Class FilteringFeatureReader<T extends FeatureType,​F extends Feature>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable, DelegatingFeatureReader<T,​F>, FeatureReader<T,​F>
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class FilteringFeatureReader<T extends FeatureType,​F extends Feature>
    extends Object
    implements DelegatingFeatureReader<T,​F>
    Basic support for a FeatureReader that does filtering. I think that filtering should perhaps be done in the AttributeReader. I'm still having a bit of trouble with the split between attributeReader and featureReader as to where the hooks for advanced processing like filtering should take place. See my note on hasNext(), as the method is currently broken and there are more optimizations that could take place if we had a FilteringAttributeReader. So this class may go, but I thought I'd put the ideas into code.

    Jody here - changed hasNext() to peek as required.

    Chris Holmes