Class FactoryUsingAnsiSQL

    • Field Detail

      • map

        protected final Map<String,​String> map
        Maps the MS-Access names to ANSI names. Keys are MS-Access names including bracket. Values are ANSI names. Keys and values are case-sensitive. The default content of this map is:
        MS-Access name ANSI name
        [Alias] epsg_alias
        [Extent] epsg_extent
        [Coordinate Axis] epsg_coordinateaxis
        [Coordinate Axis Name] epsg_coordinateaxisname
        [Coordinate_Operation] epsg_coordoperation
        [Coordinate_Operation Method] epsg_coordoperationmethod
        [Coordinate_Operation Parameter] epsg_coordoperationparam
        [Coordinate_Operation Parameter Usage] epsg_coordoperationparamusage
        [Coordinate_Operation Parameter Value] epsg_coordoperationparamvalue
        [Coordinate_Operation Path] epsg_coordoperationpath
        [Coordinate Reference System] epsg_coordinatereferencesystem
        [Coordinate System] epsg_coordinatesystem
        [Datum] epsg_datum
        [Naming System] epsg_namingsystem
        [Ellipsoid] epsg_ellipsoid
        [Prime Meridian] epsg_primemeridian
        [Supersession] epsg_supersession
        [Unit of Measure] epsg_unitofmeasure
        [CA.ORDER] coord_axis_order
        Subclasses can modify this map in their constructor in order to provide a different mapping.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FactoryUsingAnsiSQL

        public FactoryUsingAnsiSQL​(Hints userHints,
                                   Connection connection)
        Constructs an authority factory using the specified connection.
        userHints - The underlying factories used for objects creation.
        connection - The connection to the underlying EPSG database.
      • FactoryUsingAnsiSQL

        public FactoryUsingAnsiSQL​(Hints userHints,
                                   DataSource dataSource)
        Constructs an authority factory using the specified source.
        userHints - The underlying factories used for objects creation.
        dataSource - The connection to the underlying EPSG database.
    • Method Detail

      • setSchema

        public void setSchema​(String schema)
        Replaces the "epsg_" prefix by the specified schema name. If the removal of the "epsg_" prefix is not wanted, append it to the schema name (e.g. "myschema.epsg_"). This method should be invoked at construction time only.
        schema - The database schema in which the epsg tables are stored.
      • adaptSQL

        protected String adaptSQL​(String statement)
        Modifies the given SQL string to be suitable for non MS-Access databases. This replaces table and field names in the SQL with the new names in the SQL DDL scripts provided with EPSG database.
        adaptSQL in class FactoryUsingSQL
        statement - The statement in MS-Access syntax.
        The SQL statement in ANSI syntax.