Interface StatusInfoType

    • Method Detail

      • getJobID

        String getJobID()
        Returns the value of the 'Job ID' attribute. A JobID is a unique identifier for a process execution, i.e. a process instance. Particularly suitable JobIDs are UUIDs or monotonic identifiers such as unique timestamps. If the privacy of a Processing Job is imperative, the JobID should be non-guessable.
        the value of the 'Job ID' attribute.
        See Also:
        setJobID(String), Wps20Package.getStatusInfoType_JobID()
      • setJobID

        void setJobID​(String value)
        Sets the value of the 'Job ID' attribute.
        value - the new value of the 'Job ID' attribute.
        See Also:
      • setStatus

        void setStatus​(Object value)
        Sets the value of the 'Status' attribute.
        value - the new value of the 'Status' attribute.
        See Also:
      • getExpirationDate

        XMLGregorianCalendar getExpirationDate()
        Returns the value of the 'Expiration Date' attribute. Date and time by which the job and its results will be removed from the server. Use if appropriate. In some situations the expiration date may not be known from the start. In this case, it is recommended to specify a timestamp for NextPoll. A typical example is a long running process for which the results are stored 48 hours after completion. While the process is running, clients are provided with updated timestamps for NextPoll. As soon as the process has completed the ExpirationDate is determined.
        the value of the 'Expiration Date' attribute.
        See Also:
        setExpirationDate(XMLGregorianCalendar), Wps20Package.getStatusInfoType_ExpirationDate()
      • getNextPoll

        XMLGregorianCalendar getNextPoll()
        Returns the value of the 'Next Poll' attribute. Suggested date and time for the next status poll (GetStatus) for this job. Use if appropriate. The time of the next poll shall lie significantly before the expiration date of this job. If this element is provided but an expiration date for the job is not given, clients are expected to check the job status on time to eventually receive an update on the expiration date and avoid missing the results.
        the value of the 'Next Poll' attribute.
        See Also:
        setNextPoll(XMLGregorianCalendar), Wps20Package.getStatusInfoType_NextPoll()