Class ResultTypeType

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Enumerator

    public final class ResultTypeType
    extends AbstractEnumerator
    A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Result Type Type', and utility methods for working with them.
    See Also:
    WfsPackage.getResultTypeType(), Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • RESULTS

        public static final int RESULTS
        The 'Results' literal value. Indicates that a complete response should be generated by the WFS. That is, all response feature instances should be returned to the client.
        See Also:
        RESULTS_LITERAL, Constant Field Values
      • HITS

        public static final int HITS
        The 'Hits' literal value. Indicates that an empty response should be generated with the "numberOfFeatures" attribute set (i.e. no feature instances should be returned). In this manner a client may determine the number of feature instances that a GetFeature request will return without having to actually get the entire result set back.
        See Also:
        HITS_LITERAL, Constant Field Values

        public static final ResultTypeType RESULTS_LITERAL
        The 'Results' literal object.
        See Also:

        public static final ResultTypeType HITS_LITERAL
        The 'Hits' literal object.
        See Also:
      • VALUES

        public static final List VALUES
        A public read-only list of all the 'Result Type Type' enumerators.
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public static ResultTypeType get​(String literal)
        Returns the 'Result Type Type' literal with the specified literal value.
        literal - the literal.
        the matching enumerator or null.
      • getByName

        public static ResultTypeType getByName​(String name)
        Returns the 'Result Type Type' literal with the specified name.
        name - the name.
        the matching enumerator or null.
      • get

        public static ResultTypeType get​(int value)
        Returns the 'Result Type Type' literal with the specified integer value.
        value - the integer value.
        the matching enumerator or null.