Class AddressImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • AddressImpl

        public AddressImpl()
        Constructs an initially empty address.
      • AddressImpl

        public AddressImpl​(Address source)
        Constructs a metadata entity initialized with the values from the specified metadata.
      • AddressImpl

        public AddressImpl​(AddressType address)
    • Method Detail

      • getAdministrativeArea

        public InternationalString getAdministrativeArea()
        Return the state, province of the location. Returns null if unspecified.
        Specified by:
        getAdministrativeArea in interface Address
        State, province of the location, or null.
      • setAdministrativeArea

        public void setAdministrativeArea​(InternationalString newValue)
        Set the state, province of the location.
      • getCity

        public InternationalString getCity()
        Returns the city of the location Returns null if unspecified.
        Specified by:
        getCity in interface Address
        The city of the location, or null.
      • getCountry

        public InternationalString getCountry()
        Returns the country of the physical address. Returns null if unspecified.
        Specified by:
        getCountry in interface Address
        Country of the physical address, or null.
      • setCountry

        public void setCountry​(InternationalString newValue)
        set the country of the physical address.
      • getDeliveryPoints

        public Collection<String> getDeliveryPoints()
        Returns the address line for the location (as described in ISO 11180, Annex A).
        Specified by:
        getDeliveryPoints in interface Address
        Address line for the location.
      • setDeliveryPoints

        public void setDeliveryPoints​(Collection<? extends String> newValues)
        Set the address line for the location (as described in ISO 11180, Annex A).
      • getElectronicMailAddresses

        public Collection<String> getElectronicMailAddresses()
        Returns the address of the electronic mailbox of the responsible organization or individual.
        Specified by:
        getElectronicMailAddresses in interface Address
        Address of the electronic mailbox of the responsible organization or individual.
      • setElectronicMailAddresses

        public void setElectronicMailAddresses​(Collection<? extends String> newValues)
        Set the address of the electronic mailbox of the responsible organization or individual.
      • getPostalCode

        public String getPostalCode()
        Returns ZIP or other postal code. Returns null if unspecified.
        Specified by:
        getPostalCode in interface Address
        ZIP or other postal code, or null.
      • setPostalCode

        public void setPostalCode​(String newValue)
        Set ZIP or other postal code.