Class SubtractConst

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Operation

    public class SubtractConst
    extends OperationJAI
    Subtracts constants (one for each band) from every sample values of the source coverage. If the number of constants supplied is less than the number of bands of the destination, then the constant from entry 0 is applied to all the bands. Otherwise, a constant from a different entry is applied to each band.

    Name: "SubtractConst"
    JAI operator: "SubtractConst"

    Name Class Default value Minimum value Maximum value
    "Source" GridCoverage2D N/A N/A N/A
    "constants" double[] N/A N/A N/A
    Martin Desruisseaux (IRD)
    See Also:
    Operations.subtract(org.geotools.api.coverage.Coverage, double[]), SubtractConstDescriptor, Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • SubtractConst

        public SubtractConst()
        Constructs a default "SubtractConst" operation.
    • Method Detail

      • deriveRange

        protected NumberRange<? extends Number> deriveRange​(NumberRange<? extends Number>[] ranges,
                                                            OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
        Returns the expected range of values for the resulting image.
        deriveRange in class OperationJAI
        ranges - The range of values from every sources. For unary operations this array has a length of 1. For binary operations like "add" and "multiply", this array has a length of 2.
        parameters - Parameters, rendering hints and coordinate reference system to use.
        The range of values to use in the destination image, or null if unknow.
      • handleJAIEXTParams

        protected void handleJAIEXTParams​(ParameterBlockJAI parameters,
                                          ParameterValueGroup parameters2)
        Description copied from class: OperationJAI
        Extension point for adding to the JAI ParameterBlockJAI object the parameters defined in the ParameterValueGroup, which can be read by the JAI-EXT operations.

        Notice that if you are using JAI, the new parameters will not be accepted by the ParameterBlockJAI instance.

        handleJAIEXTParams in class OperationJAI
        parameters - ParameterBlockJAI instance used by the current JAI-EXT/JAI operation
        parameters2 - ParameterValueGroup instance containing input operation parameters