Class SLDStyleFactory

  • public class SLDStyleFactory
    extends Object
    Factory object that converts SLD style into rendered styles.
    aaime, dblasby
    • Constructor Detail

      • SLDStyleFactory

        public SLDStyleFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • getRenderingHints

        public RenderingHints getRenderingHints()
        The factory builds a fair number of buffered images to deal with external graphics that need resizing and the like. This hints will be used in those drawing operations.
      • setRenderingHints

        public void setRenderingHints​(RenderingHints renderingHints)
      • isLineOptimizationEnabled

        public boolean isLineOptimizationEnabled()
        Enabled by default, this optimization speeds up line rendering when the line width is less than 1.5 pixels when antialiasing is disblaed. Unfortunately it also prevents fine line width control when antialiasing is enabled. Given that the optimization has been hard coded for more than six years, we give the user control on this one since turning this off will change the rendering of all existing styles using thin line widths.
      • setLineOptimizationEnabled

        public void setLineOptimizationEnabled​(boolean lineOptimizationEnabled)
      • isVectorRenderingEnabled

        public boolean isVectorRenderingEnabled()
        Indicates whether vector rendering should be preferred when painting graphic fills (e.g., using a Mark as stipple) or vector Graphic objects such as SVG ExternalGraphics. The default behavior is to be disabled, meaning that graphic fills are painted as raster images using Java TexturePaint, and SVGs are rendered to a BufferedImage prior to painting on the target Graphics. This common behavior is faster and more suitable for on-screen rendering. Enabling this flag is recommended for rendering to off-screen Graphics such as when printing, cases in which the full quality of the original data should normally be preserved.
      • setVectorRenderingEnabled

        public void setVectorRenderingEnabled​(boolean vectorRenderingEnabled)
        Sets whether vector rendering should be preferred when painting graphic fills (see isVectorRenderingEnabled() for more details).
        vectorRenderingEnabled - a boolean value indicating whether vector rendering should be enabled or not.
      • getHitRatio

        public double getHitRatio()
      • getHits

        public long getHits()
      • getRequests

        public long getRequests()
      • createStyle

        public Style2D createStyle​(Object drawMe,
                                   Symbolizer symbolizer)
        Creates a rendered style

        Makes use of a symbolizer cache based on identity to avoid recomputing over and over the same style object and to reduce memory usage. The same Style2D object will be returned by subsequent calls using the same feature independent symbolizer with the same scaleRange.

        drawMe - The feature
        symbolizer - The SLD symbolizer
        A rendered style equivalent to the symbolizer
      • createStyle

        public Style2D createStyle​(Object drawMe,
                                   Symbolizer symbolizer,
                                   Range scaleRange)
        Creates a rendered style

        Makes use of a symbolizer cache based on identity to avoid recomputing over and over the same style object and to reduce memory usage. The same Style2D object will be returned by subsequent calls using the same feature independent symbolizer with the same scaleRange.

        drawMe - The feature
        symbolizer - The SLD symbolizer
        scaleRange - The scale range in which the feature should be painted according to the symbolizer
        A rendered style equivalent to the symbolizer
      • createDynamicStyle

        public Style2D createDynamicStyle​(SimpleFeature f,
                                          Symbolizer symbolizer,
                                          Range scaleRange)
        Creates a rendered style
        f - The feature
        symbolizer - The SLD symbolizer
        scaleRange - The scale range in which the feature should be painted according to the symbolizer
        A rendered style equivalent to the symbolizer
        UnsupportedOperationException - if an unknown symbolizer is passed to this method
      • getComposite

        public Composite getComposite​(Fill fill,
                                      Object feature)
        Computes the Composite equivalent to the opacity in the SLD Fill
      • lookUpJoin

        public static int lookUpJoin​(String joinType)
      • lookUpCap

        public static int lookUpCap​(String capType)
      • getComposite

        public static Composite getComposite​(Map<String,​String> options)
        Looks up the composite from the vendor options, or returns null if no composite operation has been specified in the options
      • getComposite

        public static Composite getComposite​(Map<String,​String> options,
                                             float defaultOpacity)
        Looks up the composite from the vendor options, or returns null if no composite operation has been specified in the options
      • getSortBy

        public static SortBy[] getSortBy​(Map<String,​String> options)
        Returns the sorting directions found in the feature type style
      • getMapScaleDenominator

        public double getMapScaleDenominator()
        Getter for property mapScaleDenominator.
        Value of property mapScaleDenominator.
      • setMapScaleDenominator

        public void setMapScaleDenominator​(double mapScaleDenominator)
        Setter for property mapScaleDenominator.
        mapScaleDenominator - New value of property mapScaleDenominator.