Interface TraversingStyleVisitor

  • public interface TraversingStyleVisitor
    An interface for classes that want to perform operations on a Style hierarchy. It forms part of a GoF Visitor Pattern implementation.

    A call to style.accept(StyleVisitor) will result in a call to one of the methods in this interface. The responsibility for traversing sub filters is intended to lie with the visitor (this is unusual, but permitted under the Visitor pattern).

    A typical use would be to transcribe a style into a specific format, e.g. XML or SQL. Alternatively it may be to extract specific information from the Style structure, for example a list of all fills. Finally a a style visitor is often used (in conjunction with a factory) in the production of a copy; or slightly modified copy of the original style.

    It is common practice for a StyleVisitor to also implement an ExpressionVisitor in order to traverse both data structures.

    GeoAPI 2.2
    Open Geospatial Consortium, James Macgill, Ian Turton, Johann Sorel (Geomatys)
    See Also:
    ExpressionVisitor, StyleFactory
    • Method Detail

      • visit

        Object visit​(Style style,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a Style.
        style - The style to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(FeatureTypeStyle featureTypeStyle,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a FetaureTypeStyle
        featureTypeStyle - the feature type styler to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(Rule rule,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a rule
        rule - the rule to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(PointSymbolizer pointSymbolizer,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a pointsymbolizer
        pointSymbolizer - the point symbolizer to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(LineSymbolizer lineSymbolizer,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a linesymbolizer
        lineSymbolizer - the line symbolizer to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(PolygonSymbolizer polygonSymbolizer,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a polygon symbolizer
        polygonSymbolizer - the polygon symbolizer to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(TextSymbolizer textSymbolizer,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a textsymbolizer
        textSymbolizer - the text symbolizer to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(RasterSymbolizer rasterSymbolizer,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a rastersymbolizer
        rasterSymbolizer - the raster symbolizer to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(ExtensionSymbolizer extension,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a extension symbolizer
        extension - the extension symbolizer to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(Description description,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a description
        description - the description to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(Displacement displacement,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a displacement
        displacement - the displacement to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(Fill fill,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a fill
        fill - the fill to be visited
      • visit

        Object visit​(Font font,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a font
        font - the font to be visited
      • visit

        Object visit​(Stroke stroke,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a stroke
        stroke - the stroke to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(Graphic graphic,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a graphic
        graphic - the graphic to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(GraphicFill graphicFill,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a graphic fill
        graphicFill - the graphic fill to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(GraphicStroke graphicStroke,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a graphic stroke
        graphicStroke - the graphic stroke to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(Mark mark,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a mark
        mark - the mark to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(ExternalMark externalMark,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a external mark
        externalMark - the external mark to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(ExternalGraphic externalGraphic,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a external graphic
        externalGraphic - the external graphic to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(PointPlacement pointPlacement,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a Point Placement
        pointPlacement - the point placement to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(AnchorPoint anchorPoint,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a anchor point
        anchorPoint - the anchor point to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(LinePlacement linePlacement,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a Line Placement
        linePlacement - the line placement to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(GraphicLegend graphicLegend,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a legend graphic
        graphicLegend - the legend graphic to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(Halo halo,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a halo
        halo - the halo to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(ColorMap colorMap,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a raster color map
        colorMap - the color map to visit
      • visit

        Object visit​(ColorReplacement colorReplacement,
                     Object data)
        Called when accept is called on a color replacement
        colorReplacement - the color replacement to visit