Class Vocabulary

    • Constructor Detail

      • Vocabulary

        public Vocabulary()
    • Method Detail

      • formatInternational

        public static InternationalString formatInternational​(int key,
                                                              Object arg0)
        Gets an international string for the given key. This method does not check for the key validity. If the key is invalid, then a MissingResourceException may be thrown when a InternationalString.toString(java.util.Locale) method is invoked.
        key - The key for the desired string.
        arg0 - Value to substitute to "{0}".
        An international string for the given key.
      • formatInternational

        public static InternationalString formatInternational​(int key,
                                                              Object arg0,
                                                              Object arg1)
        Gets an international string for the given key. This method does not check for the key validity. If the key is invalid, then a MissingResourceException may be thrown when a InternationalString.toString(java.util.Locale) method is invoked.
        key - The key for the desired string.
        arg0 - Value to substitute to "{0}".
        arg1 - Value to substitute to "{1}".
        An international string for the given key.
      • formatInternational

        public static InternationalString formatInternational​(int key,
                                                              Object arg0,
                                                              Object arg1,
                                                              Object arg2)
        Gets an international string for the given key. This method does not check for the key validity. If the key is invalid, then a MissingResourceException may be thrown when a InternationalString.toString(java.util.Locale) method is invoked.
        key - The key for the desired string.
        arg0 - Value to substitute to "{0}".
        arg1 - Value to substitute to "{1}".
        arg2 - Value to substitute to "{2}".
        An international string for the given key.
      • format

        public static String format​(int key)
                             throws MissingResourceException
        Gets a string for the given key from this resource bundle or one of its parents.
        key - The key for the desired string.
        The string for the given key.
        MissingResourceException - If no object for the given key can be found.
      • format

        public static String format​(int key,
                                    Object arg0)
                             throws MissingResourceException
        Gets a string for the given key are replace all occurence of "{0}" with values of arg0.
        key - The key for the desired string.
        arg0 - Value to substitute to "{0}".
        The formatted string for the given key.
        MissingResourceException - If no object for the given key can be found.
      • format

        public static String format​(int key,
                                    Object arg0,
                                    Object arg1)
                             throws MissingResourceException
        Gets a string for the given key are replace all occurence of "{0}", "{1}", with values of arg0, arg1.
        key - The key for the desired string.
        arg0 - Value to substitute to "{0}".
        arg1 - Value to substitute to "{1}".
        The formatted string for the given key.
        MissingResourceException - If no object for the given key can be found.
      • format

        public static String format​(int key,
                                    Object arg0,
                                    Object arg1,
                                    Object arg2)
                             throws MissingResourceException
        Gets a string for the given key are replace all occurence of "{0}", "{1}", with values of arg0, arg1, etc.
        key - The key for the desired string.
        arg0 - Value to substitute to "{0}".
        arg1 - Value to substitute to "{1}".
        arg2 - Value to substitute to "{2}".
        The formatted string for the given key.
        MissingResourceException - If no object for the given key can be found.