Class AbstractCalcResult

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractCalcResult

        public AbstractCalcResult()
    • Method Detail

      • isCompatible

        public boolean isCompatible​(CalcResult targetResults)
        Description copied from interface: CalcResult
        Returns true if the target results is a compatible type with the current results, with compatible meaning that the two results may be merged.
        Specified by:
        isCompatible in interface CalcResult
        targetResults - the second CalcResult Object
        true if the targetResults can be merged with the current results
      • merge

        public CalcResult merge​(CalcResult resultsToAdd)
        Description copied from interface: CalcResult
        Returns the merged results of two CalcResult. The way in which the results are merged is dependent on the type of the results added. A new instance is created containing the merged results.

        For example: merging two min functions would return the smaller of the two values; merging a count and a sum would return an average.

        Specified by:
        merge in interface CalcResult
        the merged results
      • getValue

        public Object getValue()
        Description copied from interface: CalcResult
        Actual answer
        Specified by:
        getValue in interface CalcResult
        the calculation result as a generic object
      • toInt

        public int toInt()
        Description copied from interface: CalcResult
        Access getValue as an int
        Specified by:
        toInt in interface CalcResult
        the calculation result as a int (or 0 if not applicable)
      • toDouble

        public double toDouble()
        Description copied from interface: CalcResult
        Access getValue as a double
        Specified by:
        toDouble in interface CalcResult
        the calculation result as a double (or 0 if not applicable)
      • toLong

        public long toLong()
        Description copied from interface: CalcResult
        Access getValue as a long
        Specified by:
        toLong in interface CalcResult
        the calculation result as a long (or 0 if not applicable)
      • toFloat

        public float toFloat()
        Description copied from interface: CalcResult
        Access getValue as a float
        Specified by:
        toFloat in interface CalcResult
        the calculation result as a float (or 0 if not applicable)
      • toGeometry

        public Geometry toGeometry()
        Description copied from interface: CalcResult
        Access getValue as a geometry
        Specified by:
        toGeometry in interface CalcResult
        the calculation result as a geometry (or null if not applicable)
      • toEnvelope

        public Envelope toEnvelope()
        Description copied from interface: CalcResult
        Access getValue as an envelope
        Specified by:
        toEnvelope in interface CalcResult
        the calculation result as an envelope (or null if not applicable)
      • toPoint

        public Point toPoint()
        Description copied from interface: CalcResult
        Access getValue as a point
        Specified by:
        toPoint in interface CalcResult
        the calculation result as a point (or null if not applicable)
      • toSet

        public Set toSet()
        Description copied from interface: CalcResult
        Access getValue as a set
        Specified by:
        toSet in interface CalcResult
        the calculation result as a set (or null if not applicable)
      • toList

        public List toList()
        Description copied from interface: CalcResult
        Access getValue as a list
        Specified by:
        toList in interface CalcResult
        the calculation result as a list (or null if not applicable)
      • toArray

        public Object[] toArray()
        Description copied from interface: CalcResult
        Access getValue as an array
        Specified by:
        toArray in interface CalcResult
        the calculation result as an array (or null if not applicable)
      • toStringArray

        public String[] toStringArray()
      • toMap

        public Map toMap()
        Description copied from interface: CalcResult
        Access getValue as a map
        Specified by:
        toMap in interface CalcResult
        the calculation result as a map (or null if not applicable)
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Description copied from interface: CalcResult
        Access getValue as a string
        Specified by:
        toString in interface CalcResult
        toString in class Object
        the calculation result as a string (or "" if not applicable)