Class XPath

  • public class XPath
    extends XPathUtil
    Utility class to evaluate XPath expressions against an Attribute instance, which may be any Attribute, whether it is simple, complex, a feature, etc.

    At the difference of the Filter subsystem, which works against Attribute contents (for example to evaluate a comparison filter), the XPath subsystem, for which this class is the single entry point, works against Attribute instances. That is, the result of an XPath expression, if a single value, is an Attribute, not the attribute content, or a List of Attributes, for instance.

    Gabriel Roldan (Axios Engineering), Rini Angreani (CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering)
    • Method Detail

      • setFilterFactory

        public void setFilterFactory​(FilterFactory ff)
      • setFeatureFactory

        public void setFeatureFactory​(FeatureFactory featureFactory)
      • set

        public Attribute set​(Attribute att,
                             XPathUtil.StepList xpath,
                             Object value,
                             String id,
                             AttributeType targetNodeType,
                             boolean isXlinkRef,
                             Expression sourceExpression)
        Sets the value of the attribute of att addressed by xpath and of type targetNodeType to be value with id id.
        att - the root attribute for which to set the child attribute value
        xpath - the xpath expression that addresses the att child whose value is to be set
        value - the value of the attribute addressed by xpath
        id - the identifier of the attribute addressed by xpath, might be null
        targetNodeType - the expected type of the attribute addressed by xpath, or null if unknown
        isXlinkRef - true if the attribute would only contain xlink:href client property
      • isId

        public static boolean isId​(XPathUtil.Step step)
        true if this step represents an id attribute