A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
- a - Variable in class FormulaTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - A - Variable in class ProjectiveTransformBuilder
Matrix of derivations
- A_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class FormulaTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - AbbreviatedTimeUnitConverterFactory - Class in org.geotools.data.util
Converter Factory converting abbreviated timeUnit Strings (s, m, h, d) to
enum. - AbbreviatedTimeUnitConverterFactory() - Constructor for class AbbreviatedTimeUnitConverterFactory
- abort() - Method in class GrassBinaryRasterReadHandler
sets the abortrequired flag to true.
- abort() - Method in class GrassBinaryRasterWriteHandler
sets the abortrequired flag to true.
- abort() - Method in class GrassBinaryImageReader
Request to abort any current read operation.
- abort() - Method in class GrassBinaryImageWriter
- abort() - Method in class TransformerBase.Task
Calls to the underlying translator to abort any calls to translation.
- abort() - Method in class TransformerBase.TranslatorSupport
- abort() - Method in interface Translator
Abort any translating activity.
- ABORT_EXIT_CODE - Static variable in class CommandLine
The code given to
when the program aborted at user request. - abortRequested() - Method in class GrassBinaryImageReader
Checks if a request to abort the current read operation has been made.
- abortRequested() - Method in class GrassBinaryImageWriter
- about - Variable in class MetaDataPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - about - Variable in class DefaultStylePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - about - Variable in class FeatureStylePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - about - Variable in class GeometryStylePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - about - Variable in class GraphStylePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - about - Variable in class LabelStylePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - about - Variable in class MetaDataPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - about - Variable in class SymbolTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - about - Variable in class TopologyStylePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - about - Variable in class MetadataTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - about - Variable in class MetadataTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - about - Variable in class MetadataTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - about - Variable in class MetadataURLTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - ABOUT - Static variable in class VocabularyKeys
- ABOUT_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class MetaDataPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ABOUT_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class DefaultStylePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ABOUT_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class FeatureStylePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ABOUT_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class GeometryStylePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ABOUT_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class GraphStylePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ABOUT_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class LabelStylePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ABOUT_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class MetaDataPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ABOUT_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class SymbolTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ABOUT_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class TopologyStylePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ABOUT_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class MetadataTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ABOUT_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class MetadataTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ABOUT_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class MetadataTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ABOUT_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class MetadataURLTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - aboutToDisplayPanel() - Method in class ProcessRunPage
- aboutToDisplayPanel() - Method in class ProcessSelectionPage
- ABRIDGED_MOLODENSKI_TRANSFORM - Static variable in class VocabularyKeys
Abridged Molodenski transform
- absolute() - Method in class AxisDirection
Returns the "absolute" direction of this axis.
- absolute(Coverage) - Method in class Operations
Computes the mathematical absolute value of each sample value.
- Absolute - Class in org.geotools.coverage.processing.operation
Computes the mathematical absolute value of each sample value.
- Absolute() - Constructor for class Absolute
Constructs a default
operation. - ABSOLUTE - PathType
- ABSOLUTE_EXTERNAL_POSITIONAL_ACCURACY_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Absolute External Positional Accuracy Type
' class. - ABSOLUTE_EXTERNAL_POSITIONAL_ACCURACY_TYPE__MEASURE_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Measure Description' containment reference.
- ABSOLUTE_EXTERNAL_POSITIONAL_ACCURACY_TYPE__RESULT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Result' containment reference.
The number of structural features of the 'Absolute External Positional Accuracy Type' class.
The number of operations of the 'Absolute External Positional Accuracy Type' class.
- ABSOLUTE_PATH - Static variable in class Utils.Prop
- absoluteExternalPositionalAccuracy - Static variable in class GML
- AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracy - Interface in org.geotools.api.metadata.quality
Closeness of reported coordinate values to values accepted as or being true.
- AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracyImpl - Class in org.geotools.metadata.iso.quality
Closeness of reported coordinate values to values accepted as or being true.
- AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracyImpl() - Constructor for class AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracyImpl
Constructs an initially empty absolute external positional accuracy.
- AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracyImpl(AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracy) - Constructor for class AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracyImpl
Constructs a metadata entity initialized with the values from the specified metadata.
- AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracyImpl(Result) - Constructor for class AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracyImpl
Creates an positional accuracy initialized to the given result.
- AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracyType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Absolute External Positional Accuracy Type'.
- AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracyType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType name="AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracyType"> <annotation> <documentation>Closeness of reported coordinate values to values accepted as or being true.
- AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracyTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Absolute External Positional Accuracy Type'.
- AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracyTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracyTypeImpl
- AbsoluteTolerance - Class in org.geotools.gml3
- AbsoluteTolerance(double) - Constructor for class AbsoluteTolerance
- Abstract - Static variable in class OWS
- Abstract - Static variable in class OWS
- Abstract - Static variable in class WFS
- Abstract - Static variable in class WMS
- Abstract - Static variable in class OWS
- Abstract(ParameterValueGroup) - Constructor for class AzimuthalEquidistant.Abstract
- Abstract(ParameterValueGroup) - Constructor for class Polyconic.Abstract
Constructs a new map projection from the supplied parameters.
- ABSTRACT - Static variable in class SLD
- abstract_ - Variable in class SummaryRecordTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' containment reference list. - abstract_ - Variable in class DescriptionTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - abstract_ - Variable in class DescriptionTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' containment reference list. - abstract_ - Variable in class ReferenceTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' containment reference list. - abstract_ - Variable in class DescriptionTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' containment reference list. - abstract_ - Variable in class ReferenceTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' containment reference list. - abstract_ - Variable in class FeatureTypeTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - abstract_ - Variable in class GMLObjectTypeTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - abstract_ - Variable in class FeatureTypeTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' containment reference list. - abstract_ - Variable in class ParameterExpressionTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' containment reference list. - abstract_ - Variable in class StoredQueryDescriptionTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' containment reference list. - abstract_ - Variable in class DescriptionTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' containment reference. - abstract_ - Variable in class DocumentOutputDefinitionTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' containment reference. - abstract_ - Variable in class InputTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' containment reference. - abstract_ - Variable in class ComplexTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - abstract_ - Variable in class ElementImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - ABSTRACT_ADHOC_QUERY_EXPRESSION_TYPE - Static variable in interface Fes20Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Adhoc Query Expression Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_ADHOC_QUERY_EXPRESSION_TYPE - Static variable in interface Fes20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract Adhoc Query Expression Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_ADHOC_QUERY_EXPRESSION_TYPE__ABSTRACT_PROJECTION_CLAUSE - Static variable in interface Fes20Package
The feature id for the 'Abstract Projection Clause' attribute list.
The meta object literal for the 'Abstract Projection Clause' attribute list feature.
The feature id for the 'Abstract Selection Clause' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_ADHOC_QUERY_EXPRESSION_TYPE__ABSTRACT_SELECTION_CLAUSE - Static variable in interface Fes20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Abstract Selection Clause' attribute feature.
The feature id for the 'Abstract Sorting Clause' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_ADHOC_QUERY_EXPRESSION_TYPE__ABSTRACT_SORTING_CLAUSE - Static variable in interface Fes20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Abstract Sorting Clause' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_ADHOC_QUERY_EXPRESSION_TYPE__ALIASES - Static variable in interface Fes20Package
The feature id for the 'Aliases' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_ADHOC_QUERY_EXPRESSION_TYPE__ALIASES - Static variable in interface Fes20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Aliases' attribute list feature.
- ABSTRACT_ADHOC_QUERY_EXPRESSION_TYPE__HANDLE - Static variable in interface Fes20Package
The feature id for the 'Handle' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_ADHOC_QUERY_EXPRESSION_TYPE__TYPE_NAMES - Static variable in interface Fes20Package
The feature id for the 'Type Names' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_ADHOC_QUERY_EXPRESSION_TYPE__TYPE_NAMES - Static variable in interface Fes20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Type Names' attribute list feature.
- ABSTRACT_ADHOC_QUERY_EXPRESSION_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Fes20Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Adhoc Query Expression Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_CLASS - Static variable in class Datatype
Class that cannot be directly instantiated.
- ABSTRACT_CONTINUOUS_COVERAGE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Continuous Coverage Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_CONTINUOUS_COVERAGE_TYPE__BOUNDED_BY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Bounded By' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_CONTINUOUS_COVERAGE_TYPE__COVERAGE_FUNCTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Coverage Function' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_CONTINUOUS_COVERAGE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_CONTINUOUS_COVERAGE_TYPE__DIMENSION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Dimension' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_CONTINUOUS_COVERAGE_TYPE__DOMAIN_SET - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Domain Set' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_CONTINUOUS_COVERAGE_TYPE__DOMAIN_SET_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Domain Set Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_CONTINUOUS_COVERAGE_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_CONTINUOUS_COVERAGE_TYPE__LOCATION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Location' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_CONTINUOUS_COVERAGE_TYPE__LOCATION_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Location Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_CONTINUOUS_COVERAGE_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_CONTINUOUS_COVERAGE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_CONTINUOUS_COVERAGE_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_CONTINUOUS_COVERAGE_TYPE__RANGE_SET - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Range Set' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_CONTINUOUS_COVERAGE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Continuous Coverage Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_CONTINUOUS_COVERAGE_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Continuous Coverage Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_BASE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Coordinate Operation Base Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_BASE_TYPE__COORDINATE_OPERATION_NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Coordinate Operation Name' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_BASE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_BASE_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_BASE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_BASE_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_BASE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Coordinate Operation Base Type' class.
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Coordinate Operation Base Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Coordinate Operation Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_TYPE__COORDINATE_OPERATION_ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Coordinate Operation ID' containment reference list.
The feature id for the 'Coordinate Operation Name' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_TYPE__OPERATION_VERSION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Operation Version' attribute.
The feature id for the 'Positional Accuracy' containment reference list.
The feature id for the 'Positional Accuracy Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_TYPE__REMARKS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Remarks' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_TYPE__SCOPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Scope' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_TYPE__SOURCE_CRS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Source CRS' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_TYPE__TARGET_CRS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Target CRS' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_TYPE__VALID_AREA - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Valid Area' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Coordinate Operation Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_OPERATION_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Coordinate Operation Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_BASE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Coordinate System Base Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_BASE_TYPE__CS_NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Cs Name' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_BASE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_BASE_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_BASE_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_BASE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_BASE_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_BASE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Coordinate System Base Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_BASE_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Coordinate System Base Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Coordinate System Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE__CS_ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Cs ID' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE__CS_NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Cs Name' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE__REMARKS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Remarks' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE__USES_AXIS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Uses Axis' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Coordinate System Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Coordinate System Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_COVERAGE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Coverage Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_COVERAGE_TYPE__BOUNDED_BY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Bounded By' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_COVERAGE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_COVERAGE_TYPE__DIMENSION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Dimension' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_COVERAGE_TYPE__DOMAIN_SET - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Domain Set' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_COVERAGE_TYPE__DOMAIN_SET_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Domain Set Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_COVERAGE_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_COVERAGE_TYPE__LOCATION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Location' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_COVERAGE_TYPE__LOCATION_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Location Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_COVERAGE_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_COVERAGE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_COVERAGE_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_COVERAGE_TYPE__RANGE_SET - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Range Set' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_COVERAGE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Coverage Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_COVERAGE_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Coverage Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_CURVE_SEGMENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Curve Segment Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_CURVE_SEGMENT_TYPE__NUM_DERIVATIVE_INTERIOR - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Num Derivative Interior' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_CURVE_SEGMENT_TYPE__NUM_DERIVATIVES_AT_END - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Num Derivatives At End' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_CURVE_SEGMENT_TYPE__NUM_DERIVATIVES_AT_START - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Num Derivatives At Start' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_CURVE_SEGMENT_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Curve Segment Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_CURVE_SEGMENT_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Curve Segment Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_CURVE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Curve Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_CURVE_TYPE__AXIS_LABELS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Axis Labels' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_CURVE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_CURVE_TYPE__GID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Gid' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_CURVE_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_CURVE_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_CURVE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_CURVE_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_CURVE_TYPE__SRS_DIMENSION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Srs Dimension' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_CURVE_TYPE__SRS_NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Srs Name' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_CURVE_TYPE__UOM_LABELS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Uom Labels' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_CURVE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Curve Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_CURVE_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Curve Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_BASE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Datum Base Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_DATUM_BASE_TYPE__DATUM_NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Datum Name' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_BASE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_BASE_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_BASE_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_BASE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_BASE_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_BASE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Datum Base Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_BASE_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Datum Base Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Datum Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_DATUM_TYPE__ANCHOR_POINT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Anchor Point' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_TYPE__DATUM_ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Datum ID' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_TYPE__DATUM_NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Datum Name' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_TYPE__REALIZATION_EPOCH - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Realization Epoch' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_TYPE__REMARKS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Remarks' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_TYPE__SCOPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Scope' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_TYPE__VALID_AREA - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Valid Area' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Datum Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_DATUM_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Datum Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_DESCRIPTION_BASE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Wcs10Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Description Base Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_DESCRIPTION_BASE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Wcs10Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract Description Base Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_DESCRIPTION_BASE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Wcs10Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_DESCRIPTION_BASE_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Wcs10Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_DESCRIPTION_BASE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Wcs10Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_DESCRIPTION_BASE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Wcs10Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Description Base Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE - Static variable in interface Wcs10Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Description Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE - Static variable in interface Wcs10Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract Description Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Wcs10Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE__DESCRIPTION1 - Static variable in interface Wcs10Package
The feature id for the 'Description1' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE__DESCRIPTION1 - Static variable in interface Wcs10Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Description1' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE__LABEL - Static variable in interface Wcs10Package
The feature id for the 'Label' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE__LABEL - Static variable in interface Wcs10Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Label' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Wcs10Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE__METADATA_LINK - Static variable in interface Wcs10Package
The feature id for the 'Metadata Link' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE__METADATA_LINK - Static variable in interface Wcs10Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Metadata Link' containment reference list feature.
- ABSTRACT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Wcs10Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE__NAME1 - Static variable in interface Wcs10Package
The feature id for the 'Name1' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE__NAME1 - Static variable in interface Wcs10Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Name1' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Wcs10Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Description Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_DISCRETE_COVERAGE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Discrete Coverage Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_DISCRETE_COVERAGE_TYPE__BOUNDED_BY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Bounded By' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_DISCRETE_COVERAGE_TYPE__COVERAGE_FUNCTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Coverage Function' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_DISCRETE_COVERAGE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_DISCRETE_COVERAGE_TYPE__DIMENSION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Dimension' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_DISCRETE_COVERAGE_TYPE__DOMAIN_SET - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Domain Set' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_DISCRETE_COVERAGE_TYPE__DOMAIN_SET_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Domain Set Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_DISCRETE_COVERAGE_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_DISCRETE_COVERAGE_TYPE__LOCATION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Location' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_DISCRETE_COVERAGE_TYPE__LOCATION_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Location Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_DISCRETE_COVERAGE_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_DISCRETE_COVERAGE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_DISCRETE_COVERAGE_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_DISCRETE_COVERAGE_TYPE__RANGE_SET - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Range Set' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_DISCRETE_COVERAGE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Discrete Coverage Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_DISCRETE_COVERAGE_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Discrete Coverage Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class DescriptionTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ABSTRACT_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class DocumentRootImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ABSTRACT_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class FeatureTypeTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ABSTRACT_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class GMLObjectTypeTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ABSTRACT_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class ComplexTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ABSTRACT_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class ElementImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ABSTRACT_FEATURE_COLLECTION_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Feature Collection Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_FEATURE_COLLECTION_TYPE__BOUNDED_BY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Bounded By' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_COLLECTION_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_COLLECTION_TYPE__FEATURE_MEMBER - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Feature Member' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_COLLECTION_TYPE__FEATURE_MEMBERS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Feature Members' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_COLLECTION_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_COLLECTION_TYPE__LOCATION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Location' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_COLLECTION_TYPE__LOCATION_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Location Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_COLLECTION_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_COLLECTION_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_COLLECTION_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_COLLECTION_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Feature Collection Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_COLLECTION_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Feature Collection Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Feature Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_FEATURE_TYPE - Static variable in class FeatureTypes
abstract base type for all feature types
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_TYPE__BOUNDED_BY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Bounded By' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_TYPE__LOCATION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Location' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_TYPE__LOCATION_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Location Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Feature Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_FEATURE_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Feature Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_CONVERSION_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract General Conversion Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_GENERAL_CONVERSION_TYPE__COORDINATE_OPERATION_ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Coordinate Operation ID' containment reference list.
The feature id for the 'Coordinate Operation Name' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_CONVERSION_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_CONVERSION_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_CONVERSION_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_CONVERSION_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_CONVERSION_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_CONVERSION_TYPE__OPERATION_VERSION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Operation Version' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_CONVERSION_TYPE__POSITIONAL_ACCURACY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Positional Accuracy' containment reference list.
The feature id for the 'Positional Accuracy Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_CONVERSION_TYPE__REMARKS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Remarks' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_CONVERSION_TYPE__SCOPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Scope' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_CONVERSION_TYPE__SOURCE_CRS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Source CRS' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_CONVERSION_TYPE__TARGET_CRS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Target CRS' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_CONVERSION_TYPE__VALID_AREA - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Valid Area' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_CONVERSION_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract General Conversion Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_CONVERSION_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract General Conversion Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_DERIVED_CRS_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract General Derived CRS Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_GENERAL_DERIVED_CRS_TYPE__BASE_CRS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Base CRS' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_DERIVED_CRS_TYPE__DEFINED_BY_CONVERSION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Defined By Conversion' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_DERIVED_CRS_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_DERIVED_CRS_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_DERIVED_CRS_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_DERIVED_CRS_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_DERIVED_CRS_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_DERIVED_CRS_TYPE__REMARKS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Remarks' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_DERIVED_CRS_TYPE__SCOPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Scope' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_DERIVED_CRS_TYPE__SRS_ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Srs ID' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_DERIVED_CRS_TYPE__SRS_NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Srs Name' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_DERIVED_CRS_TYPE__VALID_AREA - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Valid Area' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_DERIVED_CRS_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract General Derived CRS Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_DERIVED_CRS_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract General Derived CRS Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_OPERATION_PARAMETER_REF_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract General Operation Parameter Ref Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_GENERAL_OPERATION_PARAMETER_REF_TYPE__ACTUATE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Actuate' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_OPERATION_PARAMETER_REF_TYPE__ARCROLE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Arcrole' attribute.
The feature id for the 'General Operation Parameter' containment reference.
The feature id for the 'General Operation Parameter Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_OPERATION_PARAMETER_REF_TYPE__HREF - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Href' attribute.
The feature id for the 'Remote Schema' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_OPERATION_PARAMETER_REF_TYPE__ROLE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Role' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_OPERATION_PARAMETER_REF_TYPE__SHOW - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Show' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_OPERATION_PARAMETER_REF_TYPE__TITLE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Title' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_OPERATION_PARAMETER_REF_TYPE__TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Type' attribute.
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract General Operation Parameter Ref Type' class.
The number of operations of the 'Abstract General Operation Parameter Ref Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_OPERATION_PARAMETER_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract General Operation Parameter Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_GENERAL_OPERATION_PARAMETER_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_OPERATION_PARAMETER_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
The feature id for the 'Minimum Occurs' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_OPERATION_PARAMETER_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_OPERATION_PARAMETER_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract General Operation Parameter Type' class.
The number of operations of the 'Abstract General Operation Parameter Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_PARAMETER_VALUE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract General Parameter Value Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_GENERAL_PARAMETER_VALUE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract General Parameter Value Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_PARAMETER_VALUE_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract General Parameter Value Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_TRANSFORMATION_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract General Transformation Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_GENERAL_TRANSFORMATION_TYPE__COORDINATE_OPERATION_ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Coordinate Operation ID' containment reference list.
The feature id for the 'Coordinate Operation Name' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_TRANSFORMATION_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_TRANSFORMATION_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_TRANSFORMATION_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_TRANSFORMATION_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
The feature id for the 'Operation Version' attribute.
The feature id for the 'Positional Accuracy' containment reference list.
The feature id for the 'Positional Accuracy Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_TRANSFORMATION_TYPE__REMARKS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Remarks' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_TRANSFORMATION_TYPE__SCOPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Scope' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_TRANSFORMATION_TYPE__SOURCE_CRS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Source CRS' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_TRANSFORMATION_TYPE__TARGET_CRS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Target CRS' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_TRANSFORMATION_TYPE__VALID_AREA - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Valid Area' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GENERAL_TRANSFORMATION_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract General Transformation Type' class.
The number of operations of the 'Abstract General Transformation Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_AGGREGATE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Geometric Aggregate Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_AGGREGATE_TYPE__AXIS_LABELS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Axis Labels' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_AGGREGATE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_AGGREGATE_TYPE__GID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Gid' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_AGGREGATE_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_AGGREGATE_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_AGGREGATE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_AGGREGATE_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_AGGREGATE_TYPE__SRS_DIMENSION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Srs Dimension' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_AGGREGATE_TYPE__SRS_NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Srs Name' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_AGGREGATE_TYPE__UOM_LABELS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Uom Labels' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_AGGREGATE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Geometric Aggregate Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_AGGREGATE_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Geometric Aggregate Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Geometric Primitive Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE - Static variable in interface GmlPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract Geometric Primitive Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Geometric Primitive Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__AXIS_LABELS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Axis Labels' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__GID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Gid' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__SRS_DIMENSION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Srs Dimension' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__SRS_NAME - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Srs Name' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__SRS_NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Srs Name' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__UOM_LABELS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Uom Labels' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Geometric Primitive Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Geometric Primitive Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Geometric Primitive Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_BASE_TYPE - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Geometry Base Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_BASE_TYPE - Static variable in interface GmlPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract Geometry Base Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_BASE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_BASE_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_BASE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_BASE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Geometry Base Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_TYPE - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Geometry Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_TYPE - Static variable in interface GmlPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract Geometry Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Geometry Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_TYPE__AXIS_LABELS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Axis Labels' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_TYPE__GID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Gid' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_TYPE__SRS_DIMENSION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Srs Dimension' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_TYPE__SRS_NAME - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Srs Name' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_TYPE__SRS_NAME - Static variable in interface GmlPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Srs Name' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_TYPE__SRS_NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Srs Name' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_TYPE__UOM_LABELS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Uom Labels' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Geometry Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Geometry Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GEOMETRY_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Geometry Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GML_TYPE - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The meta object id for the '
Abstract GML Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_GML_TYPE - Static variable in interface GmlPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract GML Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_GML_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract GML Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_GML_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GML_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface GmlPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Description' containment reference feature.
- ABSTRACT_GML_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_GML_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GML_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GML_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface GmlPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list feature.
- ABSTRACT_GML_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GML_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GML_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface GmlPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Name' containment reference list feature.
- ABSTRACT_GML_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GML_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_GML_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract GML Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GML_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract GML Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GML_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract GML Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GRIDDED_SURFACE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Gridded Surface Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_GRIDDED_SURFACE_TYPE__COLUMNS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Columns' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GRIDDED_SURFACE_TYPE__ROW - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Row' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_GRIDDED_SURFACE_TYPE__ROWS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Rows' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_GRIDDED_SURFACE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Gridded Surface Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_GRIDDED_SURFACE_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Gridded Surface Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_ID_TYPE - Static variable in interface Fes20Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Id Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_ID_TYPE - Static variable in interface Fes20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract Id Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_ID_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Fes20Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Id Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_META_DATA_TYPE - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Meta Data Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_META_DATA_TYPE - Static variable in interface GmlPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract Meta Data Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_META_DATA_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Meta Data Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_META_DATA_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_META_DATA_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface GmlPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Id' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_META_DATA_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_META_DATA_TYPE__MIXED - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Mixed' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_META_DATA_TYPE__MIXED - Static variable in interface GmlPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Mixed' attribute list feature.
- ABSTRACT_META_DATA_TYPE__MIXED - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Mixed' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_META_DATA_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Meta Data Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_META_DATA_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Meta Data Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_META_DATA_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Meta Data Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_PARAMETRIC_CURVE_SURFACE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Parametric Curve Surface Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_PARAMETRIC_CURVE_SURFACE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Parametric Curve Surface Type' class.
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Parametric Curve Surface Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_POSITIONAL_ACCURACY_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Positional Accuracy Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_POSITIONAL_ACCURACY_TYPE__MEASURE_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Measure Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_POSITIONAL_ACCURACY_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Positional Accuracy Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_POSITIONAL_ACCURACY_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Positional Accuracy Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_PROJECTION_CLAUSE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Fes20Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Projection Clause Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_PROJECTION_CLAUSE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Fes20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract Projection Clause Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_PROJECTION_CLAUSE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Fes20Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Projection Clause Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_QUERY_EXPRESSION_TYPE - Static variable in interface Fes20Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Query Expression Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_QUERY_EXPRESSION_TYPE - Static variable in interface Fes20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract Query Expression Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_QUERY_EXPRESSION_TYPE__HANDLE - Static variable in interface Fes20Package
The feature id for the 'Handle' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_QUERY_EXPRESSION_TYPE__HANDLE - Static variable in interface Fes20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Handle' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_QUERY_EXPRESSION_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Fes20Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Query Expression Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_QUERY_TYPE - Static variable in interface Csw20Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Query Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_QUERY_TYPE - Static variable in interface Csw20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract Query Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_QUERY_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Csw20Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Query Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_RECORD_TYPE - Static variable in interface Csw20Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Record Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_RECORD_TYPE - Static variable in interface Csw20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract Record Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_RECORD_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Csw20Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Record Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows11Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Reference Base Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows11Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract Reference Base Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Reference Base Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract Reference Base Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__ACTUATE - Static variable in interface Ows11Package
The feature id for the 'Actuate' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__ACTUATE - Static variable in interface Ows11Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Actuate' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__ACTUATE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package
The feature id for the 'Actuate' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__ACTUATE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Actuate' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__ARCROLE - Static variable in interface Ows11Package
The feature id for the 'Arcrole' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__ARCROLE - Static variable in interface Ows11Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Arcrole' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__ARCROLE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package
The feature id for the 'Arcrole' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__ARCROLE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Arcrole' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__HREF - Static variable in interface Ows11Package
The feature id for the 'Href' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__HREF - Static variable in interface Ows11Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Href' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__HREF - Static variable in interface Ows20Package
The feature id for the 'Href' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__HREF - Static variable in interface Ows20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Href' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__ROLE - Static variable in interface Ows11Package
The feature id for the 'Role' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__ROLE - Static variable in interface Ows11Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Role' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__ROLE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package
The feature id for the 'Role' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__ROLE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Role' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__SHOW - Static variable in interface Ows11Package
The feature id for the 'Show' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__SHOW - Static variable in interface Ows11Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Show' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__SHOW - Static variable in interface Ows20Package
The feature id for the 'Show' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__SHOW - Static variable in interface Ows20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Show' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__TITLE - Static variable in interface Ows11Package
The feature id for the 'Title' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__TITLE - Static variable in interface Ows11Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Title' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__TITLE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package
The feature id for the 'Title' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__TITLE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Title' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows11Package
The feature id for the 'Type' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows11Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Type' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package
The feature id for the 'Type' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE__TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Type' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Ows11Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Reference Base Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_BASE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Ows20Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Reference Base Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_BASE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Reference System Base Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_BASE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_BASE_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_BASE_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_BASE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_BASE_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_BASE_TYPE__SRS_NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Srs Name' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_BASE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Reference System Base Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_BASE_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Reference System Base Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Reference System Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE__REMARKS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Remarks' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE__SCOPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Scope' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE__SRS_ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Srs ID' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE__SRS_NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Srs Name' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE__VALID_AREA - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Valid Area' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Reference System Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Reference System Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_RING_PROPERTY_TYPE - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Ring Property Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_RING_PROPERTY_TYPE - Static variable in interface GmlPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract Ring Property Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_RING_PROPERTY_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Ring Property Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_RING_PROPERTY_TYPE__LINEAR_RING - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Linear Ring' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_RING_PROPERTY_TYPE__LINEAR_RING - Static variable in interface GmlPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Linear Ring' containment reference feature.
- ABSTRACT_RING_PROPERTY_TYPE__RING - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Ring' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_RING_PROPERTY_TYPE__RING_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Ring Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_RING_PROPERTY_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Ring Property Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_RING_PROPERTY_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Ring Property Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_RING_PROPERTY_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Ring Property Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_RING_TYPE - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Ring Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_RING_TYPE - Static variable in interface GmlPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract Ring Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_RING_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Ring Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_RING_TYPE__AXIS_LABELS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Axis Labels' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_RING_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_RING_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_RING_TYPE__GID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Gid' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_RING_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_RING_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_RING_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_RING_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_RING_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_RING_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_RING_TYPE__SRS_DIMENSION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Srs Dimension' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_RING_TYPE__SRS_NAME - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Srs Name' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_RING_TYPE__SRS_NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Srs Name' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_RING_TYPE__UOM_LABELS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Uom Labels' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_RING_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Ring Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_RING_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Ring Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_RING_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Ring Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_SELECTION_CLAUSE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class AbstractAdhocQueryExpressionTypeImpl
The default value of the '
Abstract Selection Clause
' attribute. - ABSTRACT_SELECTION_CLAUSE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Fes20Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Selection Clause Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_SELECTION_CLAUSE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Fes20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract Selection Clause Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_SELECTION_CLAUSE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Fes20Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Selection Clause Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_SOLID_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Solid Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_SOLID_TYPE__AXIS_LABELS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Axis Labels' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_SOLID_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_SOLID_TYPE__GID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Gid' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_SOLID_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_SOLID_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_SOLID_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_SOLID_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_SOLID_TYPE__SRS_DIMENSION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Srs Dimension' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_SOLID_TYPE__SRS_NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Srs Name' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_SOLID_TYPE__UOM_LABELS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Uom Labels' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_SOLID_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Solid Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_SOLID_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Solid Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_SORTING_CLAUSE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class AbstractAdhocQueryExpressionTypeImpl
The default value of the '
Abstract Sorting Clause
' attribute. - ABSTRACT_SORTING_CLAUSE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Fes20Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Sorting Clause Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_SORTING_CLAUSE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Fes20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract Sorting Clause Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_SORTING_CLAUSE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Fes20Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Sorting Clause Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_STYLE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Style Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_STYLE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_STYLE_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_STYLE_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_STYLE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_STYLE_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_STYLE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Style Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_STYLE_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Style Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_SURFACE_PATCH_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Surface Patch Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_SURFACE_PATCH_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Surface Patch Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_SURFACE_PATCH_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Surface Patch Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_SURFACE_TYPE - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Surface Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_SURFACE_TYPE - Static variable in interface GmlPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract Surface Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_SURFACE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Surface Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_SURFACE_TYPE__AXIS_LABELS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Axis Labels' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_SURFACE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_SURFACE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_SURFACE_TYPE__GID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Gid' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_SURFACE_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_SURFACE_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_SURFACE_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_SURFACE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_SURFACE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_SURFACE_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_SURFACE_TYPE__SRS_DIMENSION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Srs Dimension' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_SURFACE_TYPE__SRS_NAME - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The feature id for the 'Srs Name' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_SURFACE_TYPE__SRS_NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Srs Name' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_SURFACE_TYPE__UOM_LABELS - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Uom Labels' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_SURFACE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface GmlPackage
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Surface Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_SURFACE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Surface Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_SURFACE_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Surface Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_COMPLEX_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Time Complex Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_TIME_COMPLEX_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_COMPLEX_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_COMPLEX_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_COMPLEX_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_COMPLEX_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_COMPLEX_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Time Complex Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_COMPLEX_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Time Complex Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Time Geometric Primitive Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_TIME_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__FRAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Frame' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__RELATED_TIME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Related Time' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_GEOMETRIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Time Geometric Primitive Type' class.
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Time Geometric Primitive Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_OBJECT_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Time Object Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_TIME_OBJECT_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_OBJECT_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_OBJECT_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_OBJECT_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_OBJECT_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_OBJECT_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Time Object Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_OBJECT_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Time Object Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_PRIMITIVE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Time Primitive Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_TIME_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__RELATED_TIME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Related Time' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Time Primitive Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Time Primitive Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Time Reference System Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_TIME_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE__DOMAIN_OF_VALIDITY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Domain Of Validity' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Time Reference System Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_REFERENCE_SYSTEM_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Time Reference System Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_SLICE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Time Slice Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_TIME_SLICE_TYPE__DATA_SOURCE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Data Source' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_SLICE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_SLICE_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_SLICE_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_SLICE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_SLICE_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_SLICE_TYPE__VALID_TIME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Valid Time' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_SLICE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Time Slice Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_SLICE_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Time Slice Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_TOPOLOGY_PRIMITIVE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Time Topology Primitive Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_TIME_TOPOLOGY_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__COMPLEX - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Complex' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_TOPOLOGY_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_TOPOLOGY_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_TOPOLOGY_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_TOPOLOGY_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_TOPOLOGY_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_TOPOLOGY_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__RELATED_TIME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Related Time' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_TOPOLOGY_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Time Topology Primitive Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_TIME_TOPOLOGY_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Time Topology Primitive Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_TOPO_PRIMITIVE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Topo Primitive Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_TOPO_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__CONTAINER - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Container' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_TOPO_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_TOPO_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_TOPO_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__ISOLATED - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Isolated' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TOPO_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TOPO_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TOPO_PRIMITIVE_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_TOPO_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Topo Primitive Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_TOPO_PRIMITIVE_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Topo Primitive Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_TOPOLOGY_TYPE - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Topology Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_TOPOLOGY_TYPE__DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Description' containment reference.
- ABSTRACT_TOPOLOGY_TYPE__ID - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Id' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_TOPOLOGY_TYPE__META_DATA_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Meta Data Property' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TOPOLOGY_TYPE__NAME - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name' containment reference list.
- ABSTRACT_TOPOLOGY_TYPE__NAME_GROUP - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The feature id for the 'Name Group' attribute list.
- ABSTRACT_TOPOLOGY_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Topology Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_TOPOLOGY_TYPE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in interface Gml311Package
The number of operations of the 'Abstract Topology Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_TRANSACTION_ACTION_TYPE - Static variable in interface Wfs20Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Transaction Action Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_TRANSACTION_ACTION_TYPE - Static variable in interface Wfs20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract Transaction Action Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_TRANSACTION_ACTION_TYPE__HANDLE - Static variable in interface Wfs20Package
The feature id for the 'Handle' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_TRANSACTION_ACTION_TYPE__HANDLE - Static variable in interface Wfs20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Handle' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_TRANSACTION_ACTION_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Wfs20Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Transaction Action Type' class.
- ABSTRACT_TYPE - Static variable in interface Wfs20Package
The meta object id for the '
Abstract Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_TYPE - Static variable in interface Wfs20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Abstract Type
' class. - ABSTRACT_TYPE__LANG - Static variable in interface Wfs20Package
The feature id for the 'Lang' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_TYPE__LANG - Static variable in interface Wfs20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Lang' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_TYPE__VALUE - Static variable in interface Wfs20Package
The feature id for the 'Value' attribute.
- ABSTRACT_TYPE__VALUE - Static variable in interface Wfs20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Value' attribute feature.
- ABSTRACT_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Wfs20Package
The number of structural features of the 'Abstract Type' class.
- Abstract_URI_AuthorityFactory - Class in org.geotools.referencing.factory
Base class for building OGC URN and HTTP URI wrappers around
. - Abstract_URI_AuthorityFactory(String) - Constructor for class Abstract_URI_AuthorityFactory
Creates a default wrapper
- Abstract_URI_AuthorityFactory(AllAuthoritiesFactory) - Constructor for class Abstract_URI_AuthorityFactory
Creates a wrapper around the specified factory.
- Abstract_URI_AuthorityFactory(Hints, String) - Constructor for class Abstract_URI_AuthorityFactory
Creates a wrapper using the specified hints.
- AbstractAdhocQueryExpression - Static variable in class FES
- AbstractAdhocQueryExpressionType - Interface in net.opengis.fes20
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Adhoc Query Expression Type'.
- AbstractAdhocQueryExpressionType - Static variable in class FES
- AbstractAdhocQueryExpressionTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.fes20.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Adhoc Query Expression Type'.
- AbstractAdhocQueryExpressionTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractAdhocQueryExpressionTypeImpl
- abstractAssociationRole - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractAuthorityFactory - Class in org.geotools.referencing.factory
Base class for authority factories.
- AbstractAuthorityFactory(int) - Constructor for class AbstractAuthorityFactory
Constructs an instance using the specified priority level.
- AbstractAuthorityMediator - Class in org.geotools.referencing.factory
An authority mediator that consults (a possibily shared) cache before delegating the generation of the content to a "worker" authority factory.
- AbstractAuthorityMediator() - Constructor for class AbstractAuthorityMediator
Constructs an instance making use of the default cache and priority level.
- AbstractAuthorityMediator(int) - Constructor for class AbstractAuthorityMediator
Constructs an instance making use of the default cache.
- AbstractAuthorityMediator(int, Hints) - Constructor for class AbstractAuthorityMediator
Constructs an instance making use of the default cache.
- AbstractAuthorityMediator(int, ObjectCache<Object, Object>, ReferencingFactoryContainer) - Constructor for class AbstractAuthorityMediator
Constructs an instance making use of the indicated cache.
- AbstractAuthorityMediator(Hints) - Constructor for class AbstractAuthorityMediator
Constructs an instance based on the provided Hints
- AbstractAuthorityMediator.WorkerSafeRunnable - Class in org.geotools.referencing.factory
An interface describing a portion of work for which a worker is needed.
- AbstractBounds - Class in org.geotools.geometry
Base class for envelope implementations.
- AbstractBounds() - Constructor for class AbstractBounds
Constructs an envelope.
- AbstractCachedAuthorityFactory - Class in org.geotools.referencing.factory
An authority factory that consults (a possibly shared) cache before generating content itself.
- AbstractCachedAuthorityFactory(int) - Constructor for class AbstractCachedAuthorityFactory
Constructs an instance making use of the default cache.
- AbstractCachedAuthorityFactory(int, Hints) - Constructor for class AbstractCachedAuthorityFactory
Constructs an instance making use of the default cache.
- AbstractCachedAuthorityFactory(int, ObjectCache<Object, Object>, ReferencingFactoryContainer) - Constructor for class AbstractCachedAuthorityFactory
Constructs an instance making use of the indicated cache.
- AbstractCalcResult - Class in org.geotools.feature.visitor
An abstract implementation for CalcResults.
- AbstractCalcResult() - Constructor for class AbstractCalcResult
- AbstractCollectionMapper - Class in org.geotools.data.mongodb
Maps a collection containing valid GeoJSON.
- AbstractCollectionMapper() - Constructor for class AbstractCollectionMapper
- AbstractColorStyleGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractColorStyleObjectExtensionGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractColorStyleSimpleExtensionGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractColorStyleType - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractCompilerFactory - Class in org.geotools.filter.text.commons
Provides the common behavior to make a compiler implementation
- AbstractCompilerFactory() - Constructor for class AbstractCompilerFactory
- AbstractComplexBinding - Class in org.geotools.xsd
Base class for complex bindings.
- AbstractComplexBinding() - Constructor for class AbstractComplexBinding
- AbstractComplexEMFBinding - Class in org.geotools.xsd
Base class for complex bindings which map to an EMF model class.
- AbstractComplexEMFBinding() - Constructor for class AbstractComplexEMFBinding
Default constructor.
- AbstractComplexEMFBinding(EFactory) - Constructor for class AbstractComplexEMFBinding
Constructs the binding with an efactory.
- AbstractComplexEMFBinding(EFactory, Class) - Constructor for class AbstractComplexEMFBinding
Constructs the binding with an efactory and a type.
- AbstractConsole - Class in org.geotools.referencing.wkt
Base class for application performing operations on WKT objects from the command line.
- AbstractConsole(Format) - Constructor for class AbstractConsole
Creates a new console instance using standard input stream, standard output stream, error output stream and the system default line separator.
- AbstractConsole(Format, LineNumberReader) - Constructor for class AbstractConsole
Creates a new console instance using the specified input stream.
- AbstractConsole(Format, LineNumberReader, Writer, PrintWriter, String) - Constructor for class AbstractConsole
Creates a new console instance using the specified streams and line separator.
- AbstractContainerGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractContainerObjectExtensionGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractContainerSimpleExtensionGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractContainerType - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractContinuousCoverage - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractContinuousCoverageType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Continuous Coverage Type'.
- AbstractContinuousCoverageType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractContinuousCoverageType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractContinuousCoverageType"> <annotation> <documentation>A continuous coverage as defined in ISO 19123 is a coverage that can return different values for the same feature attribute at different direct positions within a single spatiotemporal object in its spatiotemporal domain</documentation> </annotation> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractCoverageType"> <sequence> <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:coverageFunction"/> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractContinuousCoverageType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractCoverageType"> <sequence> <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:coverageFunction"/> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>
- AbstractContinuousCoverageTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Continuous Coverage Type'.
- AbstractContinuousCoverageTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractContinuousCoverageTypeImpl
- AbstractContrastMethodStrategy - Class in org.geotools.styling
- AbstractContrastMethodStrategy() - Constructor for class AbstractContrastMethodStrategy
- AbstractCoordinateOperation - Class in org.geotools.referencing.operation
Establishes an association between a source and a target coordinate reference system, and provides a transform for transforming coordinates in the source CRS to coordinates in the target CRS.
- AbstractCoordinateOperation - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractCoordinateOperation(Map<String, ?>, CoordinateReferenceSystem, CoordinateReferenceSystem, MathTransform) - Constructor for class AbstractCoordinateOperation
Constructs a coordinate operation from a set of properties.
- AbstractCoordinateOperationBaseType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Coordinate Operation Base Type'.
- AbstractCoordinateOperationBaseType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractCoordinateOperationBaseType"> <annotation> <documentation>Basic encoding for coordinate operation objects, simplifying and restricting the DefinitionType as needed.
- AbstractCoordinateOperationBaseTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Coordinate Operation Base Type'.
- AbstractCoordinateOperationBaseTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractCoordinateOperationBaseTypeImpl
- AbstractCoordinateOperationFactory - Class in org.geotools.referencing.operation
Base class for coordinate operation factories.
- AbstractCoordinateOperationFactory(Hints) - Constructor for class AbstractCoordinateOperationFactory
Constructs a coordinate operation factory using the specified hints.
- AbstractCoordinateOperationFactory(Hints, int) - Constructor for class AbstractCoordinateOperationFactory
Constructs a coordinate operation factory using the specified hints and priority.
- AbstractCoordinateOperationType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Coordinate Operation Type'.
- AbstractCoordinateOperationType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractCoordinateOperationType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractCoordinateOperationType"> <annotation> <documentation>A mathematical operation on coordinates that transforms or converts coordinates to another coordinate reference system.
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractCoordinateOperationType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:IdentifiedObjectType"> <sequence> <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:domainOfValidity"/> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="gml:scope"/> <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:operationVersion"/> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="gml:coordinateOperationAccuracy"/> <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:sourceCRS"/> <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:targetCRS"/> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>
- AbstractCoordinateOperationTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Coordinate Operation Type'.
- AbstractCoordinateOperationTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractCoordinateOperationTypeImpl
- AbstractCoordinateSystem - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractCoordinateSystemBaseType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Coordinate System Base Type'.
- AbstractCoordinateSystemBaseType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractCoordinateSystemBaseType"> <annotation> <documentation>Basic encoding for coordinate system objects, simplifying and restricting the DefinitionType as needed.
- AbstractCoordinateSystemBaseTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Coordinate System Base Type'.
- AbstractCoordinateSystemBaseTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractCoordinateSystemBaseTypeImpl
- AbstractCoordinateSystemType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Coordinate System Type'.
- AbstractCoordinateSystemType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractCoordinateSystemType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractCoordinateSystemType"> <annotation> <documentation>A coordinate system (CS) is the set of coordinate system axes that spans a given coordinate space.
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractCoordinateSystemType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:IdentifiedObjectType"> <sequence> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="gml:axis"/> </sequence> <attributeGroup ref="gml:AggregationAttributeGroup"/> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>
- AbstractCoordinateSystemTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Coordinate System Type'.
- AbstractCoordinateSystemTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractCoordinateSystemTypeImpl
- AbstractCoverage - Class in org.geotools.coverage
Base class of all coverage type.
- AbstractCoverage - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractCoverage(CharSequence, Coverage) - Constructor for class AbstractCoverage
Constructs a new coverage with the same parameters than the specified coverage.
- AbstractCoverage(CharSequence, CoordinateReferenceSystem, PropertySource, Map<?, ?>) - Constructor for class AbstractCoverage
Constructs a coverage using the specified coordinate reference system.
- AbstractCoverage.Renderable - Class in org.geotools.coverage
A view of a coverage as a renderable image.
- AbstractCoverageType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Coverage Type'.
- AbstractCoverageType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractCoverageType - Static variable in class GML
- ABSTRACTCOVERAGETYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractCoverageType"> <annotation> <documentation>Abstract element which acts as the head of a substitution group for coverages.
- ABSTRACTCOVERAGETYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractCoverageType"> <annotation> <documentation>The base type for coverages is gml:AbstractCoverageType.
- AbstractCoverageTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Coverage Type'.
- AbstractCoverageTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractCoverageTypeImpl
- AbstractCRS - Class in org.geotools.referencing.crs
Abstract coordinate reference system, usually defined by a coordinate system and a datum.
- AbstractCRS - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractCRS(Map<String, ?>, CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class AbstractCRS
Constructs a coordinate reference system from a set of properties.
- AbstractCRS(CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Constructor for class AbstractCRS
Constructs a new coordinate reference system with the same values than the specified one.
- AbstractCRSType - Static variable in class GML
- ABSTRACTCRSTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractCRSType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:IdentifiedObjectType"> <sequence> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="gml:domainOfValidity"/> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="gml:scope"/> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>
- AbstractCS - Class in org.geotools.referencing.cs
The set of coordinate system axes that spans a given coordinate space.
- AbstractCS(String, CoordinateSystemAxis...) - Constructor for class AbstractCS
Constructs a coordinate system from a name.
- AbstractCS(Map<String, ?>, CoordinateSystemAxis...) - Constructor for class AbstractCS
Constructs a coordinate system from a set of properties.
- AbstractCS(CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class AbstractCS
Constructs a new coordinate system with the same values than the specified one.
- AbstractCT_Catalogue - Static variable in class GMX
- AbstractCT_Catalogue_Type - Static variable in class GMX
- ABSTRACTCT_CATALOGUE_TYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMXSchema
<xs:complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractCT_Catalogue_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="gco:AbstractObject_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="name" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType"/> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="scope" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType"/> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="fieldOfApplication" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType"/> <xs:element name="versionNumber" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType"/> <xs:element name="versionDate" type="gco:Date_PropertyType"/> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="language" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType"/> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="characterSet" type="gmd:MD_CharacterSetCode_PropertyType"/> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="locale" type="gmd:PT_Locale_PropertyType"/> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="subCatalogue" type="gmx:CT_Catalogue_PropertyType"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>
- AbstractCurve - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractCurveSegment - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractCurveSegmentType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Curve Segment Type'.
- AbstractCurveSegmentType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractCurveSegmentType - Static variable in class GML
- ABSTRACTCURVESEGMENTTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractCurveSegmentType"> <annotation> <documentation>Curve segment defines a homogeneous segment of a curve.</documentation> </annotation> <sequence/> <attribute default="0" name="numDerivativesAtStart" type="integer" use="optional"> <annotation> <documentation>The attribute "numDerivativesAtStart" specifies the type of continuity between this curve segment and its predecessor.
- ABSTRACTCURVESEGMENTTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractCurveSegmentType"> <attribute default="0" name="numDerivativesAtStart" type="integer"/> <attribute default="0" name="numDerivativesAtEnd" type="integer"/> <attribute default="0" name="numDerivativeInterior" type="integer"/> </complexType>
- AbstractCurveSegmentTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Curve Segment Type'.
- AbstractCurveSegmentTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractCurveSegmentTypeImpl
- AbstractCurveType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Curve Type'.
- AbstractCurveType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractCurveType - Static variable in class GML
- ABSTRACTCURVETYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractCurveType"> <annotation> <documentation>An abstraction of a curve to support the different levels of complexity.
- ABSTRACTCURVETYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractCurveType"> <annotation> <documentation>gml:AbstractCurveType is an abstraction of a curve to support the different levels of complexity.
- AbstractCurveTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Curve Type'.
- AbstractCurveTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractCurveTypeImpl
- AbstractDataSourceFactorySpi - Class in org.geotools.data.jdbc.datasource
- AbstractDataSourceFactorySpi() - Constructor for class AbstractDataSourceFactorySpi
- AbstractDatum - Class in org.geotools.referencing.datum
Specifies the relationship of a coordinate system to the earth, thus creating a coordinate reference system.
- AbstractDatum - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractDatum(Map<String, ?>) - Constructor for class AbstractDatum
Constructs a datum from a set of properties.
- AbstractDatum(Datum) - Constructor for class AbstractDatum
Constructs a new datum with the same values than the specified one.
- AbstractDatumBaseType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Datum Base Type'.
- AbstractDatumBaseType - Static variable in class GML
- ABSTRACTDATUMBASETYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractDatumBaseType"> <annotation> <documentation>Basic encoding for datum objects, simplifying and restricting the DefinitionType as needed.
- AbstractDatumBaseTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Datum Base Type'.
- AbstractDatumBaseTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractDatumBaseTypeImpl
- AbstractDatumType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Datum Type'.
- AbstractDatumType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractDatumType - Static variable in class GML
- ABSTRACTDATUMTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractDatumType"> <annotation> <documentation>A datum specifies the relationship of a coordinate system to the earth, thus creating a coordinate reference system.
- ABSTRACTDATUMTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractDatumType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:IdentifiedObjectType"> <sequence> <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:domainOfValidity"/> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="gml:scope"/> <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:anchorDefinition"/> <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:realizationEpoch"/> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>
- AbstractDatumTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Datum Type'.
- AbstractDatumTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractDatumTypeImpl
- AbstractDecorator<D> - Class in org.geotools.util.decorate
Generic delegating base class.
- AbstractDecorator(D) - Constructor for class AbstractDecorator
- AbstractDerivedCRS - Class in org.geotools.referencing.crs
A coordinate reference system that is defined by its coordinate conversion from another coordinate reference system (not by a datum).
- AbstractDerivedCRS(Map<String, ?>, Conversion, CoordinateReferenceSystem, MathTransform, CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class AbstractDerivedCRS
Constructs a derived CRS from a defining conversion.
- AbstractDerivedCRS(Map<String, Object>, CoordinateReferenceSystem, MathTransform, CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class AbstractDerivedCRS
Constructs a derived CRS from a set of properties.
- AbstractDerivedCRS(GeneralDerivedCRS) - Constructor for class AbstractDerivedCRS
Constructs a new derived CRS with the same values than the specified one.
- AbstractDescribeLayerRequest - Class in org.geotools.ows.wms.request
Describes an abstract DescribeLayer request.
- AbstractDescribeLayerRequest(URL, Properties) - Constructor for class AbstractDescribeLayerRequest
Constructs a basic DescribeLayerRequest, without versioning info.
- AbstractDescriptionBaseType - Interface in net.opengis.wcs10
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Description Base Type'.
- AbstractDescriptionBaseType - Static variable in class WCS
- AbstractDescriptionBaseTypeBinding - Class in org.geotools.wcs.bindings
Binding object for the type http://www.opengis.net/wcs:AbstractDescriptionBaseType.
- AbstractDescriptionBaseTypeBinding() - Constructor for class AbstractDescriptionBaseTypeBinding
- AbstractDescriptionBaseTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.wcs10.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Description Base Type'.
- AbstractDescriptionBaseTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractDescriptionBaseTypeImpl
- AbstractDescriptionBaseTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.wcs10.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - AbstractDescriptionType - Interface in net.opengis.wcs10
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Description Type'.
- AbstractDescriptionType - Static variable in class WCS
- AbstractDescriptionTypeBinding - Class in org.geotools.wcs.bindings
Binding object for the type http://www.opengis.net/wcs:AbstractDescriptionType.
- AbstractDescriptionTypeBinding() - Constructor for class AbstractDescriptionTypeBinding
- AbstractDescriptionTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.wcs10.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Description Type'.
- AbstractDescriptionTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractDescriptionTypeImpl
- AbstractDescriptionTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.wcs10.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - AbstractDiscreteCoverage - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractDiscreteCoverageType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Discrete Coverage Type'.
- AbstractDiscreteCoverageType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractDiscreteCoverageType"> <annotation> <documentation>A discrete coverage consists of a domain set, range set and optionally a coverage function.
- AbstractDiscreteCoverageTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Discrete Coverage Type'.
- AbstractDiscreteCoverageTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractDiscreteCoverageTypeImpl
- AbstractDocument - Class in org.geotools.stac.client
Base OGC API document class, with identifier and links
- AbstractDocument() - Constructor for class AbstractDocument
- AbstractDQ_Completeness - Static variable in class GMD
- AbstractDQ_Completeness_Type - Static variable in class GMD
- ABSTRACTDQ_COMPLETENESS_TYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMDSchema
<xs:complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractDQ_Completeness_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="gmd:AbstractDQ_Element_Type"/> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>
- AbstractDQ_Element - Static variable in class GMD
- AbstractDQ_Element_Type - Static variable in class GMD
- ABSTRACTDQ_ELEMENT_TYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMDSchema
<xs:complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractDQ_Element_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="gco:AbstractObject_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="nameOfMeasure" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType"/> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="measureIdentification" type="gmd:MD_Identifier_PropertyType"/> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="measureDescription" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType"/> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="evaluationMethodType" type="gmd:DQ_EvaluationMethodTypeCode_PropertyType"/> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="evaluationMethodDescription" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType"/> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="evaluationProcedure" type="gmd:CI_Citation_PropertyType"/> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="dateTime" type="gco:DateTime_PropertyType"/> <xs:element maxOccurs="2" name="result" type="gmd:DQ_Result_PropertyType"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>
- AbstractDQ_LogicalConsistency - Static variable in class GMD
- AbstractDQ_LogicalConsistency_Type - Static variable in class GMD
<xs:complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractDQ_LogicalConsistency_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="gmd:AbstractDQ_Element_Type"/> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>
- AbstractDQ_PositionalAccuracy - Static variable in class GMD
- AbstractDQ_PositionalAccuracy_Type - Static variable in class GMD
<xs:complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractDQ_PositionalAccuracy_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="gmd:AbstractDQ_Element_Type"/> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>
- AbstractDQ_Result - Static variable in class GMD
- AbstractDQ_Result_Type - Static variable in class GMD
- ABSTRACTDQ_RESULT_TYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMDSchema
<xs:complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractDQ_Result_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="gco:AbstractObject_Type"> <xs:sequence/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>
- AbstractDQ_TemporalAccuracy - Static variable in class GMD
- AbstractDQ_TemporalAccuracy_Type - Static variable in class GMD
<xs:complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractDQ_TemporalAccuracy_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="gmd:AbstractDQ_Element_Type"/> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>
- AbstractDQ_ThematicAccuracy - Static variable in class GMD
- AbstractDQ_ThematicAccuracy_Type - Static variable in class GMD
<xs:complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractDQ_ThematicAccuracy_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="gmd:AbstractDQ_Element_Type"/> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>
- AbstractDS_Aggregate - Static variable in class GMD
- AbstractDS_Aggregate_Type - Static variable in class GMD
- ABSTRACTDS_AGGREGATE_TYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMDSchema
<xs:complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractDS_Aggregate_Type"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Identifiable collection of datasets</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="gco:AbstractObject_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="composedOf" type="gmd:DS_DataSet_PropertyType"/> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" name="seriesMetadata" type="gmd:MD_Metadata_PropertyType"/> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="subset" type="gmd:DS_Aggregate_PropertyType"/> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="superset" type="gmd:DS_Aggregate_PropertyType"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>
- AbstractEpsgFactory - Class in org.geotools.referencing.factory.epsg
A coordinate reference system factory backed by the EPSG database tables.
- AbstractEpsgFactory(Hints) - Constructor for class AbstractEpsgFactory
- AbstractEpsgFactory(Hints, Connection) - Constructor for class AbstractEpsgFactory
Constructs an authority factory using the specified connection.
- AbstractEpsgFactory(Hints, DataSource) - Constructor for class AbstractEpsgFactory
- AbstractEpsgMediator - Class in org.geotools.referencing.factory
Abstract implementation for EPSG (has a DataSource reference inside).
- AbstractEpsgMediator() - Constructor for class AbstractEpsgMediator
No argument constructor - must not fail for factory finder registration.
- AbstractEpsgMediator(Hints) - Constructor for class AbstractEpsgMediator
- AbstractEpsgMediator(Hints, DataSource) - Constructor for class AbstractEpsgMediator
- abstractESet - Variable in class ComplexTypeImpl
This is true if the Abstract attribute has been set.
- abstractESet - Variable in class ElementImpl
This is true if the Abstract attribute has been set.
- AbstractEX_GeographicExtent - Static variable in class GMD
- AbstractEX_GeographicExtent_Type - Static variable in class GMD
<xs:complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractEX_GeographicExtent_Type"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Geographic area of the dataset</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="gco:AbstractObject_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="extentTypeCode" type="gco:Boolean_PropertyType"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>
- AbstractExpressionVisitor - Class in org.geotools.filter.expression
Empty "abstract" implementation of ExpressionVisitor.
- AbstractExpressionVisitor() - Constructor for class AbstractExpressionVisitor
- AbstractFactory - Class in org.geotools.util.factory
Skeletal implementation of factories.
- AbstractFactory() - Constructor for class AbstractFactory
Creates a new factory with the default priority.
- AbstractFactory(int) - Constructor for class AbstractFactory
Constructs a factory with the specified priority.
- AbstractFeature - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractFeatureCollection - Class in org.geotools.feature.collection
Implement a feature collection just based on provision of an
. - AbstractFeatureCollection - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractFeatureCollection(SimpleFeatureType) - Constructor for class AbstractFeatureCollection
- AbstractFeatureCollectionBaseType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractFeatureCollectionProcess - Class in org.geotools.process.feature
A Process for feature collections.
- AbstractFeatureCollectionProcess(AbstractFeatureCollectionProcessFactory) - Constructor for class AbstractFeatureCollectionProcess
- AbstractFeatureCollectionProcessFactory - Class in org.geotools.process.feature
Base class for process factories which perform an operation on each feature in a feature collection.
- AbstractFeatureCollectionProcessFactory() - Constructor for class AbstractFeatureCollectionProcessFactory
- AbstractFeatureCollectionsBaseType() - Constructor for class GMLComplexTypes.AbstractFeatureCollectionsBaseType
- AbstractFeatureCollectionType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Feature Collection Type'.
- AbstractFeatureCollectionType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractFeatureCollectionType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractFeatureCollectionType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractFeatureCollectionType() - Constructor for class GMLComplexTypes.AbstractFeatureCollectionType
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractFeatureCollectionType"> <annotation> <documentation>A feature collection contains zero or more features.</documentation> </annotation> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractFeatureType"> <sequence> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="gml:featureMember"/> <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:featureMembers"/> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractFeatureCollectionType"> <annotation> <appinfo>deprecated</appinfo> </annotation> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractFeatureType"> <sequence> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="gml:featureMember"/> <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:featureMembers"/> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>
- AbstractFeatureCollectionTypeBinding - Class in org.geotools.gml3.bindings
Binding object for the type http://www.opengis.net/gml:AbstractFeatureCollectionType.
- AbstractFeatureCollectionTypeBinding() - Constructor for class AbstractFeatureCollectionTypeBinding
- AbstractFeatureCollectionTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Feature Collection Type'.
- AbstractFeatureCollectionTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractFeatureCollectionTypeImpl
- AbstractFeatureFactoryImpl - Class in org.geotools.feature
Factory for creating instances of the Attribute family of classes.
- AbstractFeatureFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractFeatureFactoryImpl
- AbstractFeatureGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractFeatureMemberType - Static variable in class GML
- ABSTRACTFEATUREMEMBERTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractFeatureMemberType"> <annotation> <documentation>To create a collection of GML features, a property type shall be derived by extension from gml:AbstractFeatureMemberType.
- AbstractFeatureObjectExtensionGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractFeatureSimpleExtensionGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractFeatureType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Feature Type'.
- AbstractFeatureType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractFeatureType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractFeatureType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractFeatureType - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractFeatureType() - Constructor for class GMLComplexTypes.AbstractFeatureType
- AbstractFeatureType_encode(Object, Document, Element) - Static method in class GML2EncodingUtils
- AbstractFeatureType_getProperties(Object, XSDElementDeclaration, SchemaIndex, Set<String>, Configuration) - Static method in class GML2EncodingUtils
- AbstractFeatureType_getProperties(Object, XSDElementDeclaration, SchemaIndex, Set<String>, Configuration) - Method in class GMLEncodingUtils
- ABSTRACTFEATURETYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
- ABSTRACTFEATURETYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractFeatureType"> <annotation> <documentation>An abstract feature provides a set of common properties, including id, metaDataProperty, name and description inherited from AbstractGMLType, plus boundedBy.
- ABSTRACTFEATURETYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractFeatureType"> <annotation> <documentation>The basic feature model is given by the gml:AbstractFeatureType.
- AbstractFeatureTypeBinding - Class in org.geotools.gml3.bindings
Binding object for the type http://www.opengis.net/gml:AbstractFeatureType.
- AbstractFeatureTypeBinding(FeatureTypeCache, BindingWalkerFactory, SchemaIndex, Configuration, XSDIdRegistry, GML3EncodingUtils) - Constructor for class AbstractFeatureTypeBinding
- AbstractFeatureTypeEncode(Object, Document, Element, XSDIdRegistry) - Method in class GML3EncodingUtils
- AbstractFeatureTypeGetProperties(Object, XSDElementDeclaration, SchemaIndex, Configuration) - Method in class GML3EncodingUtils
- AbstractFeatureTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Feature Type'.
- AbstractFeatureTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractFeatureTypeImpl
- AbstractFeatureTypeMapper - Class in org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.catalog.oracle
An abstract class which groups common attributes and methods to remap original FeatureType onto the new one
- AbstractFeatureTypeMapper(SimpleFeatureType, int) - Constructor for class AbstractFeatureTypeMapper
- AbstractFeatureVisitor - Class in org.geotools.feature.collection
An abstract class to reduce the amount of work needed when working with FeatureVisitor.
- AbstractFeatureVisitor() - Constructor for class AbstractFeatureVisitor
- AbstractFilter - Class in org.geotools.filter
Implements Filter interface, with constants and default behaviors for methods.
- AbstractFilter() - Constructor for class AbstractFilter
- AbstractFilterBuilder - Class in org.geotools.filter.text.commons
This abstract class provides the common behavior to build the filters for the related semantic actions of parsing language process.
- AbstractFilterBuilder(String, FilterFactory) - Constructor for class AbstractFilterBuilder
New instance of FilterBuilder
- AbstractFilterToMongo - Class in org.geotools.data.mongodb
Abstract visitor responsible for generating a BasicDBObject to use as a MongoDB query.
- AbstractFilterToMongo() - Constructor for class AbstractFilterToMongo
- AbstractFilterToMongo(MongoGeometryBuilder) - Constructor for class AbstractFilterToMongo
- AbstractFilterVisitor - Class in org.geotools.filter.visitor
Base implementation of the FilterVisitor used for inorder traversal of expressions.
- AbstractFilterVisitor() - Constructor for class AbstractFilterVisitor
Empty constructor
- AbstractFilterVisitor(ExpressionVisitor) - Constructor for class AbstractFilterVisitor
Constructs the filter visitor with an expression visitor.
- AbstractFinderFilterVisitor - Class in org.geotools.filter.visitor
Abstract FilterVisitor for answering yes / no questions about a filter.
- AbstractFinderFilterVisitor() - Constructor for class AbstractFinderFilterVisitor
- AbstractGeneralConversion - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeneralConversionType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract General Conversion Type'.
- AbstractGeneralConversionType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeneralConversionType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeneralConversionType"> <annotation> <documentation>An abstract operation on coordinates that does not include any change of datum.
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeneralConversionType"> <complexContent> <restriction base="gml:AbstractCoordinateOperationType"> <sequence> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="gml:metaDataProperty"/> <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:description"/> <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:descriptionReference"/> <element ref="gml:identifier"/> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="gml:name"/> <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:remarks"/> <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:domainOfValidity"/> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="gml:scope"/> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="gml:coordinateOperationAccuracy"/> </sequence> <attribute ref="gml:id" use="required"/> </restriction> </complexContent> </complexType>
- AbstractGeneralConversionTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract General Conversion Type'.
- AbstractGeneralConversionTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractGeneralConversionTypeImpl
- AbstractGeneralDerivedCRS - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeneralDerivedCRSType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract General Derived CRS Type'.
- AbstractGeneralDerivedCRSType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeneralDerivedCRSType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeneralDerivedCRSType"> <annotation> <documentation>A coordinate reference system that is defined by its coordinate conversion from another coordinate reference system (not by a datum).
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeneralDerivedCRSType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractCRSType"> <sequence> <element ref="gml:conversion"/> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>
- AbstractGeneralDerivedCRSTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract General Derived CRS Type'.
- AbstractGeneralDerivedCRSTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractGeneralDerivedCRSTypeImpl
- AbstractGeneralOperationParameter - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeneralOperationParameterPropertyType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType name="AbstractGeneralOperationParameterPropertyType"> <annotation> <documentation>gml:AbstractGeneralOperationParameterPropertyType is a property type for association roles to an operation parameter or group, either referencing or containing the definition of that parameter or group.</documentation> </annotation> <sequence minOccurs="0"> <element ref="gml:AbstractGeneralOperationParameter"/> </sequence> <attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/> </complexType>
- abstractGeneralOperationParameterRef - Static variable in class GML
- abstractGeneralOperationParameterRef - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeneralOperationParameterRefType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract General Operation Parameter Ref Type'.
- AbstractGeneralOperationParameterRefType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType name="AbstractGeneralOperationParameterRefType"> <annotation> <documentation>Association to an operation parameter or group, either referencing or containing the definition of that parameter or group.
- AbstractGeneralOperationParameterRefTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract General Operation Parameter Ref Type'.
- AbstractGeneralOperationParameterRefTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractGeneralOperationParameterRefTypeImpl
- AbstractGeneralOperationParameterType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract General Operation Parameter Type'.
- AbstractGeneralOperationParameterType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeneralOperationParameterType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeneralOperationParameterType"> <annotation> <documentation>Abstract definition of a parameter or group of parameters used by an operation method.
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeneralOperationParameterType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:IdentifiedObjectType"> <sequence> <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:minimumOccurs"/> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>
- AbstractGeneralOperationParameterTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract General Operation Parameter Type'.
- AbstractGeneralOperationParameterTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractGeneralOperationParameterTypeImpl
- AbstractGeneralParameterValue - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeneralParameterValuePropertyType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType name="AbstractGeneralParameterValuePropertyType"> <annotation> <documentation>gml:AbstractGeneralParameterValuePropertyType is a property type for inline association roles to a parameter value or group of parameter values, always containing the values.</documentation> </annotation> <sequence> <element ref="gml:AbstractGeneralParameterValue"/> </sequence> </complexType>
- AbstractGeneralParameterValueType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract General Parameter Value Type'.
- AbstractGeneralParameterValueType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeneralParameterValueType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeneralParameterValueType"> <annotation> <documentation>Abstract parameter value or group of parameter values.
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeneralParameterValueType"> <sequence/> </complexType>
- AbstractGeneralParameterValueTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract General Parameter Value Type'.
- AbstractGeneralParameterValueTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractGeneralParameterValueTypeImpl
- AbstractGeneralTransformation - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeneralTransformationType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract General Transformation Type'.
- AbstractGeneralTransformationType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeneralTransformationType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeneralTransformationType"> <annotation> <documentation>An abstract operation on coordinates that usually includes a change of Datum.
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeneralTransformationType"> <complexContent> <restriction base="gml:AbstractCoordinateOperationType"> <sequence> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="gml:metaDataProperty"/> <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:description"/> <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:descriptionReference"/> <element ref="gml:identifier"/> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="gml:name"/> <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:remarks"/> <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:domainOfValidity"/> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="gml:scope"/> <element ref="gml:operationVersion"/> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="gml:coordinateOperationAccuracy"/> <element ref="gml:sourceCRS"/> <element ref="gml:targetCRS"/> </sequence> <attribute ref="gml:id" use="required"/> </restriction> </complexContent> </complexType>
- AbstractGeneralTransformationTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract General Transformation Type'.
- AbstractGeneralTransformationTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractGeneralTransformationTypeImpl
- AbstractGenericName - Static variable in class GCO
- AbstractGeometricAggregate - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeometricAggregateType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Geometric Aggregate Type'.
- AbstractGeometricAggregateType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeometricAggregateType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeometricAggregateType"> <annotation> <documentation>This is the abstract root type of the geometric aggregates.</documentation> </annotation> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractGeometryType"/> </complexContent> </complexType>
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeometricAggregateType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractGeometryType"> <attributeGroup ref="gml:AggregationAttributeGroup"/> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>
- AbstractGeometricAggregateTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Geometric Aggregate Type'.
- AbstractGeometricAggregateTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractGeometricAggregateTypeImpl
- AbstractGeometricPrimitive - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType - Interface in net.opengis.gml
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Geometric Primitive Type'.
- AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Geometric Primitive Type'.
- AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType"> <annotation> <documentation>This is the abstract root type of the geometric primitives.
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType"> <annotation> <documentation>gml:AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType is the abstract root type of the geometric primitives.
- AbstractGeometricPrimitiveTypeBinding - Class in org.geotools.gml4wcs.bindings
Binding object for the type http://www.opengis.net/gml:AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType.
- AbstractGeometricPrimitiveTypeBinding() - Constructor for class AbstractGeometricPrimitiveTypeBinding
- AbstractGeometricPrimitiveTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Geometric Primitive Type'.
- AbstractGeometricPrimitiveTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Geometric Primitive Type'.
- AbstractGeometricPrimitiveTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractGeometricPrimitiveTypeImpl
- AbstractGeometricPrimitiveTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractGeometricPrimitiveTypeImpl
- AbstractGeometricPrimitiveTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.gml.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - AbstractGeometry - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeometryBaseType - Interface in net.opengis.gml
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Geometry Base Type'.
- AbstractGeometryBaseType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeometryBaseTypeBinding - Class in org.geotools.gml4wcs.bindings
Binding object for the type http://www.opengis.net/gml:AbstractGeometryBaseType.
- AbstractGeometryBaseTypeBinding() - Constructor for class AbstractGeometryBaseTypeBinding
- AbstractGeometryBaseTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Geometry Base Type'.
- AbstractGeometryBaseTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractGeometryBaseTypeImpl
- AbstractGeometryBaseTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.gml.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - AbstractGeometryCollectionBaseType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeometryCollectionBaseType() - Constructor for class GMLComplexTypes.AbstractGeometryCollectionBaseType
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeometryCollectionBaseType"> <annotation> <documentation> This abstract base type for geometry collections just makes the srsName attribute mandatory.
- AbstractGeometryGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractGeometryObjectExtensionGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractGeometrySimpleExtensionGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractGeometryType - Interface in net.opengis.gml
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Geometry Type'.
- AbstractGeometryType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Geometry Type'.
- AbstractGeometryType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeometryType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeometryType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeometryType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGeometryType - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractGeometryType() - Constructor for class GMLComplexTypes.AbstractGeometryType
- ABSTRACTGEOMETRYTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeometryType"> <annotation> <documentation> All geometry elements are derived from this abstract supertype; a geometry element may have an identifying attribute (gid).
- ABSTRACTGEOMETRYTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeometryType"> <annotation> <documentation>All geometry elements are derived directly or indirectly from this abstract supertype.
- ABSTRACTGEOMETRYTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeometryType"> <annotation> <documentation>All geometry elements are derived directly or indirectly from this abstract supertype.
- AbstractGeometryTypeBinding - Class in org.geotools.gml3.bindings
Binding object for the type http://www.opengis.net/gml:AbstractGeometryType.
- AbstractGeometryTypeBinding - Class in org.geotools.gml4wcs.bindings
Binding object for the type http://www.opengis.net/gml:AbstractGeometryType.
- AbstractGeometryTypeBinding() - Constructor for class AbstractGeometryTypeBinding
- AbstractGeometryTypeBinding(Configuration, SrsSyntax) - Constructor for class AbstractGeometryTypeBinding
- AbstractGeometryTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Geometry Type'.
- AbstractGeometryTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Geometry Type'.
- AbstractGeometryTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractGeometryTypeImpl
- AbstractGeometryTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractGeometryTypeImpl
- AbstractGeometryTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.gml.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - AbstractGetCapabilitiesRequest - Class in org.geotools.data.ows
Each Open Web Service typically defines an operation that describes what operations it supports and what data it holds.
- AbstractGetCapabilitiesRequest(URL) - Constructor for class AbstractGetCapabilitiesRequest
- AbstractGetFeatureInfoRequest - Class in org.geotools.ows.wms.request
A base class for GetFeatureInfoRequests that provides some functionality.
- AbstractGetFeatureInfoRequest(URL, GetMapRequest) - Constructor for class AbstractGetFeatureInfoRequest
Constructs a GetFeatureInfoRequest.
- AbstractGetFeatureResponseParserFactory - Class in org.geotools.data.wfs.internal.parsers
An abstract WFS response parser factory for GetFeature requests in GML output formats.
- AbstractGetFeatureResponseParserFactory() - Constructor for class AbstractGetFeatureResponseParserFactory
- AbstractGetLegendGraphicRequest - Class in org.geotools.ows.wms.request
Provides functionality for a basic GetLegendGraphic request
- AbstractGetLegendGraphicRequest(URL) - Constructor for class AbstractGetLegendGraphicRequest
- AbstractGetMapRequest - Class in org.geotools.ows.wms.request
- AbstractGetMapRequest(URL, Properties) - Constructor for class AbstractGetMapRequest
Constructs a GetMapRequest.
- AbstractGetStylesRequest - Class in org.geotools.ows.wms.request
Provides functionality for a basic getStyles request
- AbstractGetStylesRequest(URL, Properties) - Constructor for class AbstractGetStylesRequest
- AbstractGetTileRequest - Class in org.geotools.ows.wmts.request
(Based on existing work by rgould for WMS service)
- AbstractGetTileRequest(URL, Properties) - Constructor for class AbstractGetTileRequest
Constructs a GetMapRequest.
- AbstractGetTileRequest(URL, Properties, HTTPClient) - Constructor for class AbstractGetTileRequest
- AbstractGML - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGMLType - Interface in net.opengis.gml
A representation of the model object 'Abstract GML Type'.
- AbstractGMLType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract GML Type'.
- AbstractGMLType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGMLType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGMLType - Static variable in class GML
- ABSTRACTGMLTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGMLType"> <annotation> <documentation>All complexContent GML elements are directly or indirectly derived from this abstract supertype to establish a hierarchy of GML types that may be distinguished from other XML types by their ancestry.
- ABSTRACTGMLTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGMLType"> <sequence> <group ref="gml:StandardObjectProperties"/> </sequence> <attribute ref="gml:id" use="required"/> </complexType>
- AbstractGMLTypeBinding - Class in org.geotools.gml4wcs.bindings
Binding object for the type http://www.opengis.net/gml:AbstractGMLType.
- AbstractGMLTypeBinding() - Constructor for class AbstractGMLTypeBinding
- AbstractGMLTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract GML Type'.
- AbstractGMLTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract GML Type'.
- AbstractGMLTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractGMLTypeImpl
- AbstractGMLTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractGMLTypeImpl
- AbstractGMLTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.gml.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - AbstractGraphIterator - Class in org.geotools.graph.traverse.basic
An abstract implementation of GraphIterator.
- AbstractGraphIterator() - Constructor for class AbstractGraphIterator
- AbstractGridCoverage - Class in org.geotools.coverage.grid
Base class for GeoTools implementation of grid coverage.
- AbstractGridCoverage(CharSequence, GridCoverage) - Constructor for class AbstractGridCoverage
Constructs a new coverage with the same parameters than the specified coverage.
- AbstractGridCoverage(CharSequence, CoordinateReferenceSystem, PropertySource, Map<?, ?>) - Constructor for class AbstractGridCoverage
Constructs a grid coverage using the specified coordinate reference system.
- AbstractGridCoverage(CharSequence, CoordinateReferenceSystem, GridCoverage[], PropertySource, Map<?, ?>) - Constructor for class AbstractGridCoverage
Constructs a grid coverage with sources.
- AbstractGridCoverage2DReader - Class in org.geotools.coverage.grid.io
This class is a first attempt for providing a way to get more informations out of a single 2D raster datasets (x,y).
- AbstractGridCoverage2DReader() - Constructor for class AbstractGridCoverage2DReader
Default protected constructor.
- AbstractGridCoverage2DReader(Object) - Constructor for class AbstractGridCoverage2DReader
Creates a new instance of a
. - AbstractGridCoverage2DReader(Object, Hints) - Constructor for class AbstractGridCoverage2DReader
Creates a new instance of a
. - AbstractGridCoverageWriter - Class in org.geotools.coverage.grid.io
is the base class for allGridCoverageWriter
implementations in GeoTools toolkit. - AbstractGridCoverageWriter() - Constructor for class AbstractGridCoverageWriter
Default constructor for an
. - AbstractGriddedSurface - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGriddedSurfaceType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Gridded Surface Type'.
- AbstractGriddedSurfaceType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractGriddedSurfaceType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType name="AbstractGriddedSurfaceType_row"> <sequence> <group ref="gml:geometricPositionListGroup"/> </sequence> </complexType>
- AbstractGriddedSurfaceType_rows - Static variable in class GML
<complexType name="AbstractGriddedSurfaceType_rows"> <sequence> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="gml:Row"/> </sequence> </complexType>
- ABSTRACTGRIDDEDSURFACETYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType name="AbstractGriddedSurfaceType"> <annotation> <documentation>A gridded surface is a parametric curve surface derived from a rectangular grid in the parameter space.
- ABSTRACTGRIDDEDSURFACETYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGriddedSurfaceType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractParametricCurveSurfaceType"> <sequence> <group ref="gml:PointGrid"/> </sequence> <attribute name="rows" type="integer"/> <attribute name="columns" type="integer"/> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>
- AbstractGriddedSurfaceTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Gridded Surface Type'.
- AbstractGriddedSurfaceTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractGriddedSurfaceTypeImpl
- AbstractGridFormat - Class in org.geotools.coverage.grid.io
AbstractGridFormat is a convenience class so subclasses only need to populate a Map class and set the read and write parameter fields.
- AbstractGridFormat() - Constructor for class AbstractGridFormat
- AbstractHSLFunction - Class in org.geotools.filter.function.color
Base for lesscss.org HSL color manipulation functions
- AbstractHSLFunction(String) - Constructor for class AbstractHSLFunction
- AbstractHttpClient - Class in org.geotools.http
A base class for HTTPClient, that implements everything except the get and post methods.
- AbstractHttpClient() - Constructor for class AbstractHttpClient
- AbstractHTTPClientFactory - Class in org.geotools.http
Base HTTPClientFactory adding wrapper client's to the desired HTTP Client like for instance LoggingHTTPClient.
- AbstractHTTPClientFactory() - Constructor for class AbstractHTTPClientFactory
- AbstractIdentifiedObject - Class in org.geotools.referencing
A base class for metadata applicable to reference system objects.
- AbstractIdentifiedObject(Map<String, ?>) - Constructor for class AbstractIdentifiedObject
Constructs an object from a set of properties.
- AbstractIdentifiedObject(Map<String, ?>, Map<String, Object>, String...) - Constructor for class AbstractIdentifiedObject
Constructs an object from a set of properties and copy unrecognized properties in the specified map.
- AbstractIdentifiedObject(IdentifiedObject) - Constructor for class AbstractIdentifiedObject
Constructs a new identified object with the same values than the specified one.
- AbstractIdType - Interface in net.opengis.fes20
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Id Type'.
- AbstractIdType - Static variable in class OGC
- AbstractIdType - Static variable in class FES
- AbstractIdTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.fes20.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Id Type'.
- AbstractIdTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractIdTypeImpl
- AbstractImplicitGeometry - Static variable in class GML
- abstractInlineProperty - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractInternationalString - Class in org.geotools.util
- AbstractInternationalString() - Constructor for class AbstractInternationalString
Constructs an international string.
- AbstractLatLonBoxObjectExtensionGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractLatLonBoxSimpleExtensionGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractLatLonBoxType - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractLazyAttributeTypeImpl - Class in org.geotools.feature.type
A replacement for
with lazy evaluation of super type, so types can be defined in any order. - AbstractLazyAttributeTypeImpl(Name, Class<?>, boolean, boolean, List<Filter>, InternationalString) - Constructor for class AbstractLazyAttributeTypeImpl
Constructor arguments have the same meaning as in
. - AbstractLazyComplexTypeImpl - Class in org.geotools.feature.type
A replacement for
with lazy evaluation of descriptors, to support cyclically-defined types. - AbstractLazyComplexTypeImpl(Name, boolean, boolean, List<Filter>, InternationalString) - Constructor for class AbstractLazyComplexTypeImpl
Constructor arguments have the same meaning as in
. - AbstractLiteIterator - Class in org.geotools.geometry.jts
Subclass that provides a convenient efficient currentSegment(float[] coords) implementation that reuses always the same double array.
- AbstractLiteIterator() - Constructor for class AbstractLiteIterator
- AbstractManageableDataSource - Class in org.geotools.data.jdbc.datasource
An abstract wrapper created to ease the setup of a
, you just have to subclass and create a close method - AbstractManageableDataSource(DataSource) - Constructor for class AbstractManageableDataSource
- AbstractMapPane - Class in org.geotools.swing
Base class for Swing map panes.
- AbstractMapPane(MapContent, RenderingExecutor) - Constructor for class AbstractMapPane
- AbstractMappingFeatureIterator - Class in org.geotools.data.complex
Base class for several MappingFeatureImplementation's.
- AbstractMappingFeatureIterator(AppSchemaDataAccess, FeatureTypeMapping, Query) - Constructor for class AbstractMappingFeatureIterator
- AbstractMappingFeatureIterator(AppSchemaDataAccess, FeatureTypeMapping, Query, Query) - Constructor for class AbstractMappingFeatureIterator
- AbstractMappingFeatureIterator(AppSchemaDataAccess, FeatureTypeMapping, Query, Query, boolean) - Constructor for class AbstractMappingFeatureIterator
- AbstractMappingFeatureIterator(AppSchemaDataAccess, FeatureTypeMapping, Query, Query, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class AbstractMappingFeatureIterator
- AbstractMappingFeatureIterator(AppSchemaDataAccess, FeatureTypeMapping, Query, Query, boolean, boolean, Transaction) - Constructor for class AbstractMappingFeatureIterator
- AbstractMathTransform - Class in org.geotools.referencing.operation.transform
Provides a default implementation for most methods required by the
interface. - AbstractMathTransform() - Constructor for class AbstractMathTransform
Constructs a math transform.
- AbstractMathTransform.Inverse - Class in org.geotools.referencing.operation.transform
Default implementation for inverse math transform.
- AbstractMD_ContentInformation - Static variable in class GMD
- AbstractMD_ContentInformation_Type - Static variable in class GMD
<xs:complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractMD_ContentInformation_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="gco:AbstractObject_Type"> <xs:sequence/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>
- AbstractMD_Identification - Static variable in class GMD
- AbstractMD_Identification_Type - Static variable in class GMD
- ABSTRACTMD_IDENTIFICATION_TYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMDSchema
<xs:complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractMD_Identification_Type"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Basic information about data</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="gco:AbstractObject_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="citation" type="gmd:CI_Citation_PropertyType"/> <xs:element name="abstract" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType"/> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="purpose" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType"/> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="credit" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType"/> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="status" type="gmd:MD_ProgressCode_PropertyType"/> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="pointOfContact" type="gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty_PropertyType"/> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="resourceMaintenance" type="gmd:MD_MaintenanceInformation_PropertyType"/> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="graphicOverview" type="gmd:MD_BrowseGraphic_PropertyType"/> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="resourceFormat" type="gmd:MD_Format_PropertyType"/> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="descriptiveKeywords" type="gmd:MD_Keywords_PropertyType"/> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="resourceSpecificUsage" type="gmd:MD_Usage_PropertyType"/> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="resourceConstraints" type="gmd:MD_Constraints_PropertyType"/> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="aggregationInfo" type="gmd:MD_AggregateInformation_PropertyType"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>
- AbstractMD_SpatialRepresentation - Static variable in class GMD
- AbstractMD_SpatialRepresentation_Type - Static variable in class GMD
<xs:complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractMD_SpatialRepresentation_Type"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Digital mechanism used to represent spatial information</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="gco:AbstractObject_Type"> <xs:sequence/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>
- AbstractMemberType - Static variable in class GML
- ABSTRACTMEMBERTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractMemberType"> <annotation> <documentation>To create a collection of GML Objects that are not all features, a property type shall be derived by extension from gml:AbstractMemberType.
- AbstractMetadata - Class in org.geotools.metadata
Base class for metadata implementations.
- AbstractMetadata() - Constructor for class AbstractMetadata
Creates an initially empty metadata.
- AbstractMetadata(Object) - Constructor for class AbstractMetadata
Constructs a metadata entity initialized with the values from the specified metadata.
- AbstractMetaData - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractMetaData - Static variable in class OWS
- AbstractMetaData - Static variable in class OWS
- AbstractMetaData - Static variable in class OWS
- abstractMetaDataGroup - Variable in class MetadataTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Abstract Meta Data Group
' attribute list. - abstractMetaDataGroup - Variable in class MetadataTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Abstract Meta Data Group
' attribute list. - abstractMetaDataGroup - Variable in class MetadataTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Abstract Meta Data Group
' attribute list. - AbstractMetadataPropertyType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractMetadataPropertyType"> <annotation> <documentation>To associate metadata described by any XML Schema with a GML object, a property element shall be defined whose content model is derived by extension from gml:AbstractMetadataPropertyType.
- AbstractMetaDataType - Interface in net.opengis.gml
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Meta Data Type'.
- AbstractMetaDataType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Meta Data Type'.
- AbstractMetaDataType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractMetaDataType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractMetaDataType - Static variable in class GML
- ABSTRACTMETADATATYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" mixed="true" name="AbstractMetaDataType"> <annotation> <documentation>An abstract base type for complex metadata types.</documentation> </annotation> <attribute ref="gml:id" use="optional"/> </complexType>
- ABSTRACTMETADATATYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" mixed="true" name="AbstractMetaDataType"> <annotation> <appinfo>deprecated</appinfo> </annotation> <sequence/> <attribute ref="gml:id"/> </complexType>
- AbstractMetaDataTypeBinding - Class in org.geotools.gml4wcs.bindings
Binding object for the type http://www.opengis.net/gml:AbstractMetaDataType.
- AbstractMetaDataTypeBinding() - Constructor for class AbstractMetaDataTypeBinding
- AbstractMetaDataTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Meta Data Type'.
- AbstractMetaDataTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Meta Data Type'.
- AbstractMetaDataTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractMetaDataTypeImpl
- AbstractMetaDataTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractMetaDataTypeImpl
- AbstractMetaDataTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.gml.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - AbstractMX_File - Static variable in class GMX
- AbstractMX_File_Type - Static variable in class GMX
- ABSTRACTMX_FILE_TYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMXSchema
<xs:complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractMX_File_Type"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="gco:AbstractObject_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="fileName" type="gmx:FileName_PropertyType"/> <xs:element name="fileDescription" type="gco:CharacterString_PropertyType"/> <xs:element name="fileType" type="gmx:MimeFileType_PropertyType"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>
- AbstractObject - Static variable in class GCO
- AbstractObject - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractObject_Type - Static variable in class GCO
- ABSTRACTOBJECT_TYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GCOSchema
<xs:complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractObject_Type"> <xs:sequence/> <xs:attributeGroup ref="gco:ObjectIdentification"/> </xs:complexType>
- AbstractObjectGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractObjectType - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractOpenWebService<C extends Capabilities,R> - Class in org.geotools.data.ows
This abstract class provides a building block for one to implement an Open Web Service (OWS) client.
- AbstractOpenWebService(URL) - Constructor for class AbstractOpenWebService
Set up the specifications used and retrieve the Capabilities document given by serverURL.
- AbstractOpenWebService(URL, HTTPClient) - Constructor for class AbstractOpenWebService
- AbstractOpenWebService(URL, HTTPClient, C) - Constructor for class AbstractOpenWebService
- AbstractOpenWebService(URL, HTTPClient, C, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class AbstractOpenWebService
- AbstractOpenWebService(URL, HTTPClient, C, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class AbstractOpenWebService
- AbstractOperation - Class in org.geotools.coverage.processing
Provides descriptive information for a coverage processing operation.
- AbstractOperation - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractOperation(ParameterDescriptorGroup) - Constructor for class AbstractOperation
Constructs an operation.
- AbstractOverlayGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractOverlayObjectExtensionGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractOverlaySimpleExtensionGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractOverlayType - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractParameter - Class in org.geotools.parameter
Abstract parameter value or group of parameter values.
- AbstractParameter(GeneralParameterDescriptor) - Constructor for class AbstractParameter
Constructs a parameter value from the specified descriptor.
- AbstractParameterDescriptor - Class in org.geotools.parameter
Abstract definition of a parameter or group of parameters used by an operation method.
- AbstractParameterDescriptor(Map<String, ?>, int, int) - Constructor for class AbstractParameterDescriptor
Constructs a parameter from a set of properties.
- AbstractParameterDescriptor(GeneralParameterDescriptor) - Constructor for class AbstractParameterDescriptor
Constructs a descriptor with the same values than the specified one.
- AbstractParametricCurveSurface - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractParametricCurveSurfaceType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Parametric Curve Surface Type'.
- AbstractParametricCurveSurfaceType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractParametricCurveSurfaceType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType name="AbstractParametricCurveSurfaceType"> <annotation> <documentation/> </annotation> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractSurfacePatchType"/> </complexContent> </complexType>
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractParametricCurveSurfaceType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractSurfacePatchType"> <attributeGroup ref="gml:AggregationAttributeGroup"/> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>
- AbstractParametricCurveSurfaceTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Parametric Curve Surface Type'.
- AbstractParametricCurveSurfaceTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractParametricCurveSurfaceTypeImpl
- AbstractParser - Class in org.geotools.referencing.wkt
Base class for Well Know Text (WKT) parser.
- AbstractParser(Symbols) - Constructor for class AbstractParser
Constructs a parser using the specified set of symbols.
- AbstractPosition - Class in org.geotools.geometry
Base class for direct position implementations.
- AbstractPosition() - Constructor for class AbstractPosition
Constructs a direct position.
- AbstractPositionalAccuracyType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Positional Accuracy Type'.
- AbstractPositionalAccuracyType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractPositionalAccuracyType"> <annotation> <documentation>Position error estimate (or accuracy) data.
- AbstractPositionalAccuracyTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Positional Accuracy Type'.
- AbstractPositionalAccuracyTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractPositionalAccuracyTypeImpl
- AbstractPreparedGeometryFilter - Class in org.geotools.filter.spatial
A base class for GeometryFilters that will use PreparedGeometries when the Expression is a Literal Expression.
- AbstractPreparedGeometryFilter(Expression, Expression) - Constructor for class AbstractPreparedGeometryFilter
- AbstractPreparedGeometryFilter(Expression, Expression, MultiValuedFilter.MatchAction) - Constructor for class AbstractPreparedGeometryFilter
- AbstractPreparedGeometryFilter.Literals - Enum in org.geotools.filter.spatial
Constant that identifies which expressions are Literal and JTS Geometries
- AbstractProcess - Class in org.geotools.process.impl
Provide an implementation of the process method to implement your own Process.
- AbstractProcess(ProcessFactory) - Constructor for class AbstractProcess
- abstractProjectionClause - Variable in class AbstractAdhocQueryExpressionTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Abstract Projection Clause
' attribute list. - AbstractProjectionClause - Static variable in class FES
- AbstractProjectionClauseType - Interface in net.opengis.fes20
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Projection Clause Type'.
- AbstractProjectionClauseType - Static variable in class FES
- AbstractProjectionClauseTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.fes20.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Projection Clause Type'.
- AbstractProjectionClauseTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractProjectionClauseTypeImpl
- AbstractProvider(ParameterDescriptorGroup) - Constructor for class MapProjection.AbstractProvider
Constructs a math transform provider from a set of parameters.
- AbstractPutStylesRequest - Class in org.geotools.ows.wms.request
Presents basic functionality for a PutStyles request
- AbstractPutStylesRequest(URL, Properties) - Constructor for class AbstractPutStylesRequest
- AbstractQuantityClassificationFunction - Class in org.geotools.filter.function
- AbstractQuantityClassificationFunction(FunctionName) - Constructor for class AbstractQuantityClassificationFunction
- AbstractQuery - Static variable in class CSW
- abstractQueryExpression - Variable in class GetPropertyValueTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Abstract Query Expression
' reference. - AbstractQueryExpression - Static variable in class FES
- abstractQueryExpressionGroup - Variable in class GetFeatureTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Abstract Query Expression Group
' attribute list. - abstractQueryExpressionGroup - Variable in class LockFeatureTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Abstract Query Expression Group
' attribute list. - AbstractQueryExpressionType - Interface in net.opengis.fes20
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Query Expression Type'.
- AbstractQueryExpressionType - Static variable in class FES
- AbstractQueryExpressionTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.fes20.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Query Expression Type'.
- AbstractQueryExpressionTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractQueryExpressionTypeImpl
- AbstractQueryType - Interface in net.opengis.cat.csw20
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Query Type'.
- AbstractQueryType - Static variable in class CSW
- AbstractQueryTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.cat.csw20.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Query Type'.
- AbstractQueryTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractQueryTypeImpl
- AbstractReaderWriter - Class in org.geotools.graph.io.standard
An abstract implementation of the GraphReaderWriter interface.
- AbstractReaderWriter() - Constructor for class AbstractReaderWriter
Constructs an AbstractReaderWriter.
- AbstractRecord - Static variable in class CSW
- abstractRecordGroup - Variable in class GetRecordByIdResponseTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Abstract Record Group
' attribute list. - abstractRecordGroup - Variable in class SearchResultsTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Abstract Record Group
' attribute list. - AbstractRecordType - Interface in net.opengis.cat.csw20
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Record Type'.
- AbstractRecordType - Static variable in class CSW
- AbstractRecordTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.cat.csw20.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Record Type'.
- AbstractRecordTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractRecordTypeImpl
- abstractReference - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractReferenceBase - Static variable in class OWS
- AbstractReferenceBase - Static variable in class OWS
- abstractReferenceBaseGroup - Variable in class ReferenceGroupTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Abstract Reference Base Group
' attribute list. - abstractReferenceBaseGroup - Variable in class ReferenceGroupTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Abstract Reference Base Group
' attribute list. - AbstractReferenceBaseType - Interface in net.opengis.ows11
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Reference Base Type'.
- AbstractReferenceBaseType - Interface in net.opengis.ows20
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Reference Base Type'.
- AbstractReferenceBaseType - Static variable in class OWS
- AbstractReferenceBaseType - Static variable in class OWS
- AbstractReferenceBaseTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.ows11.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Reference Base Type'.
- AbstractReferenceBaseTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.ows20.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Reference Base Type'.
- AbstractReferenceBaseTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractReferenceBaseTypeImpl
- AbstractReferenceBaseTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractReferenceBaseTypeImpl
- AbstractReferenceBaseTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.ows11.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - AbstractReferenceBaseTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.ows20.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - AbstractReferenceSystem - Class in org.geotools.referencing
Description of a spatial and temporal reference system used by a dataset.
- AbstractReferenceSystem(Map<String, ?>) - Constructor for class AbstractReferenceSystem
Constructs a reference system from a set of properties.
- AbstractReferenceSystem(ReferenceSystem) - Constructor for class AbstractReferenceSystem
Constructs a new reference system with the same values than the specified one.
- AbstractReferenceSystemBaseType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Reference System Base Type'.
- AbstractReferenceSystemBaseType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractReferenceSystemBaseType"> <annotation> <documentation>Basic encoding for reference system objects, simplifying and restricting the DefinitionType as needed.</documentation> </annotation> <complexContent> <restriction base="gml:DefinitionType"> <sequence> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="gml:metaDataProperty"/> <element ref="gml:srsName"/> </sequence> <attribute ref="gml:id" use="required"/> </restriction> </complexContent> </complexType>
- AbstractReferenceSystemBaseTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Reference System Base Type'.
- AbstractReferenceSystemBaseTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractReferenceSystemBaseTypeImpl
- AbstractReferenceSystemType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Reference System Type'.
- AbstractReferenceSystemType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractReferenceSystemType"> <annotation> <documentation>Description of a spatial and/or temporal reference system used by a dataset.</documentation> </annotation> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractReferenceSystemBaseType"> <sequence> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="gml:srsID"> <annotation> <documentation>Set of alterative identifications of this reference system.
- AbstractReferenceSystemTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Reference System Type'.
- AbstractReferenceSystemTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractReferenceSystemTypeImpl
- AbstractRequest - Class in org.geotools.data.ows
A class that provides functionality for performing basic requests
- AbstractRequest(URL, Properties) - Constructor for class AbstractRequest
Creates an AbstractRequest.
- AbstractRing - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractRingPropertyType - Interface in net.opengis.gml
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Ring Property Type'.
- AbstractRingPropertyType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Ring Property Type'.
- AbstractRingPropertyType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractRingPropertyType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractRingPropertyType - Static variable in class GML
- ABSTRACTRINGPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType name="AbstractRingPropertyType"> <annotation> <documentation>Encapsulates a ring to represent the surface boundary property of a surface.</documentation> </annotation> <sequence> <element ref="gml:_Ring"/> </sequence> </complexType>
- ABSTRACTRINGPROPERTYTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType name="AbstractRingPropertyType"> <annotation> <documentation>A property with the content model of gml:AbstractRingPropertyType encapsulates a ring to represent the surface boundary property of a surface.</documentation> </annotation> <sequence> <element ref="gml:AbstractRing"/> </sequence> </complexType>
- AbstractRingPropertyTypeBinding - Class in org.geotools.gml3.bindings
Binding object for the type http://www.opengis.net/gml:AbstractRingPropertyType.
- AbstractRingPropertyTypeBinding - Class in org.geotools.gml4wcs.bindings
Binding object for the type http://www.opengis.net/gml:AbstractRingPropertyType.
- AbstractRingPropertyTypeBinding() - Constructor for class AbstractRingPropertyTypeBinding
- AbstractRingPropertyTypeBinding() - Constructor for class AbstractRingPropertyTypeBinding
- AbstractRingPropertyTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Ring Property Type'.
- AbstractRingPropertyTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Ring Property Type'.
- AbstractRingPropertyTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractRingPropertyTypeImpl
- AbstractRingPropertyTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractRingPropertyTypeImpl
- AbstractRingPropertyTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.gml.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - AbstractRingType - Interface in net.opengis.gml
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Ring Type'.
- AbstractRingType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Ring Type'.
- AbstractRingType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractRingType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractRingType - Static variable in class GML
- ABSTRACTRINGTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractRingType"> <annotation> <documentation>An abstraction of a ring to support surface boundaries of different complexity.</documentation> </annotation> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractGeometryType"/> </complexContent> </complexType>
- ABSTRACTRINGTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractRingType"> <sequence/> </complexType>
- AbstractRingTypeBinding - Class in org.geotools.gml3.v3_2.bindings
Binding object for the type http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2:AbstractRingType.
- AbstractRingTypeBinding - Class in org.geotools.gml4wcs.bindings
Binding object for the type http://www.opengis.net/gml:AbstractRingType.
- AbstractRingTypeBinding() - Constructor for class AbstractRingTypeBinding
- AbstractRingTypeBinding() - Constructor for class AbstractRingTypeBinding
- AbstractRingTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Ring Type'.
- AbstractRingTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Ring Type'.
- AbstractRingTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractRingTypeImpl
- AbstractRingTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractRingTypeImpl
- AbstractRingTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.gml.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - AbstractRS_ReferenceSystem - Static variable in class GMD
- AbstractRS_ReferenceSystem_Type - Static variable in class GMD
<xs:complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractRS_ReferenceSystem_Type"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>Description of the spatial and temporal reference systems used in the dataset</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="gco:AbstractObject_Type"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="name" type="gmd:RS_Identifier_PropertyType"/> <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="domainOfValidity" type="gmd:EX_Extent_PropertyType"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>
- AbstractScalarValue - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractScalarValueList - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractSearchFilterVisitor - Class in org.geotools.filter.visitor
SearchFilterVisitor is a base class used to optimize finding specific information in the filter data structure.
- AbstractSearchFilterVisitor() - Constructor for class AbstractSearchFilterVisitor
- abstractSelectionClause - Variable in class AbstractAdhocQueryExpressionTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Abstract Selection Clause
' attribute. - AbstractSelectionClause - Static variable in class FES
- AbstractSelectionClauseType - Interface in net.opengis.fes20
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Selection Clause Type'.
- AbstractSelectionClauseType - Static variable in class FES
- AbstractSelectionClauseTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.fes20.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Selection Clause Type'.
- AbstractSelectionClauseTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractSelectionClauseTypeImpl
- AbstractSimpleBinding - Class in org.geotools.xsd
Base class for simple bindings.
- AbstractSimpleBinding() - Constructor for class AbstractSimpleBinding
- AbstractSimpleDialog - Class in org.geotools.swing.dialog
An abstract base class for simple dialogs with a single control panel (supplied by the sub-class) together with OK and Cancel buttons.
- AbstractSimpleDialog(String) - Constructor for class AbstractSimpleDialog
Creates a new modal, non-resizable dialog with a
parent. - AbstractSimpleDialog(JDialog, String) - Constructor for class AbstractSimpleDialog
Creates a new modal, non-resizable dialog.
- AbstractSimpleDialog(JDialog, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class AbstractSimpleDialog
Creates a new modal, non-resizable dialog.
- AbstractSimpleDialog(JFrame, String) - Constructor for class AbstractSimpleDialog
Creates a new modal, non-resizable dialog.
- AbstractSimpleDialog(JFrame, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class AbstractSimpleDialog
Creates a new modal, non-resizable dialog.
- AbstractSingleCRS - Class in org.geotools.referencing.crs
Abstract coordinate reference system, consisting of a single coordinate system and a single datum (as opposed to compound CRS).
- AbstractSingleCRS - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractSingleCRS(Map<String, ?>, Datum, CoordinateSystem) - Constructor for class AbstractSingleCRS
Constructs a coordinate reference system from a set of properties.
- AbstractSingleCRS(SingleCRS) - Constructor for class AbstractSingleCRS
Constructs a new coordinate reference system with the same values than the specified one.
- AbstractSingleOperation - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractSolid - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractSolidType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Solid Type'.
- AbstractSolidType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractSolidType - Static variable in class GML
- ABSTRACTSOLIDTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType name="AbstractSolidType"> <annotation> <documentation>An abstraction of a solid to support the different levels of complexity.
- ABSTRACTSOLIDTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType name="AbstractSolidType"> <annotation> <documentation>gml:AbstractSolidType is an abstraction of a solid to support the different levels of complexity.
- AbstractSolidTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Solid Type'.
- AbstractSolidTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractSolidTypeImpl
- abstractSortingClause - Variable in class AbstractAdhocQueryExpressionTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Abstract Sorting Clause
' attribute. - AbstractSortingClause - Static variable in class FES
- AbstractSortingClauseType - Interface in net.opengis.fes20
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Sorting Clause Type'.
- AbstractSortingClauseType - Static variable in class FES
- AbstractSortingClauseTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.fes20.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Sorting Clause Type'.
- AbstractSortingClauseTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractSortingClauseTypeImpl
- abstractStrictAssociationRole - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractStyleFactory - Class in org.geotools.styling
Abstract base class for implementing style factories.
- AbstractStyleFactory() - Constructor for class AbstractStyleFactory
- AbstractStyleSelectorGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractStyleSelectorObjectExtensionGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractStyleSelectorSimpleExtensionGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractStyleSelectorType - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractStyleType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Style Type'.
- AbstractStyleType - Static variable in class GML
- ABSTRACTSTYLETYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractStyleType"> <annotation> <documentation>[complexType of] The value of the top-level property.
- AbstractStyleTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Style Type'.
- AbstractStyleTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractStyleTypeImpl
- AbstractStyleVisitor - Class in org.geotools.styling
A basic implementation of the StyleVisitor interface.
- AbstractStyleVisitor() - Constructor for class AbstractStyleVisitor
- AbstractSubStyleGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractSubStyleObjectExtensionGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractSubStyleSimpleExtensionGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractSubStyleType - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractSurface - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractSurfacePatch - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractSurfacePatchType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Surface Patch Type'.
- AbstractSurfacePatchType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractSurfacePatchType - Static variable in class GML
- ABSTRACTSURFACEPATCHTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractSurfacePatchType"> <annotation> <documentation>A surface patch defines a homogenuous portion of a surface.</documentation> </annotation> <sequence/> </complexType>
- ABSTRACTSURFACEPATCHTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractSurfacePatchType"/>
- AbstractSurfacePatchTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Surface Patch Type'.
- AbstractSurfacePatchTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractSurfacePatchTypeImpl
- AbstractSurfaceType - Interface in net.opengis.gml
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Surface Type'.
- AbstractSurfaceType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Surface Type'.
- AbstractSurfaceType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractSurfaceType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractSurfaceType - Static variable in class GML
- ABSTRACTSURFACETYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType name="AbstractSurfaceType"> <annotation> <documentation>An abstraction of a surface to support the different levels of complexity.
- ABSTRACTSURFACETYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractSurfaceType"> <annotation> <documentation>gml:AbstractSurfaceType is an abstraction of a surface to support the different levels of complexity.
- AbstractSurfaceTypeBinding - Class in org.geotools.gml3.bindings
Binding object for the type http://www.opengis.net/gml:AbstractSurfaceType.
- AbstractSurfaceTypeBinding - Class in org.geotools.gml4wcs.bindings
Binding object for the type http://www.opengis.net/gml:AbstractSurfaceType.
- AbstractSurfaceTypeBinding() - Constructor for class AbstractSurfaceTypeBinding
- AbstractSurfaceTypeBinding() - Constructor for class AbstractSurfaceTypeBinding
- AbstractSurfaceTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Surface Type'.
- AbstractSurfaceTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Surface Type'.
- AbstractSurfaceTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractSurfaceTypeImpl
- AbstractSurfaceTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractSurfaceTypeImpl
- AbstractSurfaceTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.gml.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - AbstractSymbolizer - Class in org.geotools.styling
- AbstractSymbolizer() - Constructor for class AbstractSymbolizer
- AbstractSymbolizer(String, Description, String, Unit<Length>) - Constructor for class AbstractSymbolizer
- AbstractSymbolizer(String, Description, Expression, Unit<Length>) - Constructor for class AbstractSymbolizer
- AbstractTimeComplex - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractTimeComplexType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Time Complex Type'.
- AbstractTimeComplexType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractTimeComplexType - Static variable in class GML
- ABSTRACTTIMECOMPLEXTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractTimeComplexType"> <annotation> <documentation xml:lang="en">The abstract supertype for temporal complexes.</documentation> </annotation> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractTimeObjectType"/> </complexContent> </complexType>
- ABSTRACTTIMECOMPLEXTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractTimeComplexType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractTimeObjectType"/> </complexContent> </complexType>
- AbstractTimeComplexTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Time Complex Type'.
- AbstractTimeComplexTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractTimeComplexTypeImpl
- AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitive - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitiveType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Time Geometric Primitive Type'.
- AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitiveType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitiveType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitiveType"> <annotation> <documentation xml:lang="en">The abstract supertype for temporal geometric primitives.
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitiveType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractTimePrimitiveType"> <attribute default="#ISO-8601" name="frame" type="anyURI"/> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>
- AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitiveTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Time Geometric Primitive Type'.
- AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitiveTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractTimeGeometricPrimitiveTypeImpl
- AbstractTimeObject - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractTimeObjectType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Time Object Type'.
- AbstractTimeObjectType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractTimeObjectType - Static variable in class GML
- ABSTRACTTIMEOBJECTTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractTimeObjectType"> <annotation> <documentation xml:lang="en">The abstract supertype for temporal objects.</documentation> </annotation> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractGMLType"/> </complexContent> </complexType>
- ABSTRACTTIMEOBJECTTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractTimeObjectType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractGMLType"/> </complexContent> </complexType>
- AbstractTimeObjectTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Time Object Type'.
- AbstractTimeObjectTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractTimeObjectTypeImpl
- AbstractTimePrimitive - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractTimePrimitiveGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractTimePrimitiveObjectExtensionGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractTimePrimitiveSimpleExtensionGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractTimePrimitiveType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Time Primitive Type'.
- AbstractTimePrimitiveType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractTimePrimitiveType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractTimePrimitiveType - Static variable in class KML
- ABSTRACTTIMEPRIMITIVETYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractTimePrimitiveType"> <annotation> <documentation xml:lang="en">The abstract supertype for temporal primitives.</documentation> </annotation> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractTimeObjectType"> <sequence> <!
- ABSTRACTTIMEPRIMITIVETYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractTimePrimitiveType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractTimeObjectType"> <sequence> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="relatedTime" type="gml:RelatedTimeType"/> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>
- AbstractTimePrimitiveTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Time Primitive Type'.
- AbstractTimePrimitiveTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractTimePrimitiveTypeImpl
- AbstractTimeReferenceSystemType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Time Reference System Type'.
- AbstractTimeReferenceSystemType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractTimeReferenceSystemType"> <annotation> <documentation xml:lang="en">A value in the time domain is measured relative to a temporal reference system.
- AbstractTimeReferenceSystemTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Time Reference System Type'.
- AbstractTimeReferenceSystemTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractTimeReferenceSystemTypeImpl
- AbstractTimeSlice - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractTimeSliceType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Time Slice Type'.
- AbstractTimeSliceType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractTimeSliceType - Static variable in class GML
- ABSTRACTTIMESLICETYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractTimeSliceType"> <annotation> <documentation xml:lang="en">A timeslice encapsulates the time-varying properties of a dynamic feature--it must be extended to represent a timestamped projection of a feature.
- ABSTRACTTIMESLICETYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractTimeSliceType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractGMLType"> <sequence> <element ref="gml:validTime"/> <element minOccurs="0" ref="gml:dataSource"/> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>
- AbstractTimeSliceTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Time Slice Type'.
- AbstractTimeSliceTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractTimeSliceTypeImpl
- AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitive - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitiveType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Time Topology Primitive Type'.
- AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitiveType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitiveType - Static variable in class GML
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitiveType"> <annotation> <documentation xml:lang="en">The element "complex" carries a reference to the complex containing this primitive.</documentation> </annotation> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractTimePrimitiveType"> <sequence> <element minOccurs="0" name="complex" type="gml:ReferenceType"/> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitiveType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractTimePrimitiveType"> <sequence> <element minOccurs="0" name="complex" type="gml:ReferenceType"/> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>
- AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitiveTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Time Topology Primitive Type'.
- AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitiveTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractTimeTopologyPrimitiveTypeImpl
- AbstractTopology - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractTopologyType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Topology Type'.
- AbstractTopologyType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractTopologyType - Static variable in class GML
- ABSTRACTTOPOLOGYTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractTopologyType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractGMLType"/> </complexContent> </complexType>
- ABSTRACTTOPOLOGYTYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractTopologyType"> <annotation> <documentation>This abstract type supplies the root or base type for all topological elements including primitives and complexes.
- AbstractTopologyTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Topology Type'.
- AbstractTopologyTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractTopologyTypeImpl
- AbstractTopoPrimitive - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractTopoPrimitiveType - Interface in net.opengis.gml311
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Topo Primitive Type'.
- AbstractTopoPrimitiveType - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractTopoPrimitiveType - Static variable in class GML
- ABSTRACTTOPOPRIMITIVETYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractTopoPrimitiveType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractTopologyType"> <sequence> <!
- ABSTRACTTOPOPRIMITIVETYPE_TYPE - Static variable in class GMLSchema
<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractTopoPrimitiveType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractTopologyType"/> </complexContent> </complexType>
- AbstractTopoPrimitiveTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.gml311.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Topo Primitive Type'.
- AbstractTopoPrimitiveTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractTopoPrimitiveTypeImpl
- AbstractTransactionAction - Static variable in class WFS
- AbstractTransactionActionType - Interface in net.opengis.wfs20
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Transaction Action Type'.
- AbstractTransactionActionType - Static variable in class WFS
- AbstractTransactionActionTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.wfs20.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Transaction Action Type'.
- AbstractTransactionActionTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractTransactionActionTypeImpl
- AbstractTransactionActionTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.wfs20.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - AbstractType - Interface in net.opengis.wfs20
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Type'.
- AbstractTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.wfs20.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Type'.
- AbstractTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AbstractTypeImpl
- AbstractTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.wfs20.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - AbstractValue - Static variable in class GML
- AbstractViewGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractViewObjectExtensionGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractViewSimpleExtensionGroup - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractViewType - Static variable in class KML
- AbstractWFSResponseFactory - Class in org.geotools.data.wfs.internal.parsers
Potential base class for
implementations. - AbstractWFSResponseFactory() - Constructor for class AbstractWFSResponseFactory
- AbstractWFSStrategy - Class in org.geotools.data.wfs.internal
Base template-method class for
implementations that leverage the GeoToolsxml-xsd
subsystem for schema assisted parsing and encoding of WFS requests and responses. - AbstractWFSStrategy() - Constructor for class AbstractWFSStrategy
- AbstractWMSRequest - Class in org.geotools.ows.wms.request
- AbstractWMSRequest(URL, Properties) - Constructor for class AbstractWMSRequest
- AbstractWMTSRequest - Class in org.geotools.ows.wmts.request
(Based on existing work by rgould for WMS service)
- AbstractWMTSRequest(URL, Properties) - Constructor for class AbstractWMTSRequest
- AbstractZoomTool - Class in org.geotools.swing.tool
Abstract base class for the zoom-in and zoom-out tools.
- AbstractZoomTool() - Constructor for class AbstractZoomTool
- abstrct(boolean) - Method in class AttributeTypeBuilder
- acceleration - Variable in class MovingObjectStatusTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' containment reference. - accept(File) - Method in class SimpleFileFilter
- accept(File) - Method in class DefaultFileFilter
Tests if a specified file matches the pattern.
- accept(File, String) - Method in class DefaultFileFilter
Tests if a specified file matches the pattern.
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in interface Expression
Accepts a visitor.
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class NilExpression
Accepts a visitor.
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class FormatDateTimezoneFunction
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class ToDirectPositionFunction
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class ToEnvelopeFunction
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class ToLineStringFunction
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class ToPointFunction
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class ToXlinkHrefFunction
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class VocabFunction
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class NestedAttributeExpression
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class JdbcMultipleValue
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class JsonSelectAllFunction
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class JsonSelectFunction
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class ParameterCQLExpressionPropertyName
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class AttributeExpressionImpl
Used by FilterVisitors to perform some action on this filter instance.
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class ConstantExpression
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class AddImpl
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class DivideImpl
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class MultiplyImpl
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class SubtractImpl
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class CategorizeFunction
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class ClassificationFunction
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class InterpolateFunction
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class ModuloFunction
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class RecodeFunction
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class StringTemplateFunction
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class FunctionExpressionImpl
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class FunctionImpl
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class LiteralExpressionImpl
Used by FilterVisitors to perform some action on this filter instance.
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class ReprojectingFilterVisitor.FunctionReprojector
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class ProcessFunction
- accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object) - Method in class PolygonLabelFunction
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class ExcludeFilter
Accepts a visitor.
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in interface Filter
Accepts a visitor.
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class IncludeFilter
Accepts a visitor.
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class AndImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class CompareFilterImpl
Used by FilterVisitors to perform some action on this filter instance.
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class FidFilterImpl
Used by FilterVisitors to perform some action on this filter instance.
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class IsBetweenImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class IsEqualsToImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class IsGreaterThanImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class IsGreaterThanOrEqualToImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class IsLessThenImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class IsLessThenOrEqualToImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class IsNilImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class IsNotEqualToImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class IsNullImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class LikeFilterImpl
Used by FilterVisitors to perform some action on this filter instance.
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class LogicFilterImpl
Used by FilterVisitors to perform some action on this filter instance.
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class NativeFilterImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class NotImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class NullFilterImpl
Used by FilterVisitors to perform some action on this filter instance.
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class OrImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class BBOX3DImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class BBOXImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class BeyondImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class ContainsImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class CrossesImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class DisjointImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class DWithinImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class EqualsImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class IntersectsImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class OverlapsImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class TouchesImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class WithinImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class AfterImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class AnyInteractsImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class BeforeImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class BeginsImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class BegunByImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class DuringImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class EndedByImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class EndsImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class MeetsImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class MetByImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class OverlappedByImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class TContainsImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class TEqualsImpl
- accept(FilterVisitor, Object) - Method in class TOverlapsImpl
- accept(CoordinateOperation) - Method in class AuthorityBackedFactory
if the specified operation is acceptable. - accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface AnchorPoint
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface ChannelSelection
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface ColorMap
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface ColorMapEntry
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface ContrastEnhancement
Traversal of the style data structure.
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface Description
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface Displacement
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface FeatureTypeConstraint
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface FeatureTypeStyle
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface Fill
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface Graphic
accepts a StyleVisitor - used by xmlencoder and other packages which need to walk the style tree
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface GraphicalSymbol
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface Halo
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface ImageOutline
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface LabelPlacement
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface Mark
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface NamedLayer
Used to navigate a Style/SLD.
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface OverlapBehavior
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface Rule
Used to traverse the style data structure.
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface SelectedChannelType
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface ShadedRelief
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface Stroke
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class Stroke.ConstantStroke
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface Style
Used to navigate Style information during portrayal.
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface StyledLayerDescriptor
Used to navigate a Style/SLD.
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface Symbol
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface Symbolizer
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in interface UserLayer
Used to navigate a Style/SLD.
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class AnchorPointImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class ChannelSelectionImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class ColorMapEntryImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class ColorMapImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class ContrastEnhancementImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class DescriptionImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class DisplacementImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class ExternalGraphicImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class FeatureTypeConstraintImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class FeatureTypeStyleImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class FillImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class FillImpl.ConstantFill
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class GraphicImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class GraphicImpl.ConstantGraphic
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class HaloImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class ImageOutlineImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class LinePlacementImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class LineSymbolizerImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class MarkImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class NamedLayerImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class OverlapBehaviorImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class PointPlacementImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class PointSymbolizerImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class PolygonSymbolizerImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class RasterSymbolizerImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class RuleImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class SelectedChannelTypeImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class ShadedReliefImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class StrokeImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class StyledLayerDescriptorImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class StyleImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class TextSymbolizerImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class UserLayerImpl
- accept(StyleVisitor) - Method in class VendorSymbolizerImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor) - Method in class ChannelSelectionImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface AnchorPoint
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface ChannelSelection
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface ColorMap
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface ColorReplacement
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface ContrastEnhancement
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface Description
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface Displacement
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface ExtensionSymbolizer
Calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface ExternalGraphic
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface ExternalMark
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface FeatureTypeStyle
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface Fill
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface Font
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface Graphic
Calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface Halo
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface LabelPlacement
Calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor.
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface LinePlacement
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface LineSymbolizer
Calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface Mark
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface PointPlacement
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface PointSymbolizer
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface PolygonSymbolizer
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface RasterSymbolizer
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface Rule
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface SelectedChannelType
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface ShadedRelief
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface Stroke
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class Stroke.ConstantStroke
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface Style
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface Symbolizer
Calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in interface TextSymbolizer
calls the visit method of a StyleVisitor
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class AnchorPointImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class ChannelSelectionImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class ColorMapImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class ColorReplacementImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class ContrastEnhancementImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class DescriptionImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class DisplacementImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class ExternalGraphicImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class ExternalMarkImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class FeatureTypeStyleImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class FillImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class FillImpl.ConstantFill
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class FontImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class GraphicImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class GraphicImpl.ConstantGraphic
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class HaloImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class LinePlacementImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class LineSymbolizerImpl
Accepts a StyleVisitor to perform some operation on this LineSymbolizer.
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class MarkImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class NamedStyleImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class PointPlacementImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class PointSymbolizerImpl
Accept a StyleVisitor to perform an operation on this symbolizer.
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class PolygonSymbolizerImpl
Accepts a StyleVisitor to perform some operation on this LineSymbolizer.
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class RasterSymbolizerImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class RuleImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class SelectedChannelTypeImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class ShadedReliefImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class StrokeImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class StyleImpl
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class TextSymbolizerImpl
Accept a StyleVisitor to perform an operation on this symbolizer.
- accept(TraversingStyleVisitor, Object) - Method in class VendorSymbolizerImpl
- accept(GranuleDescriptor) - Method in class BaseSubmosaicProducer
- accept(GranuleDescriptor) - Method in class DefaultSubmosaicProducer
This method is responsible for collecting all the granules accepting a certain
. - accept(GranuleDescriptor) - Method in interface SubmosaicProducer
- accept(PicoVisitor) - Method in class PicoMap
- ACCEPT_FORMATS_TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows10Package
The meta object id for the '
Accept Formats Type
' class. - ACCEPT_FORMATS_TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows11Package
The meta object id for the '
Accept Formats Type
' class. - ACCEPT_FORMATS_TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows11Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Accept Formats Type
' class. - ACCEPT_FORMATS_TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package
The meta object id for the '
Accept Formats Type
' class. - ACCEPT_FORMATS_TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Accept Formats Type
' class. - ACCEPT_FORMATS_TYPE__OUTPUT_FORMAT - Static variable in interface Ows10Package
The feature id for the 'Output Format' attribute list.
- ACCEPT_FORMATS_TYPE__OUTPUT_FORMAT - Static variable in interface Ows11Package
The feature id for the 'Output Format' attribute list.
- ACCEPT_FORMATS_TYPE__OUTPUT_FORMAT - Static variable in interface Ows11Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Output Format' attribute list feature.
- ACCEPT_FORMATS_TYPE__OUTPUT_FORMAT - Static variable in interface Ows20Package
The feature id for the 'Output Format' attribute list.
- ACCEPT_FORMATS_TYPE__OUTPUT_FORMAT - Static variable in interface Ows20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Output Format' attribute list feature.
- ACCEPT_FORMATS_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Ows10Package
The number of structural features of the 'Accept Formats Type' class.
- ACCEPT_FORMATS_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Ows11Package
The number of structural features of the 'Accept Formats Type' class.
- ACCEPT_FORMATS_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Ows20Package
The number of structural features of the 'Accept Formats Type' class.
- ACCEPT_LANGUAGES_TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package
The meta object id for the '
Accept Languages Type
' class. - ACCEPT_LANGUAGES_TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Accept Languages Type
' class. - ACCEPT_LANGUAGES_TYPE__LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package
The feature id for the 'Language' attribute list.
- ACCEPT_LANGUAGES_TYPE__LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Language' attribute list feature.
- ACCEPT_LANGUAGES_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Ows20Package
The number of structural features of the 'Accept Languages Type' class.
- ACCEPT_VERSIONS_TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows10Package
The meta object id for the '
Accept Versions Type
' class. - ACCEPT_VERSIONS_TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows11Package
The meta object id for the '
Accept Versions Type
' class. - ACCEPT_VERSIONS_TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows11Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Accept Versions Type
' class. - ACCEPT_VERSIONS_TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package
The meta object id for the '
Accept Versions Type
' class. - ACCEPT_VERSIONS_TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Accept Versions Type
' class. - ACCEPT_VERSIONS_TYPE__VERSION - Static variable in interface Ows10Package
The feature id for the 'Version' attribute list.
- ACCEPT_VERSIONS_TYPE__VERSION - Static variable in interface Ows11Package
The feature id for the 'Version' attribute list.
- ACCEPT_VERSIONS_TYPE__VERSION - Static variable in interface Ows11Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Version' attribute list feature.
- ACCEPT_VERSIONS_TYPE__VERSION - Static variable in interface Ows20Package
The feature id for the 'Version' attribute list.
- ACCEPT_VERSIONS_TYPE__VERSION - Static variable in interface Ows20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Version' attribute list feature.
- ACCEPT_VERSIONS_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Ows10Package
The number of structural features of the 'Accept Versions Type' class.
- ACCEPT_VERSIONS_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Ows11Package
The number of structural features of the 'Accept Versions Type' class.
- ACCEPT_VERSIONS_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Ows20Package
The number of structural features of the 'Accept Versions Type' class.
- ACCEPTED - StatusTypeMember0
The 'Accepted' literal object.
- ACCEPTED_FORMATS_TYPE - Static variable in interface wmtsv_1Package
The meta object id for the 'Accepted Formats Type' data type.
- ACCEPTED_FORMATS_TYPE - Static variable in interface wmtsv_1Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Accepted Formats Type' data type.
- ACCEPTED_FORMATS_TYPE__PATTERN__VALUES - Static variable in class wmtsv_1Validator
- ACCEPTED_VALUE - Static variable in enum StatusTypeMember0
The 'Accepted' literal value.
- AcceptedFormatsType - Static variable in class WMTS
- AcceptedFormatsTypeBinding - Class in org.geotools.wmts.bindings
Binding object for the type http://www.opengis.net/wmts/1.0:AcceptedFormatsType.
- AcceptedFormatsTypeBinding(wmtsv_1Factory) - Constructor for class AcceptedFormatsTypeBinding
- acceptFormats - Variable in class GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Accept Formats
' containment reference. - acceptFormats - Variable in class GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Accept Formats
' containment reference. - acceptFormats - Variable in class GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Accept Formats
' containment reference. - AcceptFormatsType - Interface in net.opengis.ows10
A representation of the model object 'Accept Formats Type'.
- AcceptFormatsType - Interface in net.opengis.ows11
A representation of the model object 'Accept Formats Type'.
- AcceptFormatsType - Interface in net.opengis.ows20
A representation of the model object 'Accept Formats Type'.
- AcceptFormatsType - Static variable in class OWS
- AcceptFormatsType - Static variable in class OWS
- AcceptFormatsType - Static variable in class OWS
- AcceptFormatsTypeBinding - Class in org.geotools.ows.bindings
Binding object for the type http://www.opengis.net/ows:AcceptFormatsType.
- AcceptFormatsTypeBinding(Ows10Factory) - Constructor for class AcceptFormatsTypeBinding
- AcceptFormatsTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.ows10.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Accept Formats Type'.
- AcceptFormatsTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.ows11.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Accept Formats Type'.
- AcceptFormatsTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.ows20.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Accept Formats Type'.
- AcceptFormatsTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AcceptFormatsTypeImpl
- AcceptFormatsTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AcceptFormatsTypeImpl
- AcceptFormatsTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AcceptFormatsTypeImpl
- AcceptFormatsTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.ows10.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - AcceptFormatsTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.ows11.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - AcceptFormatsTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.ows20.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - acceptGranule(GranuleDescriptor) - Method in class BaseSubmosaicProducer
- acceptLanguages - Variable in class GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Accept Languages
' containment reference. - AcceptLanguagesType - Interface in net.opengis.ows20
A representation of the model object 'Accept Languages Type'.
- AcceptLanguagesTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.ows20.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Accept Languages Type'.
- AcceptLanguagesTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AcceptLanguagesTypeImpl
- AcceptLanguagesTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.ows20.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - acceptRepaintRequests - Variable in class AbstractMapPane
- accepts(Object) - Method in class AbstractGridFormat
Tells me if this
can read the providedinput
. - accepts(Object) - Method in class ImageMosaicFormat
- accepts(Object, Hints) - Method in class AbstractGridFormat
Tells me if this
can read the providedinput
. - accepts(Object, Hints) - Method in class UnknownFormat
- accepts(Object, Hints) - Method in class GRIBFormat
- accepts(Object, Hints) - Method in class NetCDFFormat
- accepts(Object, Hints) - Method in class BaseGDALGridFormat
- accepts(Object, Hints) - Method in class JP2KFormat
- accepts(Object, Hints) - Method in class ArcGridFormat
- accepts(Object, Hints) - Method in class GeoTiffFormat
Currently, we only accept files, and we open the file to verify that it has a GeoKeyDirectory tag.
- accepts(Object, Hints) - Method in class GrassCoverageFormat
- accepts(Object, Hints) - Method in class WorldImageFormat
Takes the input and determines if it is a class that we can understand and then futher checks the format of the class to make sure we can read/write to it.
- accepts(Object, Hints) - Method in class ImageMosaicFormat
- accepts(Object, Hints) - Method in class ImagePyramidFormat
- accepts(Object, Hints) - Method in class PGRasterFormat
- accepts(Object, Hints) - Method in class GeoPackageFormat
- accepts(Object, Hints) - Method in class MBTilesFormat
- accepts(Object, Hints) - Method in class TPKFormat
- accepts(Query, FeatureVisitor, ProgressListener) - Method in class ContentFeatureSource
Visit the features matching the provided query.
- accepts(FeatureVisitor, ProgressListener) - Method in class SampleDataAccessFeatureCollection
- accepts(FeatureVisitor, ProgressListener) - Method in class SpatialIndexFeatureCollection
- accepts(FeatureVisitor, ProgressListener) - Method in class TreeSetFeatureCollection
- accepts(FeatureVisitor, ProgressListener) - Method in class MappingFeatureCollection
- accepts(FeatureVisitor, ProgressListener) - Method in class ForceCoordinateSystemFeatureResults
- accepts(FeatureVisitor, ProgressListener) - Method in class ReprojectFeatureResults
- accepts(FeatureVisitor, ProgressListener) - Method in class PreGeneralizedFeatureCollection
- accepts(FeatureVisitor, ProgressListener) - Method in class ContentFeatureCollection
- accepts(FeatureVisitor, ProgressListener) - Method in class DataFeatureCollection
- accepts(FeatureVisitor, ProgressListener) - Method in class AbstractFeatureCollection
- accepts(FeatureVisitor, ProgressListener) - Method in class AdaptorFeatureCollection
Accepts a visitor, which then visits each feature in the collection.
- accepts(FeatureVisitor, ProgressListener) - Method in class BaseFeatureCollection
- accepts(FeatureVisitor, ProgressListener) - Method in class DecoratingFeatureCollection
- accepts(FeatureVisitor, ProgressListener) - Method in class DecoratingSimpleFeatureCollection
- accepts(FeatureVisitor, ProgressListener) - Method in class FilteringSimpleFeatureCollection
- accepts(FeatureVisitor, ProgressListener) - Method in class DefaultFeatureCollection
- accepts(FeatureVisitor, ProgressListener) - Method in interface FeatureCollection
Visit the contents of a feature collection.
- accepts(SimpleFeature) - Method in class FilterAbstract
Straight call throught to: evaulate( feature )
- accepts(GridCoverage2DReader, String, File, ImageMosaicConfigHandler) - Method in class ColorCheckAcceptor
- accepts(GridCoverage2DReader, String, File, ImageMosaicConfigHandler) - Method in interface GranuleAcceptor
- accepts(GridCoverage2DReader, String, File, ImageMosaicConfigHandler) - Method in class HomogeneousCRSAcceptor
- acceptsVariable(String) - Method in class AncillaryFileManager
- acceptVersions - Variable in class GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Accept Versions
' containment reference. - acceptVersions - Variable in class GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Accept Versions
' containment reference. - acceptVersions - Variable in class GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Accept Versions
' containment reference. - acceptVersions - Variable in class GetCapabilitiesTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Accept Versions
' containment reference. - AcceptVersionsType - Interface in net.opengis.ows10
A representation of the model object 'Accept Versions Type'.
- AcceptVersionsType - Interface in net.opengis.ows11
A representation of the model object 'Accept Versions Type'.
- AcceptVersionsType - Interface in net.opengis.ows20
A representation of the model object 'Accept Versions Type'.
- AcceptVersionsType - Static variable in class OWS
- AcceptVersionsType - Static variable in class OWS
- AcceptVersionsType - Static variable in class OWS
- AcceptVersionsTypeBinding - Class in org.geotools.ows.bindings
Binding object for the type http://www.opengis.net/ows:AcceptVersionsType.
- AcceptVersionsTypeBinding(Ows10Factory) - Constructor for class AcceptVersionsTypeBinding
- AcceptVersionsTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.ows10.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Accept Versions Type'.
- AcceptVersionsTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.ows11.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Accept Versions Type'.
- AcceptVersionsTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.ows20.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Accept Versions Type'.
- AcceptVersionsTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AcceptVersionsTypeImpl
- AcceptVersionsTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AcceptVersionsTypeImpl
- AcceptVersionsTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AcceptVersionsTypeImpl
- AcceptVersionsTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.ows10.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - AcceptVersionsTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.ows11.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - AcceptVersionsTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.ows20.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - access(String) - Method in class DefaultRepository
- access(Name) - Method in interface Repository
Search for the DataAccess (may be a DataStore) by name.
- access(Name) - Method in class DataAccessRegistry
- access(Name) - Method in class DefaultRepository
- access(Name) - Method in class DSFinderRepository
- access(Name, Map<String, Serializable>, CoverageAccess.AccessType, Hints, ProgressListener) - Method in interface CoverageAccess
Retrieve a
to access a Named Coverage. - access(Name, Map<String, Serializable>, CoverageAccess.AccessType, Hints, ProgressListener) - Method in class DefaultCoverageAccess
- access(Name, Map<String, Serializable>, CoverageAccess.AccessType, Hints, ProgressListener) - Method in class NetCDFAccess
- access(Driver.DriverCapabilities, Map<String, Serializable>, Hints, ProgressListener) - Method in interface Driver
Simone: Return
in case the delete succeds. - access(Driver.DriverCapabilities, Map<String, Serializable>, Hints, ProgressListener) - Method in class DefaultDriver
- ACCESS_CONSTRAINTS_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class DocumentRootImpl
The default value of the '
Access Constraints
' attribute. - ACCESS_CONSTRAINTS_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class ServiceIdentificationTypeImpl
The default value of the '
Access Constraints
' attribute. - ACCESS_CONSTRAINTS_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class DocumentRootImpl
The default value of the '
Access Constraints
' attribute. - ACCESS_CONSTRAINTS_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class ServiceIdentificationTypeImpl
The default value of the '
Access Constraints
' attribute. - ACCESS_CONSTRAINTS_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class DocumentRootImpl
The default value of the '
Access Constraints
' attribute. - ACCESS_CONSTRAINTS_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class ServiceIdentificationTypeImpl
The default value of the '
Access Constraints
' attribute. - accessConstraints - Variable in class ServiceIdentificationTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Access Constraints
' attribute. - accessConstraints - Variable in class ServiceIdentificationTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Access Constraints
' attribute. - accessConstraints - Variable in class ServiceIdentificationTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Access Constraints
' attribute. - accessConstraints - Variable in class ServiceTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
Access Constraints
' containment reference list. - AccessConstraints - Static variable in class OWS
- AccessConstraints - Static variable in class OWS
- AccessConstraints - Static variable in class WMS
- AccessConstraints - Static variable in class OWS
- AccessDialectEpsgFactory - Class in org.geotools.referencing.factory.epsg
This factory uses the MS-Access dialect of SQL.
- AccessDialectEpsgFactory(Hints, Connection) - Constructor for class AccessDialectEpsgFactory
Constructs an authority factory using the specified connection.
- accessParameters - Variable in class DefaultCoverageAccess
- accessRights - Static variable in class DCT
- accumulate - Variable in class AnimateColorPrototypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - accumulate - Variable in class AnimateMotionPrototypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - accumulate - Variable in class AnimatePrototypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - ACCUMULATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class AnimateColorPrototypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACCUMULATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class AnimateMotionPrototypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACCUMULATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class AnimatePrototypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACCUMULATE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Smil20Package
The meta object id for the '
Accumulate Type
' enum. - ACCUMULATE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Smil20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Accumulate Type
' enum. - ACCUMULATE_TYPE_OBJECT - Static variable in interface Smil20Package
The meta object id for the 'Accumulate Type Object' data type.
- ACCUMULATE_TYPE_OBJECT - Static variable in interface Smil20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Accumulate Type Object' data type.
- accumulateESet - Variable in class AnimateColorPrototypeImpl
This is true if the Accumulate attribute has been set.
- accumulateESet - Variable in class AnimateMotionPrototypeImpl
This is true if the Accumulate attribute has been set.
- accumulateESet - Variable in class AnimatePrototypeImpl
This is true if the Accumulate attribute has been set.
- accumulateGeometries(List<T>, Geometry, Class<? extends T>) - Method in class OracleFilterToSQL
- accumulateTransforms(MathTransform, List<MathTransform>) - Method in class ProjectionHandler
- AccumulateType - Enum in org.w3._2001.smil20
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Accumulate Type', and utility methods for working with them.
- ACCURATE_RESOLUTION - Static variable in class ImageMosaicFormat
Control the requested resolution calculation.
- acknowledgement - Variable in class HarvestResponseTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' containment reference. - Acknowledgement - Static variable in class CSW
- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface Csw20Package
The meta object id for the '
Acknowledgement Type
' class. - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface Csw20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Acknowledgement Type
' class. - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_TYPE__ECHOED_REQUEST - Static variable in interface Csw20Package
The feature id for the 'Echoed Request' containment reference.
- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_TYPE__ECHOED_REQUEST - Static variable in interface Csw20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Echoed Request' containment reference feature.
- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_TYPE__REQUEST_ID - Static variable in interface Csw20Package
The feature id for the 'Request Id' attribute.
- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_TYPE__REQUEST_ID - Static variable in interface Csw20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Request Id' attribute feature.
- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_TYPE__TIME_STAMP - Static variable in interface Csw20Package
The feature id for the 'Time Stamp' attribute.
- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_TYPE__TIME_STAMP - Static variable in interface Csw20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Time Stamp' attribute feature.
- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Csw20Package
The number of structural features of the 'Acknowledgement Type' class.
- AcknowledgementType - Interface in net.opengis.cat.csw20
A representation of the model object 'Acknowledgement Type'.
- AcknowledgementType - Static variable in class CSW
- AcknowledgementTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.cat.csw20.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Acknowledgement Type'.
- AcknowledgementTypeImpl() - Constructor for class AcknowledgementTypeImpl
- acquire(FileFactory, Object, DatasetUrl, int, CancelTask, Object) - Method in class MemoryMappedFileCache
- acquire(FileFactory, DatasetUrl) - Method in class MemoryMappedFileCache
- acquireDataset(URI) - Static method in class NetCDFUtilities
- acquireFeatureCollection(String) - Static method in class NetCDFUtilities
- acquireRead(ShpFileType, FileReader) - Method in class ShpFiles
Acquire a URL for read only purposes.
- acquireReadFile(ShpFileType, FileReader) - Method in class ShpFiles
Acquire a File for read only purposes.
- acquireWrite(ShpFileType, FileWriter) - Method in class ShpFiles
Acquire a URL for read and write purposes.
- acquireWriteFile(ShpFileType, FileWriter) - Method in class ShpFiles
Acquire a File for read and write purposes.
- action - Variable in class TransactionResultsTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' containment reference list. - action - Variable in class ValueReferenceTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - action(ActionEvent) - Method in class SafeAction
Sub-classes (usually anonymous) must override this method instead of the usual ActionListener.actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent)
- ACTION_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class ValueReferenceTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTION_RESULTS_TYPE - Static variable in interface Wfs20Package
The meta object id for the '
Action Results Type
' class. - ACTION_RESULTS_TYPE - Static variable in interface Wfs20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Action Results Type
' class. - ACTION_RESULTS_TYPE__FEATURE - Static variable in interface Wfs20Package
The feature id for the 'Feature' containment reference list.
- ACTION_RESULTS_TYPE__FEATURE - Static variable in interface Wfs20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Feature' containment reference list feature.
- ACTION_RESULTS_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface Wfs20Package
The number of structural features of the 'Action Results Type' class.
- ACTION_TYPE - Static variable in interface WfsPackage
The meta object id for the '
Action Type
' class. - ACTION_TYPE - Static variable in interface WfsPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Action Type
' class. - ACTION_TYPE__CODE - Static variable in interface WfsPackage
The feature id for the 'Code' attribute.
- ACTION_TYPE__CODE - Static variable in interface WfsPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Code' attribute feature.
- ACTION_TYPE__LOCATOR - Static variable in interface WfsPackage
The feature id for the 'Locator' attribute.
- ACTION_TYPE__LOCATOR - Static variable in interface WfsPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Locator' attribute feature.
- ACTION_TYPE__MESSAGE - Static variable in interface WfsPackage
The feature id for the 'Message' attribute.
- ACTION_TYPE__MESSAGE - Static variable in interface WfsPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Message' attribute feature.
- ACTION_TYPE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface WfsPackage
The number of structural features of the 'Action Type' class.
- actionESet - Variable in class ValueReferenceTypeImpl
This is true if the Action attribute has been set.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class InfoAction
Called when the associated control is activated.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class NoToolAction
Called when the control is activated.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class PanAction
Called when the associated control is activated.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ResetAction
Called when the control is activated.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class SafeAction
Calls the SafeAction.action(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) method
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ZoomInAction
Called when the associated control is activated.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ZoomOutAction
Called when the associated control is activated.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class JWizard.Controller
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class WMSLayerChooser
- ActionResultsType - Interface in net.opengis.wfs20
A representation of the model object 'Action Results Type'.
- ActionResultsType - Static variable in class WFS
- ActionResultsTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.wfs20.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Action Results Type'.
- ActionResultsTypeImpl() - Constructor for class ActionResultsTypeImpl
- ActionResultsTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.wfs20.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - ActionType - Interface in net.opengis.wfs
A representation of the model object 'Action Type'.
- ActionType - Static variable in class WFS
- ActionTypeBinding - Class in org.geotools.wfs.bindings
Binding object for the type http://www.opengis.net/wfs:ActionType.
- ActionTypeBinding(WfsFactory) - Constructor for class ActionTypeBinding
- ActionTypeImpl - Class in net.opengis.wfs.impl
An implementation of the model object 'Action Type'.
- ActionTypeImpl() - Constructor for class ActionTypeImpl
- ActionTypeValidator - Interface in net.opengis.wfs.validation
A sample validator interface for
. - activateController() - Method in class GeoToolsWriteParams
- activateWorker(AbstractCachedAuthorityFactory) - Method in class AbstractAuthorityMediator
Reinitialize an instance to be returned by the pool.
- activateWorker(AbstractCachedAuthorityFactory) - Method in class HsqlDialectEpsgMediator
Reinitialize an instance to be returned by the pool.
- ACTUAL_RANGE - Static variable in class NetCDFUtilities
- actuate - Variable in class MetaDataPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class ReferenceTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class StringOrRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class AbstractGeneralOperationParameterRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class AssociationTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class CartesianCSRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class CompositeCurvePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class CompositeSolidPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class CompositeSurfacePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class CompoundCRSRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class ConcatenatedOperationRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class ContainerPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class ConversionRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class CoordinateOperationRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class CoordinateReferenceSystemRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class CoordinateSystemAxisRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class CoordinateSystemRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class CRSRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class CurvePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class CylindricalCSRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class DatumRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class DefaultStylePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class DerivedCRSRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class DictionaryEntryTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class DirectedEdgePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class DirectedFacePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class DirectedNodePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class DirectedTopoSolidPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class DirectionPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class DomainSetTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class EllipsoidalCSRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class EllipsoidRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class EngineeringCRSRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class EngineeringDatumRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class FeaturePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class FeatureStylePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class GeneralConversionRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class GeneralTransformationRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class GeocentricCRSRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class GeodeticDatumRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class GeographicCRSRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class GeometricComplexPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class GeometricPrimitivePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class GeometryPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class GeometryStylePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class GraphStylePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class ImageCRSRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class ImageDatumRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class IsolatedPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class LabelStylePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class LinearCSRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class LineStringPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class LocationPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class MetaDataPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class MultiCurvePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class MultiGeometryPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class MultiLineStringPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class MultiPointPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class MultiPolygonPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class MultiSolidPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class MultiSurfacePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class ObliqueCartesianCSRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class OperationMethodRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class OperationParameterGroupRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class OperationParameterRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class OperationRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class PassThroughOperationRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class PointPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class PolarCSRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class PolygonPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class PrimeMeridianRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class ProjectedCRSRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class RangeParametersTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class ReferenceSystemRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class ReferenceTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class SingleOperationRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class SolidPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class SphericalCSRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class StringOrRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class SurfacePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class SymbolTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class TargetPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class TemporalCRSRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class TemporalCSRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class TemporalDatumRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class TimeCalendarEraPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class TimeCalendarPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class TimeClockPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class TimeEdgePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class TimeGeometricPrimitivePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class TimeInstantPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class TimeNodePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class TimeOrdinalEraPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class TimePeriodPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class TimePrimitivePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class TimeTopologyComplexPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class TimeTopologyPrimitivePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class TopoComplexMemberTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class TopologyStylePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class TopoPrimitiveMemberTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class TransformationRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class UserDefinedCSRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class ValuePropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class VerticalCRSRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class VerticalCSRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class VerticalDatumRefTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class AbstractReferenceBaseTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class AbstractReferenceBaseTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class MetadataTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class OnlineResourceTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class ContentMetadataTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class OnlineResourceTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class MemberPropertyTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class MetadataURLTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class WSDLTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class ArcTypeImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class DocumentRootImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - actuate - Variable in class SimpleImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - Actuate() - Constructor for class XLinkSchema.Actuate
- ACTUATE - Static variable in class XLINK
- ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class MetaDataPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class ReferenceTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class StringOrRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class AbstractGeneralOperationParameterRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class AssociationTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class CartesianCSRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class CompositeCurvePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class CompositeSolidPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class CompositeSurfacePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class CompoundCRSRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class ConcatenatedOperationRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class ContainerPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class ConversionRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class CoordinateOperationRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class CoordinateReferenceSystemRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class CoordinateSystemAxisRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class CoordinateSystemRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class CRSRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class CurvePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class CylindricalCSRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class DatumRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class DefaultStylePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class DerivedCRSRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class DictionaryEntryTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class DirectedEdgePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class DirectedFacePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class DirectedNodePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class DirectedTopoSolidPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class DirectionPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class DomainSetTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class EllipsoidalCSRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class EllipsoidRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class EngineeringCRSRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class EngineeringDatumRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class FeaturePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class FeatureStylePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class GeneralConversionRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class GeneralTransformationRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class GeocentricCRSRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class GeodeticDatumRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class GeographicCRSRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class GeometricComplexPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class GeometricPrimitivePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class GeometryPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class GeometryStylePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class GraphStylePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class ImageCRSRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class ImageDatumRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class IsolatedPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class LabelStylePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class LinearCSRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class LineStringPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class LocationPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class MetaDataPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class MultiCurvePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class MultiGeometryPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class MultiLineStringPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class MultiPointPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class MultiPolygonPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class MultiSolidPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class MultiSurfacePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class ObliqueCartesianCSRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class OperationMethodRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class OperationParameterGroupRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class OperationParameterRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class OperationRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class PassThroughOperationRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class PointPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class PolarCSRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class PolygonPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class PrimeMeridianRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class ProjectedCRSRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class RangeParametersTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class ReferenceSystemRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class ReferenceTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class SingleOperationRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class SolidPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class SphericalCSRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class StringOrRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class SurfacePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class SymbolTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class TargetPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class TemporalCRSRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class TemporalCSRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class TemporalDatumRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class TimeCalendarEraPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class TimeCalendarPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class TimeClockPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class TimeEdgePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class TimeGeometricPrimitivePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class TimeInstantPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class TimeNodePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class TimeOrdinalEraPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class TimePeriodPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class TimePrimitivePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class TimeTopologyComplexPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class TimeTopologyPrimitivePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class TopoComplexMemberTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class TopologyStylePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class TopoPrimitiveMemberTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class TransformationRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class UserDefinedCSRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class ValuePropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class VerticalCRSRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class VerticalCSRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class VerticalDatumRefTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class AbstractReferenceBaseTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class AbstractReferenceBaseTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class MetadataTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class OnlineResourceTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class ContentMetadataTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class OnlineResourceTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class MemberPropertyTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class MetadataURLTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class WSDLTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class ArcTypeImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class DocumentRootImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class SimpleImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - ACTUATE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package
The meta object id for the 'Actuate Type' data type.
- ACTUATE_TYPE - Static variable in interface Ows20Package.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Actuate Type' data type.
- ACTUATE_TYPE - Static variable in interface XlinkPackage
The meta object id for the '
Actuate Type
' enum. - ACTUATE_TYPE - Static variable in interface XlinkPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Actuate Type
' enum. - ACTUATE_TYPE_OBJECT - Static variable in interface XlinkPackage
The meta object id for the 'Actuate Type Object' data type.
- ACTUATE_TYPE_OBJECT - Static variable in interface XlinkPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Actuate Type Object' data type.
- actuateESet - Variable in class MetaDataPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class ReferenceTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class StringOrRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class AbstractGeneralOperationParameterRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class AssociationTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class CartesianCSRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class CompositeCurvePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class CompositeSolidPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class CompositeSurfacePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class CompoundCRSRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class ConcatenatedOperationRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class ContainerPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class ConversionRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class CoordinateOperationRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class CoordinateReferenceSystemRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class CoordinateSystemAxisRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class CoordinateSystemRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class CRSRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class CurvePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class CylindricalCSRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class DatumRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class DefaultStylePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class DerivedCRSRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class DictionaryEntryTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class DirectedEdgePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class DirectedFacePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class DirectedNodePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class DirectedTopoSolidPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class DirectionPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class DomainSetTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class EllipsoidalCSRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class EllipsoidRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class EngineeringCRSRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class EngineeringDatumRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class FeaturePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class FeatureStylePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class GeneralConversionRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class GeneralTransformationRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class GeocentricCRSRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class GeodeticDatumRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class GeographicCRSRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class GeometricComplexPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class GeometricPrimitivePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class GeometryPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class GeometryStylePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class GraphStylePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class ImageCRSRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class ImageDatumRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class IsolatedPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class LabelStylePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class LinearCSRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class LineStringPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class LocationPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class MetaDataPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class MultiCurvePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class MultiGeometryPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class MultiLineStringPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class MultiPointPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class MultiPolygonPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class MultiSolidPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class MultiSurfacePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class ObliqueCartesianCSRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class OperationMethodRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class OperationParameterGroupRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class OperationParameterRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class OperationRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class PassThroughOperationRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class PointPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class PolarCSRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class PolygonPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class PrimeMeridianRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class ProjectedCRSRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class RangeParametersTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class ReferenceSystemRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class ReferenceTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class SingleOperationRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class SolidPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class SphericalCSRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class StringOrRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class SurfacePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class SymbolTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class TargetPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class TemporalCRSRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class TemporalCSRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class TemporalDatumRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class TimeCalendarEraPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class TimeCalendarPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class TimeClockPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class TimeEdgePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class TimeGeometricPrimitivePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class TimeInstantPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class TimeNodePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class TimeOrdinalEraPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class TimePeriodPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class TimePrimitivePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class TimeTopologyComplexPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class TimeTopologyPrimitivePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class TopoComplexMemberTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class TopologyStylePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class TopoPrimitiveMemberTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class TransformationRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class UserDefinedCSRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class ValuePropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class VerticalCRSRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class VerticalCSRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class VerticalDatumRefTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class AbstractReferenceBaseTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class MetadataTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class OnlineResourceTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class ContentMetadataTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class OnlineResourceTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class MemberPropertyTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class MetadataURLTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class WSDLTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class ArcTypeImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class DocumentRootImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- actuateESet - Variable in class SimpleImpl
This is true if the Actuate attribute has been set.
- ActuateType - Class in org.w3.xlink
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Actuate Type', and utility methods for working with them.
- adaptActiveRegionToEnvelope(Envelope, JGrassRegion) - Static method in class JGrassRegion
Creates a region from envelope bounds snapped to a region grid.
- adaptee - Variable in class GeoToolsReadParams
we are adapting/exteding. - adaptee - Variable in class GeoToolsWriteParams
- ADAPTIVE - LabelCacheImpl.LabelRenderingMode
Draws all diagonal lines in OUTLINE model, but horizontal ones in STRING mode.
- AdaptorFeatureCollection - Class in org.geotools.feature.collection
Implement a feature collection just based on provision of iterator.
- AdaptorFeatureCollection(String, SimpleFeatureType) - Constructor for class AdaptorFeatureCollection
- adaptSQL(String) - Method in class AbstractEpsgFactory
Invoked when a new
is about to be created from a SQL string. - adaptSQL(String) - Method in class AccessDialectEpsgFactory
Invoked when a new
is about to be created from a SQL string. - adaptSQL(String) - Method in class AnsiDialectEpsgFactory
Modifies the given SQL string to be suitable for non MS-Access databases.
- adaptSQL(String) - Method in class DirectEpsgFactory
Invoked when a new
is about to be created from a SQL string. - adaptSQL(String) - Method in class FactoryUsingAnsiSQL
Modifies the given SQL string to be suitable for non MS-Access databases.
- adaptSQL(String) - Method in class FactoryUsingSQL
Invoked when a new
is about to be created from a SQL string. - add() - Method in class ExpressionBuilder
- add(byte, byte) - Method in class RangeSet
Add a range of values to this set.
- add(double) - Method in class Statistics
Updates statistics for the specified sample.
- add(double) - Method in class Statistics.Delta
Updates statistics for the specified sample.
- add(double) - Method in class GeneralMatrix
- add(double) - Method in class Matrix1
- add(double) - Method in class Matrix2
- add(double) - Method in class Matrix3
- add(double) - Method in interface XMatrix
Performs an in-place scalar addition.
- add(double, double) - Method in class GeneralBounds
Adds a position to this bounds.
- add(double, double) - Method in class XRectangle2D
Adds a point, specified by the double precision arguments
, to thisRectangle2D
. - add(double, double) - Method in class RangeSet
Add a range of values to this set.
- add(double, XMatrix) - Method in class GeneralMatrix
- add(double, XMatrix) - Method in class Matrix1
- add(double, XMatrix) - Method in class Matrix2
- add(double, XMatrix) - Method in class Matrix3
- add(double, XMatrix) - Method in interface XMatrix
Set to the scalar addition of
- add(float, float) - Method in class RangeSet
Add a range of values to this set.
- add(int, int) - Method in class RangeSet
Add a range of values to this set.
- add(int, E) - Method in class CheckedArrayList
Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list.
- add(int, AttributeDescriptor) - Method in class SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder
Adds a descriptor to the builder by index.
- add(int, Node) - Method in class Walk
- add(long) - Method in class Statistics
Updates statistics for the specified sample.
- add(long) - Method in class Statistics.Delta
Updates statistics for the specified sample.
- add(long, long) - Method in class RangeSet
Add a range of values to this set.
- add(short, short) - Method in class RangeSet
Add a range of values to this set.
- add(E) - Method in class CheckedArrayList
Appends the specified element to the end of this list.
- add(E) - Method in class CheckedHashSet
Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present.
- add(E) - Method in class DerivedSet
Ensures that this set contains the specified element.
- add(E) - Method in class DisjointSet
Ensures that this collection contains the specified element.
- add(E) - Method in class PartiallyOrderedSet
- add(E) - Method in class WeakHashSet
Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present.
- add(Rectangle2D) - Method in class XRectangle2D
Adds a
object to thisRectangle2D
. - add(Comparable<? super N>, Comparable<? super N>) - Method in class RangeSet
Adds a range of values to this set.
- add(Integer) - Method in class IntegerList
Adds the given element to this list.
- add(Object) - Method in class ListenerList
Adds the given listener to this list.
- add(Object) - Method in class SimpleFeatureBuilder
Adds an attribute.
- add(Object) - Method in interface SumVisitor.SumStrategy
- add(Object) - Method in class BasicGraphGenerator
- add(Object) - Method in class FeatureGraphGenerator
- add(Object) - Method in interface GraphGenerator
Adds an object to the graph.
- add(Object) - Method in class BasicLineGraphGenerator
Adds a line to the graph.
- add(Object) - Method in class LineStringGraphGenerator
- add(Object) - Method in class OptDirectedLineGraphGenerator
Adds a line to the graph.
- add(Object) - Method in class OptLineGraphGenerator
Adds a line to the graph.
- add(Object) - Method in class PolygonGraphGenerator
- add(Object) - Method in class IdentifiedObjectSet
Ensures that this collection contains the specified object.
- add(Object, String) - Method in class AttributeBuilder
Adds an attribute to the complex attribute being built.
- add(Object, String, String) - Method in class AttributeBuilder
Adds an attribute to the complex attribute being built.
- add(Object, Name) - Method in class AttributeBuilder
Adds an attribute to the complex attribute being built.
- add(String) - Method in class XSDIdRegistry
- add(String) - Method in class GranuleTracker
Add a granule names
- add(String, Class<?>) - Method in class SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder
Adds a new attribute w/ provided name and class.
- add(String, Class<?>, Integer) - Method in class SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder
Adds a new geometric attribute w/ provided name, class, and spatial reference system identifier
- add(String, Class<?>, String) - Method in class SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder
Adds a new geometric attribute w/ provided name, class, and spatial reference system identifier
- add(String, Class<?>, CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Method in class SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder
Adds a new geometric attribute w/ provided name, class, and coordinate reference system.
- add(String, Object) - Method in class KVP
An additive version of put; will add additional values resulting in a list.
- add(String, Object, String) - Method in class AttributeBuilder
Adds an attribute to the complex attribute being built.
- add(String, Object, String, String) - Method in class AttributeBuilder
Adds an attribute to the complex attribute being built.
- add(String, Object, Name) - Method in class AttributeBuilder
Adds an attribute to the complex attribute being built.
- add(String, Object, Name, AttributeType) - Method in class AppSchemaAttributeBuilder
Adds an attribute to the complex attribute being built overriding the type of the declared attribute descriptor by a subtype of it.
- add(String, String, String) - Method in class GrowableInternationalString
Adds a string for the given property key.
- add(String, SimpleFeature) - Method in class Diff
- add(String, SimpleFeatureType) - Method in class SchemaRegistry
- add(Locale, String) - Method in class GrowableInternationalString
Adds a string for the given locale.
- add(K, V) - Method in class KeySortedList
Inserts the specified element at a position determined by the specified key.
- add(EObject, String, Object) - Static method in class EMFUtils
Adds a value to a multi-valued propert of an eobject.
- add(EObject, EStructuralFeature, Object) - Static method in class EMFUtils
Adds a value to a multi-valued propert of an eobject.
- add(Coverage, double[]) - Method in class Operations
Adds constants (one for each band) to every sample values of the source coverage.
- add(Coverage, Coverage) - Method in class Operations
Returns the sum between two coverages
- add(FeatureEvent) - Method in class BatchFeatureEvent
Indicate a change being batched.
- add(Feature) - Method in class MappingFeatureCollection
Not a supported operation.
- add(SimpleFeature) - Method in class ListFeatureCollection
- add(SimpleFeature) - Method in class SpatialIndexFeatureCollection
- add(SimpleFeature) - Method in class TreeSetFeatureCollection
Ensures that this collection contains the specified element (optional operation).
- add(SimpleFeature) - Method in class MemoryFeatureCollection
- add(SimpleFeature) - Method in class DataFeatureCollection
- add(SimpleFeature) - Method in class EmptyFeatureCollection
- ad