Class Range<T extends Comparable<? super T>>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The type of range elements, typically Date or some subclass of Number.
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    DateRange, NumberRange

    public class Range<T extends Comparable<? super T>>
    extends Object
    implements Serializable
    A range between a minimum and maximum comparable. The minimum/maximum may be included, excluded or unbounded. The later case is indicated by null values on one or both ends.

    This class is a method compatible replacement for the Range class with the following differences:

    • Unbounded ranges (i.e. null minimal or maximal values) are considered exclusive rather than inclusive, since an iteration over the values will never reach the infinite bound. This interpretation brings some simplification in implementation and usage (e.g. a loop over the values should not attempt to process the null value).

    • subtract(org.geotools.util.Range<?>) returns an empty array if the whole range is subtracted.

    The exact element class doesn't need to be known at compile time. Widening conversions are allowed as needed (subclasses like NumberRange do that). This class is weakly parameterized in order to allow this flexibility. If any constructor or method is invoked with an argument value of illegal class, then an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. The ClassCastException is thrown only in case of bug in the Range class or subclasses implementation.
    Jody Garnett, Martin Desruisseaux
    See Also:
    Range, Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Range​(Class<T> elementClass, T value)
      Creates a new range bounded by a single inclusive value.
      Range​(Class<T> elementClass, T minValue, boolean isMinIncluded, T maxValue, boolean isMaxIncluded)
      Creates a new range bounded by the given values.
      Range​(Class<T> elementClass, T minValue, T maxValue)
      Creates a new range bounded by the given inclusive values.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Range

        public Range​(Class<T> elementClass,
                     T value)
        Creates a new range bounded by a single inclusive value. The minimum and maximum values are set to the given one.
        elementClass - The class of the range elements.
        value - The minimal and maximum value (inclusive), or null for an unbounded range.
      • Range

        public Range​(Class<T> elementClass,
                     T minValue,
                     T maxValue)
        Creates a new range bounded by the given inclusive values.
        elementClass - The class of the range elements.
        minValue - The minimal value (inclusive), or null if none.
        maxValue - The maximal value (inclusive), or null if none.
      • Range

        public Range​(Class<T> elementClass,
                     T minValue,
                     boolean isMinIncluded,
                     T maxValue,
                     boolean isMaxIncluded)
        Creates a new range bounded by the given values.
        elementClass - The class of the range elements.
        minValue - The minimal value, or null if none.
        isMinIncluded - true if the minimal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
        maxValue - The maximal value, or null if none.
        isMaxIncluded - true if the maximal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
    • Method Detail

      • getElementClass

        public Class<T> getElementClass()
        Returns the class of elements in this range. The element class extends Comparable.
        The class of elements in this range.
        See Also:
      • getMinValue

        public T getMinValue()
        Returns the minimal value, or null if unbounded. If isMinIncluded is true, then the value is considered included in the set. Otherwise it is considered excluded.
        The minimal value.
        See Also:
      • isMinIncluded

        public boolean isMinIncluded()
        Indicates if getMinValue() is included in the range.
        true if the minimal value is inclusive.
        See Also:
      • getMaxValue

        public T getMaxValue()
        Returns the maximal value, or null if unbounded. If isMaxIncluded is true, then the value is considered included in the set. Otherwise it is considered excluded.
        The maximal value.
        See Also:
      • isMaxIncluded

        public boolean isMaxIncluded()
        Indicates if getMaxValue() is included in the range.
        true if the maximal value is inclusive.
        See Also:
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Returns true if this range is empty. A range is empty if the minimum value is smaller than the maximum value, or if they are equals while at least one of them is exclusive.
        true if this range is empty.
        See Also:
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(Comparable<?> value)
                         throws IllegalArgumentException
        Returns true if this range contains the given value. A range never contains the null value. This is consistent with the class javadoc stating that null minimum or maximum values are exclusive.
        value - The value to check for inclusion in this range.
        true if the given value is included in this range.
        IllegalArgumentException - is the given value can not be converted to a valid type through widening conversion.
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(Range<?> range)
                         throws IllegalArgumentException
        Returns true if this range contains fully the given range.
        range - The range to check for inclusion in this range.
        true if the given range is included in this range.
        IllegalArgumentException - is the given range can not be converted to a valid type through widening conversion.
      • intersects

        public boolean intersects​(Range<?> range)
                           throws IllegalArgumentException
        Returns true if this range intersects the given range.
        range - The range to check for intersection with this range.
        true if the given range intersects this range.
        IllegalArgumentException - is the given range can not be converted to a valid type through widening conversion.
        See Also:
      • intersect

        public Range<?> intersect​(Range<?> range)
                           throws IllegalArgumentException
        Returns the intersection between this range and the provided range.
        range - The range to intersect.
        The intersection of this range with the provided range.
        IllegalArgumentException - is the given range can not be converted to a valid type through widening conversion.
        See Also:
      • subtract

        public Range<?>[] subtract​(Range<?> range)
                            throws IllegalArgumentException
        Returns the range of values that are in this range but not in the given range. This method returns an array of length 0, 1 or 2:

        • If the given range contains fully this range, returns an array of length 0.
        • If the given range is in the middle of this range, then the subtraction results in two disjoint ranges which will be returned as two elements in the array.
        • Otherwise returns an array of length 1.
        range - The range to substract.
        This range without the given range.
        IllegalArgumentException - is the given range can not be converted to a valid type through widening conversion.
        See Also:
      • union

        public Range<?> union​(Range<?> range)
                       throws IllegalArgumentException
        Returns the union of this range with the given range.
        range - The range to add to this range.
        The union of this range with the given range.
        IllegalArgumentException - is the given range can not be converted to a valid type through widening conversion.
        See Also:
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object object)
        Compares this range with the given object for equality.
        equals in class Object
        object - The object to compare with this range for equality.
        true if the given object is equals to this range.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns a hash code value for this range.
        hashCode in class Object
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this range.
        toString in class Object