Class AppSchemaDataAccess

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AppSchemaDataAccess
    extends Object
    implements DataAccess<FeatureType,​Feature>
    A DataAccess that maps a "simple" source DataStore into a source of full Feature features conforming to an application schema.
    Gabriel Roldan (Axios Engineering), Ben Caradoc-Davies (CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering), Rini Angreani (CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering)
    • Constructor Detail

      • AppSchemaDataAccess

        public AppSchemaDataAccess​(Set<FeatureTypeMapping> mappings,
                                   boolean hidden)
                            throws IOException
        Two args constructor.
        mappings - a Set containing a FeatureTypeMapping for each FeatureType this DataAccess is going to produce.
        hidden - marks this data access as non-accessible, which makes it a candidate for automatic disposal
    • Method Detail

      • register

        protected void register()
        Registers this data access to the registry so the mappings can be retrieved globally
      • getTypeNames

        public Name[] getTypeNames()
                            throws IOException
        Returns the set of target type names this DataAccess holds, where the term 'target type name' refers to the name of one of the types this DataAccess produces by mapping another ones through the definitions stored in its FeatureTypeMappings
      • getSchema

        public FeatureType getSchema​(Name typeName)
                              throws IOException
        Finds the target FeatureType named typeName in this ComplexDatastore's internal list of FeatureType mappings and returns it.
        Specified by:
        getSchema in interface DataAccess<FeatureType,​Feature>
        typeName - Type name a the resource from getNames()
        Description of the FeatureType being made avaialble
      • getMappingByName

        public FeatureTypeMapping getMappingByName​(Name typeName)
                                            throws IOException
        Returns the mapping suite for the given targetElement name or mappingName.

        Note this method is public just for unit testing purposes

      • getMappingByNameOrElement

        public FeatureTypeMapping getMappingByNameOrElement​(Name typeName)
                                                     throws IOException
        Returns the mapping suite for the given target type name. This name would be the mappingName in the TypeMapping if it exists, otherwise it's the target element name.

        Note this method is public just for unit testing purposes

      • hasName

        public boolean hasName​(Name name)
        name - mappingName or targetElement
        true if this data access contains mapping with for provided name
      • hasElement

        public boolean hasElement​(Name typeName)
        typeName - targetElement name
        true if this data access contains mapping for provided targetElement name
      • getBounds

        protected ReferencedEnvelope getBounds​(Query query)
                                        throws IOException
        Computes the bounds of the features for the specified feature type that satisfy the query provided that there is a fast way to get that result.

        Will return null if there is not fast way to compute the bounds. Since it's based on some kind of header/cached information, it's not guaranteed to be real bound of the features

        the bounds, or null if too expensive
      • getCount

        protected int getCount​(Query targetQuery)
                        throws IOException
        Gets the number of the features that would be returned by this query for the specified feature type.

        If getBounds(Query) returns -1 due to expense consider using getFeatures(Query).getCount() as a an alternative.

        targetQuery - Contains the Filter and MaxFeatures to find the bounds for.
        The number of Features provided by the Query or -1 if count is too expensive to calculate or any errors or occur.
        IOException - if there are errors getting the count
      • getUnsupportedFilter

        protected Filter getUnsupportedFilter​(String typeName,
                                              Filter filter)
        Returns Filter.INCLUDE, as the whole filter is unrolled and passed back to the underlying DataStore to be treated.
      • unrollQuery

        public Query unrollQuery​(Query query,
                                 FeatureTypeMapping mapping)
        Creates a that operates over the surrogate DataStore, by unrolling the org.geotools.filter.Filter contained in the passed query , and replacing the list of required attributes by the ones of the mapped FeatureType.
      • matchProperty

        public static boolean matchProperty​(XPathUtil.StepList requestedProperty,
                                            XPathUtil.StepList target)
        Helper method for getSurrogatePropertyNames to match a requested x-path property with a target x-path
        requestedProperty - requested property x-path
        target - target x-path steps
        whether they match, i.e. when one of them is completely contained in the other
      • matchProperty

        public static boolean matchProperty​(String requestedProperty,
                                            XPathUtil.StepList target)
        Helper method for getSurrogatePropertyNames to match a requested single step property with a target x-path, ignoring namespaces
        requestedProperty - requested property x-path
        target - target x-path steps
        whether they match, i.e. when one of them is completely contained in the other
      • unrollFilter

        public static Filter unrollFilter​(Filter complexFilter,
                                          FeatureTypeMapping mapping)
        Takes a filter that operates against a FeatureTypeMapping's target FeatureType, and unrolls it creating a new Filter that operates against the mapping's source FeatureType.
        TODO: implement filter unrolling
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Description copied from interface: DataAccess
        Disposes of this data store and releases any resource that it is using.

        A DataStore cannot be used after dispose has been called, neither can any data access object it helped create, such as FeatureReader, FeatureSource or FeatureCollection.

        This operation can be called more than once without side effects.

        There is no thread safety assurance associated with this method. For example, client code will have to make sure this method is not called while retrieving/saving data from/to the storage, or be prepared for the consequences.

        Specified by:
        dispose in interface DataAccess<FeatureType,​Feature>
      • getFeatureSourceByName

        public FeatureSource<FeatureType,​Feature> getFeatureSourceByName​(Name typeName)
                                                                        throws IOException
        Return a feature source that can be used to obtain features of a particular name. This name would be the mappingName in the TypeMapping if it exists, otherwise it's the target element name.
        typeName - mappingName or targetElement
        Mapping feature source
      • getUrl

        public URL getUrl()
      • getParentUrl

        public URL getParentUrl()