Class GridFeatureBuilder

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    DefaultGridFeatureBuilder, LineFeatureBuilder, OrthoLineFeatureBuilder

    public abstract class GridFeatureBuilder
    extends Object
    Controls the creating of features representing grid elements during vector grid construction.
     GridFeatureBuilder builder = new GridFeatureBuilder(myFeatureType) {
         private int id = 0;
         public setAttributes(GridElement el, Map attributes) {
             // assumes "id" and "value" are valid property names for
             // the feature type
             attributes.put("id", ++id);
             attributes.put("value", myValueGettingFunction(el.toPolygon()));
    • Field Detail


        public static final String DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME
        Default name for the geometry attribute: "element"
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • GridFeatureBuilder

        public GridFeatureBuilder​(SimpleFeatureType type)
        Creates a GridFeatureBuilder to work with the given feature type.
        type - the feature type
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        public SimpleFeatureType getType()
        Gets the feature type.
        the feature type
      • setAttributes

        public abstract void setAttributes​(GridElement el,
                                           Map<String,​Object> attributes)
        Sets the values of attributes for a new SimpleFeature being constructed from the given GridElement.

        This method must be overridden by the user. It is called by the grid building classes as each new feature is constructed.

        el - the element from which the new feature is being constructed
        attributes - a Map with attribute names as keys and attribute values as values
      • getFeatureID

        public String getFeatureID​(GridElement el)
        Gets the FeatureID as a String for a new SimpleFeature being constructed from the given GridElement.

        It is optional to override this method. The base implementation returns null.

        el - the element from which the new feature is being constructed
        value to use as the feature ID
      • getCreateFeature

        public boolean getCreateFeature​(GridElement el)
        Tests whether a feature will be constructed for the given GridElement. This can be overriden to create vector grids with 'holes' where elements are not required, for example, based on location or the relationship to other data layers.

        The base implementation always returns true.

        el - the element from which the new feature would be constructed
        true to create a feature for the element; false to skip the element