Interface ClothoidType

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AbstractCurveSegmentType, EObject, Notifier
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ClothoidType
    extends AbstractCurveSegmentType
    A representation of the model object 'Clothoid Type'. A clothoid, or Cornu's spiral, is plane curve whose curvature is a fixed function of its length. In suitably chosen co-ordinates it is given by Fresnel's integrals. x(t) = 0-integral-t cos(AT*T/2)dT y(t) = 0-integral-t sin(AT*T/2)dT This geometry is mainly used as a transition curve between curves of type straight line to circular arc or circular arc to circular arc. With this curve type it is possible to achieve a C2-continous transition between the above mentioned curve types. One formula for the Clothoid is A*A = R*t where A is constant, R is the varying radius of curvature along the the curve and t is the length along and given in the Fresnel integrals.

    The following features are supported:

    See Also: