Interface AbstractAdhocQueryExpressionType

    • Method Detail

      • getAbstractProjectionClause

        EList<Object> getAbstractProjectionClause()
        Returns the value of the 'Abstract Projection Clause' containment reference list. The list contents are of type EObject.

        If the meaning of the 'Abstract Projection Clause' containment reference list isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...

        the value of the 'Abstract Projection Clause' containment reference list.
        See Also:
      • getAbstractSelectionClause

        Object getAbstractSelectionClause()
        Returns the value of the 'Abstract Selection Clause' containment reference.

        If the meaning of the 'Abstract Selection Clause' containment reference isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...

        the value of the 'Abstract Selection Clause' containment reference.
        See Also:
      • getAbstractSortingClause

        Object getAbstractSortingClause()
        Returns the value of the 'Abstract Sorting Clause' containment reference.

        If the meaning of the 'Abstract Sorting Clause' containment reference isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...

        the value of the 'Abstract Sorting Clause' containment reference.
        See Also:
      • getAliases

        EList<String> getAliases()
        Returns the value of the 'Aliases' attribute.

        If the meaning of the 'Aliases' attribute isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...

        the value of the 'Aliases' attribute.
        See Also:
        #setAliases(List), Fes20Package.getAbstractAdhocQueryExpressionType_Aliases()
      • getTypeNames

        EList<Object> getTypeNames()
        Returns the value of the 'Type Names' attribute.

        If the meaning of the 'Type Names' attribute isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...

        the value of the 'Type Names' attribute.
        See Also:
        #setTypeNames(List), Fes20Package.getAbstractAdhocQueryExpressionType_TypeNames()