Interface PropertyIsLike

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Filter, MultiValuedFilter
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface PropertyIsLike
    extends MultiValuedFilter
    Filter operator that performs the equivalent of the SQL "like" operator on properties of a feature. The PropertyIsLike element is intended to encode a character string comparison operator with pattern matching. The pattern is defined by a combination of regular characters, the wildCard character, the singleChar character, and the escape character. The wildCard character matches zero or more characters. The singleChar character matches exactly one character. The escape character is used to escape the meaning of the wildCard, singleChar and escape itself.
    GeoAPI 2.0
    Chris Dillard (SYS Technologies)
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static String NAME
      Operator name used to check FilterCapabilities
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      String getEscape()
      Returns the string that can be used in the "literal" property of this object to prefix one of the wild card characters to indicate that it should be matched literally in the content of the feature's property.
      Expression getExpression()
      Returns the expression whose value will be compared against the wildcard- containing string provided by the getLiteral() method.
      String getLiteral()
      Returns the wildcard-containing string that will be used to check the feature's properties.
      String getSingleChar()
      Returns the string that can be used in the "literal" property of this object to match exactly one character.
      String getWildCard()
      Returns the string that can be used in the "literal" property of this object to match any sequence of characters.
      boolean isMatchingCase()
      Flag controlling wither comparisons are case sensitive.
    • Method Detail

      • getExpression

        Expression getExpression()
        Returns the expression whose value will be compared against the wildcard- containing string provided by the getLiteral() method.
      • getLiteral

        String getLiteral()
        Returns the wildcard-containing string that will be used to check the feature's properties.
      • getWildCard

        String getWildCard()
        Returns the string that can be used in the "literal" property of this object to match any sequence of characters.

        The default value for this property is the one character string "%".

      • getSingleChar

        String getSingleChar()
        Returns the string that can be used in the "literal" property of this object to match exactly one character.

        The default value for this property is the one character string "_".

      • getEscape

        String getEscape()
        Returns the string that can be used in the "literal" property of this object to prefix one of the wild card characters to indicate that it should be matched literally in the content of the feature's property. The default value for this property is the single character "'".
      • isMatchingCase

        boolean isMatchingCase()
        Flag controlling wither comparisons are case sensitive.

        The ability to match case is pending the Filter 2.0 specification.

        true if the comparison is case sensetive, otherwise false.