findChildElement

        public Element findChildElement​(String name)
        Description copied from interface: Type
        Convinience method used to search this type's children for the requested element by localName.
        Specified by:
        findChildElement in interface Type
        findChildElement in class GMLComplexTypes.AbstractFeatureType
        name - the element's localName to search for.
        See Also:
      • getBlock

        public int getBlock()
        Description copied from interface: ComplexType
        Specifies a mask which denotes which substitution mechanisms may be used for this complex type definition.
        Specified by:
        getBlock in interface ComplexType
        See Also:
      • getFinal

        public int getFinal()
        Description copied from interface: ComplexType
        Specifies a mask which denotes which substitution mechanisms prohibited for use by child definitions of this complex type.
        Specified by:
        getFinal in interface ComplexType
        See Also:
      • getId

        public String getId()
        Description copied from interface: ComplexType
        Returns the xml schema id of this complexType if one exists, null otherwise.
        Specified by:
        getId in interface ComplexType
        See Also:
      • isMixed

        public boolean isMixed()
        Description copied from interface: ComplexType
        Returns true if this complexType allows mixed content (Child elements and a String value).
        Specified by:
        isMixed in interface ComplexType
        See Also:
      • getNamespace

        public URI getNamespace()
        Description copied from interface: Type
        This is used for validation of an XML document, and represents the targetNamespace of that this type resides in.
        Specified by:
        getNamespace in interface Type
        See Also:
      • isDerived

        public boolean isDerived()
        Description copied from interface: ComplexType
        This method is used to publish whether this complexType is at the root of an inheritance tree, or a leaf within an inheritance tree. This method should return true when the complexType is not a root of an inheritance tree.
        Specified by:
        isDerived in interface ComplexType
        See Also:
      • getParent

        public Type getParent()
        Description copied from interface: ComplexType
        This is used to represent the heirarchy represented within an xml schema document(s). This is particularily useful, as the parent will have the first attempt to create a real (non Object[]) value of the element. For more information see getValue.
        Specified by:
        getParent in interface ComplexType
        See Also:
      • cache

        public boolean cache​(Element e,
                             Map<String,​Object> hints)
        Description copied from interface: ComplexType
        This method is a directive to the parser whether to keep the data around in memory for post processing. Generally this should return True, except when streaming.
        Specified by:
        cache in interface ComplexType
        True, except when streaming the element.
        See Also: