Interface Wcs10Package

  • All Superinterfaces:
    EModelElement, ENamedElement, EObject, EPackage, Notifier
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Wcs10Package
    extends EPackage
    The Package for the model. It contains accessors for the meta objects to represent
    • each class,
    • each feature of each class,
    • each enum,
    • and each data type
    This schema defines the DescribeCoverage operation request and reply XML elements and types, used by an OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS). JDE 2003-07-24 changes: Changed first and third "include" below to "import" so as to bring more than one namespace Made spatialDomain a global element so as to substitute for it in GetCoverage spatialSubset JDE 2003-07-28 - Made temporalSubset of type TimeSequenceType (from owsBase.xsd, uses gml:timePosition). AEW 03/07/29 Changes made: Edited documentation of some elements and types AEW 03/07/30 Changes made: Corrrected defintion of temporalDomain element, makiing first letter of name lower case AEW 03/08/01 Changes made: Edited documentation of many types JDE 03/08/27 Changes made: Made DescribeCoverage/@service and DescribeCoverage/@version required Added CoverageDescription/@version (required) and CoverageDescription/@updateSequence (optional) AEW 04/07/14 Changes made: Changed two "import" statement for the "wcs" namespace to "include" statements. Added "import" statement for the "gml" namespace used in gml4wcs.xsd. AEW 05/07/15 Changes made: Changed documentation of updateSequence attribute in CoverageDescription element This schema defines the Capabilities operation request and reply XML elements and types used by an OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS). This schema with the schemas it uses are believed to be GML Application Schemas. AEW 03/07/22 Changes made: Changed element name "Section" to "section" in GetCapabilities Added documentation elements in GetCapabilities, CapabilitiesSectionType, ContentMetadata, AbstractDescriptionBaseType, AbstractDescriptionType Expanded documentation of WCS_CapabilitiesType Moved documentation from Service to ServiceType Edited documentation of OnlineResourceType, electronicMailAddress in AddressType Expanded separator comment before ContentMetadata elements and types Added separator comment before CoverageOfferingBrief Moved metadataLink from AbstractDescriptionType to AbstractDescriptionBaseType in CoverageOfferingBrief, replaced boundedBy with a new lonLatBoundingBox (added to owsBase.xsd); and made temporal domain of type TimeSequenceType. AEW 03/07/29 Changes made: Changed optionality and documentation os "fees" and accessConstraints" elements in ServiceType Changed reference to gml:description to reference to (wcs:)description in AbstractDescriptionBaseType AEW 03/07/30 Changes made: Added "version" and "updateSequence" attributes to ServiceType, WCSCapabilityType, and ContentMetadata JDE 03/07/30 - Added "version" and "updateSequence" attributes to WCS_Capabilities type 03/08/27 - Made "version" attribute required AEW 04/07/13 Changes made: Added declaration of the "xlink" namespace. In wcs:AbstractDescriptionType, added the elements wcs:description and wcs:name, and the attribute "gml:id" with use="prohibited". AEW 05/07/18 Changes made: Changed documentation of updateSequence attribute in GetCapabilities element, WCS_CapabilitiesType, ServiceType, WCSCapabilityType, and ContentMetadata element. Added documentation of all enumeration values in CapabilitiesSectionType. Added documentation of WCSCapabilityType, DCPTypeType, CoverageOfferingBriefType, and AbstractDescriptionType. JDE 2005/08/31 Changes made: AbstractDescriptionBaseType: made metadataLink repeatable This schema defines the XML elements and types expected to be used by multiple OGC Web Services (OWSs). This schema is believed to be a GML Application Schema. AEW 03/07/22 Changes made: Added [xml:lang="en"] above Moved interpolationMethod and InterpolationMethodType here from DescribeCoverage.xsd, because I know the WCTS will also use it. Added documentation elements in InterpolationMethodType (JDE 2003-07-28) Added LonLatBoundingBox, TimeSequence, name and description. AEW 03/07/29 Changes made: Edited documentation of "keywords" element and various other parts AEW 03/07/30 Changes made: Changed Substitution Group of lonLatEnvelope to gml:Envelope JDE 03/07/30 Changes made: Removed the Substitution Group on lonLatEnvelope (we only want to use it in the context of CoverageOfferingBrief) Added timeResolution to TimePeriodType AEW 03/08/01 Changes made: In SupportedCRSsType, changed element name from NativeCRSs to nativeCRSs Edited documentation of many types AEW 04/07/17 Changes made: Changed fived value of srsName attribute in LonLatEnvelopeBaseType to URN value in "ogc" URN namespace, based on OWS Common and OGC 05-010. Also, defined srsName attribute as being anyURI type, and explicitly marked its use as optional. Modified definition of wcs:name element to be in gml:name substitutionGroup. Modified definition of wcs:description element to no longer be in gml:name substitutionGroup. GML profile for WCS AEW 03/07/22 Changes made: Edited documentation of "name" element JDE 2003-07-28: Added indeterminatePosition attribute to timePosition Added 11 new elements and types from geometryBasic2d.xsd (to define Polygon, used in CoverageDescription...SpatialDomain) AEW 03/07/29 Changes made: Rearranged elements and types and inserted comments indicating the GML schema from which groups of elements and types were copied or edited into this profile JDE 2003-07-30 Added TimeDurationType This schema defines the values and enumeration elements and types used by the OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS). JDE 2003-07-30 Removed empty "sequence" from valueEnumType AEW 2005-07-15 Edited almost all documentation elements to remove TBRs and TBDs and to make them clearer. However, I do not know enough to resolve the TBD in the documentation of the "atomic" attribute in the valueRangeType. I also added documentation elements where I thought they were needed.
    See Also: