Class CitationImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • CitationImpl

        public CitationImpl()
        Constructs an initially empty citation.
      • CitationImpl

        public CitationImpl​(Citation source)
        Constructs a new citation initialized to the values specified by the given object. This constructor performs a shallow copy (i.e. each source attributes are reused without copying them).
    • Method Detail

      • getTitle

        public InternationalString getTitle()
        Returns the name by which the cited resource is known.
        Specified by:
        getTitle in interface Citation
        The cited resource name.
      • setTitle

        public void setTitle​(InternationalString newValue)
        Set the name by which the cited resource is known.
      • getAlternateTitles

        public Collection<InternationalString> getAlternateTitles()
        Returns the short name or other language name by which the cited information is known. Example: "DCW" as an alternative title for "Digital Chart of the World".
        Specified by:
        getAlternateTitles in interface Citation
        Other names for the resource, or an empty collection if none.
      • setAlternateTitles

        public void setAlternateTitles​(Collection<? extends InternationalString> newValues)
        Set the short name or other language name by which the cited information is known.
      • getEdition

        public InternationalString getEdition()
        Returns the version of the cited resource.
        Specified by:
        getEdition in interface Citation
        The version, or null if none.
      • setEdition

        public void setEdition​(InternationalString newValue)
        Set the version of the cited resource.
      • getEditionDate

        public Date getEditionDate()
        Returns the date of the edition, or null if none.
        Specified by:
        getEditionDate in interface Citation
        The edition date, or null if none.
      • setEditionDate

        public void setEditionDate​(Date newValue)
        Set the date of the edition, or null if none.
      • getIdentifiers

        public Collection<Identifier> getIdentifiers()
        Returns the unique identifier for the resource. Example: Universal Product Code (UPC), National Stock Number (NSN).
        Specified by:
        getIdentifiers in interface Citation
        The identifiers, or an empty collection if none.
      • setIdentifiers

        public void setIdentifiers​(Collection<? extends Identifier> newValues)
        Set the unique identifier for the resource. Example: Universal Product Code (UPC), National Stock Number (NSN).
      • getCitedResponsibleParties

        public Collection<ResponsibleParty> getCitedResponsibleParties()
        Returns the name and position information for an individual or organization that is responsible for the resource. Returns an empty string if there is none.
        Specified by:
        getCitedResponsibleParties in interface Citation
        The individual or organization that is responsible, or an empty collection if none.
      • setCitedResponsibleParties

        public void setCitedResponsibleParties​(Collection<? extends ResponsibleParty> newValues)
        Set the name and position information for an individual or organization that is responsible for the resource. Returns an empty string if there is none.
      • getPresentationForm

        public Collection<PresentationForm> getPresentationForm()
        Returns the mode in which the resource is represented, or an empty string if none.
        Specified by:
        getPresentationForm in interface Citation
        The presentation mode, or an empty collection if none.
      • setPresentationForm

        public void setPresentationForm​(Collection<? extends PresentationForm> newValues)
        Set the mode in which the resource is represented, or an empty string if none.
      • getOtherCitationDetails

        public InternationalString getOtherCitationDetails()
        Returns other information required to complete the citation that is not recorded elsewhere. Returns null if none.
        Specified by:
        getOtherCitationDetails in interface Citation
        Other details, or null if none.
      • setOtherCitationDetails

        public void setOtherCitationDetails​(InternationalString newValue)
        Set other information required to complete the citation that is not recorded elsewhere. Set to null if none.
      • getCollectiveTitle

        public InternationalString getCollectiveTitle()
        Returns the common title with holdings note. Note: title identifies elements of a series collectively, combined with information about what volumes are available at the source cited. Returns null if there is no title.
        Specified by:
        getCollectiveTitle in interface Citation
        The common title, or null if none.
      • setCollectiveTitle

        public void setCollectiveTitle​(InternationalString newValue)
        Set the common title with holdings note. Note: title identifies elements of a series collectively, combined with information about what volumes are available at the source cited. Set to null if there is no title.
      • getISBN

        public String getISBN()
        Returns the International Standard Book Number, or null if none.
        Specified by:
        getISBN in interface Citation
        The ISBN, or null if none.
      • setISBN

        public void setISBN​(String newValue)
        Set the International Standard Book Number, or null if none.
      • getISSN

        public String getISSN()
        Returns the International Standard Serial Number, or null if none.
        Specified by:
        getISSN in interface Citation
        The ISSN, or null if none.
      • setISSN

        public void setISSN​(String newValue)
        Set the International Standard Serial Number, or null if none.