Class TypeBuilder

  • public class TypeBuilder
    extends Object
    Makes building types easier by maintaining state.

    For reference the builder captures the following state:

    State Property Complex Feature Builder
    scope state descriptor() attribute() geometry() association() complex() feature() collection() init() reset() clear()
    naming namespace x x x x x x x x    
    name x x x x x x x x x  
    isIdentified   x x x x x x x    
    description   x x x x x x x x  
    type isAbstract   x x x x x x x    
    superType   x x x x x x x    
    restriction*   x x x x x x x    
    association referenceType       x       x    
    descriptor minOccurs x             x   x
    maxOccurs x             x   x
    isNillable x             x   x
    propertyType x             x    
    atomic binding   x x         x    
    complex properties*         x x x x x  
    spatial crs     x     x x x    
    defaultGeom           x x x x  
    collection members*             x x x  
    * collection implementation may be specified

    There are five state control methods:

    For examples of using this class please see the following type creation methods:

    Justin Deoliveira, Jody Garnett
    • Method Detail

      • reset

        public void reset()
        Reset is called after creation a "new" type.

        The following information is reset:

        • name
        • properties: structural properties (attributes and associations)
        • members: collection members
        • default geometry
        • minOccurs
        • maxOccurs

        Note: type type of collection class is not reset, a new instanceof the existing collection class is used.

      • clear

        public void clear()
      • init

        public void init()
        Initialize this builder.

        This method cleans the builder of all contained state.

        See Also:
      • attribute

        public AttributeType attribute()
        Creation method for AttributeType.


         AttributeType TEXT ="Text").bind(String.class).attribute();


         AttributeType INTEGER = builder.attribute();
        AttributeType created
      • association

        public AssociationType association()
        Create AssociationType
      • geometry

        public GeometryType geometry()
        Create GeometryType.

        SFSQL Example JTS LineString.class:

         AttributeType ROUTE ="Route").bind(LineString.class).crs("EPSG:4326").geometry();
        Shape Example Java Rectangle2D:
         AttributeType QUAD = builder.geometry();
        Use of GeoAPI Geometry interfaces is encouraged as implementations are made avaiable.
      • complex

        public ComplexType complex()
        Create a complex attribute, made up of other attributes.

        Example using Set:

         builder.setProperties(new HasSet());
         builder.addAttribute("first", TEXT);
         builder.addAttribute("middle", TEXT);
         builder.addAttribute("last", TEXT);
         ComplexType FULLNAME = builder.complex();

        Example using chaining:

         ComplexType FULLNAME ="FullName").attribute("first", TEXT).cardinality(0,
                 Integer.MAX_VALUE).attribute("middle", TEXT).attribute("last", TEXT).complex();
      • attributeDescriptor

        public AttributeDescriptor attributeDescriptor()
        Create an AttributeDesctiptor, useful for fine grain control.


         AttributeDescriptor name ="name").property(TEXT).cardinality(1, 5)
        AttributeDescriptor used to define sturcture of ComplexAttribtues
      • associationDescriptor

        public AssociationDescriptor associationDescriptor()
        Create an AssociationDesctiptor, define relationships between ComplexAttribtues (in particular FeatureCollection to members).


         AttributeDescriptor contains ="contains").property(ROAD).nillable(false).cardinality(0,
        AttributeDescriptor used to define sturcture of ComplexAttribtues
      • feature

        public FeatureType feature()
        Create feature.
      • setNamespaceURI

        public void setNamespaceURI​(String namespace)
      • getNamespaceURI

        public String getNamespaceURI()
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
      • getName

        public String getName()
      • setBinding

        public void setBinding​(Class<?> binding)
      • setPropertyType

        public void setPropertyType​(PropertyType type)
      • property

        public TypeBuilder property​(PropertyType type)
        Used as a the target for attributeDescriptor or associatioDescriptor().
        TypeBuilder (for chaining).
      • getBinding

        public Class<?> getBinding()
      • setAbstract

        public void setAbstract​(boolean isAbstract)
      • isAbstract

        public boolean isAbstract()
      • nillable

        public TypeBuilder nillable​(boolean isNillable)
      • setNillable

        public void setNillable​(boolean isNillable)
      • isNillable

        public boolean isNillable()
      • setIdentified

        public void setIdentified​(boolean isIdentified)
      • isIdentified

        public boolean isIdentified()
      • setSuper

        public void setSuper​(PropertyType superType)
      • addRestriction

        public void addRestriction​(Filter restriction)
      • getRestrictions

        public List<Filter> getRestrictions()
      • setRestrictions

        public void setRestrictions​(List<Filter> restrictions)
      • restrictions

        protected List<Filter> restrictions()
        Accessor for restructions which does the null check and creation if necessary.
      • createRestrictionSet

        protected List<Filter> createRestrictionSet()
        Template method to enable subclasses to customize the set implementation used for restrictions.
        A HashSet.
      • typeName

        protected Name typeName()
        Accessor which returns type banme as follows:
        1. If typeName has been set, its value is returned.
        2. If name has been set, it + namespaceURI are returned.
      • createTypeName

        protected Name createTypeName​(String ns,
                                      String local)
        Template method for creating a type name.
        org.geotools.feature.iso.Types#typeName(String, String)
      • getBinding

        public AttributeType getBinding​(Class binding)
        Used to lookup AttributeType for provided binding.
        IllegalArgumentExcception - if class is not bound to a prototype
      • addBinding

        public void addBinding​(Class binding,
                               AttributeType type)
        Used to provide a specific type for provided binding.

        You can use this method to map the AttributeType used when addAttribute( String name, Class binding ) is called.

      • load

        public void load​(Schema schema)
        Load the indicated schema to map Java class to your Type System. (please us a profile to prevent binding conflicts).
      • getMinOccurs

        public int getMinOccurs()
      • cardinality

        public TypeBuilder cardinality​(int min,
                                       int max)
      • setMinOccurs

        public void setMinOccurs​(int minOccurs)
      • getMaxOccurs

        public int getMaxOccurs()
      • setMaxOccurs

        public void setMaxOccurs​(int maxOccurs)
      • attribute

        public TypeBuilder attribute​(String name,
                                     Class binding)
        Add a descriptor with a provided name, with the binding
        name - Name of descriptor (combined with uri for a Name)
        binding - Used to look up a bound AttributeType
        this builder for additional chaining
      • attribute

        public TypeBuilder attribute​(String namespaceURI,
                                     String name,
                                     Class binding)
        Add a descriptor with a provided name, with the binding
        name - Name of descriptor (combined with uri for a Name)
        binding - Used to look up a bound AttributeType
        this builder for additional chaining
      • addAttribute

        public void addAttribute​(String name,
                                 Class binding)
      • addAttribute

        public void addAttribute​(String uri,
                                 String name,
                                 Class binding)
      • addAttribute

        public void addAttribute​(Name name,
                                 Class binding)
      • setReferenceType

        public void setReferenceType​(AttributeType reference)
        Allows you to indicate the reference type to be used with Association to be created.
      • add

        public TypeBuilder add​(PropertyDescriptor descriptor)
        Add provided descriptor to the type to be created.

        Please note that you may not have two types with the same name, depending on the factory being used the order of the structural content may be signficant - this builder will preserve order although the factory may or may not make use of this fact.

      • getProperties

        public Collection<PropertyDescriptor> getProperties()
        Access to properties used by builder.

        You can use this method to perform collection opperations before construction. This is most useful when initializing the builder with a known type, performing modifications, and then creating a derrived type.

      • setProperties

        public void setProperties​(Collection<PropertyDescriptor> properties)
        Allow for user supplied collection implementaion used for properties.

        Examples of useful property collections:

        • List - structured properties maintained in order
        • Set - order of structured properties insignificant
        • etc...
        The collection class used here should be matched by content described by this type. Explicitly a FeatureType with getProperties() instanceof Set indicates that Features of that FeatureType should maintain a Set of properties where order is not significant.
        properties - Collection implementation used to organize properties
      • newCollection

        protected <T> Collection<T> newCollection()
        Template method to enable subclasses to customize the collection implementation used by "default".

        Considered moving this to the type interface but it would be in appropriate as the user may need to specifiy different collections for seperate types in the same schema.

        Collection (subclass may override)
      • newCollection

        protected <T> Collection<T> newCollection​(Collection<T> origional)
        Provides an empty copy of the provided origional collection.

        This method is used by reset for the following goals:

        • use the user supplied collection directly by the TypeFactory,
        • remember the user supplied collection type for subsequent builder use
        This allows a user to indicate that properties are stored in a "LinkedList" once.
        origional - Origional collection
        New instance of the originoal Collection
      • properties

        protected Collection<PropertyDescriptor> properties()
        Grab property collection as an argument to factory method.

        This may return a copy as needed, since most calls to a factory method end up with a reset this seems not be needed at present.

      • createName

        protected Name createName​(String ns,
                                  String local)
        Template method for creating an attribute name.
        org.geotools.feature.Types#typeName(String, String)
      • setDefaultGeometry

        public void setDefaultGeometry​(String name)
      • setDefaultGeometry

        public void setDefaultGeometry​(String name,
                                       String namespaceURI)
      • setDefaultGeometry

        public void setDefaultGeometry​(Name name)
      • getDefaultGeometry

        public Name getDefaultGeometry()
      • defaultGeometry

        protected GeometryDescriptor defaultGeometry()
        Convenience method for getting the descriptor of the default geometry type. This method will first try to look up the supplied defaultGeom property, if it cant find, it will try to locate any added geometry.
      • crs

        public TypeBuilder crs​(String SRS)
        Uses CRS utility class with buildres TypeFactory.getCRSFactory to look up a CoordinateReferenceSystem based on the provied srs.

        A SpatialReferenceSystem can be one of the following:

        • "AUTHORITY:CODE"
        • Well Known Text
        TypeBuilder ready for chaining
        IllegalArgumentException - When SRS not understood
      • getMembers

        public Collection getMembers()
        Access to members used by builder.

        You can use this method to perform collection opperations before construction. This is most useful when initializing the builder with a known type, performing modifications, and then creating a derrived type.

      • members

        protected Collection<PropertyDescriptor> members()
        Grab member collection as an argument to factory method.

        This may return a copy as needed, since most calls to a factory method end up with a reset this seems not be needed at present.

      • addMemberType

        public void addMemberType​(String name,
                                  AssociationType memberType)
        Creates a association descriptor and adds to collection members.

        Calls clear to reset cardinality after use.

      • addMemberType

        public void addMemberType​(String namespaceURI,
                                  String name,
                                  AssociationType memberType)
        Creates a association descriptor and adds to collection members.

        Calls clear to reset cardinality after use.

      • addMemberType

        public void addMemberType​(Name name,
                                  AssociationType memberType)
        Creates a association descriptor and adds to collection members.

        Calls clear to reset cardinality after use.

      • member

        public TypeBuilder member​(String name,
                                  AssociationType type)
        Creates a association descriptor and adds to collection members.

        Calls clear to reset cardinality after use.

        TypeBuilder for operation chaining
      • member

        public TypeBuilder member​(Name name,
                                  AssociationType type)
        Creates a association descriptor and adds to collection members.

        Calls clear to reset cardinality after use.

        TypeBuilder for operation chaining