Class MultiCompareFilterImpl

    • Method Detail

      • getMatchAction

        public MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction getMatchAction()
        Description copied from interface: MultiValuedFilter
        * Flag Controlling MatchAction property When one or more of the operands evaluates to multiple values rather than a single value, which action should be taken? If there are n values for the left operand and m values for the right operand, there are n * m possible combinations that can be compared,

        ANY - if any of the possible combinations match, the result is true (aggregated OR) ALL - only if all of the possible combinations match, the result is true (aggregated AND) ONE - only if exactly one of the possible combinations match, the result is true (aggregated XOR)

        Specified by:
        getMatchAction in interface MultiValuedFilter
        getMatchAction in class BinaryComparisonAbstract
        MatchAction flag
      • evaluate

        public final boolean evaluate​(Object feature)
        Description copied from interface: Filter
        Give an object, this method determines if the test(s) represented by this filter object are passed.

        This ability is used to allow Queries against both Features and and non spatial data (such as Record) and to express constraints on permissable data values.

        true if the test(s) are passed for the provided object
      • evaluateInternal

        public abstract boolean evaluateInternal​(Object value1,
                                                 Object value2)