AbstractExpressionVisitor |
Empty "abstract" implementation of ExpressionVisitor.
AddImpl |
Implementation of Add expression.
DirectPropertyAccessorFactory |
This class will *directly* access a Property with the name equal to xpath.
DivideImpl |
Implementation of divide expression.
ExpressionAbstract |
Abstract superclass of these Expression implementations.
InternalVolatileFunction |
A base class functions (i.e. anonymous inner classes) that are both volatile (i.e.
MultiplyImpl |
Implementation of Multiply expression.
NullPropertyAccessorFactory |
This class supports the use of Expression/NIL for referring to a 'null' value.
PropertyAccessors |
Convenience class for looking up a property accessor for a particular object type.
SimpleFeaturePropertyAccessorFactory |
Creates a property accessor for simple features.
SubtractImpl |
Implementation of Subtract expression.
ThisPropertyAccessorFactory |