Class Formattable

    • Field Detail


        public static final int SINGLE_LINE
        The indentation value to give to toWKT(int) method for formatting the complete object on a single line.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • Formattable

        protected Formattable()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a string representation for this object. The default implementation returns the same string similar than toWKT(), except that no exception is thrown if the string contains non-standard keywords. For example the WKT specification do not defines any keyword for coordinate system objects. If this object is an instance of DefaultCartesianCS, then the WKT will be formatted as "CartesianCS[AXIS["..."], AXIS["..."], etc.]".
        toString in class Object
      • toWKT

        public String toWKT​(int indentation)
                     throws UnformattableObjectException
        Returns a Well Known Text (WKT) for this object using the specified indentation.
        indentation - The amount of spaces to use in indentation for WKT formatting, or SINGLE_LINE for formatting the whole WKT on a single line.
        The Well Know Text for this object.
        UnformattableObjectException - If this object can't be formatted as WKT. A formatting may fails because an object is too complex for the WKT format capability (for example an engineering CRS with different unit for each axis), or because only some specific implementations can be formatted as WKT.
      • toWKT

        public String toWKT​(int indentation,
                            boolean strict)
                     throws UnformattableObjectException
        Returns a Well Known Text (WKT) for this object using the specified indentation. The strict parameter is used to control whether the resulting WKT is tested for validity. When set to false the check is not performed. When true and the WKT is found to be invalid a UnformattableObjectException is thrown.

        indentation - The amount of spaces to use in indentation for WKT formatting, or SINGLE_LINE for formatting the whole WKT on a single line.
        strict - Controls the check for validity.
        The Well Know Text for this object.
        UnformattableObjectException - If this object can't be formatted as WKT. A formatting may fails because an object is too complex for the WKT format capability (for example an engineering CRS with different unit for each axis), or because only some specific implementations can be formatted as WKT.
      • toWKT

        public String toWKT​(Citation authority,
                            int indentation)
                     throws UnformattableObjectException
        Returns a Well Known Text (WKT) for this object using the specified indentation and authority.
        authority - The authority to prefer when choosing WKT entities names.
        indentation - The amount of spaces to use in indentation for WKT formatting, or SINGLE_LINE for formatting the whole WKT on a single line.
        The Well Know Text for this object.
        UnformattableObjectException - If this object can't be formatted as WKT. A formatting may fails because an object is too complex for the WKT format capability (for example an engineering CRS with different unit for each axis), or because only some specific implementations can be formatted as WKT.
      • formatWKT

        protected String formatWKT​(Formatter formatter)
        Format the inner part of a Well Known Text (WKT) element. This method is automatically invoked by Formatter.append(Formattable). Element name and authority code must not be formatted here. For example for a GEOGCS element (DefaultGeographicCRS), the formatter will invokes this method for completing the WKT at the insertion point show below:
              GEOGCS["WGS 84", AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
                     (insertion point)
        The default implementation declares that this object produces an invalid WKT. Subclasses must override this method for proper WKT formatting and should not invoke super.formatWKT(formatter) if they can use a valid WKT syntax.
        formatter - The formatter to use.
        The name of the WKT element type (e.g. "GEOGCS").
        See Also:
        toWKT(), toString()
      • cleanupThreadLocals

        public static void cleanupThreadLocals()
        Cleans up the thread local set in this thread. They can prevent web applications from proper shutdown