Class ExecuteRequestTypeBinding

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Binding, ComplexBinding

    public class ExecuteRequestTypeBinding
    extends AbstractComplexEMFBinding
    Binding object for the type

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><complexType name="ExecuteRequestType" xmlns="">
                                    Schema for a WPS Execute operation request, to execute
                                    one identified process with the given data and provide the requested
                                    output data.
                            <extension base="wps:RequestBaseType">
                                            <element ref="ows:Identifier">
                                                                    Identifier of the process to be executed. All valid process identifiers are
                                                                    listed in the wps:Contents section of the Capabilities document.
                                            <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="Input" type="wps:DataInputType">
                                                                    One or more input items to be used for process execution, including referenced or inline data.
                                            <element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="Output" type="wps:OutputDefinitionType">
                                                                    Defines one or more output items to be delivered by the process execution.
                                    <attribute name="mode" use="required">
                                                            Desired execution mode.
                                                    <restriction base="string">
                                                            <enumeration value="sync">
                                                                                    "sync" triggers the synchronous execution protocol
                                                            <enumeration value="async">
                                                                                    "async" triggers the asynchronous execution protocol
                                                            <enumeration value="auto">
                                                                                    "auto" delegates the choice of execution mode to the server.
                                    <attribute name="response" use="required">
                                                    <restriction base="string">
                                                            <enumeration value="raw">
                                                                                    The desired response type is raw data. Raw data output can only be used for single outputs, i.e. the process execution must yield only one output item.
                                                                                    If the request requests more than one output, the server shall return an Exception
                                                            <enumeration value="document">
                                                                                    The desired response type is a response document.