Interface CoverageAccess

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    DefaultCoverageAccess, DefaultFileCoverageAccess, NetCDFAccess

    public interface CoverageAccess
    Represents a Physical storage of coverage data (that we have a connection to).

    Please note that this service may be remote (or otherwise slow). You are doing IO here and should treat this class with respect - please do not access these methods from a display thread.

    Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions, Jody Garnett
    • Method Detail

      • getDriver

        Driver getDriver()
        Returns the Driver which has been used to connect to this CoverageAccess.
        Driver used to connect
      • getInfo

        ServiceInfo getInfo​(ProgressListener listener)
        Description of the CoverageAccess we are connected to here.

        Description of the CoverageAccess we are connected to here.
      • getNames

        List<Name> getNames​(ProgressListener listener)
        Names of the available Coverages.

        Each Coverage named here represents a unique data product that may be accessed via the CoverageSource

        Names of the available contents.
      • getCoveragesNumber

        int getCoveragesNumber​(ProgressListener listener)
        The number of Coverages made available.
        getNames( listener ).size()
      • isCreateSupported

        boolean isCreateSupported()
        Tells me whether or not this CoverageAccess supports creation of a new coverage storage.

        This method will only return true if getSupportedAccessTypes() == READ_WRITE.

        true when removal of of a new coverage storage is supported, false otherwise.
      • canCreate

        boolean canCreate​(Name name,
                          Map<String,​Serializable> params,
                          Hints hints,
                          ProgressListener listener)
                   throws IOException
        Test to see if this coverage access is suitable for creating a CoverageStore referred by Name, with the specified set of parameters.

        This method will only return true if getSupportedAccessTypes() == READ_WRITE.

        name - The name of the data set to create
        params - Indicate the content to be created
        hints - Implementations specific Hints, please check the javadocs for your driver for details
        true if a coverage can be created
      • isDeleteSupported

        boolean isDeleteSupported()
        Tells me whether or not this CoverageAccess supports removal of an existing coverage storage.
        true when removal of an existing coverage storage is supported, false otherwise.
      • canDelete

        boolean canDelete​(Name name,
                          Map<String,​Serializable> params,
                          Hints hints)
                   throws IOException
        Test to see if this coverage access is suitable for deleting a CoverageSource referred by Name, with the specified set of parameters.
        name - Name of data set to remove from
        params - Used to indicate what what of the data set to remove; if null indicate the entire data set should be removed
        hints - Implementation specific Hints; please consult the javadocs for the Driver you are working with.
      • dispose

        void dispose()
        This will free any cached info object or header information.

        Often a CoverageAccess will keep a file channel open, this will clean that sort of thing up.

        Once a CoverageAccess has been disposed it can be seen as being in unspecified state, hence calling a method on it may have unpredictable results.

      • getStorageMetadataDomains

        Set<String> getStorageMetadataDomains()