Class Formatter

    • Constructor Detail

      • Formatter

        public Formatter()
        Creates a new instance of the formatter with the default symbols.
      • Formatter

        public Formatter​(Symbols symbols)
        Creates a new instance of the formatter. The whole WKT will be formatted on a single line.
        symbols - The symbols.
      • Formatter

        public Formatter​(Symbols symbols,
                         int indentation)
        Creates a new instance of the formatter with the specified indentation width. The WKT will be formatted on many lines, and the indentation width will have the value specified to this constructor. If the specified indentation is FormattableObject#SINGLE_LINE, then the whole WKT will be formatted on a single line.
        symbols - The symbols.
        indentation - The amount of spaces to use in indentation. Typical values are 2 or 4.
    • Method Detail

      • getAuthority

        public Citation getAuthority()
      • setAuthority

        public void setAuthority​(Citation authority)
      • append

        public void append​(Formattable formattable)
        Append the specified Formattable object. This method will automatically append the keyword (e.g. "GEOCS"), the name and the authority code, and will invokes formattable.formatWKT(this) for completing the inner part of the WKT.
        formattable - The formattable object to append to the WKT.
      • append

        public void append​(IdentifiedObject info)
        Append the specified OpenGIS's IdentifiedObject object.
        info - The info object to append to the WKT.
      • append

        public void append​(MathTransform transform)
        Append the specified math transform.
        transform - The transform object to append to the WKT.
      • append

        public void append​(CodeList code)
        Append a code list to the WKT.
        code - The code list to format.
      • append

        public void append​(GeneralParameterValue parameter)
        Append a parameter in WKT form. If the supplied parameter is actually a parameter group, all parameters will be inlined.
        parameter - The parameter to format.
      • append

        public void append​(int number)
        Append an integer number. A comma (or any other element separator) will be written before the number if needed.
        number - The integer to format.
      • append

        public void append​(double number)
        Append a floating point number. A comma (or any other element separator) will be written before the number if needed.
        number - The floating point value to format.
      • append

        public void append​(Unit<?> unit)
        Appends a unit in WKT form. For example, append(SI.KILOMETER) can append " UNIT["km", 1000]" to the WKT.
        unit - The unit to append.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the provided unit is not
      • append

        public void append​(String text)
        Append a character string. The string will be written between quotes. A comma (or any other element separator) will be written before the string if needed.
        text - The string to format.
      • getIdentifier

        public Identifier getIdentifier​(IdentifiedObject info)
        Returns the preferred identifier for the specified object. If the specified object contains an identifier from the preferred authority (usually Open Geospatial), then this identifier is returned. Otherwise, the first identifier is returned. If the specified object contains no identifier, then this method returns null.
        info - The object to looks for a preferred identifier.
        The preferred identifier, or null if none.
      • getName

        public String getName​(IdentifiedObject info)
        Returns the preferred name for the specified object. If the specified object contains a name from the preferred authority (usually Open Geospatial), then this name is returned. Otherwise, the first name found is returned.
        info - The object to looks for a preferred name.
        The preferred name.
      • getLinearUnit

        public Unit<Length> getLinearUnit()
        The linear unit for formatting measures, or null for the "natural" unit of each WKT element.
        The unit for measure. Default value is null.
      • setLinearUnit

        public void setLinearUnit​(Unit<Length> unit)
        Set the unit for formatting linear measures.
        unit - The new unit, or null.
      • getAngularUnit

        public Unit<Angle> getAngularUnit()
        The angular unit for formatting measures, or null for the "natural" unit of each WKT element. This value is set for example by "GEOGCS", which force its enclosing "PRIMEM" to take the same units than itself.
        The unit for measure. Default value is null.
      • setAngularUnit

        public void setAngularUnit​(Unit<Angle> unit)
        Set the angular unit for formatting measures.
        unit - The new unit, or null.
      • isInvalidWKT

        public boolean isInvalidWKT()
        Returns true if the WKT in this formatter is not strictly compliant to the WKT specification. This method returns true if setInvalidWKT(java.lang.Class<?>) has been invoked at least once. The action to take regarding invalid WKT is caller-dependant. For example Formattable.toString() will accepts loose WKT formatting and ignore this flag, while Formattable.toWKT() requires strict WKT formatting and will thrown an exception if this flag is set.
        true if the WKT is invalid.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns the WKT in its current state.
        toString in class Object
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clear this formatter. All properties (including unit and WKT validity flag are reset to their default value. After this method call, this Formatter object is ready for formatting a new object.
      • main

        public static void main​(String... args)
        Set the preferred indentation from the command line. This indentation is used by Formattable.toWKT() when no indentation were explicitly requested. This method can be invoked from the command line using the following syntax:
        java org.geotools.referencing.wkt.Formatter -indentation=<preferred indentation>
        args - The command-line arguments.