Interface Extent

    • Method Detail

      • getDescription

        InternationalString getDescription()
        Returns the spatial and temporal extent for the referring object.
        The spatial and temporal extent, or null in none.
      • getGeographicElements

        Collection<? extends GeographicExtent> getGeographicElements()
        Provides geographic component of the extent of the referring object
        The geographic extent, or an empty set if none.
      • getTemporalElements

        Collection<? extends TemporalExtent> getTemporalElements()
        Provides temporal component of the extent of the referring object
        The temporal extent, or an empty set if none.
      • getVerticalElements

        Collection<? extends VerticalExtent> getVerticalElements()
        Provides vertical component of the extent of the referring object
        The vertical extent, or an empty set if none.