Class InfoToolResult

  • public class InfoToolResult
    extends Object
    Used by InfoToolHelper classes to pass feature data to the parent InfoTool object.
    Michael Bedward
    • Constructor Detail

      • InfoToolResult

        public InfoToolResult()
    • Method Detail

      • newFeature

        public void newFeature​(String id)
        Adds a new feature entry to this result. This must be called prior to calling the setFeatureValue methods.
      • setFeatureValue

        public void setFeatureValue​(Name name,
                                    Object value)
      • setFeatureValue

        public void setFeatureValue​(String name,
                                    Object value)
      • getNumFeatures

        public int getNumFeatures()
      • getFeatureData

        public Map<String,​Object> getFeatureData​(int featureIndex)
      • getFeatureId

        public String getFeatureId​(int featureIndex)