Class GeoSpatialImageReader

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    InitializingReader, FileSetManager
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class GeoSpatialImageReader
    extends ImageReader
    implements FileSetManager, InitializingReader
    Daniele Romagnoli, GeoSolutions SAS, Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions SAS
    • Field Detail

      • file

        protected File file
        The source file
      • numImages

        protected int numImages
    • Constructor Detail

      • GeoSpatialImageReader

        protected GeoSpatialImageReader​(ImageReaderSpi originatingProvider)
    • Method Detail

      • checkImageIndex

        protected void checkImageIndex​(int imageIndex)
        Simple check of the specified image index. Valid indexes are belonging the range [0 - numRasters]. In case this constraint is not respected, an IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown.
        imageIndex - the index to be checked
      • getCoveragesNames

        public abstract Collection<Name> getCoveragesNames()
        Return the name of coverages made available by this provider
      • getCoveragesNumber

        public abstract int getCoveragesNumber()
        The number of coverages made available by this provider.
      • getImageIndex

        public List<Integer> getImageIndex​(Query filterQuery)
                                    throws IOException
        Return the list of imageIndex related to the feature in the slicesCatalog which result from the specified query.
        filterQuery - the filter query (temporal, vertical, name selection) to restrict the requested imageIndexes
      • getAuxiliaryFilesPath

        public String getAuxiliaryFilesPath()
      • setAuxiliaryFilesPath

        public void setAuxiliaryFilesPath​(String auxiliaryFilesPath)
      • getAuxiliaryDatastorePath

        public String getAuxiliaryDatastorePath()
      • setAuxiliaryDatastorePath

        public void setAuxiliaryDatastorePath​(String auxiliaryDatastorePath)
      • setRepository

        public void setRepository​(Repository repository)
      • init

        public boolean init​(RenderingHints hints)
        Specified by:
        init in interface InitializingReader