Interface CoverageSubtypeParentType

    • Method Detail

      • getCoverageSubtype

        QName getCoverageSubtype()
        Returns the value of the 'Coverage Subtype' attribute. CoverageSubtype characterizes the type of a coverage. This element shall contain the name of the XML root element that would be delivered if a GML encoded result were requested from the GetCoverage operation. The content model of the named element shall be described by a schema that is either normatively referenced by the WCS core specification or by a requirement in a WCS extension, the associated conformance class for which has been included in the ows:Profiles of the server's GetCapabilities response. This CoverageSubtype is delivered in GetCapabilities and DescribeCoverage to allow clients an estimation of the amount of data to be expected in the domain and range set. For example, a GridCoverage has a small domain set structure, but typically a large range set; a MultiSolidCoverage, on the other hand, tends to have large domain sets and small range sets.
        the value of the 'Coverage Subtype' attribute.
        See Also:
        setCoverageSubtype(QName), Wcs20Package.getCoverageSubtypeParentType_CoverageSubtype()
      • setCoverageSubtype

        void setCoverageSubtype​(QName value)
        Sets the value of the 'Coverage Subtype' attribute.
        value - the new value of the 'Coverage Subtype' attribute.
        See Also: