Interface ConcatenatedOperationType

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AbstractCoordinateOperationBaseType, AbstractCoordinateOperationType, AbstractGMLType, DefinitionType, EObject, Notifier
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ConcatenatedOperationType
    extends AbstractCoordinateOperationType
    A representation of the model object 'Concatenated Operation Type'. An ordered sequence of two or more single coordinate operations. The sequence of operations is constrained by the requirement that the source coordinate reference system of step (n+1) must be the same as the target coordinate reference system of step (n). The source coordinate reference system of the first step and the target coordinate reference system of the last step are the source and target coordinate reference system associated with the concatenated operation. Instead of a forward operation, an inverse operation may be used for one or more of the operation steps mentioned above, if the inverse operation is uniquely defined by the forward operation.

    The following features are supported:

    See Also: