Interface ShadedRelief

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ShadedRelief
    The ShadedRelief element selects the application of relief shading (or “hill shading”) to an image for a three-dimensional visual effect.

    Exact parameters of the shading are system-dependent (for now). If the BrightnessOnly flag is “0” or “false” (false, default), the shading is applied to the layer being rendered as the current RasterSymbolizer. If BrightnessOnly is “1” or “true” (true), the shading is applied to the brightness of the colors in the rendering canvas generated so far by other layers, with the effect of relief-shading these other layers. The default for BrightnessOnly is “0” (false). The ReliefFactor gives the amount of exaggeration to use for the height of the “hills.” A value of around 55 (times) gives reasonable results for Earth-based DEMs. The default value is system-dependent.

    GeoAPI 2.2
    Open Geospatial Consortium, Ian Turton, CCG, Johann Sorel (Geomatys)
    • Method Detail

      • isBrightnessOnly

        boolean isBrightnessOnly()
        indicates if brightnessOnly is true or false. Default is false.
        boolean brightnessOn.
      • getReliefFactor

        Expression getReliefFactor()
        The ReliefFactor gives the amount of exaggeration to use for the height of the ?hills.? A value of around 55 (times) gives reasonable results for Earth-based DEMs. The default value is system-dependent.
        an expression which evaluates to a double.
      • setBrightnessOnly

        void setBrightnessOnly​(boolean flag)
        turns brightnessOnly on or off depending on value of flag.
        flag - boolean
      • setReliefFactor

        void setReliefFactor​(Expression reliefFactor)
        The ReliefFactor gives the amount of exaggeration to use for the height of the ?hills.? A value of around 55 (times) gives reasonable results for Earth-based DEMs. The default value is system-dependent.
        reliefFactor - an expression which evaluates to a double.