Interface GridCoverageReader

    • Method Detail

      • getFormat

        Format getFormat()
        Returns the format handled by this GridCoverageReader.
      • getMetadataNames

        String[] getMetadataNames()
                           throws IOException
        Returns the list of metadata keywords associated with the input source as a whole (not associated with any particular grid coverage). If no metadata is available, the array will be empty.
        The list of metadata keywords for the input source.
        IOException - if an error occurs during reading.
      • getMetadataNames

        String[] getMetadataNames​(String coverageName)
                           throws IOException
        Returns the list of metadata keywords associated with a specific gridCoverage referred by name. If no metadata is available, the array will be empty.
        The list of metadata keywords for the input source.
        IOException - if an error occurs during reading.
      • getMetadataValue

        String getMetadataValue​(String name)
                         throws IOException
        Retrieve the metadata value for a given metadata name.
        name - Metadata keyword for which to retrieve metadata.
        The metadata value for the given metadata name. Should be one of the name returned by getMetadataNames().
        IOException - if an error occurs during reading.
      • getMetadataValue

        String getMetadataValue​(String coverageName,
                                String name)
                         throws IOException
        Retrieve the metadata value for a given metadata name for a specified coverage.
        name - Metadata keyword for which to retrieve metadata.
        The metadata value for the given metadata name. Should be one of the name returned by getMetadataNames().
        IOException - if an error occurs during reading.
      • getGridCoverageNames

        String[] getGridCoverageNames()
                               throws IOException
        Retrieve the list of coverages contained within the input source. Each grid can have a different coordinate system, number of dimensions and grid geometry. For example, a HDF-EOS file (GRID.HDF) contains 6 grid coverages each having a different projection. An empty array will be returned if no sub names exist.
        The list of grid coverages contained within the input source.
        IOException - if an error occurs during reading.
      • getGridCoverageCount

        int getGridCoverageCount()
                          throws IOException
        Retrieve the number of coverages contained within the input source.
        The number of coverages contained within the input source.
        IOException - if an error occurs during reading.
      • dispose

        void dispose()
              throws IOException
        Allows any resources held by this object to be released. The result of calling any other method subsequent to a call to this method is undefined. It is important for applications to call this method when they know they will no longer be using this GridCoverageReader. Otherwise, the reader may continue to hold on to resources indefinitely.
        IOException - if an error occured while disposing resources (for example while closing a file).