Class NoToolAction

    • Field Detail

      • TOOL_NAME

        public static final String TOOL_NAME
        Name for this tool
      • TOOL_TIP

        public static final String TOOL_TIP
        Tool tip text
    • Constructor Detail

      • NoToolAction

        public NoToolAction​(MapPane mapPane)
        Constructor. The associated control will be labelled with an icon.
        mapPane - the map pane being serviced by this action
      • NoToolAction

        public NoToolAction​(MapPane mapPane,
                            boolean showToolName)
        Constructor. The associated control will be labelled with an icon and, optionally, the tool name.
        mapPane - the map pane being serviced by this action
        showToolName - set to true for the control to display the tool name
    • Method Detail

      • actionPerformed

        public void actionPerformed​(ActionEvent ev)
        Called when the control is activated. Calls the map pane to reset the display
        ev - the event (not used)