Class Registry

  • public final class Registry
    extends Object
    A set of static methods for managing JAI's operation registry.
    Martin Desruisseaux (IRD), Andrea Aime - GeoSolutions
    • Field Detail


        public static final String JAI_TOOLS_PRODUCT
        The JAITools product name (used to register operations in JAI)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String GEOTOOLS_PRODUCT
        The GeoTools product name (used to register operations in JAI)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • setNativeAccelerationAllowed

        public static void setNativeAccelerationAllowed​(String operation,
                                                        boolean allowed,
                                                        JAI jai)
        Allows or disallow native acceleration for the specified operation on the given JAI instance. By default, JAI uses hardware accelerated methods when available. For example, it make use of MMX instructions on Intel processors. Unfortunatly, some native method crash the Java Virtual Machine under some circonstances. For example on JAI 1.1.2, the "Affine" operation on an image with float data type, bilinear interpolation and an ImageLayout rendering hint cause an exception in medialib native code. Disabling the native acceleration (i.e using the pure Java version) is a convenient workaround until Sun fix the bug.

        Implementation note: the current implementation assumes that factories for native implementations are declared in the package, while factories for pure java implementations are declared in the package. It work for Sun's 1.1.2 implementation, but may change in future versions. If this method doesn't recognize the package, it does nothing.

        operation - The operation name (e.g. "Affine").
        allowed - false to disallow native acceleration.
        jai - The instance of JAI we are going to work on. This argument can be omitted for the default JAI instance.
        See Also:
        JAI bug report 4906854
      • registerRIF

        public static boolean registerRIF​(JAI jai,
                                          OperationDescriptor descriptor,
                                          String name,
                                          ContextualRenderedImageFactory crif)
        Register the "SampleTranscode" image operation to the operation registry of the specified JAI instance. This method is invoked by the static initializer of GridSampleDimension.
        jai - is he JAI instance in which we ant to register this operation.
        descriptor - is the OperationDescriptor for the JAI operation to register.
        name - is the name of the operation to register.
        crif - is the rendered image facotry for this operation.
        true if everything goes well, false otherwise.
      • registerRIF

        public static boolean registerRIF​(JAI jai,
                                          OperationDescriptor descriptor,
                                          RenderedImageFactory rif,
                                          String productName)
        Forcefully registers the specified rendered operation in the JAI registry
        true if the registration succeded, false if the registration was not required as the operation was already available in the registry