Interface ServiceIdentificationType

    • Method Detail

      • getServiceType

        CodeType getServiceType()
        Returns the value of the 'Service Type' containment reference. A service type name from a registry of services. For example, the values of the codeSpace URI and name and code string may be "OGC" and "catalogue." This type name is normally used for machine-to-machine communication.
        the value of the 'Service Type' containment reference.
        See Also:
        setServiceType(CodeType), Ows10Package.getServiceIdentificationType_ServiceType()
      • setServiceType

        void setServiceType​(CodeType value)
        Sets the value of the 'Service Type' containment reference.
        value - the new value of the 'Service Type' containment reference.
        See Also:
      • setFees

        void setFees​(String value)
        Sets the value of the 'Fees' attribute.
        value - the new value of the 'Fees' attribute.
        See Also:
      • getAccessConstraints

        String getAccessConstraints()
        Returns the value of the 'Access Constraints' attribute. Unordered list of access constraints applied to assure the protection of privacy or intellectual property, and any other restrictions on retrieving or using data from or otherwise using this server. The reserved value NONE (case insensitive) shall be used to mean no access constraints are imposed. If this element is omitted, no meaning is implied.
        the value of the 'Access Constraints' attribute.
        See Also:
        setAccessConstraints(String), Ows10Package.getServiceIdentificationType_AccessConstraints()