Class ComponentColorModelJAI

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ComponentColorModelJAI
    extends ComponentColorModel
    A ComponentColorModel modified for interoperability with Java Advanced Imaging. JAI 1.1 was designed for use with J2SE 1.3 and is not aware of new features in J2SE 1.4. This leads to the following problems:
    • ComponentColorModel supports float and double datatypes since J2SE 1.4 only. The workaround for J2SE 1.3 is to use the FloatDoubleColorModel provided with JAI 1.1.
    • FloatDoubleColorModel ignores the new API in ColorSpace, especially the getMinValue and getMaxValue methods. Consequently, rendering of any image using our custom ScaledColorSpace is wrong.
    • ComponentColorModel uses DataBufferFloat and DataBufferDouble, which are unknown to JAI 1.1. Consequently, trying to use RectIter with one of those will throw ClassCastException.
    The work around is to use J2SE's ComponentColorModel (which work with our custom ColorSpace) and override its createCompatibleSampleModel in order to returns ComponentSampleModelJAI instead of ComponentSampleModel when float or double datatype is requested.
    Martin Desruisseaux (IRD)
    • Field Detail

      • ENABLED

        public static final boolean ENABLED
        Whatever usage of this class should be enabled or not.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • ComponentColorModelJAI

        public ComponentColorModelJAI​(ColorSpace colorSpace,
                                      int[] bits,
                                      boolean hasAlpha,
                                      boolean isAlphaPremultiplied,
                                      int transparency,
                                      int transferType)
        Construct a new color model.
      • ComponentColorModelJAI

        public ComponentColorModelJAI​(ColorSpace colorSpace,
                                      boolean hasAlpha,
                                      boolean isAlphaPremultiplied,
                                      int transparency,
                                      int transferType)
        Construct a new color model.
    • Method Detail

      • createCompatibleSampleModel

        public SampleModel createCompatibleSampleModel​(int w,
                                                       int h)
        Returns a compatible sample model. This implementation is nearly identical to default J2SE's implementation, except that it construct a JAI color model instead of a J2SE one.
        createCompatibleSampleModel in class ComponentColorModel
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns the String representation of the contents of this ColorModelobject.
        toString in class ColorModel
        a String representing the contents of this ColorModel object.