Class JGeometryField

  • public class JGeometryField
    extends ParamField
    Text field for filling in a Geometry parameter using WKT.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JGeometryField

        public JGeometryField​(Parameter<?> parameter)
    • Method Detail

      • doLayout

        public JComponent doLayout()
        Description copied from class: ParamField
        Called to build the widget, initialize it (setting defaults or whatever) and setup any listeners needed for validation of the widget value. The returned JComponent will contain the widget for editing.
        Specified by:
        doLayout in class ParamField
        JComponent or null if error
      • getValue

        public Object getValue()
        Description copied from class: ParamField
        Returns the current value of the widget.
        Specified by:
        getValue in class ParamField
        Object representing the current value of the widget
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(Object value)
        Description copied from class: ParamField
        Sets the value of the widget.
        Specified by:
        setValue in class ParamField
        value - an object containing the value to set for the widget
      • validate

        public boolean validate()
        Description copied from class: ParamField
        Validates the current value of the widget, returns false if not valid, true otherwise
        Specified by:
        validate in class ParamField
        boolean if validated