Class JDataStoreWizard

    • Field Detail

      • connectionParameters

        protected Map<String,​Object> connectionParameters
        Connection parameters; shared with pages for editing
    • Constructor Detail

      • JDataStoreWizard

        public JDataStoreWizard()
        Open up a wizard up with an initial page to choose a datastore factory.
      • JDataStoreWizard

        public JDataStoreWizard​(String extension)
        Quick transition from JFileDataStoreChooser; allowing applications to migrate to connection parameters.
        extension - Extension used to look up FileDataStoreFactory
      • JDataStoreWizard

        public JDataStoreWizard​(DataStoreFactorySpi format)
        Set up the wizard with a "default" set of parameters.
    • Method Detail

      • getConnectionParameters

        public Map<String,​Object> getConnectionParameters()
      • getFile

        public File getFile()
        Helper method to check if for "url" parameter.
        url parameters as a File, or null if not applicable