Class StatusBarItem

    • Constructor Detail

      • StatusBarItem

        public StatusBarItem​(String name)
        Creates a new item with the given name. A border will be drawn for the item.
        name - item name; or null for a default name
      • StatusBarItem

        public StatusBarItem​(String name,
                             boolean border)
        Creates a new item with the given name.
        name - item name; or null for a default name
        border - whether to draw a border around this item
    • Method Detail

      • getID

        public int getID()
        Gets the unique integer ID assigned to this item.
        the item ID
      • getMinimumHeight

        public int getMinimumHeight()
        Gets the minimum height of this item.
        minimum height
      • setNumDecimals

        public void setNumDecimals​(int numDecimals)
        For items that display numeric values, sets the number of digits to show to the right of the decimal place. This base implementation does nothing.
        numDecimals - number of digits after decimal place