Class Matrix4

    • Constructor Detail

      • Matrix4

        public Matrix4()
        Creates a new identity matrix.
      • Matrix4

        public Matrix4​(double m00,
                       double m01,
                       double m02,
                       double m03,
                       double m10,
                       double m11,
                       double m12,
                       double m13,
                       double m20,
                       double m21,
                       double m22,
                       double m23,
                       double m30,
                       double m31,
                       double m32,
                       double m33)
        Creates a new matrix initialized to the specified values.
      • Matrix4

        public Matrix4​(Matrix matrix)
        Creates a new matrix initialized to the same value than the specified one. The specified matrix size must be 4×4.
    • Method Detail

      • getNumRow

        public final int getNumRow()
        Returns the number of rows in this matrix, which is always 4 in this implementation.
        Specified by:
        getNumRow in interface Matrix
        Specified by:
        getNumRow in interface XMatrix
        getNumRow in class GeneralMatrix
        The number of rows in the matrix.
      • getNumCol

        public final int getNumCol()
        Returns the number of colmuns in this matrix, which is always 4 in this implementation.
        Specified by:
        getNumCol in interface Matrix
        Specified by:
        getNumCol in interface XMatrix
        getNumCol in class GeneralMatrix
        The number of columns in the matrix.