Class VendorOptionParser

  • public class VendorOptionParser
    extends Object
    Helper class that provides utility methods to extract and parse elements from the vendor options map, some generic, other geared to specific contents
    Andrea Aime - GeoSolutions
    • Constructor Detail

      • VendorOptionParser

        public VendorOptionParser()
    • Method Detail

      • getEnumOption

        public <T extends Enum<T>> Enum<T> getEnumOption​(Symbolizer symbolizer,
                                                         String optionName,
                                                         Enum<T> defaultValue)
        Extracts a enumeration from the vendor options map, returns it if found, returns the default value if not
      • getIntOption

        public int getIntOption​(Symbolizer symbolizer,
                                String optionName,
                                int defaultValue)
        Extracts a integer from the vendor options map, returns it if found, returns the default value if not
      • getDoubleOption

        public double getDoubleOption​(Symbolizer symbolizer,
                                      String optionName,
                                      double defaultValue)
        Extracts a double from the vendor options map, returns it if found, returns the default value if not
      • getBooleanOption

        public boolean getBooleanOption​(Symbolizer symbolizer,
                                        String optionName,
                                        boolean defaultValue)
        Extracts a boolean from the vendor options map, returns it if found, returns the default value if not
      • getGraphicMargin

        public int[] getGraphicMargin​(Symbolizer symbolizer,
                                      String optionName)
        Returns a CSS margin from the options map. The result always has 4 components, in top,right,bottom,left order. The syntax can follow the CSS shorthand,
      • getDisplacementAngles

        public int[] getDisplacementAngles​(Symbolizer symbolizer,
                                           String optionName)
        Returns an array of int in the range [0, 360) which corresponds to the possible displacement angles.
        optionName - expected a String with DisplacementMode enum values comma separated