Interface Fill

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    FillImpl, FillImpl.ConstantFill

    public interface Fill
    Indicates how the interior of polygons will be filled.
    GeoAPI 2.2
    Open Geospatial Consortium, Johann Sorel (Geomatys), Chris Dillard (SYS Technologies)
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void accept​(StyleVisitor visitor)  
      Object accept​(TraversingStyleVisitor visitor, Object extraData)
      calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
      Expression getColor()
      This parameter gives the solid color that will be used for a Fill.
      The color value is RGB-encoded using two hexidecimal digits per primary-color component, in the order Red, Green, Blue, prefixed with the hash (#) sign.
      Graphic getGraphicFill()
      This parameter indicates that a stipple-fill repeated graphic will be used and specifies the fill graphic to use.
      Expression getOpacity()
      This specifies the level of translucency to use when rendering the fill.
      void setColor​(Expression color)
      This parameter gives the solid color that will be used for a Fill.
      The color value is RGB-encoded using two hexidecimal digits per primary-color component, in the order Red, Green, Blue, prefixed with the hash (#) sign.
      void setGraphicFill​(Graphic graphicFill)
      This parameter indicates that a stipple-fill repeated graphic will be used and specifies the fill graphic to use.
      void setOpacity​(Expression opacity)
      This specifies the level of translucency to use when rendering the fill.
    • Method Detail

      • setOpacity

        void setOpacity​(Expression opacity)
        This specifies the level of translucency to use when rendering the fill.
        The value is encoded as a floating-point value between 0.0 and 1.0 with 0.0 representing totally transparent and 1.0 representing totally opaque, with a linear scale of translucency for intermediate values.
        For example, "0.65" would represent 65% opacity.
      • getGraphicFill

        Graphic getGraphicFill()
        This parameter indicates that a stipple-fill repeated graphic will be used and specifies the fill graphic to use.
        The graphic to use as a stipple fill. If null then no stipple fill should be used.
      • getColor

        Expression getColor()
        This parameter gives the solid color that will be used for a Fill.
        The color value is RGB-encoded using two hexidecimal digits per primary-color component, in the order Red, Green, Blue, prefixed with the hash (#) sign. The hexidecimal digits beetween A and F may be in either upper or lower case. For example, full red is encoded as "#ff0000" (with no quotation marks). The default color is defined to be 50% gray ("#808080"). Note: in CSS this parameter is just called Fill and not Color.
        The color of the Fill encoded as a hexidecimal RGB value.
      • setColor

        void setColor​(Expression color)
        This parameter gives the solid color that will be used for a Fill.
        The color value is RGB-encoded using two hexidecimal digits per primary-color component, in the order Red, Green, Blue, prefixed with the hash (#) sign. The hexidecimal digits beetween A and F may be in either upper or lower case. For example, full red is encoded as "#ff0000" (with no quotation marks).
        color - solid color that will be used for a Fill
      • getOpacity

        Expression getOpacity()
        This specifies the level of translucency to use when rendering the fill.
        The value is encoded as a floating-point value between 0.0 and 1.0 with 0.0 representing totally transparent and 1.0 representing totally opaque, with a linear scale of translucency for intermediate values.
        For example, "0.65" would represent 65% opacity. The default value is 1.0 (opaque).
        The opacity of the fill, where 0.0 is completely transparent and 1.0 is completely opaque.
      • setGraphicFill

        void setGraphicFill​(Graphic graphicFill)
        This parameter indicates that a stipple-fill repeated graphic will be used and specifies the fill graphic to use.