Interface ComplexType

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AttributeType, PropertyType
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    FeatureType, SimpleFeatureType
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractLazyComplexTypeImpl, ComplexFeatureTypeImpl, ComplexTypeImpl, ComplexTypeProxy, FeatureTypeImpl, FeatureTypeProxy, NonFeatureTypeProxy, SimpleFeatureTypeImpl, UniqueNameFeatureTypeImpl, VPFFeatureClass, VPFFeatureType

    public interface ComplexType
    extends AttributeType
    The type of a complex attribute.

    Similar to how a complex attribute is composed of other properties, a complex type is composed of property descriptors. A complex type is very much like a complex type from xml schema. Consider the following xml schema complex type:

     <element name="myComplexElement" type="myComplexType"/>
     <complexType name="myComplexType">
         <element name="foo" type="xs:string" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="4">
         <element name="bar" type="xs:int" nillable=false/>
    The corresponding complex type that would emerge would be composed as follows:
       ComplexType complexType = ...;
       complexType.getProperties().size() == 2;
       //the foo property descriptor
       PropertyDescriptor foo = complexType.getProperty( "foo" );
       foo.getName().getLocalPart() == "foo";
       foo.getMinOccurs() == 2;
       foo.getMaxOccurs() == 4;
       foo.isNillable() == true;
       foo.getType().getName().getLocalPart() == "string";
       //the bar property descriptor
       PropertyDescriptor bar = complexType.getProperty( "bar" );
       foo.getName().getLocalPart() == "bar";
       foo.getMinOccurs() == 1;
       foo.getMaxOccurs() == 1;
       foo.isNillable() == false;
       foo.getType().getName().getLocalPart() == "int";
    Now consider the following xml instance document:

    The resulting complex attribute would be composed as follows:
       ComplexAttribute attribute = ...;
       attribute.getName().getLocalPart() == "myComplexElement";
       attribute.getType().getName().getLocalPart() == "myComplexType";
       Collection foo = attribute.getProperties( "foo" );
       foo.size() == 3;
       foo.get(0).getValue() == "one";
       foo.get(1).getValue() == "two";
       foo.get(2).getValue() == "three";
       Property bar = attribute.getProperty( "bar" );
       bar.getValue() == 1;
    Jody Garnett (Refractions Research), Justin Deoliveira (The Open Planning Project)
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptors

        Collection<PropertyDescriptor> getDescriptors()
        The property descriptor which compose the complex type.

        A complex type can be composed of attributes and associations which means this collection returns instances of AttributeDescriptor and AssociationDescriptor.

        Collection of descriptors representing the composition of the complex type.
      • getDescriptor

        PropertyDescriptor getDescriptor​(Name name)
        Describe a single property by name.

        This method returns null if no such property is found.

        name - The name of the property to get.
        The property matching the specified name, or null.
      • getDescriptor

        PropertyDescriptor getDescriptor​(String name)
        Describe a single property by unqualified name.

        Note: Special care should be taken when using this method in the case that two properties with the same local name but different namespace uri exist. For this reason using getDescriptor(Name) is safer.

        This method returns null if no such property is found.

        name - The name of the property to get.
        The property matching the specified name, or null.
      • isInline

        boolean isInline()
        Indicates ability of XPath to notice this attribute.

        This facility is used to "hide" an attribute from XPath searches, while the compelx contents will still be navigated no additional nesting will be considered. It will be as if the content were "folded" inline resulting in a flatter nesting structure.

        Construct described using Java Interfaces:

         interface TestSample {
             String name;
             List measurement;
         interface Measurement {
             long timestamp;
             Point point;
             long reading;
        The above is can hold the following information:
         [ name="survey1",
               [timestamp=3,point=(2,3), reading=4200],
               [timestamp=9,point=(2,4), reading=445600],
        Out of the box this is represented to XPath as the following tree:
         root/name: survey1
         root/measurement[0]/point: (2,3)
         root/measurement[0]/reading: 4200
         root/measurement[2]/point: (2,4)
         root/measurement[3]/reading: 445600
        By inlining Measurement we can achive the following:
         root/name: survey1
         root/point[0]: (2,3)
         root/reading[0]: 4200
         root/point[1]: (2,4)
         root/reading[1] 445600
        true if attribute is to be considered transparent by XPath queries